Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1952)
$ (• THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE « 6 J S » . P A G e S IX *4'****• 11 V 15 m pa t » f « i returned home *' Lake City w.'fi Mr Bi x*ei wu< w.d at the h«dj The score * F i'd a v ill a ' a v « ‘ ot '** ¡e® with favor '4 the Knights of th-- Ik M a-» 4-H lub tr reports Kenneth Keek of th D< Mi ie ie » vV » i Civtjn by tli' > wh«> 1. >ti 1 club Won fir' t in the s t a '• > mte-t at ii tl it. a '* ii . M M M 'w v n n I' M R h 1 i Cooperative coma 1 1 ■ > . arnica and Clara t »rmrrtu>-i Club The Dodgers from I>> M' • county agent on the showing and o nni g ot V v e. club played a double h e " r with the fiting of beef cattle Report- weie e f l i e made by Geraldine Fry I : Niel-en, | , r e . e N N Terry SsinueLs uf this conitnuii.'. ,.I Nyvsa M: and Mrs Cecil Evans Mr Fry D- inn. Evan-'. Joan Cary »nd Ken- trch II Hv • c N attended Buys' .State which wa- field ai.eii in the afterimon II j M K u ‘ h rodeo «rounds with tin- fir-t gam ,i- k *- k r i The Nu Acre Orange met Thurs | In Boise. ■ E v 1 v in;. 8 to 6 in favor of port at the regular Grange meeting. N i/are: Mr and Mrs Don Hall and >i f day n.-:ht for a birthday potlutk the Evan, hi'int Several member- of the Farmer ohuroh «roup and the e >nd 3 • ipper Mr and Mi L A M> cr- Lyna and Daa Lan kford "1 Ny -a for the Do More's. Tillamook. Oregon spent everil ette club attended the 01 g inizatkm clays last week at the home of her -mith and Mi and Mr frank Sin- were Sunday dinner guests at the Mrs. Lynn Metis is home from the meetin.' held in Payette M u.d »V den of Weiser were guest- sister, Hrs. David Spidle H E. Sager horn?. Payette hospital where -he under ternoon to elect officers f : the first Mr and Mi Oscar Samuels, Ter Pomona Orange will meet at New Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Seuell. M went urgery on Friday of last week. year of the organization Those at rel and Veld a and Mr and Mr- J T Buskirk of Farm« and Mi- M C Plymouth July 8 Mr and Mrs. Paul Thomson and tending were, Mr- A P Chesney. Mrs. Dollie Crawford of Salt Lake Martin enjoyed dinner at the home family went to Weiser for Sunday Mrs. Edward Niel-en, Mr Seuell were in Caklwi-11 on busine.v Henry City has been visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs Dwight Durrington dinner at the home of Mr and Mr ■ Orcutt. Mr- M C. Seuell Mr Harry Monday afternoon. Sunday dinner guests at the Tom of her daughter. Mrs. Omar Betts at Middleton on Sunday. Ed Moroney and Mrs. Joe Beck. Riene Beck who has been Wood. Mi Mr. and itr Jinuny Orcutt and visiting at the Thomson's for the Paul Thomson. Evans home were Mr. and Mi - Fal- for the past two weeks, returning t» Jimmy vi-ited Sunday at the home mer Ross and family of Nampa: her home Sunday. The fathers and sons on Fairview of George Knowles we-t of Nyssa. Mary Billiard and Pauline of Par Mr and Mr- Henry Conner left ma. and Marjorie White and Ralph avenue in Nu Acres held a ball game on Father’s Day with the fathers for Portland. Monday morning for umi mriiiiiiiiimiiiiiii'iiiM niiiiiirtini1 winning the game. a week's visit with relatives an J Ernest Seuell, Woodrow Seuell, friends. , _ , Mrs. Sherman Wilson Bob Ssaw and M C. Seuell went on Mr. and Mr Bryan Hart of Boise fishing trip Saturday night and and Orris Hart of Lan-ing, Michigan Phone l’arnia 21-MI Dr. Clare F. Conley a Sunday and report good luck had dinner and visited Wednesday O ptom etrist Reverend and Mrs A U Culver c-f at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph , The P.T.A. is having a home-maae and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Caldwell Notus visited Tuesday at the home Baxter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butcher. Mrs M C Seuell stayed Saturday ice cream social Saturday evening, of McCall were all guests in the Con Mrs. Anderson, Mrs Nelson and night at the home oi her daughter.; June 28. Due to construction of the ley Wilson home in honor of Mrs. EYES E X A M IN E D Molly and Mrs. Fry attended a Mrs. Roy Hoff m Nyssa while M-. new school building, it will be held Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McFarlin shower given for Mrs Tom Franklin Hoff wa- gone on a camping trip on the church lawn. All P.T.A. mem bers and others interested in helping, and family attended the Shnner last week In Apple Valley at the with his Boy Scouts. (Opp. Sears) Dial 9-3371 home of Mrs. Conley Wilson. Mrs. Fry received word from h-r are being asked to bring either a ' circus in Boise Tuesday evening. Mrs. Charles M Walker and daughter. Mary Jo, whoi s in De cake or a pie and sonic home-m > . Mrs. DeLoyd Schimmels and Gene. daughter. Pamela of Culver. Oregon troit caring foi Mr Fry who is ill candy Proceeds will go to buy sugar Mrs Wendell Cottier and Mrs. Chas. 519 Cleveland. Caldwell. Ida. .-pent two days last week with Mrs. there, stating that he is unable to 1 and fruit for canning for the het McFarlin were in Boise Friday. Mrs. lunches. Schiinmels and Gene went for a III III III III III III III HI 111 I I III l!l III III 11I I11I II I11I II II Ralph Baxter before going on to Salt walk without a i-tance. Rev and Mrs. Ludlow held their Mr. and Mr H B Stelnbacn, m Bernia and Geneva. Mrs. Jess Rine- last service at the local church Sun Gene’s final check up. The entire community was sad art, Sharon and Billy Rockhold were day morning, and the pre-ent plans dened Friday evening by the tragic FOR YOUR PLU M BIN G MEULLER Sunday dinner guests at the Bill are for Ralph Fothergill of Nampa, accident about 6:30 that took the Grasmick home Mr Steinbach and who has had two years at Gareth life of eight-year-old Stephen Rog FURNACES— NEEDS Mrs. Rinehart are sisters of Mrs. Seminary, to take charge next Sun ers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Grasmick. They weie en route to day. Rev. and Mrs. Ludlow will leave Rogers. Services were held Monday LINK BELT Bath Sets, W ater Heaters this week for McGruder camp on morning and burial was in Utah. Portland. Ther Richard Imbler's baby is re the coast. Mr. Fothergill comes very STOKERS and Pressure System s highly recommended. covering from the measles. Week-end guests at the I.aniont Eatimatea G ladly Given Donny and Dianne Rogers of On Fife home were Ted Gessel and Mrs Ralph Baxter and Denny Call and Garry Heap -pent the day Sat tario have been staying in the Earl HEATING urday in Caldwell with Mrs. Dean Boston home until their mother, J. C. S M I T H Mrs. Ralph Rogers, and baby daugh Wilson and son Phone 134L2 13 Years In Nyssa Mrs M C Seuell and Mrs. Roy ter come home from the hospital. G E O R G E J. KINZER Hoff and family had dinner Sunday The baby was born June 20 and Phone 78-J with Mr Ernest Seuell and family. weighed 5 pounds 11 ounces. Parm a, Idaho Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baker and Sunday was Dyrrel Seuelis birthday. vm m m m m * sw asr ■ mu & w m * Mrs. Merle Thomson and Gary family of St. Libaria. Nebraska are and Mrs Howard Peverley of Raw visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Severt lins. Wyoming made a pleasure trip Fox and family. Mrs. Baker and to Boise on Monday afternoon and Mrs. Fox are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McFarlin evening. Mr Peverley is a sister of Mrs. Thomson, and has been visiting and Mr. and Mrs. DeLoyd Schim- in the Thomson home for several mels attended the hamburger fry days, on her way home from Port- | and square dance in Nampa, Sunday land. Oregon where she attended evening at the Ross Crispino coun YOU R DEAD AND USELESS ANIMALS USE THIS HERD BUILDER the supreme session of the Daugh try home. ters of the Nile Mrs. Peverley was j Mrs. Anna Wilson of Mountain Horses. Cows, Calves. Sheep, Hogs CARNATION IINM ERE RENOWN H IS a delegate from Tamah Temple No. Home was an overnight guest in the Cash for live horses and cow s Herb Nelson home Tuesday night, i 73 at Rawlins, Wyoming. 6 Daughter* average: 13,790 lb$. Milk Mrs Ralph Baxter and grandsons making the acquaintance of the little 572 lb». Fat Denny and Garry Heap spent Sun- I newcomer, Kelly Vern Franklin, and j FREE PROMPT REM OVAL 11,800 lbs. Milk ady in Adrian with Mrs. George attending the shower for him and , 6 Dams average: 476 lbs. Fat his mother at the Conley Wilson Phone us collect Besendorfer. Increase of 1,990 lbs. M ilk; 96 lbs. Fat The Do More sewing girls met at home. Nyssa 102 W Payette 670 Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Scott and fam- I the home of Velda Samuels Thurs This is ¡ust one of the many wall- If no answer call Nampa (»-4604 day afternoon. They worked on their ily of Boise visited hi- mother, Mrs. proved bulls of Holstein, Guernsey and Cecil Scott last week. Arlie is being projects and Lois Nielsen and Geral D A Y OR NIGHT Jersey breeds available to YOU through dine Fry demonstrated the lessons transferred to Ontario. Mrs. Glen Johnson left for her in modeling which they had learned artificial insemination. IDAH O ANIMAL PRODUCTS home in Caliente, Nevada Friday 1 at Moscow at the short course Malheur Dairy Breeders Nampa, Idaho The Do More 4-H Dodgers played evening. Thursday evening. Mr. and Association soft ball Saturday night with the Mrs. Leon Murray and children, M.\ Phone Ontario 1099-W Knight team from Fairview avenue and Mrs. Cedric Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell, all of Parma The Week's Nu Acres News *] o Apple Valley Aclivities -:W ANTED:- M Vance Bc-k if Nampa and Ray P a i- dinton ot Logan. Utah. Mr and Mrs Elmore Martin and Mi and Mi Alfred Simpson »pent the wrek-end fishing near Unity Mr and Mrs. J. E Brower and Mr. and M r.. M. E Jensen .pent the week-end fishing above Arrowrock dam. Mr and Mrs. Carl Barningham and two children ¡pent Tkiuimiay at McCall “ [alcp qou r c h o ic e o f VACATION a n d G R E Y H O U N D will t a k e y o u therm f o r les s — in a i r - c o n d i t i o n e d c o m f o r t ! All the most popular vacation areas are within your reach by Greyhound — and at costs so low you'll he pleasantly ama/ed. Vacation Planning Sarvica it FREE — we'll arrange thrilling Vacation Tours, make your hotel reservations, plan sightseeing, help you select just the trip you want. There's a FKHE FOLDI K describing hundreds of pre-plan ned pleasure-perfect tours waiting for you. Typical Law Fares SACAMKNTO *18.25 PHILADELPHIA 4».«ft WALLA WALLA 5.2» PASCO 8.15 DENVER 18.25 (A M T a t ) GREYHOUND BUS DEPOT CARL'S DOLL HOUSE 511 Main Phone 112 Mote MS/poth'I tjourT^' ¿fGREYHOUND PUBLIC FARM SALE Having sold m y farm , I w ill sell the follow in g described property 7 m iles southw est o f Nyssa or 3 m iles west on Enter prise A ven u e and V\ mile south on Jefferson D rive Monday, June 30, 1952 SALE ST A R T S A T 1:00 P. M. TERM S CASH Lunch Served on the G rounds by C hatter-B ox Ladies 38-C A T T L E - 3 8 1— Registered Poll Milking Shorthorn bull, 4 yrs. old. Out of the Van Slyke herd. 1— Milking Shorthorn cow, Molly, 9 yr«. old, giving 47 lbs. now. 1— Milking Shorthorn cow, Blacky, 5 yrs. old, heavy springer. 1— Milking Shorthorn cow, Shorty, 3 yrs. old, giving 59 lbs. now. 1— Milking Shorthorn cow, Red Shorthorn, 9 years old, giving 53 lbs. now. 1— Milking Shorthorn cow, Fuzzy, 4 yrs. old, giving 57 lbs. now. 1— Milking Shorthorn cow, June, 3 yri. old, giving 35 lbs. now. 1— Milking Shorthorn cow, Pansy, 4 yrs. old, heavy springer. 1— Milking Shorthorn cow, Roan, 9 yrs. old, just fresh. (Eligible to register). 1— Milking Shorthorn cow, May, 2 yrs. old, been fresh 30 days. 1— Milking Shorthorn cow, fat to butcher. 7— Whiteface steers, long yearlings. 2— Angus steers, long yearlings. 2— Whiteface heifers, long yearlings. 6— Shorthorn steers, long yearlings. 3— Shorthorn heifers, long yearlings, open. 1— Milking Shorthorn heifer, 1st calf, heavy springer. 3— Shorthorn bull calves, 1 to 5 months old. 2— Shorthorn steer calves, 1 to 5 months old. 1— Shorthorn heifer calf, 1 to 5 months old. This is a very good herd of M ilking Shorthorn cow s, pu blic is invited to see them before sale date. C ow s ara abortion tested. Freshening dates w ill be given sale day. MACHINERY THE < IIRYSIFH NEW YOKkEK 6 PASSE N G E R SE D A N W Iute eside-vvull tires at extra cost ftllF.IV YOB TRY POWER STEERING... HERE'S WHERE TO COIIE FIRST! You’ ve heard about it and read about it. Now, if you haven’t felt what Power Steering does for you, we invite you to try it first in a Chrysler New Yorker . . . where you will find full-time (not partial) Power Steering! What happens is this . . . You handle the steering wheel in normal fashion. Hut 4 ft of all the work is done for you by hydraulic power, constantly at your command. Also, you turn the wheel 1/3 fess ihulunre now for every maneuver . . . the feeling you get of utter control is as wonderful as it is new. Even at a standstill you can turn the wheel easily. Now, parking is sitorn of its trouble« (and fatigue!) . . . and you can negotiate traffic, awkward drivtw, and garage doors precisely aud with >aa*. You can double the longest day's drive you’ ve ever known . . , end up free from arm and shoulder strain. Rough roads, soft shoulders, snow, mud? . . . the power that helps you steer now prevents the car’s wheels from “ steering back" at you. The course you set is held, at any speed, till you want it changed. Yet, with this 5-times greater control, "wheel feel” is always the same. Why not come try it? Learn for yourself why growing thousands of motorists say they’ll never he without Full-time Power St wring from now on. Drive a Chrysler . . . and Learn the Difference! CHRYSLER TH E FINEST « \K AMEMU ft lifts YET P H O D IC E D Why w orry about freight car shortages, lack of elevator space, and market prices (they often are low at Harvest-time). W hy w orry every yoar you have a crop? Now you can purchase fire proof, rodant- proof, easily erected • SIOUX • Steel Storage and forever avoid unnecessary w orry and loss of profits. Am ple safe farm storage often pays for itself the first year! The land the crop is raised on seldom does this! L I V E S T O C K R A I S E R S with enough • SIOUX • Steel Storage can purchase feeds to better advantage, and store without tire or rodant losses. Anyone can easily erect * SIOUX • Steel Bins,—often in less time than is spent trying to get the crop to the elevator during harvest. Ask your dealer to supply you with • SIOUX • Steel Bins now, and enjoy the extra money safe, ample, farm storage provides every year from now on. Approved bins for government storage. Can Pay 15’° down, 5 years on balance. For further information, sec Sid Walker, Manager, Nyasa Farm ers S u pply C o o p Waggoner Motor Co. N?.»?o?.9 on 1— 1945, 12A John Deere combine with all attach ments. 1— Killifer John Deere 7-ft. tandem disc. 1 — 12-ft. John Deere dump rake, tractor hitch and rope dump. 1— 8-ft. Case cultipacker. 2— Rubber tired wagons. 1— McCormick-Deering manure spreader. 1— Ford finger weeder, 12-ft. 1— Machinery trailer, on rubber. 2000 feet 2x6 inch lumber, assorted lengths. 1— 1951 four-wheel drive Jeep pick-up with hardwood stock rack. 1— Horsedrawn beet lifter. 1— 8-ft horse drawn disc. 1— Stock trailer, 16-in. rubber. 1— Jackson fork. 8— 10-gal. milk cans. Approximately 5 rolls 32-in. woven wire. 60 rolls good galvanized barbed wire, new. 1— Pile scrap lumber. Some posts. 2— 50-gal. gas barrels. 1— Good electric fencer. 40— Good corral poles. Some miscellaneous tools. POULTRY, etc. 2— Dozen fryers. 2— Doe rabbits with young ones. 1— Fat doe. 1— Buck. 1— Bummer lamb. 8— Sacks Nitro pills. GRAIN Approximately 50 bu. wheat and barley, m ixed. Some oats. Some miscellaneous household goods. WALLACE GREGG, Owner Cols. Bsrt A n dsrsos. Joe Church. Clayton Tschirgi. a u ctio n s * «. L. H. Fritta, dark » •