THE NYS9A GATE CTnr JOUHWAt. HTSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 26. 13S2 s u ii'te d at Adrian — Mrs Artie i club member* that worked on R. .bei t.son Mis A. H Boydell. Mi - unds Sunday to -o idem L * :m trnuth and M i» F i ) Nor- r nlv lor the Jalopy rate * t drove out u> the country home Mr and M i' Jun Ritchie and Fr««n the Jn gm tl f i k l of M: Florence Chase to surprise Mrs. Alva (nHHlrll family cere Sunday dinner ue in her on her birthday. Phone 0(19 h i o 2« Year %*• June .’ i, 19*2 n »* A jo June ?« 941 N car storage warehou'* for onion.' N> " a trimmed the Boise Senators Mrs. Joe Callahan entered the The city of N> w ha ueJ a call Nys-a and other warehouses in tli Mr and M: Ben H. :< > Jr f for bid> on paving of approximately section were outlined at a meetir.c 9 to 4 at Boise to maintain the lead Los Angeles spent Tnursd.iv evening hospital at Ontario Thursday and 3 ; mile> of 'tree: - and intersections of onion grower' of Malheur, Wash- in the Idaho-Oregon league.-----Mr at the_ Willi.- Bertram home Mr. will undergo an operation this ween and Mrs. Sid Burbidge returned Barbara Tanner spent Sunday and other improvement: which will in ton, Payette »nd Canyon countt M am with Patty Patterson at the Owyhee Luther Fife ( : from Portland where he was dele- Hailey is a cou-u. be started within the next few held in Ontario gate at the Masonic grand lodge---- Mr and Mr IV .u ■: t’ U .u ai d Junction. 1*1 M mi Potter Ny-sa was low bidder on the con­ . .1: : >h i Mr and Mrs Howard Day. Mi purchased the Star Ho-.el from Mr. struction of the proposed farm’ labor J A Tterteling Co purchased a 140 boy.' and Alva C. ton diesel wradgline tor construction 1 near Ironside Sutni.iv an i Mrs Jim Ritchie and Mr and camp at Nyssa. according to meager and Mrs. B I Rogers.-----Olean Mr and Mi Gc. o Cleaver and Mrs Loyd Cleaver spent Thursday W ell, was elected president and Glea reports H i' bid was -.lightly less than of the first stretch of maul canal . :. a ended eicmuri at the Eugene Cleaver homo Billings, vice president of the Nyssa *100.000.---- May G riffith o f Cald­ and is the first dragline west of the Mr. and Mrs. Alva u Mr and M r' S B Hoffman spent Lions club.-----Luther Fife, contrac­ well and Mrs. Lydia Jurnes of Par­ Mississippi with an aluminum boom, i the wcstling matches at the Armory Sunday afternoon at the Claude Day- tor started work Monday on the en­ ma have purchased the Nyssa Nur - -----Heavy stands of hay have been in Ontario Saturday evening. cut and stacked to replace an ex- Mi and Mi s Rt. < !1 Heilig f home near Adrian. largement and improvement of the mg home from Mr and Mrs. W il­ hausted supply last winter. Some of Burley called at the Willis Be: tram Carolyn Story spent the week-end son.-----Lester Harris of Ridgevtww elementary school building.-----Des­ ignation of the Owyhee reservoir was elected director and Mrs. M ar­ the best and largest crops reported , home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Heilig with Garnet Ritchie. Mr and Mrs A1 Keuhn of Bo ilder. urea as a state park was virtually tha Khngback, clerk for school dis­ are on the Robert Overstreet, C C. is an aunt of Mr- Benram Cotton, C. M Beaumont, T. T. Ell- Mr. and M: L yd Cleaver and farmer N y-'a residents, called at the a-sured this week by state officials trict No. 18. iott and Conrad Martin farms.---- Mr and Mrs. George Clea. er fished George Cleaver home Saturday who accompanied Nyssa men. Ber­ 15 Years Ago June 24. 1937 M erl Linder of Nyssa and Miss Mary and picnicked at the dam Frida-. morning nard Frost, Aden Wilson, Ey Pruyn, The Amalgamated Sugar Co. has Mrs Eugene Stephen entertain 'd Mr and Mrs. Howard Day and Herman Towne. Eddie Powell and taken an option on 240 acres of land Jane Tackett of Fruitland were mar- Leo Fife to the upper reaches of the at Cairo Junction The option has ried in Ontario.-----Engineer F. A the Chatter B \ . .b r her home Sandra were Sunday dinner g ie t- reservoir.-----Miss Barbara Browne caused some uneasiness among Nys­ Bants stated that more than one Wednesday afterno n Twelve mem- at Claude Day home near Adrian Mr and Mrs U E. Parker of La ­ who is taking nurses training ct sa people who were hopeful o f a fac­ world record had been broken in con- bers attended Refre-hments were Portland Medical hospital, has been tory being built in Nyssa this sum­ s'tructin* the Owyhee dam I t ’s the served by the h >stc-' and Mr- Jim terpr>e and their son, Hilbert, who is m the air corps, and has been vacationing with her parents, M-. mer and fall.-----M. F. Soloman was world's highest, G il Shea broke the Stephen. Jr co-hoste - Mr. and Mi Chari« Buckiur stationed m Texas, called on -ev- and Mrs. Wesley J. Browne.-----Mrs. appointed city recorder by Mayor world records in excavating the di- D. L. Hurst, Nyssa, has been an­ Eton Graham, to fill out the 18 version tunnel and S. S. M agoffin called at the Jame Stephen. Jr eral friends In the community Mon- day Hubert is on a furlough befor* nounced as a winner in a national month unexpired term o f the late Co. is conquering the world's hard- home Thursday evening Claudette Day ot nUrian spent leaving for Newfoundland. contest conducted bv the Ralton A. R Millar.-----Th e Union high est tunnel excavation. __ the week-end at the Howard Day Purina Co., St. P a u l-----Mr and school proposition in Kingman. 25 Years Ago June 24. 1927 Th e contract for the building of home, Mrs. Waynard Talbot announce the Owyhee, Wade and Lower Bend was Mrs. Howard Finger entertained engagement of their daughter. Mar- ratified at a school election Mon­ the new school house in Owyhee has Rev ami Mrs.. Frank Coley left gene to Glen Weeks, son o f Mr and day. After the boundary board has been given to Godfrey Hansen. Lin a group of ladies at her home Fri- were Wednesday morning for the state Mrs. Thomas Week'. i certified the election, a bond elec­ Kygar has taken the job of digging day evening. Refreshment camp meeting of the Assemblies of 10 Years Ago June 25. 1942 tion will be held and work will start the basement.-----A bright new bar- served. Plans for construction o f a 100- '• on the new Union high to be con- ber pole in front of Nyssa Barber i Mr and Mrs. Leslie Topliff. Mr. God and Brooks, Oregon. shop is an addition on Main street and Mrs. Edward Topliff. Reta Mae i Mr. uml Mrs. Cecil Richards and this week.-----Two new awnings in I And W anda called at the Harry W ar- daughters spent the p.i-t week in front of the Nyssa Packing Co.'s ren home near Parma Sunday af- Moses Lake. Washington where they building and the Rosebud add a ternoon. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hank good appearance to the North side Mr and Mrs Sc ;t Hiatt. Mr and Storm and Bobby, former residen. of Main street.-----About 20 mem- Mrs. Kenneth Sander- and Mr and of Ny--a They also went to Grand bers attended the regular meeting Mrs. John McCallister were dinner Coulee dam and other points of m- of the Nyssa Commercial club and it 1 guests at the Maneil Bishop home j terest. was voted to have a get-acquainted Sunday. Rev. anil Mrs. J. T. Kendall of picnic at tin-dam site.— An agency | Little Jimmy Bi hop ha been U1 Idaho are staying at the homi >1 I Rev. and Mrs. Frank Coley, taking for the new Whippet car will open with an ear infection. Mr and Mrs. Thurman Hill. Mr. charge of the Assembly of God in Nyssa July 1 with J. A. Cole and W. B Hoxie in charge o f sales at and Mrs. Lawrence Low and Larry church services while the Coley's are Gardner fished near Ironside Sun- attending camp meetings at Brook', the Hoxie Service Station. day. | Oregon. 30 Years Ago June 23, 1922 Mr and Mrs. Willis Bertram left Mr. and Mrs. Geo. N. Bear visited A well attended meeting of the Sunday for East Lake near Bend, friend at the veterans hospital in potato growers was held at Com oO o munity hall Tuesday evening and where-they met .i party from Milton- Boise Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken ICenstroni hail it was decided to form a pool o f 200 Freewater to fish several days the J as visitor: Sunday for dinner Mi cars and sell to the highest bidder.— past week. Use Our— Convenient Lay-Away Plan Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff spent and Mrs. John Peterson of Nampa Nyssa defeated Vale 13 to 0 in a ball game Sunday, giving Nyssa the pen­ Tuesday afternoon in Caldwell visit- and Mr. and Mrs. C. Leseberg of for Christmas. nant, having won 6 games out of ing Mrs. Irvin Topliff and Marcie M« chum. Oregon. Mr. anil Mrs. Ken Kenstrom left 8.-----C. C. Hunt has purchased the Ann who was in the hospital ther ■ Wednesday for Albany to attend the old Reece warehouse on the railroad home at Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tanner spent Fagle convention. They will return oO o right-of-way south of the depot which will be completely remodeled Wednesday evening at Alta Pekkala Sunday Loyd Adams, George Cleaver and Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Terhuns and and made into a warehouse and One Year Insurance Policy Given Free on fruit packing establishment.-----Miss Alva Goodell were among the Rid- Mary returned Sunday from a two Marian Lowe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowe o f the Owyhee was All Feature--Lock Diamond Sets. chosen delegate from Whitman Col­ lege to the Delta Gamma convention at Spring Lake. New Jersey. 35 Years Ago June 22, 1917 Home grown strawberries are now fairly plentiful and are selling two boxes for 25c.-----A large catepillar THE SEN SATIO NAL NEW tractor reached town by the O.S.L. to be used by the Land Co. in clear­ SUPER W ASHABLE ing and cultivating 900 acres of sage­ brush land under the Shoestring READY-TO-USE WALL PAINT near Nyssa.-----Denny and Co. of Chicago contracted for the entire apple crop of Apple Valley orchards, Coronado Pattern in Franciscan Pottery. IT'S Guaranteed* Washable! an estimated 150 carloads and plans Super Kem-Tone is easy to apply . . . to erect a new packing house and goes on smoothly, uniformly over wall­ cold storage plant.-----Fred Marshall Colors— Blue - White - Coral paper, paint, plaster, wood and other sur­ the local knight o f the brush, this faces. Dries in less than one hour. week painted Justice J. Boydell's o f­ fice building, making a thing of ♦After it has thoroughly dried, SUPER beauty of it.-----Transient laborers KEM-TONE will withstand repeated wash­ ings with usual household cleaners with­ are dropping into town and are im ­ out impairing its beauty! mediately hired by farmers at wages from $3 to $4 a dav and board.----- Top Value Marion Lowe of Owyhee, began sav­ ing pennies when four years old, in Thrifty Beauty! consequently was able to buy a lib­ Phone 244-W 219 Main The miracle wall finish made with erty bond last week. She twice held oil, mixes with water! a state championship, in canning K K M -T O N E is the outstanding and for sewing at the state fair. value for good home decoration Buena Vista D ays G one B y in N yssa Com m unity P A G E TWHEIf week ' ti t> (, ti, *rn a. Tht y v . i t - « f it i. tisl e u L Ai - geles, Sail i-tv^ ai.d Sacra­ mento Mr and Mrs, Hush Ilia n P A D IQ R E F R IG E R A T IO N arid family are visiting at the home of Mr and Mr Leo Child They plan :< -:ay three weeks to visit friends and relatives. '1 *<■ I ue» k of ( M iago i» visiting her sister, Mrv Ingebritsen REPAIRING Herbert E. Cox Technician M r. anil Mrs. R o b T y le r of llu rh e y were overnight guests at the Bob Thompson home Tuesday. Mrs. Roth returned Monday eve­ ning after spending two weeks in Spokane visiting relatives. Local New s arid Located At Western Store Phone 241-J Residence Ph. 286-R INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Has a New Model 64 Straight-Through 6-Foot Cut Combine. ----------o ---------- -¡RINGS:- Full Width Feeder Eliminates— BUNCHING, SLIPPIN G and W RAPPING ------- o See It Today A t— COME IN AND SEE OUR FINE Owyhee Truck & Implement Co. SELECTION OF RINGS. u iU ^ Nyssa, O regon Know your OREGON MILK CONTROL LAW 1 • # • y o u m e an I m u st p a y the s a m e price lo r ------ o O o ------- m ilk I carry h o m e m y se lf? Special Price U'fijA f Oregon Milk Con- trol compels stores to charge as much for cash-and- carry milk as you pay for home delivery 16-Piece Starter Set S 5 .0 0 a requirement in which O regon stands alm ost alon e among the 48 states. JACKSON JEWELRY STORE o nly $ 1.59 or. $ 4.98 GAL. C o lo n slightly high of. where extreme washability is not required. Only $3.98 per gallon . . . does average room! STYLE GUIDE Among cities o f Portland's si/e or larger, 92“ „ have lower prices for milk bought in stores, with an average saving o f I yi cents a quart. Portland is the only such city west of the Mississippi where store and delivered prices are the same. The six cities where store customers save most are: New York City......................... 4 ;ic Minneapolis............................. 4c Washington, D. C .....................3c Detroit......................................iy ,c Chicago.................................... 2>ic Kansas City.............................. 2>fc OUTSIDE. .. ON WALLS! H o u s e SWP P A I N T S H E R W IN - W IL L IA M S IS W IA T H If t A T f D * , Let’s Go To The Third Annual Irrigators’ Institute f a r y e a r p r . « . iH . n . . . i n t i : .» « • • • ( « . I . i t o t f l a t s , c a la r f a d in g , h ig h d irt c a lla c t ia n , r a p id a r a t i. n , v n c a a t r a lla d e b a lk ln g , ( b e c k in g , crac k in g , m ild e w a n d ( a m a i . s e -« (U.S. Dept, of Agriculture, May, 1.52) Oregon Milk Control has not per­ mitted the consumer to benefit from such savings made possible by effi­ cient distribution. Per Gil. I« S i • f . « r droa •> W t f I, to,tod for Hi ability lo ,o,l,t ootk ol tko,o tr.o t of da