THE N Y 8 S A G A T E C I T Y J O U R N A L , H Y S S A . OREGON. THURSDAY. J U N E 12. 1152 PAGE n in e : he:ef rd herd bull- 25 -addle horses. 10 dairy cattle Farm machinery I’erms. Cash Chet Thorson. Owner ATTENTION FARMERS Mrs ( 4 Merniek left Wednes Cols. Anderson,, Church and Tsch- We are in n » day morning for Lewiston. Idaho to irgi, auctioneers Fritts. clerk. FARMS FARMS attend Grand Lodge of the Pyphian HOMES ROW CROP FARM 300 acres, 157 head Taylor Grazing Sister- where Mr-. Wernick is a FARM SPECI \I 12 « ... re 01 n 2 small homes located on large lot, 80 good acres. New modern home, ■ permit. 125 acres irrigated. 4-room lots of fruit trees and berrie-, $2100 bination stock and row crop Now in grand officer. good outbuildings. $36.000. includ home, *53.000. term- corn, hay, grain, pasture. Extra good Mr and Mrs K L l.n'nlrr .ml $300 down $30 per month ing crop. | Will trade 5 acre- on oil highway Large 5-bedroom modern horn», improvements. 2 houses, other build- family of Nu Acres and Mrs H. A. CROPS INCLUDED Inga *35 000. 1 3 down, balance on | Wiggins and Mr and Mrs. G W RATE Two cents per word f. >r eat h issue Minimum, cash m Here's a farm you can move right .close to Nyssa. 2 bedn . :n n. dern good location, coal furnace, hard good contract Nyssa Insurance Oribble both of Ontario visited in on Extra good house and barn. A ! home, for a modern home m N y»a. wood floors. $10,000, S down advance. Is 30c tgency, 146 Mam 19tf Portland with Mr-. Imbler's neice. 80 acres, top row crop dairy and Practically new 2 bedroom modern good dairy set-up. $12.500. good Mr. and Mrs. Gene Purge-on. They j stock set up 3-bedroom modern h une. garage, corner location, cl terms. MI s c El I.FA NOUS Wall-Satin spent one day at the coa-t and re home, barn, terms. to cljy center, terms. BIG ALL-PURPOSE FARM Here comes color A washable, rub -1 144 acres, 123 good. Nearly all in 140 acres row crop and ,k .et- 1 bedroom modern home. $3800, berized finish for interior walls and turned to their home Sunday. I FOR SALE—Sewing machines, Pfaff Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and hay and pasture. Mostly suitable up. 2 homes, *42 000 00, terms. write your own terms. j and Universal, new and used. Fire- FOR SALE wood trim. Mrs. Hudson Robb were Mr and to row-crop, 2 good homes. $42,000, 220 acre ranch close to sale yard, 2 bedroom modern home. »6750, ' stone Dealer store. lntfc •covers most surfaces In one u n i-: Mrs William Oregg and family and '■i down. cheap water. 1 mile highway fron.- down, FOR SALE—Furniture, Built-Well form coat. Mr and Mrs Jim Langley and fam front room and dining nxfhi set. FOR SALE Porcelain top chrome ANOTHER GOOD ONE age, in hay, gram, pasture i 1 <, ru. Business Opportunities •dries to a satin sheen in less than | ily of Sunset Valley. 120 acres in Black Canyon. 86 crops go. a new 4-bedroom modern Good condition Drop a card to Box dinnette set. Very good condition. one hour. 0m ano Blvd buslness location. 22-ltp. irrigable. See this right away, brick home, hardw od floor- 2 baths, 71* Nyssa. 22-ltp. Phone 199-NW •twelve hansome colors all ready $575. Legal Advertising $24 000, terms. furnace, breezeway, double garage, to use. Grade A wholesale-retail milk set FOR WALE — Nearly new Maytag FOR SALE- Fuller paints and wall 83 ACRE STOCK FARM ■ also 3 bedroom modern home, 2 Nyssa Lumber Co. 16-tf. | Good place to run beef or dairy granaries, large barn, machine shed, up, cheese and ice cream manufac NOTICE OF SALE washer with pump. Cost $150 00 will i paper, complete selection. Firestone 2IFtfc. cattle, paid-up water right for 80 underground sacrifice for $90 00. small down pay i Dealer store. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. Thut On sprinkling system turing plant, retail ice cream parlor, CULLANEOl'S Available * 2-bedroom modern apartment, ex acres. You can't beat this for Terms. June 11. 1952, Albert E McKimmey ment and monthly payments. See ps SALE Dearborn, factory built clusive area, will trade for ranch in Electrolux cleaners and air puri and Wayne H Lewis, doing business »16.000. at Vets Apts. No. 1. H L. Bolles. ' hay buck, fits Ford or Ferguson, fiers. Sales and service. Ed R 1 acre, located on oil, 3 room mod this vicinity Netting $10,000 under the name and style of NYSSA Phone 449-W. 22-ltp. used 1 season, $75. Charles Marvin, 78 ACRES—GOOD HOME Auto court. $1,000 income per year. Anderson, route 3. Weiser, Idano, AUTO BODY SHOP at 114 Bower 71 acres of good farm land here. ern home, $3.150. $500 down. $40 per phone 0287J4. 14jtfc | 1 3 4 miles south Parma-Nyssa Junc- FOR SALE 7-room modern house $9.500, terms. Good home and buildings. Yours month. 21-2tp. — ---- ------------------------------------- I Avenue, Nyssa, Oregon, have sold 1 320 acre row crop and stock set located on Idaho Street. 22-3tp. \ tion. I have a general mercandislng MISCELL for $15,000. $5.000 down. A NEOU S— Duplicate car their business to Clifford C. (Sandy» up. 4-bedroom modern home, full store, guaranteed $6000 stock inven and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- j Patter.-on and Clinton E. tPat> Pat FOR SALE Cham .ii r,>r broiling, CATTLE RANCH FOR YOU FOR SALE—4-room house I tory, business handles, gas, feed, neman's. About 175 acres of good farm land, bast ment, $60.009. terms 25otfc terson and that as of such date the moved. Phone 199-NW. 22-ltp. fishing and hunting. Gives $3 flavor 15 acres level land, 3-room home, hardware, groceries, and clothing — plus plenty of summer range. Fine latter will continue the conduct of to $1 steak. Ideal Gas and Appliance. ; ated in Willamette valley net- COAST Blacktop Paving Co. Ls ready such business 1. - ition. Good improvements. *51.- $-.850 19-tf. FOR SALE OR RENT Four room 10 acres, one-bedroom modern ting $ ¡000 per year, you and your to build your driveway, parking area, ooo takes it. Dated at Nyssa. Oregon, June 10, house at 110 Einison avenue. Posses home, good barn, lawn, lots of wife can operate this business, $25,- school yard, feed lot, lounging or 1952. HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE 80 Fun SAL» sion about June 1. Write John J. Some of the best land in the area shrubs, fruit trees and berries, close 000, $10,000 down, $150 per month, implment shed Only pugmill asphal-, 80 acre stock farm, about 53 acres Albert E McKimmey Haight, Box 34 Lapine, Oregon or Will trade for a dairy ranch in this tic concrete mix in this area. Low It won't take this {arm long to to Nyssa. $7000, terms. Wayne H. Lewis. phone 7J32. 19-3tp. irrigated, good modern house $18,000 100 acre grade A dairy. 2 modern area Also 3-bedroom modern home cost, guaranteed work, free estimate. Will take a home in Nyssa as part pay for itself. Cost is only $23.000 homes $30.000 worth purebred dairy Ice cream shop, stock and equip- Budget plan. Rt. 2, Box 250A or $10.000 down. FOR SALE—Two fm ta milk cows. payment. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT cattle and equipment, 1 mile from ment. long term lease. $3675, $500 down. East side dwelling, nice 60 IN BLACK CANYON 22-ltp Phone 668, Ontario. 13-tf. In the County Court of the State of down, write your own terms. 30 acres, good 4-room home, soft town, terms. fenced yard and trees, only $1,800. Oregon for the County of Malheur FOR SALE—Good hay derrick on 15 acres, old Owyhee project, lo- Garage and service station, high- MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need well water. Priced below appraisal Good basement house, on 50 by 160 In the Matter of the Estate of Raymond Russell place across from lot, east side location, $1500. S7500 $3500 down. cated on Nyssa-Ontario highway, way intersection. $5.250, $2,000 down, money to remodel your home or to Fred Linder, deceased $5000 down, $1000 per year easy terms. Pheiler place. 5 mi. S. W. Nyssa. House on 75 by 160 foot lot, shade BE INDEPENDENT HERE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN build outbuildings or garage? We 40 acres well suited to dairying 22-2tp. and fruit trees, $2000. can arrange a loan for you and give that the undersigned. Donna Web and stock. Close to town. Very 2 acres, 4-room house, close to Nys you up to three years to pay it. ster. administratrix of the estate of MEL BECK REAL ESTATE FOR SALE reasonable price of »8700. Easy sa, $950, only $300 down. Nyssa Lumber Co. 23&tfc Fred Linder, deceased, has filed her Your Heal Estate anil Insurance Headquarters Five acres, two-bedroom house, terms. A good nice laying 30 acres with Final Account as said administratrix 606 Main Street Phone 200 — Nile 394 Nyssa, Oregon extra good barn, one mile west on buildings and houses *8,500, only FALL POSSESSION HERE HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT in the County Court of Malheur highway, terms. »3.500 down. One of the best buys we have seen State Inspected One mile north, County, Oregon, and that said Court Two-bedroom modern home, ex 40 good acres with a four room FOR SALE—Creto. the guaranteed year and previously was in alfalfa. 1 4 mile west of Nyssa on Columbia has appointed Tuesday, July 8, 1952, 80 acres good row crop, new home cellent condition, perfect heating $29,000 terms. modern home. $10,550. Terms waterproof paint. Creto waterproof Phone 21-F14, Parma exchange. C. ave. Custom slaughtering, cutting, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of system, good location. | concrete, brick, cement, stucco, plas- A. Butcher. 20-3tp. wrapping, curing and rendering. said day for the hearing of objec at .ulable. 40 acres, good home, outbuildings Two bedrooms new, completely $16,000, ‘-2 down. ! ter, motar and terrazzo. Water WELL LOCATED SMALL FARM Hogs, cattle, sheep received any tions to said Final Account and the modern, good location, »8000, F.H.A. 26 good acres, 6-room modern proofs by application and perman FOR RENT — Single and double ■ day. Also we consign hogs, cattle settlement thereof. 100-head cattle ranch, outside terms. home, good set of outbuildings. ently waterproofs walls and floors, rooms, by the week, also light house and sheep for farmers to Portland range, 175 acres good farm ground, NOW. THEREFORE, all persons Three acres, excellent land, on »51,000. 21-tf. market. Free cooling and free de Interested in the estate of Fred Lin Buildings alone are almost worth j inside or outside, wet or dry, new or keeping. 15 Park Ave. highway, new business building. j old, painted or unpainted. Nyssa the total price of $13.000. 2-bedroom home, garage, nice livery within five miles of plant. der, deceased, are notified and re Motel with market, very good loca lawn and trees, $4,000, 1 4 down. 1 Lumber Company 20stfc FOR RENT—Furnished three room Phone 395-W; if no answer, 31-M. quired to appear at the County Court 25 ACRE SMALL FARM tion. basement apartment for cool sum Ideal set-up for small dairy farm. 2 bed-room modern, near city 3mtfc Room in the Court House at Vale. NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY 21-tfc. \ You can live well here. Good semi- FOR SALE - One John Deere M. T. mer living. Phone 127-W. park, $4,600. terms. Malheur County. Oregon, at said cultivator for potatoes and beans. Ralph G„ Lawrence, Agent modern home. $7500, terms ar BOB THOMPSON AGENCY Two blocks north and one east on FOR RENT — Furnished cabins, LISTEN FRIEND—If you are Sick time, to then and there show cause, 105 Main St. l'hone 53 ranged. Phone 97 John Day highway in Vale Howard phone 122-M or inquire at Shoe and Tired of pushing that Old Lawn if any there be, why said Account ENJOY COUNTRY LIFE Mower, call 444, we'll gladly give you should not be settled, allowed and 20-3tp. clinic. 1 2 -tf. a Free Demonstration of the new approved and said estate distributed Outdoor living, garden, chickens, H. Smith. £ VA C AT IO N SPECIALS cow, pony for the kids—all this FOR SALE—Milk cows, Guernseys, o “Toro Sportlawn" power mower. We and said administratrix discharged. in H e have some very fine late model used cars. h-H can be yours on one of our acre Holstelns and Jerseys, milkers and FOR RENT Two lurnished apart huve both 18-in. and 21-in. sizes, and V Dated and first published June 5, H Prices reduced for quick sale. ments, phone Brownie's cafe. 3nufc we will take your old mower as part 1952 5’ ages. Grocery bills go way down springers. C. Clyde Smith, phone < PASSENGER e ra too! Here are a few of our many H 306, Ontario, Oregon, across from FOR RENT Paint spray gun Fire payment on the new one. B & M Date of last publication, July 3, 1950 Buick, 4-door, special, good tires, clean, radio, heater. listings: « 21Ftfc. Equipment Co. Ontario sale yard. 2mtfc stone dealer store. n 1952. 1949 Plymouth. 4-door, special deluxe, radio, heated, low Donna Webster mileage. ► i 5 rooms, 10 a cres______ $5750 FOR SALE—Just completed, at FOR RENT—Comf< rtable sleeping MISCELLANEOUS — Septic tanks in Administratrix of the estate of 1949 Chevrolet, 2-door, special deluxe, Fleetline, very clean, in U } Modern 2-bedroom home, room, next to bath. Man preferred. tractive five-room modern home, and cesspools cleaned. Phone Ray- | Fred Linder, deceased. extras. £ o. $11,500 attached utility and garage, across Dwight Smith. Phone 398-W. 15-tfc. mond Hild, 24-M2, Parma, or 24, io acres Harold Henigson, attorney for ad 1947 Plymouth, 4-door, special deluxe, motor good, radio, < Modern 3-room house, from the park on King avenue, Parma Hardware. 17-tf. ministratrix. heater. F O R R E N T — 2-room rurnlshed io acres _____ $7500 terms. See Art Servoss, 610 N. Sec- 1949 Dodge, 2-door, Wayfarer, motor overhauled, good tires, 30ntfc C 3 rooms, 3.2 acres $2000 ont St. Phone 90-M. 27Mtfe cabin, Chadwick camp. HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT clean, heater. 3 rooms, modern, 2 acres $7000 < “+ ■ 5 For your own protection, buy % * FOR RENT—Cool furnished apart- t 1949 Studebaker, Champion, regal deluxe coupe, overdrive, $4500 FOR SALE—One acre, 3K- miles out, ment, lights and water furnished. state-inspected meat Buy a quart W ANTED 5’ 3 room house. 5 acres lots of extras, good rubber, very clean. w w S OQ $16.000 5-room brick house, outbuildings, Phone 63-J. 5 room modern, 20 acres er half or whole beef, pork or mut £ 17-tf.; 1947 Chevrolet. 4-door, new paint, good rubber, clean, radio, $4500 fruit trees, extra good soil. Cash 4 rooms, 18 acres ton.. See us at plant. 1 mile north o heater. Custom fi: ________ $4800 price *4000 Nyssa Insurance Agency, APARTMENT For rent, heat and on highway, then 1/4 mile west on Uw 6 rooms, 4 acres •1 1946 Ford, 4-door, motor completely overhauled, good rubber, Ralph G. Lawrence, agent, Nyssa, Water furnished, $37.50. Phone 112 Columbia avenue, Nyssa, Oregon, C/Î LISTINGS WANTED priced right. I « Oregon. 14dtfc or 74-R. 18-tf. ! phone 395 W or 31-M. Hay Chopping COMMERCIALS 1949 Studebaker, 1-ton pick-up, low mileage, paint and motor FOR SALE—One 2-bedroom house, FOR RENT — New Clarke 8-incn IX r, POLIO us and prepare to move. Fiald H ay Chopper good, with stock rack. one 3-bedroom house, under F H A , floor sanders and 6-inch edger. New—BETTER T H A N E V E R HOMES Stunz addition. C. K. Olson, phone 1949 International, 1-ton pick-up, with dual wheels, flatbed Stunz Lumber Co. 16-tf. Policy covers CANCER, as well as < o A FUSSY BUILDER rack, very good condition. 17-tf. many other dread diseases. Costs This new home was built by the 251-W. W ALTER ROTH OU 1945 Dodge 1'j-ton truck. 3-speed Brownie transmission, only *10 per year for whole family. fussiest builder we know, and It FOR SALE — Good Dodge truck. W A N T E D HH motor and cab in very good condition, flat bed w as everything. Perfect location *525, easy terms. Ed Jamison, phone Phone 271-R KEN POND INSURANCE **AL e s t a t e H TRADE-INS ACCEPrED—TERMS ARRANGED g We'll help you work out your deal, 298-J. 13-tf. WANTED — Farm help Irrigating < Also 5* $12,500, F.H.A. terms. Phone 218 grain and pasture. No milking. 1 16 North 3rd. O CTQ OLDER MODELS USED CARS FOR EVERY NEED 21-3t. PICTURE OF THE YEAR FOR SALE Small utility trailor. Phone 24. RIDE W ITH PRIDE IN A CAR FROM x o Your wife and children in their James Huffman. Rt. 2, Nyssa. fij X own yard. This is a lovely two- 20-2tp. WANTED—A steady or part time NYSSA MOTORS, Inc »1 job for the summer. Have knowledge in DON'T FORGET— bedroom home with automatic of typing, shorthand and bookkeep FOR S A L E OR T R A D E heating $7350, very easy terms. ing. Cleo Flinders. Phone 030-J2. A HOME FOR $1500 21-tfc. Comfortable 2 room home. Beats FOR SALE OR TR AD E - My equity paying rent. Easy terms, or will In 1947 Olds. 78, four-door sedan, WANTED—Highest prices paid for clean with very low mileage. Loaded discount for cash. Clyde Smith with extras. Also two acres of land slaughter horses. VETERANS SPECIAL phone 306, Ontario. Across from with four room house, unfurnished 2-bedroom modern home, nearly Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc new $6300, $1800 down, easy but livable. Close in. See Glenn Palmer at the Buick Oarage. 22-ltp. WANTED—To care for children In monthly payments. 3-BEDROOM ECONOMY HOME my home by hour, day. week or Lodges Physicians Mr. Working-man, here is a spaci CASH OR TRADE!—5 room modern evenings. Phone 140-R. 17-tf. Sunday, June 15 dwelling, with valuable furnishings ous, comfortable home for your insured. Owner 1017 Freeport, Cald G A T E C IT Y L O D G E family, nearly new and well lo M IS C E L L A N E O U S Buy His Gift W here He Would Buy It Himself! well, Idaho. 22-2tp. S A R A Z I N C L IN IC cated, $8300, easy terms No. 214 L O. O. F. Say Folks that new Hot Point dish BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Dr. J. J. Sarazin Meets Every Monday Night, 8:30 FOR R E N T washer and steam dryer ls ‘T h e FARMER'S MARKET South First Street Dr. K. E. Kerby A R R O W T IE S A R R O W SH IR T S This is just one of many businesses FOR RENT Modern 3 room house, Cat's Whiskers.” Come in, take a good look and listen to Ez Carr that could use this three acres 507 North 4th. Phone 044 — 2. Physicians and Surgeons Beautiful new patterns White and fancy patterns Dentists with a good 24x80 building. Could 22-tf “ purr like a kitten” about its con veniences. Ez Carr Appliances. 22-lt easily be converted into a 4-unit to DR. C. M. T Y L E R motel, with lots of room for ex HOUSE FOR RENT—3 rooms and L. A. M A U L D I N G , M. D. Floor sample refrigerator. Has WILSON BUILDING pansion. Perfect highway location. bath. 712 N. 1st St Ph. 339 between Physician and Surgeon Phone 165-J, Nyssa 8:00 and 8:30 p. m. 22-ltp few scratches but you can have it $8000. down. Phone 37 at a good savings, $120. Ez Can- Office Hours From 9 to 5 AN INCOME FOR LIFE TEX TAN BELTS ST ETSO N H A TS 22-lt| Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Except Saturdays, 9 to 12 Apartment houses provide sure FOR RENT One bedroom modern Appliances. High quality leather Daily Except Saturday and Nice selection of styles and steady incomes for thousands furnished apartment, 1, block from Speed Queen washer as good as new. J. R. C U N D A L L of owners. We have several good town. Also two bedroom modern un- Completely gone over and in 1st Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 belts and colors funished apartment. Dentist ones. _____ class condition. Sells new for *170, BERNARD EASTMAN Phone 56-J OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED to yours for only *70. 1 year guarantee. PHONE 64 Sarazin Clinic C. J. K O P P , M. D. Country g e n e r a l merchandise Ez Carr Appliances. 22tlt. NYSSA OREGON store, nets $40 per day, building, FOR RENT —3 room house with Phvsirlan and Surgeon stock, equipment all goes for bath. 712 N. First street. Phone 339 Stone Jars for pickles. All sizes. | FRY BUILDING DR. J O H N W . O L S E N C a m p u s S p o r t S h irts $22,500, 'ii down. Also will Include M u n sin g w e a r S O X between 8 and 8:30. 21-tfc. Get yours early. Marshall-WelL Office Hours modern two-bedroom home for Dental Clinic 81 n 22 -tf. Rayons and cottons Complete range of sizes 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 only $4000 more. 7th and Bower FOR RENT Three-room apartment, MAN WAKE UP—I am operating Phone 393-W Dally Except Saturday and rooms, modern. to KEN POND INSURANCE “ f t “ ™ 5 large my own profitable business here NYSSAINSURANCE AGENCY Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 You can do the same In Malheur Phone 218 16 North 3rd Ralph O. Lawrence, Agent Chiropractor 105 Main Phone 53 county. Be your own boss. Write me at once for particular^ H W Porter, H O M E S FOR S A L E Many other gifts for Dad—Come in and make your selection Jewelry Stores E D W I N W. O L D H A M . D. C. Two bedroom modern home. Full FOR RENT -Three rooms and bath, 916 First St. Nampa, Idaho. 22-ltc. 101 East 1st St. Phone 259 basement. Large garage and «hop. ground floor, partly furnished utili Physiotherapy Elertro-Therapy ties furnished. Also basement apart LIVESTOCK AUCTION — Chet Close in. PAULUS Nyssa, Oregon_________ Two bedroom partly modern home. ment. furnished Stunz duplex, on Thorson Ranch, 9 miles east of i Weiser, south tide of Weiser river J E W E L R Y STORE New. Unfurnished. Good Location. Arcadia blvd. Ph. 152-R or 110. SHOES. D R Y G O O D S and R E A D Y - T O - W E A R trict Sale starts 10 Veterinarians «• 21-tfc. in the Omn Union Pacific Time Inspector Terms. a. m. Saturday, June 14 700 head Phone 32 X-Ray Shoe Fitting Nyssa Two-bedroom modern house, full JEWELRY — DIAMONDS FOR RENT—12 acres of potato land top grade Hereford cattle, cows, basement, stoker heat, fully Insulat DR. W . W . E A S T E P WATCHES ed. nice yard. In new district. Only in Apple Valley. Had beets on it last calves, yearlings, heifers. 15 quality Veterinarian Main Street at Second $6500, terms. 4 room modern house, 100x135 lot. garage, shade. Private Irrigation WYCKOFF system $1000 terms. J E W E L R Y STORE 3 rooms, full basement, pressure Official Time Inspector for water system. 3 large lots. Only »500 Union Pacific Veterinary Supplies down. ONTARIO OREGON 4 rooms and bath, part basement. It mall and Large Animals CHILDREN'S (Non-breakable) RECORDS 2 lor Very nice yard. Only *5500. Pet Hospital SPECIAL Office Hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Optometrists END TABLES Brand new two bedroom home, Phone Nyssa 202 407 Main St. \ tiled bath, automatic oil heat, large sun porch. Fully insulated. On paved Dr. Marvin M. Prentice STEP TABLES DR. J. A. M c F A L L 1 street. Large rooms. Only »9000, Veterinary 8urgron | terms Large and KtnaJI Animals USED RADIOS Up DR. JO H N E A S L Y Building lots, both resident and 216 W Park Ph. 2341 business. New Plymouth. Idaho W e Give S & H Green Stamps INVESTORS We have 3 houses, all have fur d r T v e r n o n w a r d PETERSON FURNITURE C O M P A N Y STORES nace heat, garages, nice yards, 3 Veterinarian block- from town on paved street. Large or »m all Animals "T H E D E P E N D A B L E FU R N IT U R E STORES” Paying good return. All three for a-.e 765 / Phone 2971 only *11.750 O N T A R IO — V A L E — N Y S S A — PAYETTE Jlomedale, Idaho BERNARD EASTMAN Phone 21, Ontario, Oregon Insurance Real Estate S> Phone 6# Classified BEST BUYS To Buy Or Sell See Mel Local Ndws Advertising PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY $3.95 $1.00 $1.50 $10.00 $1.50 $2.00 50c $2.95 $4.95 Wilson Bros. Dept. Store 1 WEEK-END SPECIAL 41c $3.41 $8-41 $14.41