P age T H E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y JO U R N A L . H Y S S A . O REGO N . T H U R S D A Y . J U L Y 3 1952 fo ur ice cream cookies and coffee were erved The nem meeting will lie I t the home of Mrs tttanley Hill Mr Stanley of New M »ilco is F ru a i the J o u r n a l File« 4 er • te., Urs. Jake Borge Mr Anna Norris. Utah-Idaho league against the r bon« H I Ht t m Aga, July I. 1M7 Carl Ia-e Hill, who has been ill Shipment of early potatoes w*s Twin Falls Bruins. tiie past two week', is reported to Mr- Char!« Guilt ks*>n and Mr forma visited at the h.*ni** ? their he improving He ha t»««n suffer- started in Nyssa last week by J. C. JO Year* «ge. June 30 IK S The first car of head lettuce ever . A4 L. Caldwell of Long Beach, Cali brother. Jake Boree and family in« from 'inu tnuble and kidney Watson and C o. Eastern Oregon Produce Co. and the Owyhee Pro- shipped from Malheur County and fornia. Mi". George Judd and Mi from Monday evening till Thursday infection. Mi Dudley Kurtz and Elaine vis- duce. The price the first lew days probably from the state of Oregon and Mr Gordon Judd and Mr and morning. . a .11 lioene .n reached a net of $2 X to the grow- was ___ ____ _____ ____ N> ____ shipped from -su __________ Saturday. i Mrs. Gordon Judd of Parma were Miss Reva Jo Ratlihun of Cald Ontario Friday. ers. ¿spring lettuce -eason concluded consigned to Chicago and grown on Sunday dinner guests of the Mau well visited at the homes of her Terry Borge and Betty Hammon with shipment of lko iars. Hubert w l . Gibson farm A meeting rice L. Judds. grandmother. Mrs Lydia Worden returned from 4-H ummer school Co. store is remodeling and enlarg- Tas held at the community hall Mrs Lydia Worden returned home and her uncle, Elvln Worden and at Corvallis Friday night. They re- ing the interior of the store. Wednesday evening to take prelim- from Huntington. Oregon Tuesday. family Monday and Tuesday. ported an interesting and busy time Candidates for Queen of the Ny.vsa ¿nury steDs in forming a Bov Scout Mr and Mrs Jim Embee of Oak- Mrs. Del Steeley of Santa Barbara. jjUt were glad to get home. Dorothy Barthotoma. B*»rthok>ma | SS52ki*atto.i Thirteen boys signed I ------- l rodeo “ J- - - are r * Dorothy land were guests several days la t California and Irwin Davidson of Diane Hardman left Tuesday to Betty Pett. Nanette Bybee. Patsy I the” membership "iist " - Skinny week in the Maurice O. Judd home Rjdgeview visited at the Elvin Wor- v.jsjt at the Leslie Stoker home in Gwynn, Bonnie Kressly and Bette Tensen is the proud possessor of a Mrs M O Judd entertained Fri- den home Wednesday. Boise for a week. Domenico o f P a rm a Hoy Ricn- brand new Victrola which was in day evening in honor of her cous- M r and Mrs Rube Graham visited Mr and Mrs. Forest Hardman ardson who has been working at stalled in his home Wednesday. in, Millard Kinney, who left Sun- their daughter and family, Mr and were dinner guests at the Beit the Miner Barber shop, purchased Mr and Mrs. J Boydell, Blayney day for the University of Chicago Mrs. Harold Byurd in Boise Sun- Treadway home in Parma Sunday. the Owyhee Barber shop from Boydell and Aden Wilson arrived Mrs Madeline Billings and four day. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hardman of Charles Sanford of Emmett. home Tuesday from a two-week's children and Mr Frank Moore and Modern Pioneer club met at the Port Angelas, Washington were y « j uiv ■* 1942 trip to Portland and the coast, hav * * , ’ two children of Sacramento Cali- home of Mrs Jake Borge Tuesday guests at the Fore.-t Hardman home ing driven from La Grande that dav > with 12 members and one guests last week from Monday through The Nyssa Chamber of Commerce They covered 1400 miles during the present A piomc for members and Friday. Wednesday to contribute trip.-----Potato digging will begin | families was planned for Sunday, Bert Treadway of Parma bought $7 50 ln pnaes to be given to the July 15 and the yield is expected to July 13 at the Caldwell park Wed- a riding horse, Rocket, from R. I), organizations competing in the Prospects m- in- 200 yiaclc-s Per acre on the land ding customs of various countries McKinley last week. scrap rubber drive - Prospects tributary to Nyssa. were reported on by Louise Hill and Mr. and Mrs. M L. Kurtz and dl£at* that the Malheur county fair, a pantomime wedding was conduc- Mr and Mrs Dudley Kurtz and scheduled for Sept 5. 6 and 7 will 35 Vears Ago. June 29, 1917 Optometrist ted by Frances Worden in which Blaine attended church services at k® cancelled due to the attitude of Patriotic citizens in the Nyssa Mrs Marion Kurtz was the bride, thse First Presbyterian Church in county and state officials.— - Gun- area from Big Bend to Arcadia gave nearly $3,000 in a three-day Red Mrs. Hay Fox the groom; Louise Boise Sunday. Following services n* r8 Eyes Examined Cross drive for funds.-----The pa Hill, the minister; Thelma Hammon, they attended a family picnic in triotic people of Owyhee have made ring bearer; Anna Norris, flower the Julia Davis park honoring Mr. Phone 9-2312 girl and Mrs. Stanley was maid of and Mrs. I C Durnil of Parma on arrangements for a big celebration to be held at Stam’s Grove the 4th honor. Frances Worden was pianist their silver wedding anniversary. 718 Arthur St. of July and a special invitation is „ , , . . . . . , and Thelma Borge, aolotat The bride Mrs ,\l I, Kurtz drove to Parma | Caldwell, Idaho carried a bouquet of alfalfa bios- and brought her aunts, Mrs. Jessie t>t«»>iner. —sionn r.niery oi n oae extended to the people of Nyssa.----- _ j ionis and the maid of honor car- 1 Tucker o f Portland and Mrs. Mary , lla * 'cased Swan Bakery from The post office, both interior and ried wild mustard. Refreshments of Gahley of Parma home with her to Andy Swan and will operate under exterior was brightened up with ' spend the day Friday. j the Sugar City Bakery.----- several new coats of paint artistical i A wedding shower honoring Mrs. i Mrs. John Olsen and Robert Me- ly applied by Christensen and M ar ! Calvin Martin of Owyhee Corner ^ urdy wol> prizes for the best cos- shall and Postmistress Elizabeth was held on the M L. Kurtz law:i tumes at the hard tunes dance spoil- Thompson just can't keep from put last Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. sored by the Nyssa Civic Club. ting on a few airs on account o f it. George De Haven, Mrs. Bill Looney, 15 Years Ago, July 1, 1937 -----A stretch of level land along the Mrs. Vernon Parker, Mrs. Stanley Snake River just north and east of Hill, and Mrs Francis D efier assist- j w h ic h ^ th ^ F irs t11NaUonaT^Bank of ' town which has produced nothing Pitted 30 lb. ing. Tables were decorated in pink Forlland purchased lhe bank bmld- bllt, “ « * n u h is being developed and b ue and the cake was also in on ^ corner of lst and Mam and much already has grown crops, j decorated in pink and blue to coin- from the cjt ot Nyssa includinë ! Principal activity is on tracts owned cide with Mrs. M artin’s wedding fixtures for a cash consideration1!^' i^ a'l01, ^ Sweetened Wilson (farm ed by in s ! ensemble. Mrs. Stanley Hill was in of $4500. ----- Considerable discus-! ^ R‘?b^_ns): JTB and M c R a charge of games. sion is heard regarding possible con- fie 1 and Frank Leuck. Word has been received by his struction o f a city hall, using paî t I i parents that Merle Kurtz of Port- o f the proceeds of the sale.----- Ber- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bvbee were j land is going to be ln Corvalis for nard Frost will start excavation ! ' n Boise Sunday visiting friends, L o ck e rse al j three months serving an Internship P lastic work on a building just east of the Visiting at the Ed Case home are to supplement his medical education. N ealrite C on tain ers F reezer B a g s new theatre tomorrow morning. The Mrs. Case's nieces and nephew from Reverend and Mrs. W. R. Gourley building is to be 34 ‘ -.'X 70 feet and Portland. Pints and Quarts Pints, Quarts, V 2 Gallons of Fresno, California, visited at the built of brick.-----The Nyssa CCC Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith, their Lee Saxton home Monday and Tus- Camp received the high rating of grandson, Phillip Tucker and Frank ; day of last week. Reverend Gourley A -l.-----Building permits totaling | Pry visited Sunday with Mr. Sm ith’s j is pastor of the St. Luke’s Methodist $27,480 have been issued by the City j mother, Mrs. Ella D. Smith who is church in Fresno. They went on to Vz mile west on Alberta Ave. Phone 381-R, locker plant recorder during the past few weeks; [ quite ill at the home o f her broth- Williamette Valley to visit friends chief among the permits are a $1,000 er. E. E. Dean at Emmett, Phone 381-W, slaughterhouse and cutting room and relatives and to visit at Prat- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Morgan and tum, Oregon (near Salem) in the building by George Closson, $1,000 community where Reverend Gour in alterations by Lottie Phillips | Sally and Mr. and Mrs. A. C Sallee ley began his ministry Mrs. Gourley $10,000 for a new theatre, $3550 and Mardi spent the weekend at the house by Ed Dilley, $1200 house by ! Morgan’s cabin at the Payette is Mrs. Saxton's sister. E. W. Pruyn and $4.000 improve- Lakes Mrs. Nora Haskins and son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Stervoss, Gene Eden, Texas was a guest at the ments by the Owyhee Irrigation of- fice.-----Workmen installed a new and Dixie were dinner guests Sun- Saxton home. She is a sister of Mrs. Sexton. Mrs. Haskins went on to centrifugal water pump for the day evening at the home o f her Baker and Pendleton to visit and city of Nyssa, doubling the gallons j brother and family. Mr. and Mrs to attend to business. She formerly p.er minute water flow Into the , D A. Vanscoy and children at Pay- big tank. ette. lived ln Baker. 2U Years Ago. June JO , 1932 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth I.aing and Lowell Cristoffer of Colorado And we wish to e x p re ss our th an ks to our m any Leslie McClure of Caldwell closed daughter of The Dalles were visitors Springs, Colorado, a brother of Mrs. Lee Saxton visited at the S ax ton ! a one year lease for the Swan from Thursday until Saturday at the frien ds for their patron age. home last week He had just gradu Bakery from Jim and Andy Swan lioine of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ated from the college in Colorado who will spend the summer at their 1 W. F. Savage and also visited cous Springs on June 9. He took a course mining claims at Silver City.----- ins, Mr. and Mrs. James Savage Over 000 acres of potatoes are mak- i and children here. in chemical engineering. Mrs. Don Liunville accompanied ing steady growth in the Nyssa area ' Mr. and Mrs. Richard Humphrey Mrs. Lee Saxton to Ontario to the with prospects o f around 200 car- o f Alabama and Mrs. Glenn Wiloo< to be shipped.----- Dennis of Glenns Ferry were guests at the doctor Thursday, where Mrs. Sax loads Wo will continue to o p erate the T ra ilw a y s B u s Depot ton has been receiving treatment Toombs escaped a burning hayrack Mrs. Felton Duncan home last for sinus trouble. loaded with hay and runaway at | weekend, and the W estern Union O ffice at the the Dick Tensen ranch only to suf Carol Whitaker of Portland was fer a shattered jawbone which he sam e location. i house guest at the Roger Ander received after he had released his son home for the past week. She Is runaway team and one horse kicked also visiting her friends here. Carol him in the face.——The Nyssa-Par- ma aerie of the Eagles Lodge has is a former resident of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Patterson of plans in full swing for the initi Ogden were week-end guests at the ation of 150 candidates July 7 at a Joint institution with the new On E. H. Hues home. Mrs. Ed Boydell and daughter tario aerie. have been spending the last three 25 Years Ago, July 1, 1927 weeks at her mothers home in Mon Funds derived from the sale of mouth, Oregon. Mr. Boydell went up one-half Interest in the storage to Monmouth Saturday and drove waters of the Warmspring reservoir I them home. are paying for reclamation o f 30.000 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Jensen and acres of rich farming land in the Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brower were Warmsprings district that became fishing at the Beulah Reservoir Sun water-logged from irrigation. Drain day. Others fishing at the reservoir age works are not to cost more than were Crint Olsen, Douglas Flep- $45,000-----Agnes Nichols, honor pu pence, Roy Holmes and Neil Dem- pils of Kingman Kolony made the tnick. highest average in the 8th grade ex Mr. and Mrs. Carl Burning ham aminations ln Malheur county with Is Our Business and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mann an average of 93 9. Betty Tensen of -■peiit Thursday and Friday at Shore Nyssa also made an average above Foremost in the defense of Lodge at McCall. 9 0 ---- The 10th annual 4th o f July celebration Is planned to open at your health is the prepara Vale July 2— .—The building on the corner of First and Good avenue tion of health-giving pre formerly occupied by the Malheur W orks with sit modern tractors.' scriptions to fit your need. County bank is undergoing renova Hitched or unhitched ln a few min tion before being fitted up for head Depend on us to use na utes. Readily adjusted and serviced. quarters for the Owyhee Irrigation ttU lC *-1* T0 AN* Fully power operated; do levers to district.-----The 30 mile stretch c f tionally known brands at road to the dainsite which has been manipulate. Power shaft provided A TlltC JO * all times. improved by the county and Nyssa with safety ratchet. Overload release By commercial club is nearing comple protects cutter bar. S w iv e l arm tion.-----Nyssa Is proud of Charley PHONE 25« R A LPH makes square turns possible. Smooth, Newbill who is pitching for the Id a clean cutting In heaviest growth. ho Falls team. He entered the base LA W REN CE Many other extra-value features Let ball hall o f fame when he hurled us teU you about them soon ,. today. what Is believed to be the first no hit. no-run baseball game in the D ay« G o n « B y in N y ssa C o m m u n ity Newell Heights News M m m R A D IO and fcooofy « a g io s } witè . • • ¿ R E F R IG E R A T IO N R E P A IR IN G i t W k b 1 ' H erb ert E. C o x * ; Technician Located At Western Store 2 14-J Phone Stu n « L u m b er Co. Reesdenre P I. 2M-R DEAD ANIMALS Free Pickup Fast Service Parma DR. C.W. GRAVES Phone 98 Nyssa Phone 100-R Idaho Oregon Rendering Co. N y ssa. Oregon ATTENTION FARMERS P IE C H E R R I E S Let Us Haul Your POTATOES and Other Produce Waxed Lily Tubs, 3 Sizes Reasonable Rates— Efficient Service A service added to our h au lin g and m oving busin ess FISCHER S LOCKER SERVICE C A L L 234 MAY TRUCKING CO. 312 S. 4th N y ssa We Have Closed Our TAXI RUSINESS . . . txclusive In This Territory. . . ALL OUR USED CARS GUARANTEED m o n t h s or I S E i W A Kk A NI l ls for Speedier and Easier Cutting of Any Hayfield Owyhee Drug Co. COPYRIGHT R I G l S U R E C * W e are exclusive S. E. I. Dealers in N Y SS A Your Good Health How um Know / A ll our used cars and trucks are covered HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. U sed C a r H e a d q u arte rs A CAPITAL I D E A ... roui* U*1 CPTT** a uv« I % i iN S W K K : The garage may be insured separately and It would be rise to handle it that way ln the circumstances you describe. •¡•If you’ll addre.vs your own in surance questions to this office, well try to give you the correct answers and there will be m ( > | l v e i mere e io c l N ew I dea charge wr »Mi|»lion •( an* kind. Bauman Farm Equipmeul N i « P h on e 93) Ql FS TIO N : I understand only 10', of the $10.000 fire Insurance policy we have on our house ap plies to the garage We recently built a playroom over our garage at considerable expense and I would like to know how to insure rhe increased value. Ny«M Iu u tia re Agwacy O niaflo PkoM ftn • M I N Mala » 1 rh «u e SI UNDER O l R FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM all who have money in the hank are capitalists. No matter what your occu pation... farmer, clerk, welder or businessman... if you work and have money in the hank you are capitalizing on your earnings. These savings are the backbone of America’s grow th and prosperity... the basis of Oregon's present and future development. So start your capital working for you and enjoy this extra profit from hard earned wages. At The First National Bank of Portland your savings work for you at the increased rate of 2r’r, regardless of die size of your account Start capitalizing oil your earnings today. DEPOSITS MADE O N OR BL FORE JULY 10th EARN ¿V i** on certificates of deposit « ritten to aiacure in J tears INTEREST I ROM JULY 1st W MYSSI BRANCH F IR S T NATIONAL SANK CmÙ OP PORTIAMO m W TO I u •ww fen* OATS A (MUH otte» M IL E S by this guarantee regardless of price Team Up Your Tractor with a MOWER r\ f\ () MAY BE REPAIRED BY ANY AUTHORIZED NATIONAL S.E.I WARRANTY DEALER IN THE UNITED STATES DAVE and MARIE THOMAS EA * 1 $0 ! V » V - v .