THF NYSSA GATE CITY JO U RNAL NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 10. 1952 PAGE TEN About People You Know City Budget Wins A pproval of Council (Continurd from Pag* 1) the provisions of the ordinance are Mr. and Mrs Jed 1 ewis spent the Sweet Home, Idaho and Glenn Hop- set at “ not more than $250 anil weekend in Jackson, Wyoming kins of Nampa costs, and in default of the pay Mr. and Mrs David Holman and Pat Brown went to McCall over ment of such fine, to be imprisoned daughters. Peppi Jan. and 8ha:i the weekend . . _ f aan wl.*re viators at the Lloyd Zim's Hot Springs. Idaho near M i- in_ the city jail one day » of such fine " Lewis, Webb Penny, Robert Wilson, Call. With no formal protest being Konald ( ampbell and Annette left and Tom Holman homes over tho last week for a two-week trip to lodged at the second reading of a weekend. re olution to form Improvement Dis- Mike Daly of Twin Kails U visit California and then to Seattle where trlct No. 2, C K Olson was awarded they will visit relatives. ing the J. L. Herrlman home. a contract for the construction of Mr. and Mrs. tirant Jones were Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hoydell, Ethel ties sidewalk-, to be completed dur- in Boise la-l weekend visiting then Mary Beckman and daughter, Hai - mg the summer The walks will be daughter and son-in-law, Mr and 0jd Khodes, and Mr and Mrs E built on each side of Arcadia boule- Mrs. Jack E Atke.-on. Boydell and daughter spent the vard from Main street north to the Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Kingrey, Mi. weekend at Payette Lake city limits on Locust avenue. Olson's and Mrs. Wyott Smith, Mr. and Mr,. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Buchner and bid was $5.031 46 W alter Fox and Mr and Mrs. John boy- returned Sunday from a two- Before construction of sidewalk S c ' and'tht'n ^ e n ^ u f ' C a M w e i wrek trip to KaMsas wh* ” ^ i begun six mercury lights will be picnic ana thtn went to caia i lted reiatiVes. Coming home they installed on Arcadia oy Idaho Power to see the fireworks. came through the Black H ill in Co., for which an annual rental fe<> Rev. and Mrs. Frank Coley re South Dakota. will be charged the city. turned Saturday from the camp Mr. and Mrs. Kay Bybee and son a petition, headed by W F Find- meeting in Brooks, Oregon. of Spokane. Washington, were visit- ling, was presented to the council Mr. and Mrs. Toni Kldridgr werr ing at the S P Bybee home during a-king for construction of a .sewer In Boise for a famly picnic Sunday the weekend. While they were here in the alley between First and Sec- Visitors at the N'azarene church they had their son named Kim Ray 0nd streets, running north from Lo- services were the Rev. Franklin of at the LJJS. Church. cust avenue. The petition was re- Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Bybec and fam Mr. and Mr*. Tom Church and ferred to City Manager Burton to ily and Mrs. and Mrs V L. Ke.sler i._ n „ , .. , . family. Mr and Mrs. Jack Church -ewer can be extended in the inter- and fam ily .spent the weekend at and ¿ „ j , and Mr and Mrs J. L. est of sanitation. Church spent the weekend at Sil- A delegation of local airplane ver City. Idaho. | owners attended the council meet- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rennet and mg and asked the city to continue Mr and Mrs Floyd Brown were maintenance of Municipal Airport fishing on the North Fork o f the and secure a manager for it Mayor Little Malheur Friday. I George Henneman named Emil Denny Barton returned home for Stunz and Hugh Tobler to a com- a 15-day furlough from George Air i mittee to make the necessary inves- Force Ba-e, Victorville, California. tigatlon and recommendations. J. L. Wolfe i* improving after a With a view to construct a neigh- ^long illness and would enjoy to j borhood playground, the council have visitors. voted to block 44 of Park Mr. and Mr*. Mei Beck and famdy addition. Tobler was appointed by wJfrV H Alandreth Clty- ldaho- over Mayor Henneman to negotiate with lhf. 4td „ . „ ... u u>e Property owners. John Stringer Gordon Howe* of Roy Utah, and and Dr J J Sarazin. former automatic flight control The lengthy council session wound mChM oia" HZZJL* of T 1?. ™ nf £ ™ _ 0.V*!! V?* jn Nyssa this * “ week this . epidemic speeding within the city “ ” visiting " 1 ‘ “ brother. Leonard Howes. He has, limits. Police Chief Orvil Maze dis- been transferred to the Mountain cussed with the council members | Home air base to serve as an in- means of cutting down on reckless Through structor for several weeks. I driving and -peeding on the streets. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth No definite measures were adopted, Teamwork Tucker for two days over the Fourth however. were Mrs. Tucker’s brother and sis ter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kap- From laboratory to your ral and her niece, Mrs. Arthur Biers Potter’s nephew, Major Thomas physician's office and on all of Seattle. Mr. Tucker’s brother Watson of Pasadena was a visitor over the Fourth of July weekend and Carroll Tucker and family were to us! Here Is the team of weekend guests at the Tucker home. Mrs Salina Barber of Boise was a guest at their home for the week skilled men helping fight Mr. and Mrs. Lester (Men and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tueker and family visited Monday with Mr fnnnl’v your health battles and loft Woiino-ri .v moht f,.r Oden’s nephew, Norman Lowe, who tr, ,A . . L ,K . i or guard you against disease. Blackfoot t i visit Mr. Tucker’s fa Is home on leave at Ontario from ther, Moroni Tucker, and drive on Spokane where he is stationed with Depend on us. to Yelkiwstone Park for several the air corps. Guest* last week at the home of days. FHONE 258 Mr. and Mrs. John Ostrom spent Mr and Mrs. John Potter were her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Saturday in Boise visiting at the Mrs. Alec Watson and their grand- home of their daughter, Mr. and ' children, Beverly and Billy Watson Mr Adolph Boe and their son, Ed of Long Beach, California. Mrs. ward Ostrom and family. Ilouscguests over the weekend at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Tyler were Mrs. T y ler’s daughter und family. Mr and Mrs. Fred H u ff man and children of Vacaville, Cali fornia. Mr. and Mrs. John Potter were in Boise last Tuesday visiting the An dre Deroin family. A’isitors at the John llorlty home over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wlaschin and family of Long Beach, California, and Mrs Dorlty’ - parents, Mr and Mrs. IVte Wlaschin and her brother, Raymond Wlaschin and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stunz, Airs. CJABARDINE, WRINKLE Gene Stunz and daughters Betsy RESISTANT. and Suzanne, Mrs. Norman Bleai:- inan and Marie Seburn spent the SIZES 28 TO 40 four day weekend at MoCall. MOST COLORS Mr. and Airs. John MeCabe and tainily were visiting Mr.- McCabe’s parents, M r and Mrs. Alley Beeson at Baker, Oregon over the weekend. A’lsiting at’ the Fred McCarthy home are Terry, David and Fred Turk of Pendleton. Oregon. Mrs. Charles MeConnell visited her niece, Mrs. Claude Olsen, in Huston. Idaho. Sunday Clothing Dry Gooda Shoe« Visitors at the Paul House home X-Ray Sho* Fitting are his mother, Mrs. L M. House of Albuquerque. New Mexico, and his sister and family Mr. and Mrs. Howard Steidley and daughters of Denver, Colorado. Overnight guests at the John Dor- ity home Monday night were Mr and Mrs. J. Nardi from Springfield, lllm oi- Mr. and Mr*. J. E. Brower spent the 4th at MoCall. Your Good Health Owyhee Drug Co. S P E C I A L FC R SATURDAY, JULY 12 $J595 BRACKED IS Men's Dress Slacks NYSSA PROGRAM Telephone 108 THEATRE SATURDAY, JULY 12 Jlou you Know / "P als of the G olden W est' with RALPH also LAWRENCE with Esialita Rodriquez and Bill William SUNDAY AND MONDAY, JULY 6 AND 7 "Lone Star" wlUi Clark Babl« — Ava Gardner Teeming with turbulent »o ' ion Is Clark Gable at his all-time best TUESDAY, JULY 15 "The M an With The C loak" Joseph C o t le n — _____________________________ _ Dr and Mr- John Olsen and Mary K ay returned home Sunday from a week's trip into Idaho Dr Ol-en attended the Idaho State Dental conveiltK>n at Sun Valley from M a- day through Thursday then hey commued on north to Stanley Ida- ho ln the Sawtooth Mouir. uns. i'hey enjoyed camping out and fi-li- ing between Stanley and Logan for the remainder of the week Benefit P lan n ed For Sum m er Youth C am p SISTER DIES W. W. Foster received word F r i day that his. sister, Mrs. Lois H ar per Bradley died in Los Angeles Mrs Bradley U a _ former - ___• resident .,,,.1 ° f ^ampa. The, funeral s e r v ic ^ w J l b f Thursday at Filer, Idaho, whe e ^ w*11 res* beside her husband^ xh e Faster family will attend the orchestra has been engaged for the graveside services. dance. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bybee and Mr. Several boys and girls are plan- ning to go to summer camp Au- and Mrs. Howard Bybee spent from Thursday through Sunday at Crys gust 18. tal Beach near McCall. Visiting them there were, Mr. and Mrs. G er ald Curry. Mri. G. D. Courtney, Mr. and Mrs. Don Courtney all of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs Wayne Abbott Oil painting- by the dozen have of Los Angeles, California. been flying from the hands lor should we say brush) of E. H. Yan Saturday visitors at the J E. cey, itinerant painter, who is the Browtr home were Mr. and Mrs. center of attraction for admiring Agner Jensen from Payette. crowds in front of the Journal office. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barnes were in A resident of Boise, Yancey has ! p rajrje City visiting her aunt Mr. T W IN GRAND SO NS 4KK been traveling over the state of Ore- and Mrs Hugh Glasco. Jimmy BORN IN VANCOUVER Tw in boys were born June 25 to J * on' Idfth<?' Washington and Mon- Barnes stayed with the Glasco's and Mr and Mrs Merrill Firestone of ' tana for the past 25 years painting wjn retUrn home Sunday, >lrs Briu \ ediv „f Boise visited Vancouver. Wash., it was announ- tile beautiful scenery which abounds ! at the Eva Boydell home last week ced lhls w e«* Orandsons of Mr and in the northwest. Mrs Beers o { Nyssa Mark t and Miss Boydell spent the holidays Everett weighed five pounds, nine With Mrs. Nedly in Boise. and one-half ounces, and Clark Alma Workmon returned to her ; home in La Grande after a fortnight Merrill weighed five pounds, eight Two July 4 babies were given birth visiting her grandparents, Mr. and and one-half ounces. They are iden- in Malheur Memorial hospital, a Mrs. Leo Utter. tical twins. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Osborn, Mr. Mrs. Firestone is the former Doris 6oy t° M r and Mrs. Elmer King of Beers of Nyssa. Prairie City and a girl to Mr. and and Mrs. Roy Miller, Gordon and _a_________________ ! Mrs. Theodore K in g of Ontario. Pauline Miller, all o f Parma, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee l>ail and fain- July 6 a boy was born to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Capper of Nyssa ily and Mr and Mrs. Orvls Newell Mrs. Austin Barlow of Nyssa and to spent Sunday of this week in Silver and family of Baker, Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Phillip- of City. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Milton and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Newell of Clark- j Nyssa a girl on July 8 | family o f Salt Lake City visited ston, Washington, vacationed at _ . . _ , _ | friends in Nyssa over the weekend. Payette Lakes over the holiday. D lS ll lO W G iS » J QTS | They were accompanied by Mrs. Mrs. Etta Johnson and daughter, » t _ _ j it . TT _ _ 1 Jesse Butler and two daughters of Mary, of Powell, Wyoming, arrived, 1 * 6 6 0 6 0 H I n O S p i R l l in Nyssa for the summer to visit Th e Malheur Memorial hospital i> Burley, Idaho, who visited with her with her brother, AI Thompson, and badly in need of dish towels and brother, Frank J. Pike and farni familv ueanut but- ly at Adrian. wide-inouth “ Skiouv” Skippy” peanut bu family also tho the familv family of former w,de-mouth ter jars, Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper,! Anna Dail. president of the Hospital auxiliary, M A LH E U R CO U NTY JERSEY announced. The jars are the right CLUB TO MEET JU LY 12 STORE CHANGES HANDS The Malheur county Jersey cattle Roy L. Booker announced this size and shape for use in the labor- club will have their July meeting week that he had sold the East Side atory, it was announced Grocery to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howe Persons having these items are to at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Her- o f Little Rock. Ark. Booker stated take them directly to the hospital shal Thompson near Adrian on Sat urday, July 12. that his future plans are indefinite, or call a member of the Auxiliary. A benefit box social and dance to raise funds to send boys and girls to summer camp at Camp Billy Rice in Idaho, is scheduled for next Tuesday at i 9 p lu n u a v u u . i m. u, ^ i u T h m e e ' Oregon Trail school. The affair is sponsored by the Owyhee LDS ward and the public is invited. All women are e asked to bring b?x lunches. A good . Traveling P ainter A ttracts A udience Two New Arrivals O n Fourth of July "Flam ing F eath er 111 TEC H NICO LO R liam Miner. 82. father of Harry Miner. Nyssa city councilman, were held Tuesday at Vale, with burial at Valley cemetary. Vale. Mr Miner died July 4 at his home near Vale, where he had lived for the past 17 years after coming to Oregon from South Dakota. Besides Harry, he is survived by two other sons, Max of Ontario and George of Vale; two daughters, Mrs. F M McNeil of Shasta. California . and Mrs Fritz Schaffer, of Lebonan, Ore.; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. M EETING POSTPONED The regular meeting o f the Nys«a Pistol and Rifle club scheduled for Friday night has been postponed un til Friday. July 18. Ralph Lawrence announced The change of date was made because o f the Nyssa Night Rodeo which is under way this week, Lawrence said. POLICE COURT Lem Broughner, 24. of Long Beach, Calif., was fined $25 by Judge J. C. Smith in police court Wednes day when he pleaded guilty to a charge of drunkenness and disorder- liness. He also paid $50 damages for it large mirror he admitted breaking when he threw a bottle through it at Eddies club, where he was a r rested at 2:15 a m. July 7 by Police Chief Orvil Maze. Broughner was held in jail from the time o f his arrest until court time. Felix Jaurez, 45. farm laborer, was in city jail Wednesday starting a 12 and one-half day jail sentence in lieu of a $25 fine imposed upon him by Police Judge Smith on a charge of drunkenness. Juarez was arrested at 6:30 p.m. July 7 on Main street by Police Chief Maze. COMING EVENTS Saturday, July 12—Job’s daugh ters cooked food sale to be held at Ralph Lawrence Insurance Agency. Eagles dance at the Eagles hall I starting at 8:00, potluck dinner at midnight. Come dressed western style. Malheur County Jersey Cat tle Club will have July meeting at the home of Hershel Thompson near Adrian. Sunday, July 13—St. Paul’s Guilde to have picnic at the Nampa park. Tuesday, July 15— F.F.A. meeting at the Agriculture room at the high i school starting at 7:00 Eagles Aux iliary meets at the F O E . Hall i t 8:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Frell Blair and son Lloyd spent the 4th and 5th of July at Payette. JOB PRINTING The Gate City Journal where your printed matter is given special attention — where you are able lo see just what your special forms w ill look like — where efficiency and promptness take pre cedence over profits. New Equipment Q U E S TIO N : When I ’m carrying Comprehensive Personal Inability insurance who pays the cost of defending a suit brought against me for damages covered by the policy? W e Are Here To Serve You Barbara Stanwyck — Loui* Calhcrn WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. JULY 16 AND 17 ____ held their regular meeting last Tuesday evening at F O E Hall with 1« women in attendance. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs Be.i Storm. Mr- Marion Tracy and Mrs Ward Tyler Among prise winners at bingo were Mrs Aden Wilson, Mrs. Shorty Brand. Mrs. Tyler. Mrs Tracy and Mrs. Frank Byers Mrs. Viola Mon- cur was winner of the raffle gift. The next meeting of the auxiliary will be Tuesday evening, July 13 at 8:30 at the F O E Hall. being installed gives your local printing firm a better opportunity to quote reasonable prices on anything that's printed. Matinee Sat. 1:3«: 4dm 3 * -»v BRODERICK CRAWFORD— LIONEL BARRYMORE (Continued from Page 1) vision under the national point awarding system. Another nationally-famous rodeo performer who will put in an ap- pearance here during the three nights is Pud Adair, who has twice finished second to the world chain- P*on ca“ roper Other performers, known to Ma- dison Square Garden and guaran teed to give plenty o f thrills (if not spills), are B. J. Pierce, calf roper; Sonny Hancock, roper; Bill Rush and Phil Rawlins, who is following the calf roping and bulldoggong route to finance his way through college. In addition to the customary ro deo contest events— bronc, Brahma bull and bareback riding, bulldog- ging and calfroping—there will be ------ - - features on each . night’s ... — special pro- 8ram- These will include Wes Curtis of Santiago, Calif., and his trained mule, Porky, and Carron Hansen, a little girl with a bagful of aero- batic feats. All stock Is furnished by Harley Tucker, producer of the show. An nouncing will be done by Hobar* Norman of El Paso, Texas. The Nyssa Rodeo is an RCA approved show for professionals. with special events set aside amateur cowboys. By Roy Rogwra and Dal* Evans "H a v a n a Rose" Rodeo P a ra d e D raw s O lsens Return From T u esd a^ E ro S o ci« ^ 0* F ath er Dies F riday, u n eral Is T uesday Big Crow d To N yssa Convention. V acation Members * the Eagle> A(W1hary F Funeral services for Burton W il Just Phone 19 A N S W I R : The in-uraine com pany pay* all cost» and all dam ages within the ¡nut'.« of the poli cy with Nyssa Gate City Journal Sterling Hayd«a — ft r r w i TorJtar BARBARA RUSH - A l L E l N W U I AN Th e far frontier tourst-s into rmtous flame ttiat terrorlaas an entire territory Nr*M Inaurane* Agency IM Mam si. n»Mi. a) 109 M ain St. Printing, Publishing a O ©