• • PAGE PTVE THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOUBNAL, NYSSA OREGON THURSDAY JUNE 19 1952 News From Big Bend Miv> Helen Hatch P.ione l'Alida 1 r :i Mr and Mr- C K. Clark • i.t Father.'. Day In Caldwell at the home oi his mother. l>r Elsie Sim;’; A T.iwn supper was enj >yed at the home o f Mi and M: Gordie Dick­ er son Friday evening in honor of their cousin. Mrs. Victor Jensen, daughter. Mr and Mr Bill Dicker- son and her son. Stgard Jensen of Laconia New Hampshire. The e present to enjoy the supper were Ml Mid Mi I in Thom Ali and Jimmy, Mr and Mr. Frank D.clterson. Mr and Mis Charles ' ■ M Mrs. Bill Dickerson and the hostess, the Gor­ die Dicker , ui family Mrs John Auker went as a dele­ gate to the W G M .S convention ii D rut. M.chican from five United Presbyterian churches in Idaho. She i inumili munii mu i it imimitimm' I)r. Clare F. Conley Optometrist EYES E X A M IN E D (Opp. Sears) Dial 9-3371 519 Cleveland, Caldwell. Ida. 111111111111111II111111 ! 1111111111111II1111111 Window Shades oay «t tin* Cold will M m : .a', park ah will visit a sister While *Way - m J.: v Pa ’k* Kt nas oven con- f r M: - Pa-kw .\ id i P c i i h e e l George Rhode*- and farti.o H brother- and w the past week. V\ ,u lias been received that Mrs. been together lor ¿b year- were »11 present. There were 41 t enj. > tin B Bend med at her home in Tacoma. occasion. The afternoon wa- (>eiit in visiting and taking picture- Washington last Saturday. Mi and Mrs Lyle Smith and two Mrs. Clara Cassell returned to her daughters, Evelyn and Della iron» home in Payette Thursday after a \ . iver. Washington are visiting two week-' visit with old friend- and :.i : , .ir and family. Mr and Mrs. neighbors. Mr- Clara Ca^-ell returned to her Heto Thomas and Merle. Ha Cartwright went to the dam home in Payette Thursday after a two weeks’ visit with old fr .01 .«.i- and fishing Sunday. rh Jolly Jane club met with their neighbors. p:s . lent. Miss Helen Hatch, June 11. Mr and Mrs. Tom Ferguson and A nn c crowd was present They pre­ Evelyn of A p p le Valle> and Mrs en;. d Mrs. Henry Keuter with a Clara Cassell of Payette wa re Sun­ day dinner guests at the Harvey pink and blue shower. Mi and Mrs. Ralph Plank oi Hatch home. Mr and Mr- Jack Slabaugh and Clarkston. Washington visited at the Va:u.i r Hopkins home Sunday, leav­ Debbie of Caldwell .-pent the week­ ing Monday morning to continue end at the C. K Smith home their trip to Los Angeles, California. Mrs. Eva Schluntz, sister of Mrs Mr and Mrs. Henry Eden and Chet Snnth and Frank Shelton, ar­ Jt rry had dinner with her folks Mr. rived Saturday evening from Alma, and Mrs. Luthur Murray near Wild­ Nebraska to spend a few days with er last Sunday. Mrs. Chet Smith and Frank Shelton H race Chaney's mother. Mrs. and their fannlie- Anna Chaney of Nyssa and his uncle, (Too late for last week» Perry Smith of Boise were overnight Mr and Mrs. John Tru.-sell and guest- at their home last Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Glen Trussed of Qer- Mr and Mrs. Vern Bullen and vais, Oregon called on the English family and Mr. and Mrs. Emery and Bennett families Wednesday Mr and Mrs. Dyre Roberts and Camerons and baby attended a Father's Day dinner with Mr. and family made a trip up to McCall Mr- Wesley Jennings up south of Sunday Mrs. Goldie Roberts took her car Lake Lowell. Mi Joyce Jelimek returned home and took Karen and Sharen. Mar­ from a two weeks’ visit with ^Miss garet Bennett, and Helen Metcalf to B mice Senn at Ephrata, Washing­ Caldwell for a picnic and swim sponsored by the Fidal Arnica so­ ton. Mr and Mrs. Jack Jones, Maryann ciety. Kennth Smith made a trip to and Victor, attended a Father's Day dinner at the home of their daugh­ Ferndale, Washington to bring his ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leon wife and children home They have Kellar, also present were Mr. and been visiting her parents. Mr Homer Diderick.-en and chil- dren. and Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Owen Adrian Dairy Club Met of Portland. who were here visiting The Adrian Dairy club met at the her ister, Mrs. Jack Jones. Vanderpool home Friday Six mem­ Mr and Mrs. Marian English of bers were present They told how Cambridge, Idaho visited at the each of them got their animals. They home of his brother. Mr. and Mrs. will meet again June 20 at the Mc­ Darrell English Sunday. Kinley home in Adrian at 2 p in Mr-. Dyre Roberts, Sharen and Karen, Mrs. Ruby English, Ross. Eleanor, and Wayne, drove to Nam­ pa to see Mr. and Mrs. Don Boren, who have a new baby. Mrs. Roberts visited her parents, Mr and Mrs. Henderlider of Nampa and on their Retail Credit Office way home visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Haworth at their new home. has moved from While gone, they saw one car wreck, one house on fire, and anotiher car 2171/* N. 5th to in a drain ditch. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Miller of Den­ 113 Green Ave.. ver pent Wednesday until Sunday with his daughter and family. M: between 1st and 2nd and Mrs. Noel Tuppeny. Mr and Mr-. Chester Stanton were Sunday dinner guests o f Mr. and Mr Alvie Bell in Weiser. Mr. and M n Doyle Hodge, Michel and Gary were Sunday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Wilson. After which they took a drive to Parma and Nyssa. Sunday, June 29, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Haworth invite all their old friends and neighbors to their home. They will hold open house, all the Haworth girls will be there to wel­ come old friends. Mr and Mrs. John Packwood, Jimmy and Harry attended a big family reunion ad picnic dinner Sun- on a lecture by Mrs. Fowler on flow­ a a 1 ig June 10 at the home of Mrs p 3 er and show practice. The- lecture Galleger Beautiful flower arrange­ wa- part of the program of tlte dis- ments were on the table and all over tric' meeting held in Ji eph on M o . the house and in the garden Mrs. Christian Women Maurice L Judd told of the business Fellowship Meet of the Federated Garden club meet­ Birthday Party (liven The Chri-tian women fellow-lnp ing in Portland Mr Oaret Stam Carolyn Lowe, daughter of Mr ■ told of the program of the evening and Mrs Ralph Lowe entertained members and one guest present. The Nae Hammer . f Seattle gave a talk 12 guc-t- at her 5th birthd..;. p u t ) meeting was opened by the pic Mr- George Schweizer gave a report Friday at the home of her parents. dent. Mrs Emmerson Bmguman De­ votions were led by Mr.- Dorothy Bibby Business meeting followed Study program was led by Mrs. Dan Penny and her subject wa- Hevn .» of the Latin American Countries" New officers were installed by the installing officer. Mrs John Stafford The officers are: president, Mrs. YO U R DEAD A N D USELESS AN IM ALS Richard Mason; vice president. M r- Dan Penny; secretary. Mrs Mar­ Horses. Cows. Calves, Sheep, Hogs cella Wil-on: treasurer, Mr- Mildred Cash for live horses and cows Chandler; worship chairman. Mrs A J Holling-worth. and group lead­ ers were Mr- Emmerson Biiigumui FREE PROMPT REM O VAL and Mrs. John Stafford Refresh­ ments were served by Mrs. tat Pruyn, Phone us collect Mr- Minnie Leuke. Mrs. J. C. Smith Nyssa 102-W Payette 870 and Mrs Dan Penny. T o r i n i i n t i 's -iW A N T E D :- Eastern Star The local chapter of the Eastern Star met Monday night for the last meeting before closing for the .sum­ mer. A special feature of the evening was a birthday party honoring ill members whose birthdays have oc­ curred since the first of the year Songs were sung, gifts were pre­ sented and refreshments in the form of candle-lighted cupcakes and sher- bert were served. Mrs. Ormand Thomas. Mrs. J L. Church. Mrs. Don Graham and Mrs. Emil Paulus were members of the refreshment com ­ mittee. During the meeting. Worthy Ma­ tron Josephine Rigney reported on the grand session which she atten­ ded in Portland last week Entertains Garden Club The Ontario Garden club members entertained the A N K Garden club All sizes up to G-feet. BOTH PAPER and CLOTH. Varied Colors. NYSSA FURNITURE CO. 1 Block West of R. R. Depot ID A H O A N IM A L PRODUCTS Nampa, Idaho POLIO INSURANCE Q NOTICE We have 'em If no answer call Nampa 6-4604 DAY OR NIGHT SPECIAL Sec Genuine Mel Beck Real Estate C A S C O VISO R to fit any car $ 4.95 NYSSA M OTORS Your Real Estate and Insurance Headquarters 606 Main Street Phone 200— Nite 391 Nyssa, Oregon Your Racintj W here it Goes Just HOW Have you Saved 15% on Fire Insurance? V—, Thit represents every Jolla patting through Multnomah Kennel Cluh't handt during 1951 and how it wat paid out. These figures have been compiled from Y o u ’ve heard the saying. “ One r o tte n ap p le can spoil the box.” That applies to fire insurance, too. “ One big fire can affect the cost of fire insurance for all property own­ ers in this community.” The G eneral avoids this possi­ b ilit y by n o t in surin g “rotten apples.” They insure preferred risks only. And they inspect properties insured by them even further to re­ d u c e fire hazard. T h a t is w hy G eneral ’ s losses are fewer — and that is how owners of “ preferred risk” properties have saved 15/1 on fire insurance in the G eneral ! Ask for details official recorda and audit. Subm itted by Multnomah Fold tu t «• Sfa«« of Oregon Kennel Club. Paid eat fa r Sa larla * and W ag«* THE GENERAL a strong c a p ita l stock com p any with an outstanding rec­ ord for prom pt, fair set* tlement of lo sse s. It is 4 SELECT company for own­ ers of SELECT properties. s V MURRAY KEMP, P resident Paid oaf for Part«* to Greyhound O w nar*