ê THF NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OFEGON PAG E FOUÄ THURSDAY. JUNE 19 1«2 ell ar.d M and Mr Lloyd S e je j. Mi M: P. H ff ai.d fam.ly an Mi D r '.iy L-»bb of Neva t , Mr i M. Kenneth Baiter ar.c family of Wei-er, were M n Alea C.oodrll guests at tr.e M C Seuell home on Yaraierrtl- » ( lub Phone AtiU-Kl Fathers Day Jim Me D Roe. hi- mother. Susan Mr and Mrs. Alva Goodell were and Mr a: Mr- J Z Moore made Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Smi: n n I Xdkbo M * Sunday dinner guest at the Eliza­ guests at a pinochle parly held n' -lay they drove out to ee Grand a busines.- trip to Bu-e Saturday. Thur day at the home of Mr and C 'u > e dam and on S- >p I..ilte Mr and Mr- David Lambeth of beth Goodell home a: Emmett. Mrs. Leslie T o p liff -pem Saturday Mrs Gerrot Groot in Apple Valle> and visited with a brother of Mr John Day Ore): n visited over the at the Irvin T o p liff h me near Ad- Mr and Mrs Ray Batcher left Butcher. They retu rn«! Thursday eeeic-end r. rhe John Shaw home Alice R. j i of Nampa was a guest Wednesday morning to bring the.: Mr af.d Mr Erne t S< < son. Walter home from the Univer- family. Mr and Mr- WUxsirowr S u- at the Ton. Evans home over Satur­ Parma visited Sunday with their day night fatner, Tom Evan*. T .m Evans, Jr Ir F A Johnson re- called his father from Salinas, C ali­ Mi turned S..: .. i\ from a two weeks' fornia for Father's Day vacation. Wi ...e away they visited Mr and Mrs D. W Elwood at­ Ro-- Plymell and family at Lead. tended an Elwood reunion at the SoUtn D a r . ' i and they attended a Koy Elwood home in Emmett or Johnson i .r. .N re union a Fort Col- Sunday. Uns. Colora - Ther* were about 100 Mr and Mrs. Che-ter Sager and .n attendai:- c They visited other mklren, and Mrs. Sager'i ther ulaces of ime-rest in Colorado before U Campbell of k . ....... ng- their retur:. home ton. visited Thursday evening with r.i Wherry returned to the H E. Sager family They were M E her home in Payette Friday after on their way to Dalla Texa- spending a week at the Ed Meroney Mr and Mrs George Smit were home. Sunday dinner guest- at the home 4-H club member- from Nu Acres of Mr and Mrs Garrot Siam of who are a •: :.nr the -hort course Nyssa. In M . a . : :.r Fry Dean­ Mr and Mrs. Paul Thomson and na Eva a- Joan Cary. Loi. Neilsen family entertained w.th a potluck ar.d Kenne- K- < picnic at their home Sunday in hon- and Mrs Me Tr. nt-on and Gary re- or of Father’s Day and also the 10th turned W ¡a'- morning from a birthday of their dan*: iter, Barbara two week Ku:i.-a< where Guests were, Mr and Mrs. A. Lan- they atte: : i family reunion j f fear, Mr and Mrs. A Lanfear, Jr. Mrs. Thon. -on family at Little and daughter. Mr ar.d Mrs Flovd River, Kan t They also visited with Ames and daughters, all of Cald­ relatives ar.d friends in Wyoming, well, Mr and Mr- Joe Beck and Missouri and Oklahoma family of Weiser and Mr and Mrs Mr- Fr r< eived word about Mr. Merle Thomson and Gary Fry who left recently for Detroit, Mrs. Ruby Franklin and daugh­ that he had been hospitalized and ter of Fredonla, Kan-a- are visiting Nyssa No. oí Y U. S. 20 was now bed fast. Her daughter, at the home of her son. Tom Frank­ Mary Jo J e rk .: left Sunday morn­ lin. ing by streamliner to help care for Donna Nedbalek helped Marilyn him. Evans celebrate her birthday Sun­ Mr and Mr Bert Montague, Mr. day. and Mr LI : Seuell and Woodrow The Black Canyon Water Users Seuell went to the Little_ Weiser | met at the hall Thursday evening. river on a fi-hing trip Saturday Dr. Prentice of New Plymouth gave night. Th- import very good luck an interesting talk on diseases of Mr. and Mr Bill Hanna and livestock. daughter of Harper visited Sunday Mrs. Bert Montague and daughter afternoon • the John Shaw home were guests for dinner at the M C. Bill Lamb- th w i a dinner guest at Seuell home on Saturday. 1 the John Shaw home Mr and Mrs. Tom Franklin are Mr. and Mr John Hurley of P a r­ the parents of a son born June 14. ma visited Thursday at the D. W. Mrs Franklin is the former Barbara Elwood h- me It wua Mr Elwood's Nelson. birthday Mr. and Mrs. Glen Merdock of Maynard Sager visited from Council visited Saturday evening at Thursday until Saturday with his the John Shaw home grandparen' Mr and Mrs. T. £ Visitors in the Sherman Keck Sager at Middleton. home Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Mr and Mr Le-lie Henderson of A H Keck o f Nyssa. Mrs. Elsie Rob­ Mossy R. >< k Washington visited at ertson and children of Portland, the Ed Meroney home Thursday Oregon and Mr and Mrs. A B Neal evening of Fruitland. Kenneth K-- k won his trip to the Mary Lou Grasmick left Sunday short cour-e in Moscow by winning for St. Anthony where she is visit­ the Idaho C -perative council speak­ ing with cousihs. While she is there ing conte-t held in the county last Mr. and Mrs. Pete Petterson of week The contest was held at the Boise visited Monday at the Roy Nu Acres hall Hansen home. Mr. and Mr- Ralph Baxter made they plan a trip to Yellowstone Park. a bu.sine ; trip to Boise Teusday. She expects to be away for two Mr. and Mrs M. C Seuell were weeks. callers at th- home o f Mr and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. H E Sager and Nyssa No. of Y U. S. 20 Ross Roberts in Nampa Sunday family spent Sunday afternoon in evening the Caldwell park last week and the Mrs. Sherman Keck and children, children went swimming. Mrs Mary Ballard and children of Mr and Mrs. L T Henderson of Mossy Rock. Washington spent Tues- night at the hrme of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Evans. The D i-M ore 4-H club met at the hall Friday evening. The Sager and Fry families served refreshments. For roll call the members were to describe a foreign flag. Donna Ned­ balek brought a real flag which her uncle had brought from Germany in World W ar II Reine Beck o f Weiser Is visiting with her cousins. Bi>b and Barbara Thomson. Mrs. Dean Wilson and children of Caldwell visited over the week-end with Mrs Ralph Baxter. Mr and Mrs. Tom Bright of Nys- sa are the parents of a son born Monday. Mrs. Bright Is the former Shirley Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mr- E C Johnson of Nu Acres Buena Vista The Week's Nu Acres News r ARMSTRONG ASPHALT TILE i LAY IT YOURSELF— in every room in the home. We Have All the Necessary Equipment The Lowest Possible Prices ED CASE FURNITURE CO. Furniture— You will be proud to own at Prices— you can afford to pay and Terms— to fit any budget. We Invite You To Shop Anytime. ED CASE FURNITURE CO. Every Winier II Your Home Feels Like This and You Feel Thai You Should Be Able to— Ret B » liar jack, whu is let mas- r:an to help ».th t.ie * k while e- Day and Roscoe Tanner ar.d tei o f tine Churcn of Nazarene if Mr Pratt' birthday II Irvin T o p liff • Joplin. Missouri wa.- guest .-[lenk r n .-pital where a daughter *a 3 burn M m * Mildred Lot returned to her at tt»e Church of Nazarer.e Sunday. Saturday. Mr and Mr Edward T »pliff had h< me Saturday after completing h*-r , Mr. and Mr» Cecil Florea took Junior tear at Oregon State college their son, Robert part way to Seattle whe.re he will board a plane for Loe will be Mr and Mr- Marvin Elmore and M children, and W W and G.. ier D ef- the lum m ri month by the l> .'a : - Alaska While away they visited their daughter and -on -in -la » M ' ment of Agriculture in Ontario. fenbaugh. Roger Walker They also Visiting at the Ja k II Anderson and Mi Mr and Mr- Willis Be. ram visit­ ed E L Jam.son who : in tie vete­ home for the pa-t week were hi: v. ited Mr and M: David Highland rans hospital m Boise. Sunday even- parent Mr and Mrs. N R Ander­ and Mr and Mrs. Tom Bates at Coos Bay . . . UM be­ son of Idaho Falls. tween Boise and Salt Lake Mr and Mr- Leslie Topliff enter­ tained at a birthday dinner for their son. Edward. Thursday Gue-ts were Mr and Mrs. Edward Topliff and daughters. Mr. and Mr- Irvin Top­ liff and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murphy and Mrs Manyard Thomp­ son. Mr and Mrs George Cleaver and Mr and Mrs. Alva Gjodell were a- mor.g those who attended the race meet at Ontario Saturday evening. Mr and Mrs. Harry Gardner and family visited Sunday at the home of Mrs. Alta Graham near Parma. A sister of Mrs. Gardner and Mrs Graham. Miss Anna V. Lewis of Salt Lake City, is visiting at the Graham home Mr and Mrs. Wayne Moncar, Larry Gardner. Thurman Hill and Wayne Garner fished near Ironside Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John McCallister of Apple Valley were Sunday dinner guests at the Mancil Bishop home Mr. and Mrs. W eir Hoffman of Boise visited Monday at the S. B Hoffman home Mr and Mr< Eugene Cleaver, Mr and Mr- Loyd Cleaver. Mr and Mrs. Ray Griffiths. Mr. and Mrs Lester Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day and Mr and Mrs Cecil Florea gave a surprise party for Claude Day at his home Saturday. The guests pro­ vided refreshments. Mrs. Mary Cox of Mountain Home and daughter of Medford, Oregon spent several days the past week it the Joe Callahan home Mrs. Cox is a sister of Mrs. Callahan. Faye and Loya Callahan have re­ turned home from their jobs and are staying with their mother. Mrs. Joe Callahan, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gale of Big Bend and Mr and Mr- Charles Dur- fee called at the Joe Callahan home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hoffman and Glindia fished Sunday at the Owy­ hee reservoir. Mrs. Glen Hoffm an entertained the Out Our Way club Thursday with 11 members present. Games were played and refreshments of TERMS AS LOW AS $1.20 A D A Y strawberry short cake and a bever­ age were served The next meeting will be at the Loyd Cleaver home July 10. WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAM PS Mr and Mrs. Guy Tanner enter­ tained at dinner Sunday for Mrs. Alta Peppala, Mrs Anna Pratt of "You r Dependable Furniture Store” Ontario and Mrs. M. J. Tanner of Alta Pekkala. Mrs. Anna Pratt of Nyssa Ontario Payette Vale Pratt are sisters of Mi Tanner. The dinner was in observance o f Fath- • You Can Completely Furnish Your Home Living Room— Divan and Chair 2 End Table* .................................................. A 2 Table Lamps Rocker V .................................................. L .................................................................. U Floor Lamp ....................................................E Bed Room— 7-Piece Set ............................................. Sealy Box and Interspring Mattress P L Kitchen— Frigidaire Electric Range and Refrigerator U 7-pc. Chrome Set (Verture Bros.)....................S For Only . . . . $ 7 9 9 .9 5 PETERSON FURNITURE CO. Special Clearance Sale BALE TIES «7.95 Bauman Farm Equipment Your Allis-Chalmers and New Idea Dealer N YSSA STORE O NTARIO STORE 1 Mile No. of Nyssa 510 No. Oregon Phone 333 Phone 56 W &icuid SLEEP COOL IT S TIME TO I N S U L A T E ! If your home has been a THE CHRYSLER NEW YORKER CONVERTIBLE ( Thm broiling hot-box all sum­ íkm J» Je m i»j mimtUMm im W im d^r /* * ! - .* muk knçtm* ) * k it e M«i* wall tw e e at extra ceel. mer—if your higher-and- higher fuel bills don’t ITS E M E \III1S ill SITE TI) EVERY DROP (IF CAS! help to chase winter chill and draughts away then you’ll finti insulation « real investment— a real Blow Type Insullation Excellent for old houses, no tearing o f partitions needed Fireproof If you do it your­ self iwe rent equipment! It costs as little as money-saver anil a pro­ ject that will add thou­ sands to the resale value of your home Batt Type Insulation Very efficient: insulation is fireproof and doesn’t pack or settle If you do it yourself you can do a complete attic for as little as $5.00 Per Mo. $5.00 Per Mo. Pb one 110 For Free Inspection and Estimate To many owners, the mighty hhi) H.P. V-8 engine that powers the Chrysler New Yorker is the mos* remarkable feature of this remarkable car. It is cer­ tainly the most discussed automobile engine in many, many years. This is the engine with hemispherical combustion chambers . . . the engine that gets more power out of every drop of gas. And non-premium gas at that! Actually, it puts you in control of more power than you’ll probably ever need ise. You'll sense this . . . together with its unequaled response . . . the very first yards you drive. It runs smoother, more quietly, and with less wear than any other engine ever built into an American automobile. . . . and it makes driving (both cruising and the short runs more fun than you have ever known it to be! Hut that’s not all. Along with this engine there are scores of other reasons, too, for driving a New Y’ orker before resolvir,'» on any new car. Like Full-time Power steering that makes steering ft re time* easier . . , and your control fire time* greater . . than in ordinary cars, lake Power Brakes that cut needed pedal pressure by as much as two-thirds. Like Oriflow shock absorbers that make even bad roads feel "newly paved" . . . restful chair-high seats . . . big, wide- opening doors . . . big windows that let you fee more. It ’s true . . . until you drive a Chrysler New Y orker you won't know what you're miasing. W hy not stop in today? CHRYSLER THE FINEST CAR AMERICA HAS YET PRODUCED All Work Don* By Expert Labor. Phone 110 Stunz Lumber Co. 707 Adrian Bird. Waggoner Motor Co. Phone IÔO sta, Oregon