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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1952)
.TTOJIYSSA^CATX O TY JOTJBNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THUBSDAY. JUNE 26. 1952 PAGE FOTTA and son- and Inez Carvajal w-‘ re tou-t mu.-ier u.d the banquet ».11- wa_- given by the H. nor&oie • upper g ie -t- 8-.nd.»y evening at the Phillip S Hitchcock, senator t o * Orton Winn h*xr.e »bj-ot graduated from tr. : 17 Klamath Fall H. Cora Jean Jen which she at- was "Legislature Under Pre vare the Vale high -c Mrs. Juki- B or*» tended this year 1‘ honr 04K-K2 M r and M: J W Williams of L ngvie* W.t i.'t v. -ting James E. c r«M o returned h*«ne ar.d work Mr- Carvajal is Mr Mar- at the home of Mr William's par Mr and Mrs John Laca and - from Moscow Sunday to -pend the ent-. Mr and Mr- Peter Jensen this t.r.ez- -;-tsr and Mrs. Inez Mart - of Sacramento. California visaed it ummer w.ih his parer.-. Mr and the Jak>* Borge home Thur-la- nez is hi- mother Jesse Martinez, a week. M: Douglas A Cruson o: Nu A. re brother, drove the family up and through Saturday of last weex M Mr and Mr*. Austin Barton of Laca is a sister of Mr. Borge They *:U return to California Monday Vale were week-end gue s at the Mr and Mrs Arthur Ramsay and sent on to visit relatives of Mr nome of Mr and Mrs A L Barton family of John Day were week-end Laca in Idaho next week Alla ( handler of Valr » a - a week Karla Kriegh started taking d* - guev. a: the Orton Winn home Mr. cing lessons with Mane Borge Thur-- Ram-ay is Mrs Wmn's brother Despite k)--e- in some areas, real end guest at the Torn Chandler Terry Borge, Cray Harris, and nome. day at Parma and personal tux valuations through Mrs. M. C. Senell of Nu Aire* was Mrs Sally Carvajal and children Betty Hammon left for Corvallis out the county are up this year more and Mr>. Inez Martinez o f Walnut with the 4-H group Tuesday morn than one n.,11. :. c liar-. John Koop- a week-end guest at the Roy H off Creek. California arrived at the An ing rhey will attend a 10-day sum man. assessor announced this week home. Mrs. V. Iluus went to Corvallis tonio Martinez home Saturday eve mer session The new '■ tul of $23 199 035 does Mr and Mrs Antonio Martinez last week and brought her son. Har- ning They plan to stay all -ummer not include the b.g a-.-esument of .ey home from Oregon State college public utiliue- in the county where he just completed his fresn- as this is made each year by the man years. slate tax commis-ion and transmit lion Fife and West Burs returned ted to the asse.-sor later on. jo their base at Victorville. Califor Koopman -aid the increase of nia Sunday after spending a 15 day $1.125.019 in valuations, which will furlough with their parents and lower taxe- for many whose property friends. P itted values have not changed, came in 30 lb. Dennis Lee of Forest Drove, Ore both per-onal and real classifica gon arrived last Wednesday for an tions. but that large-t gains were extended visit at the home of Mr. made ui per • nal tux assessments in S w e e te n e d and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin Sunday T in * both Ontario and N> -a :he Chapins and their guest visited The county tux roll this year was in Caldwell. mcrea-ed as the re-ult cf a special Darryl and Loyd Child sons of Mr. deputy a-'e.'-or who checked act lal and Mrs Leo Child are ; isiting their Dock record of all -tocks-in-t: ade grandfather. Earl Parker in Cald Lockerseal and store naei.t Vale -howed well while Arietta Child Is helping Plastic the slightest gain in -uch valuation. her grandmother, Mrs Earl Parker Nestrite Containers Freezer Bags Koopman said, a- a result of the in Payette. Pints and Quarts Pints, Quarts, >2 Gallons closer scrutiny but $90,000 was add Mr. Leseberg left Monday for ed in personal property valuation in Mechum, Oregon and Mr- Leseberg, Ny.wa and a whopping increase jf Viva Mary Jensen and Teresa Jen $_’42,00o in per > property valua sen left today. Miss Jensen will tion alone was counted for Ontario. -pend two weeks visiting the Lese- l/z mile west on Alberta Ave. Phone 381-R, locker plant Total of ba il personal and real bergs. Phone 381-W, slaughterhouse and cutting room property increa.-e for Vale was $24- Mrs. Mi Donald of < uldwell is 160 'about half and half», for Nyssa, spending the week with her sister $142.650 and for Ontario, $397.100. and brother-in-law. Mr and Mrs. For the fir-t time the assessment J C. Smith. roll will show a higher school district Mrs. Mae Vanre of Payette is the Vale Un. *n high school district visiting at the home of her daugn- than for the Ny-.-a school district, l*r, Mrs Art Servos.- Mr- Vance according to K pman. For the Vale is taking care of Mrs. Servoss be district, the total of personal and cause she has been ill. L et U s H a u l Y o u r real property, exclusive of public Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Snider return utilitie-. is $4 263.615 and for Nyssa ed last week from a trip to San the figure i> $4 156.310 Nyssa’s lower Fransisco where Mrs. Srnder attend figure is a reflect.on to some extent ed the National Foundation of In of the loss of some $322.000 in valua fantile Paj-alysis Conference tion formerly placed on sugar stocks Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Shav from a n d O th er P ro d u ce of the Amalgamated Sugar company. San Simeon, California are visiting By moving the -to, k.- prior to April her sister, Mrs W alter Kampy and R e a s o n a b le R a te s— E ffic ie n t S erv ic e 1 this year, the company escaped another sister. Mrs. Leslie Joplin of assessment for them Eagle, Idaho. In returning home While the Ny-sa school district they will visit Yellowstone. decreased in valuation by some Mr. and Mrs. Aden Wilson return $433.150. the Ontario district valua ed Sunday after spending a week ai tion increa ed $586.970 over the pre Soap Lake, Washington A service added to our hauling and vious year, and the Vale grade school Mrs. Bud Wilson, Donna and Mike district increa-ed $122.535 for a total returned Sunday from Portland m o v in g b u sin ess valuation 1 again, less public utli- where Mrs. Wilson and Donna at tiesl of $2.589 590 tended a college tea and style show, "We do not know what the public at the Multnomah hotel. This tea C A L L 234 utilitie- valuation will show yet.” was sponsored by the Stephen's col Koopman -aid. but it is probable lege in Missouri and attending were that they will be about the same as all girLs from the Pacific Northwest last year thu- making a net increase that were planning on attending in the county valuation of well over Stephen's college next year and a million dollar ." Malheur Enter those who have already attended the Nyssa prise. 312 S. 4th college. Donna Lea Wilson returned last Tue-day from spending a few days at Hell's Canyon with her father and then went to Portland. Last week Mr. and Mrs. Mel Inge- britsen were visiting at Warm Lake, On June 5 and 6 Mrs. Jesse Rig- Idaho. W.i.-hington. D. C. Dr. Mackie spent ney attended the annual special edu cation meeting in Bend The meeting wa- planned and directed by the state director o f special education. Dr. Walter E. Snyder and the state consultants in the various fields of -penal education. The keynote Royal Neighbors Meet U n c o n d itio n a l G u a r a n te e -penker was Dr. Romaine Mackie The Royal Neighbors met last from the office of education in Wednesday at the home of Mrs. better and wider curriculum for the John Reeves. Nine members were a large part o f last year traveling present. They voted to change re in Europe studying the problems of corder and receiver which are Helen education and she brought to the conference a number of well In formed. inspirational, addresses. She emphasized the present need for a handicapped child. Other exceptional speakers dur Genuine ing the conference were Dr Thomas E Talbot, department of ophthal mology. University of Oregon Medi cal School. Portland, Oregon; Mrs Lucy Mullins, supervising health to fit any car nur c Bend; C. F Feike. director of vocational rehabilitation. State De All other s iz e * reduced proportionally partment o f Education, Salem; Dr. Willlard D. Rowland, plastic sur during thia tale! geon. I*ortlaiui. I)r Rowland, a specialist in cleft palate surgery, showed films to Ul- J u n e 2 7 T h r o u g h J u ly 7 u-1rate his lecture and also played records which gave the speech his tory of one of the children who has received speech correction in the Ny--.i .-chixiLs. U. S . 20 Phone 117 During the conference banquet. Dr Dan Langston, director of child -ervices. Portland public schools, w is Newell Heights News LOCAL NEWS Million Dollar Valuation Increase P IE C H E R R I E S W axed Lily Tubs, 3 Sizes FISCHER S LOCKER SERVICE ATTENTION FARMERS Tue » r r m *rts were served by »he h*>*t and «3» r.v-T and r •e.ver M* g e ( * • for the we cream h » less. ler Punch and c o c . r wrre -e:v ■' p.rci. p-nT.i Wai b* fc*.J J y 27 It will ue pt>?;a k There w.J oe no oy the ho-te-- They then until J lily 9 + —4 .ANNOUNCEMENT Mr and Mr- Ralph L Hxworth thair : e ' ' I pen 11 . e Picnic Held jor 'heir three daughters and the.r Mr and Mrs Bridi e Club Met e a a r e E The Mr and Mr- Bridge dub met farnihe at their new home on the church Sundav -h o o l was r.e.u Sun Nariipa-^'ar road. 2 3 4 miles sou'-h - II and M n day a: the Caldwell park There were a* of the blinker light on Highway 20. Wilson Wednesday Mr and M: 56 members present. Ted M rgan won high and Dr and Sunday. July 6, hours 2 to 10 p m + —v 24-2t Mrs S Palmer was low Refresh- lu tr • t ale- until Sep.emuer •>_ Corfield-Ruberts United In Marriage Chester E Corfield and Bula Rob erts were united in marriage Mon day. June 23 at 8 00 in the home of Judge Graham with Judge Graham giving the vow- One of the witnesses was Mr-. Wallace Hwlmes. <- kai ft Team Up Your Tractor with a M ew I d ea m o w er St. Annes Altar Society The St. Annes Altar Society met Thursday. They dropped the plans for Speedier and Easier Cutting of Any Hayfield WANTED Hay Baling W o r k « w ith a ll m odern tra c to ra . Hitched or unhitched In a few min ute». Readily adjuated and serviced. Fully power operated; no levers to manipulate. Pow er shaft provided with safety ratchet. Overload releaae p r o te c ts c u tte r b ar. S w iv e l a rm makes square turns possible. Smooth, clean c u ttin g in h ea viest g ro w th . Many other extra-value features. Let us tell you about them soon .. today. W ire Tie All New Equipment lack Zittercob Plume 277-NW DR. G.W. GRAVES O p to m e tria t E yes E x a m in e d Phone 9-2312 7 1 8 A r th u r St. C a ld w e ll, Id a h o ^ ------------- -----------r POTATOES M AY TRUCKING CO. Mrs. Rigney Gives Report On Meet .¡TIRE SALE:. b u r ia l S u ites HOODS ARE BETTER Alt* evallaM* In My4»«ulk lift M*4*l—glv*» •«•*» c*ntr*l In lifting w l*w«,inf « » « • > boi. Bauman Farm Equipment Ontario Phone 56 Nyssa Phone 333 Special Clearance Sale BALE TIES *7.95 Bauman Farm Equipment Your Allis-Chalmers and N ew Idea Dealer N Y S S A STO RE 1 Mile No. of Nyssa Phone 333 O N T A R I O STORE 510 No. Oregon Phone 56 500x16. Extra Service— SI 1.95, exchange plus tax. Special 500x16, Dood 400— 515.95, plus tax. VETERANS CASCO VISOR 670x15, Hood 400— 517.95, plus tax. $14.95 NYSSA MOTORS BERRETT S SERVICE iloti um Know1 BONUS RALPH LAWRENCE WORTH? Its value depends on what you do with itf So don’t let it slip S P E C I A L through your fingers on non-essentials, or get-rich-quick schemes. Hold on to that bonus and consider carefully any plan to use it. Before spending or investing your bonus come into The First Suprise Package Deal With each purchase of $100.00 or more THIS WEEK END O N LY - B uy that or a n y D a v e n p o r t S et, g ro u p . Terms as low as B edroom Set It’ « a R ea l D e a l : 1 0 °o down. Up to 2 years to pay. SHOP THIS WEEK-END- Ed Case Furniture Co U. S. 20 No. ol Y N y tsa , National and talk over your plans w ith a bank officer for accurate, dependable information based on sound banking principles. QUESTION: I've heard friends talking about the automatic re instatement'' clau-e in their fire insurance policies and wonder if you can tell me Just what It means 4 \ S W »R The automatic rein statement clause provides that * hen the Insurance Company has aaid a fire loss. This is a new ,-hange in most fire policies Even if the full amount of the policy i- paid it will not t educe the value of your policy Ny«aa Insuraric# Agwncf O re g o n 105 Mam M Plume ¿3 Deposit your check with us so you will have available cash when you need it. You can come in any time, 10 to 5, SIX D A Y S A W E E K , including Saturday. ÍV FIRST NYSSA BRANCH N A T IO N A L B A N K O F P O R T LA N D rf» UnA that *oyn OflN 10 TO 3 JJX DAY* A O H I « v r~>r Corp«rd - © «>