o THE N YSSA GATE C U Y JOURNAL, HYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNE 19. 1952 PAG E SÎX pair, ladle- pure Days G o n e By in Nyssa Com m unity From the Journal Kile* ilk ho c 49» per * 10c per pa r and work sock 9c per pair. ?• Yrarv Ago June 16. 1932 Herman 1 wne left Tuesday for Goldfield. Nev where many for- b u r i a l J u lies •J._•$» W.S.C.S. Birthday He has pur- Luncheon and Social for nil ages. 8unday church school. 10 a. m. Junior church in basement audi­ Divme worship service 11 a. m. You are cordially invited to wor­ torium at 11 a. m Morning worship. 11 o'clock. ship with us. Evening evangelistic service, t o'ckxk L. D S 2nd WARD THE FREE METHODIST ( H l l t h D. Hubert Christensen. Bishop Adrian. Oregon CATHOLIC C l D t C i Sunday—Priesthood meeting. 9 15 Church school, 10 a m. Park Avcaae aad Third Streed a m. Sunday school 10:30 a m Morning worship. 11 a m Rev. Rembert Able*. O. F M. Young People's study period. 7 p Sacrament meeting. 8 p m Mass Sunday at 8 and 10 a m. Tuesday—Relief society, 2 p. m m Wednesday—Primary, 4 p m , M and daily at 8 a. m. Evangelist message. 8 p m Tuesday evening prayer and praise Wednesday prayer service, 7:30 I A , 8 p m. service. 8 o'clock p. m. Friday evening Young Peoples ASSEMBLY OP GOD Christ Ambassador service, 8 o’clock. Frank C. Coley, Pulor THE f H I k e n o r T H I Special music and songs. South 2nd and Reece Ave NAZARENE Everyone welcome. Sunday school. 10 a m , classes Rev. Glen Abla. Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a m. N Y P. S. and junior meeting, 7 p. m. Evangelistic service, 7 45 p m Mid-week prayer meeting, 8 o'clock Wednesday evening. 3acrament meeting, 7 30 p m • Tuesday- Relief society 2 W P m Wedi asdaj m i A „ 7 M p m. Wednesday—Primary. 4 p m . b.i christened '‘City o f Nyssa 5 Fears A g » June It. 1M1 < Nan Grider accompanied by Before an e- urn.ted crowd of 1000 b> M A birthday luncheon and party her attendants. M is Helen Warren eha ed an inure-l in the gold claims persons at the Nyssa boat carnival and Miss June Savage Mrs C on Cactus K.i f and a Quarter, Jimmy Savage fin ­ -Construction o f a new Trail- Howard J Lar en. owner will keep Christian Service, friend-, and guests. ished second and Dr J H Cuudali, days bus depot on the corner of Ed Pruyn and Herschel Thompson This annual social meeting will fea­ third.----- Grading for the new ath­ Main and third streets will be start­ in hi- employee and Eddie Powell ture a covered dish luncheon and letic field on the Nyssa school ed July 1 — Miss Lucille Sallee re­ will run the .service station bu.si- program with Mrs. Ben McConnell. grounds was started last week for ceived her B. S. degree at commence­ nes- -County Commi loner J D. Mrs. Kinsey Keveren and Mr Eu­ the school district and Nyssa Ath­ ment exercises held by O S. C. at Fairman ol Harper accompanied the gene Grasty, the committee in letic Field Improvement association Corvallis. first shipment of diato insulating charge of arrangements The field is located due west o f the The tables will be decorated in the brick to Seattle last week where the 10 Vrari Ago June IS 1942 grade school building. — Before a four seasons of the year with each new Harper product will be used in A ma > meeting will be held Friday large crowd assembled on the lawn a government building The ship­ one present seated at the table rep­ at the city hall, Sunday afternoon evening to complete the organization ment may be the dawning of a new resenting the season in which her of a home guard unit in Nyssa. a new modernistic Pacific Trail wavs birthday occurs. Opportunity will be Kurnut Lienkaemper, retiring secre­ industry in Malheur county — given to contribute a penny for each Governor Julio Meier of Oregon *■■■■ i w m m w m m m m tary of the Nyssa Lion's club was year of age. Each one is requested honored with a farewell gift from has been invited to make the dedi­ to bring one covered dish. ST. P A I L'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH the organization He has been called cation addre at Owyhee dam cele­ Mrs. H G. McCallister, wife of the Rev. C. T. Crenshaw. Rector for induction into the army.----- bration Suni.iy. July 17.-----J. A new pastor has been invited as a Terteling C > 1 Ellensburg. Wn will Henry Hartley was elected president Evening service. 7:30 p. m. special guest. begin excavation on the $133,430 of the Lions club for the ensuing ye a r-----J. C. Watson, produce deal­ contract of 4.6 miles of Mitchell F A IT H LU TH ERAN CHURCH er reported pea picking started this Butte canal, first stretch of ditch Girl Scout and Fifth Street & Park Avenue of the Owyhee Brownie Breakfast week and lettuce harvest will be Rev. John L. Briehl. Pastor Estimates Gladly Given completed within the next few 25 Years Ago June 17, 1927 The G irl Scouts and Brownies of days.-----Mr and Mrs. C. O Wyckoff Shortly before midnight Tuesday Nyssa held their annual breakfast are delegates of the Oregon Trail one of the wor t electrical storms in at the Nyssa park Saturday. The Grange attending the state Grange the history of the county swept down morning was spent in playing games Phone 134L2 meeting at Milwaukie. on Vale. A gale in hurricane propor­ and doing art craft work. tions uprooted trees, doing damage 15 Years Ago June 10, 1937 Parma, Idaho Mrs. Herbert Hoover presented the to signs and buildings, tearing down Surprise Birthday Dinner Golden Eaglet special G irl Scout a- I power and telephone lines and dam­ Nine members of the adult group ward to Evelyn Haworth of Kingman aging crops extensively---- $50,000 of the M V.F. gave a surprise party in warrants was received by H. S. Wire Tie Kolony on a visit to Boise Thurs­ Sackett, county clerk from the sec­ for Fumi Kasahara Thursday, June day.-----John Koopman, janitor of Home beauty bogios the local school, passed the examin­ retary of state for reimbursement to 12. They took her to dinner at the All New Equipment Moore hotel in Ontario and after­ ation for State policemen at Salem sufferers who lost property in the wards went to the show. At the close with King- Monday and will soon be assigned Bully Creek Hood of 1925 of the evening they presented her for permanent duty. — a L notch* man Kolony Sunday school boasts a gift. an attendance of 51.-----"Coyote B ill” er was named acting city recorder Phone 131-R by Mayor Graham following the Snyder, Malheur county government Monday Club sudden death of A. H. Millar, city hunter, who holds the greatest rec­ The Monday club met at the home recorder since 1924.----- Harry Russell ord of any predatory animal killer was elected commander o f the Nys- ever employed by the government, of Mrs Huston Wilson, Monday. Mrs. so Post of the American I.egion suc­ has resigned He has a total o f 2539, Ted Morgan won high and Mrs. ceeding Fred Gsterkamp Wilson a record giving him national fame.— Dwight W yckoff won low The guests % Brothers Dept. Store advertised Reduction have been made by Olds- for the evening were Mrs. John O l­ Clayton fine sheeting for three mobile averaging $100 for all mod­ son, Mrs, Warren Farmer. Mrs. Gene Picked or yards for 25c, 80 square prints, 15c els. making the price range from Stunz and Mrs. Dwight Wyckoff. Stunz Lumber Co. per yard; ladies rayon hose, 18c per $975 for 2-door sedans with front and rear bumpers to $1075 for delux You Pick models.— About 30 friends sur­ prised Mrs George Schweizer to F IR S T CHURCH OF C H R IST Bring Container celebrate her birthday Friday even­ (Christian) ing Everyone in Nyssa and vi- clninty is closely watching the pro­ Austin J. Hollingsworth. Minister Y. K ID O 10 a. in., Sunday school. Classes gress of Charles Newbill, local bov, one of the pitchers for the Idaho for all. Gem Ave. Nyssa 10 a. m., morning worship. Rev. Falls "spuds" and are proud to see he again pitched a victory for his John Daly, guest preacher during pastor’s vacation. team Sunday. -P A C K A G IN G No night worship for several £paiasiasi 515 isi! SlffllSUölsmTSjRdl^lSl! 30 Years Ago June 9. 1922 Nyssa Boosters met at the office weeks. o f E. M Blodgett and started the machinery moving for establishment M IS S IO N A R Y B A P T IS T CHURCH Pastor, Elder Haskell Dane of an auto park in Nyssa. Proposal Sunday evening, June 22, at 8:00 was made to lease and fit up for the is the Lockerseal Plastic convenience of tourists as a camp­ p. m.. W. S. Goulding, a missionary Man Nestrite Containers Freezer Bags ing ground, a piece of the Ward au­ of the Northern California Baptist Who dition on the East side o f the rail­ association, who recently has been Pints and Quarts Pints, Quarts, 1 Gallons Can road.----Mr Ward of Skull Springs on the field in Costa Rico and Pana- I reports a good wool clip this year, ma, and is preparing to return there Re-condition thanks to the Harding administra­ soon, will deliver the evening service your mower tion, with prices around 35c per at the Missionary Baptist church j There also will be a short film on Vi mile west on Alberta Ave. Phone 381-R, locker plant pound.——The city library was mov­ ed this week to its new quarters in his tour of those countries. Baptis­ Phone 381-W, slaughterhouse and cutting room the Reberger building-----A wee mal services will follow. (laughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Barney Wilson. Mother and child TIIE M ETH O D IST C O M M U N ITY CHURCH are doing well and the doctor has Donald S. Campbell, Minister strong hopes of Barney’s ultimate 9 45 a. m., church school. recovery.-----C. C. Hunt and family 11 a. in., morning worship. moved out to their ranch and are 7 p. in., Youth Fellowship. getting settled in their hansome new residence. A D R IA N U NITED THESE S H O U L D N ’T L A S T L O N G ! 35 Years Ago June 15, 1917 PR E S B Y TE R IA N CHURCH Justice J Boydell has moved his Henry E. Moure, Pastor 1— 1951 G E H L F O R A G E H A R V E S T E R — office from the Sharp Building to Morning worship, 11 a. m. more commodious quarters in the This machine is really well worth the money. building just east of the Nyssa L. 1). S. 1st W AR D Garage J, M Duncan this week (•union Kay. Bishop 1— USED F A R M H A N D — sold his entire prospective hay crop Sunday—Priesthood meeting, 9:15’ Needs a paint job— but she'll still do lots of work. to «the Desert Sheep Co. for $12.50 a a. m. Sunday school, 10:30 a. m ton Miss Donalda McDonald A REAL buy for $495. graduated from nurses training it | Portland —John Molenaar and a 1— USED O L IV E R SIDE D E L IV E R Y R A K E number of Kingman Kolony farm ­ Special at $125. ers just sold their hay for $12.50 a ton, a price which allows liberal We Also Have a USED MOLINE BALER profits and lets the farmer view the high cost o f living with equanim­ and a USED JOHN DEERE BALER ity Councilman Hoxie declared war on the weeds on the streets and See them at alleys and mobilized the small boys of the town for a grand offensive.— H. T. Pratt o f Hie Owyhee stated that nearly all the new pumping plants installed recently in his neighborhood are in operation and Phone 444 612 Arcadia Blv'd Nyssa, Oregon farmers are vexed by ditches break­ ing and flooding land that hasn't known water since Noah's famous cruise. MEULLER FURNACES— LINK BELT STOKERS HEATING GEORGE J. KINZERI i WANTED FO RD O W N E R S Prepare Your Car Now For Your Vacation and Picnic Trips Hay Baling ... lack Zittercob M O T O R T U N E -U P — Guaranteed Re-manufactured Motors. G A TE S SU PE R T IR E S — Unconditionally Guaranteed. SU M M ER L U B R I C A T I O N — Using Texaco Oils and Lubricants. STRAWBERRIES CIIUKOI NOTES S P E C IA L V A L U E S 20 % 'frote* Toorf OFF Ì S v p p iïes F 20 % OFF Art Baker W axed Lily Tubs. 3 Sizes FISCHER'S LOCKER SERVICE If You Wish— Take Advantage of Our Budget Plan— Pay A « You Ride Ford Dealer* Know Ford Cart Bett Bring Your Ford Back Home HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Your Transportation Merchant USED HAY EQUIPMENT Subscribe Now or Renew Your Subscription For The Gate City Journal B & M Equipment Co., Inc. INSURE AGAINST FIRE JALOPY and At our low rates it Leroy Karton accoinpnird his par­ ents, Mr and Mrs. Barton of Vale about 100 years to to Pendleton, Oregon. He returned value of your home Sunday. Mis* liianne Mauliling danced the "Shadow W altz" at the Job's Daugh- * surance. See us soon ter installation of officers at Gresh- ■ dable protection. am, Oregon where her cousin Jill Lewis was installed as Honored Queen. Mr. and Mrs. Ward W ieneke were 16 N. 3rd called to Portland last week by the death of his mother. Mrs. H. A Wieneke. would take spend the From A Member o f the Malheur Memorial Hospital Auxiliary You will receive the newspaper covering the activities of the Nyssa Community each week and will be helping this hard-working organ­ ization raise funds for their hospital work. on fire in ­ for depen­ KEN POND Ph. 21* This Auxiliary Subscription Campaign Ends July 19, 1952 Only $ 2 .5 0 Per Year In Malheur County, Oregon and Payette and Canyon Counties, Idaho WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 Trial Run* Begin At 8:00 P.M. NYSSA RODEO GROUNDS 20 Cara Under Entered The Lights ADM. SI Children Under 12 FREE When Accompanied by a Parent Before You Buy Shop Western Stores $ 3 .0 0 Per Year Elsewhere for YOUR DEEP FREEZE 9 cu. it. $309.99 15 cu. ft. S399.99 22 cu. ft. $499.99 After July 19, 1952 Subscription Rates Will Be Advanced to $ 3 .0 0 Per Year In Malheur County, Oregon, and Payette and Canyon Counties, Idaho These Freezers Store 50 Pounds Thrills - Spills! Don't Miss It! ol Meat per cu. ft. WESTERN STORES P '“ " - — Sponsored By •a NYSSA RIDING CLUB 215 Main Phcma 244-J $3.50 Per Year Elsewhere A F T E R T H A T D A T E — Single Copies W ill Be Advanced to 7c