— THY NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL NYS3A. OREGON THURSDAY. JULY 9 . 1952 NAGE FIVE Big Bend News Miss Helen llateh Phone Parma 1-F21 Mrs Florence Richardson, of Parma, and Mrs Pearl .Stanton ac companied Mrs. Myrtle Hatch and Helen, to Ontario last Wednesday to attend a "home freezer demon stration'" at the Veterans' Hall, given by Tom Onfdorff. associate profe -or in food technol. :y at Ore gon State College. Mrs Chet Smith's sister. Mr.. Eva Schlumtz, returned to her home in Alma Nebraska last Friday after a two-week's visit with her brother and sisters. Mr and Mrs. Bill Vande Water and Kent visited at the home of his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fogleman, in Nampa Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Babe Hamilton and Donny of Newell Heights, accom panied Mrs Goldie Roberts. Sharen and Karen to Nampa Sunday. The Hamiltons visited their daughter and family. Dr. and Mrs. Rodney Funk and Eddie Mrs. Roberts visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Miller Henderlider. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright at tended a wedding in Caldwell Sun day. In the afternoon they called on Mr and Mrs. Will Schultz of Caldwell, who were formerly Big Bend residents. Mrs. Ralph Howarth of Star, and her daughter Mrs. Ellis Givens and children, called at the Case Munt- Jewerff home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Angie Chaney attended a fu neral of one of her old friends in Emmett Thursday. She also visited her mother, Mrs. A. Yerguson and brought Peggy and Lynn Chaney home. They have been visiting their grandmother the pf.st week. Mr. and Mrs. John Samer and Catherine, and Miss Mary Weir at tended the circus in Caldwell Sat urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher, of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Fisher of Los Angeles, California. Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis, and son Ju nior, of Adrian, were supper guests Tuesday evening at the Harvey Hatch home. Mrs. Mary Thompson, and daugh ter Fay Marie, Mrs. Lyda Vande Water and daughters, Loraine and Loretta, were in Boise last Thurs day. While there they visited Mrs. George Elfers, at the St. Alfonsos Hospital. They report Mrs. Elfers is improving from her last operation on her hip. Mrs. Angie Chaney took her fami ly. and the Arthur Molt children to the circus Saturday in Caldwell. Miss LaRayne Smith, accompanied by her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith to Victorville, Cali fornia to visit her sister and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Frank De Mark. Mark. Mrs. Irma Hopkins. Faye Marie and Kenny accompanied Mrs. Lester French and Judy, and Mrs. Irene Hopkins and girls to Caldwell Sat urday. They all attended the cir cus. Mrs. Goldie Roberts, Sharen and Karen, attended the circus in Cald well last Saturday. July Once Again W e Have An Opportunity To Remember Our Nation's Birthday — o — In Order That We May Do This and Our Employees may have a -:Three-Day Holiday:- Kingman Kolony Mrs. Claude Day Several from this neighborhood at tended the jalopy races in Nyssa Wednesday evening. Francis Thiel is visiting at the home of his parents. Larry and Bruce De Haven went to Weiser for a few days this week. Mrs. Carol Retig and son, Michael of Westerville. California are visit ing a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hurst. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Conant and family of Ontario were dinner guests at the Willis Conant home Friday. Mrs. Guy Glenn, Mrs. L. L. Kreager, Mrs. Don Fox and Mrs. Mell Carlson attended a party at Mrs. Vic Marshall's Tuesday evening. The Nebraska Picnic committee members and officers met with Mrs. Claude Day Friday afternoon to make plans for the picnic to be held in the Nyssa City Park on July 13. Those present were Mrs. Qrover Cooper, Mrs. Eugene Stevens and. son, Mrs. Clyde Hoke and daugh ter, Mrs. Howard F'inger and son, and Mrs. Harold Robbins anil daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Art Sparks were Boise callers Monday. The All-Breed Dairy club met at the home of Ronald a n d Claudia Peterson Friday afternoon. Ronald Peterson gave a demonstra t e on showmanship. Games were played for recreation. The next meeting will be with Freddie Scha fer on July 11. Miss Justine Kreager is working at the Adrian cannery. Cliff Beaumont, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toombs and son Dickie, were supper guests at the Oordon Toombs home Friday evening. We that has become the mark of A Free and Independent People. • « B& M Equipment C o.\ Bauman Farm Equipment Nyssa Furniture Co. Tobler's Feed & Fuel, Inc. Towne's Garage \ Nyssa Lumber Co. \ Carl & Bert's h. Nyssa Pharmacy Stunz Lumber Co. Intermountain Furn. Co. Western Corrugator Paulus Jewelry Owyhee Barber Shop Miner's Barber Shop Jackson Jewelry * ® Owyhee Drug Co. Peterson Furniture Co. LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs John Reeves were Saturday guests of her cousin, Rob ert W. Ditty and family in La Orande. Judy Savage left Monday to spend a week visiting her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. D. P. Pullen at Kuna. Mrs. John Dority's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wla.schin of Ogallaia, Nebraska will sipend the week of the" 4th In Nyssa, also arriving witn them is her brother and his wife, Mr and Mrs. Raymond Wlaschin. Rack homo for the weekend were Hurley Duus and some friends who work up at the forest service. They left to go back Saturday because of some work to be done. Mr. and Mrs. t It A hop spool two week's vacation above Unity fishing and camping. Mrs. Man (loMnaa at Los tinkt, California is a houseguest of her ais- ter, Mrs. Veda Marshall in Nyssa. y+ . Mod If»*. N. L. .aad family arrived home Sunday night ir o n a one week vocation «pent at ■awgort. Saasida and Astigia, re turning by way of the Columbia River highway and viaiting from Thursday until Sunday with Mrs. WUpidih tffothig-' Alonzo Olddlngs I and family at &frhfleld, Oregon. Henneman Hdw. Co. Western Stores Owyhee Truck & Imp. Co. Firestone Dealer Store Hollingsworths', Inc. ■* * - s s m a* •a