« «* * 9 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE PAGE SIX 12 . H «. to H r and N a , H a n ) U a n t t a r.l ras visited visited at the Bill Kati- played game- and t relreshment Lave trt-VtJ to Bfabmt« to t >ue called at the B i'D - spent tig- week-end at the M r* € Umé• D »? Mr« Lernan F. inno» M: and M: Harold Fyllingnes Rer-chal Thompson home Claude Day home Sunday (i .1 rsa a w .»: Ffione «02-B2 FHoni* í í l i Mr and M r- blim McClean of A l­ Mr. and Mrs B ill Wohlofce are Emmett Saturday visiting relatives in Kansu* and t a i.» visited this week at the Her- \ ' en H to schai Thcenyron home The Claude Days are now living for Mr and Mr- Boyce Van De other ea-tern state* Arriving Sunday at the Clarence at the h me of Mr and Mrs Forrest Stanley Reffett, bc'.n of Haines, Friends o f Mrs ’Dramas Ooodier. Water held at the Varner Hopkins The Pollyanna club met with llr s in their new house and want to per- kfl Reed home for an extended visit, 1 Oieg ui were overn. .hi gue-ts at the former residents o f this neighbor­ home in Big Bend Wednesday French Thursday. Five members -onally thank each and every one si -ter of Mrs McCoy and daughter were Mi and Mrs. H C Richardson home ol their parents, Saturday who helped after their home burned Mr and Mrs Art Sparks visited were present They planned a neigh­ hood, have been sitting up with her of Pensacola, Florida Mr. Richard­ of the Bovells. evening Returning Sunday, they son is a brother of Mr- Reed Mr and Mrs. T. H Holady of Sunday at the Carold Sparks home borhood picnic at the Lynn Hurst in the Nyssa hospital Mrs Guodier Mr and Mrs. Clifford W olfe and took Larry and Shorty Hite home [ suffered a stroke two weeks ago. home to be held in July. Ukiah .spent the week-end at the in Roswell daughters, and Mrs. Veva Castle M: and Mr Robert R effett and with them, after they had spent a Shirley and Guy Sparks. Kenneth Perry French home Several children In the neighbor­ Mr and Mrs. Bernard Phifer and fam ily spent the afternoon at the were dinner guest.-, at the Burl Col- week with their grandparents. Altig and Mary Con picnicked at hood are attending Bible schools in family o f Long Pine, Nebraska are Harry Gardner home with visiting 1 lin- home in New Plymouth. Sunday. Mi Shirley Sparks is working at This week tne valley i- really into McCall Sunday. visiting at the Beryl Phifer and the various churches. relatives of Mr.-. Reffett, her cous­ The occasion was young Mike Col- the haying operations. Friday's sud­ the telephone office in Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs A1 Thompson spent ins, Mr and Mrs Clifford Phillips 1 lin’s birthday. Mr and Mrs Bill Cearns of Ma- Mr and Mrs. Art Sparks and Mr. Chas Bower homes. den rain storm dropped a full inch of Richland, Washington, and her Mr. and Mr- Clayton Barnes re­ of rain in Sunset Valley and cer­ and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft attended Mr and Mrs. Johnny Williamson tusa, Mr and Mrs Wilbur Cearns the week-end near Bend and a t­ aunt, Mrs. Alta Graham and girls cently moved from the Harley W il- tainly ea-ed all irrigation problems. the 25th wedding anniversay party and family have rented their place and M r and Mrs Buck Alby of Mad- tended a family reunion. from Parma. 1 son tenant house, in order that C lay­ Mr and Mr-. Tom Crow o f Mad­ Nancy and Jean Norris returned ton could work for Lynn Kygar. ras Oregon arrived Friday to spend to their home in Nampa Saturday Ladies of the Sunset Auxiliary i week visiting at the home of Mr;. after spending two weeks at the were guests at the home of Mrs. L. Crow'- parents. Mr and Mrs. W il­ In accordance with the provisions of the '‘Local Budget Law” 'Sections 110-1215, O .C L A . as amendedi, notice Is hereby given that the budget Frank Perko home. W. Pomeroy Thursday afternoon for bur Chapin. Both couples camped committee o f Malheur County, Oregon, in compliance with the laws, prepared and adopted May 22. 1952 the budget estimates for Malheur County. Carol Folkman left the first of the regular monthly meeting. Guests jvernight Saturday on the reservoir. Oregon for the ensuing fiscal year July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1953 All persons are hereby notified that on June 36, 1952 In Vale, Oregon, said budget the week for Utah. She is one of the and visitors included Mesdames, S. E Flanagan -pent several days estimates may be discussed with the County Court, the levying board for Malheur County, Oregon, and any person subject to the proposed tax L. D. S. girls who will participate in Wayne Garner. Pete Cloninger, and at Portland this week, as he had levy or tax levies will be heard in favor of or against said proposed tax levies or any part thereof. the dances o f the huge pageant to also Mrs. David Garner of Rupert, sold his cattle to Armour Mrs. Flan­ Detailed expenditures for each o f the three fiscal periods and 6 months of current year, budget for the current year (1951-52) and itemized be given Friday at the stadium of Idaho. Mrs. Cloninger told of the agan and Pattie Denny and Mike estimates of the amounts of money proposed to be raised by taxation for the ensuing fiscal period July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963, for Malheur County. the University of Utah There will be orphans at the Seoul, Korea, where also drove to Portland. They saw Oregon, are as follows, to-wit: ten thousand in all participating her husband is located Just as lunch the ice follies before returning Sun­ from all of the churches Forty-eight was to be served on the lawn, a day evening. ACTUAL EXPENDITURES go from the Nyssa stake. Mr. and Mr M A Rataezyk and I storm came up. and everyone grab­ Gary Kilts left the first o f the bed food, and chairs and dashed to their sons, Mr and Mrs. Casmier Budget Yr, Estimated July 1.1948 July 1.1949 July 1.1969 1st 6 Mos. week for his home at Hooper, Utah. the house The July meeting will be Rataezyk and family, and Harry 1951-1962 1951-1962 Budget to to to He has been a house guest at the held the Wednesday after the Fourth Rataezyk and children had dinner 1952-1953 Jun 30, 1940 Jun30,1960 Jun 30, 1951 ' Sunday in Boi e with their two home o f his friend, Jack Simposn, I of July. C O U N T Y CO U RT: The June meeting of the W orth­ daughters, Mrs Harold Park and i Salary, Judge the past two weeks. 9 4,500 00 $ 2,750.04 9 4.50000 2,260 00 $ 3.600 00 ( 3.600 00 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson og while club will be on the 19th at the Miss Sophia Rataezyk. 1,500.00 2,000 00 470.2« 477.35 1,189 54 1.292 78 C immissioners 110 00 per day and Travel Expense The young male peacock is still 1 O ffice Expense and Clerk Roswell visited Sunday at the home home of Mrs L. W Pomeroy with 1,782.77 700 00 800 00 451.59 525 69 199 46 missing, but as it is not reported | o f their son. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Mrs O. H Schweizer assisting. Mrs. H. Okano attended a pre­ dead, the Rataezvks are still hoping 1 Vi) "11 9 6,700.00 I 5,018.1k 9 3,17185 9 7.300.09 Total ................ 9 4.989.00 I 5,418.47 Miss Frances Ellis was a house nuptial shower for Miss Mae Ya- someone will see it Mr. and Mr- Glenn Holmes, Jr. guest at the home o f Mr. and Mrs suda of Payette Sunday afternoon S H E R IF F'S O FFIC E Frank Perko last week. The Air in Oregon Slope. Miss Yasuda is to attended a picnic dinner at the home 2248 16 4.500 00 4.500 00 2.746.39 Salary, S heriff 3,596 35 3 596 35 ister, Mrs. Frank Force sergeant from Boise drove wed Akira Wakasui of Oregon Slope of Mr Holmes 2 487 32 1,648 10 3.300 00 3,300 00 2,745.25 Salary, 1 Deputy 2.696 35 Walt Hillis was surprised Satur­ Byers Sunday. Miss Ellis to Boise Monday and 2,396 35 1.498 16 3.000 00 3.000 00 2.744.35 Salary, 1 Deputy Tax 2.696 35 Tuesday for examination Miss EUr , day evening when his two daughters, j Mrs. Keith Stoker was hostess at 1.697.14 2.100 00 1,346 16 3.788 82 2,100 00 Salary, 1 Deputy Tax 2.413 35 who passed all exams, left this week Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pendarvis and an evening parly for nine ladies 2.049.90 1,078 47 1.800 00 1,800 00 330 00 Salary. Tax Clerks 000 for San Antonio for three years is Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell ar­ Thursday night, at her home. 4 320 68 1 294 85 3 500 00 2.200 00 3.229 16 Travel Expenses and Car 3 681 75 rived with cake, ice cream to cele­ Friday evening Mr and Mrs Jack a w a i 1.542 35 711 68 3.000 00 3.000.00 3.799 80 2.335 53 County Jail and Board of Prisoners Mr and Mrs. Glenn Knottingham brate his birthday and spend the Jones and family of Big Bend, Mr 500 00 500 00 Rifles and Equipment and Mrs. Leo Keller and family, M, of Boise and Mrs. Knottingham's evening 5,139.97 2,600 00 2.880 90 O ffice Supplies and Collection of Taxes 6,284 06 4,27075 3.600 00 and Mrs. Lewi Hoke, Donald Jones, Mrs. Homer Brewer and daughter, friend, Maureen Perry ol Provo, 150 00 1000 Special Deputies 800 150 00 Utah were supper guests at the Barbara, arrived home Wednesday and Arlene Sparks arrived at the 1,080 00 Half Tim e Deputy Homer Didericksen home for a home of Mr. and Mr O. P. Counsil from a trip to Oakland, California. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCoy and weiner roast, but the rainstorm, Wed nesday evening 8 22.3M.lt Tata I 9 12.718 64 S 25.450.00 9 24,230.00 9 28,543.39 9 21.972.74 Mr. and Mrs. David Oarner and Mr. and Mrs. Don McCoy drove to changed the site of the affair, and Ironside and were overnight guests they all had the party at the Hoke son Lind of Rupert, Idaho were C O U irT Y C LE R K 'S OFFICE: overnight guests Wednesday at the at the Lew McCoy home Thursday home. $ 2,750 04 Salary, Clerk 9 2,250 00 9 4.50000 $ 3,600 00 9 3.600 00 4.500 00 Miss Carol Folkman and Miss home of Mr and Mrs. Delbert Gar- night, fishing Friday, and returning 2.640 00 1600 00 Salary, Deputy Clerk 3,000 00 2,880 00 2,745 00 3,000 00 Nannette Bybee -pent the day in Delbert. and Leona all fished at the that evening. 4,884 75 2.350 00 Salary, Stenographers 5.100 00 5,100 00 4.260 00 4,634 20 Cherry Okano recuperated rapidly Boise Thursday and attended the reservoir. 1.929 85 Salary, Bookkeeper 4.500 00 4.500 00 Mr and Mrs. John G rottveit and \ after her tonsilectomy This Tuesday Travelstend dance recital in the city 2.160 40 Supplies 2,638 90 3.450 00 2.106 73 3,700 00 3,200 19 daughters, Jean and Jenevieve left her brother, Paul, wiil have his ton­ that evening. 86.10 O ffice Equipment 000 250 00 000 250 00 82 14 Overnight cue t . at the Frank Saturday for a week's vacation in | sils removed. Mesdames Ira Price and Howard Perko home Wcdiic day were Mr. California around San Francisco. S 12.520.29 Total 9 13,088 93 9 10.668.75 9 14,022.33 9 20,800 09 3 21.050.00 Jane, Dudley and Conley W ard, Connoughy accompanied a group of and Mrs. Larry Blrnber and daughter Jr visited at the home of their aunt. | 17 junior girls of the Adrian church from Seattle Mrs Perko’s brother, ASSESSOR'S O FFICE Mr Lawrence Dlmmlck, while their to Caldwell Thursday for a swim, Mr. and Mr- Ed Gore of Lebanon, $ 2,750 04 Salary. Assessor .... ........ _ 9 3.600 00 9 3.60000 9 2.250 00 9 4.50000 3 4.500 00 parents moved their household be­ and served refreshments to the Oregon visited Thursday. Friday Salary, O ffice Deputies (3) 7,073.27 6.744 90 7,290 30 3,480 00 6.590.00 6,590 00 guests were Mr and Mrs Gene Say- longings to their new home on the crowd. Field Deputies and Traveling Exp. 529 83 2,994 02 1,975.28 1,643 66 5.500.00 8,400 00 Twelve members of the Sunset er, formerly of Caldwell, who re­ new land, north of Notus 7,163 68 Supplies 4,549 02 1,825 21 1.918.54 900 00 600 00 Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Will- 4-H Livestock club, who met Satur­ cently moved to Parma. son and sons dined at the home of day afternoon at the home of Henry Total 9 17,516.82 S 17,083.58 9 15.194.19 9 9,623.82 3 17,190 00 3 20.390.00 Adrianne Gihhy and son Reed of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kauffman at Mendlzona, made plans for a swim­ ming party to be held Saturday, Far West, Utah, were overnight Homedale. C O U N T Y TR E A SU R E R : Mr and Mrs Charles McCoy and June 14 All who wish to go will meet guests at the home of D O. Bybee. : Salary of Treasurer 9 2.100 00 9 3,000 00 9 3.00009 9 1,660 00 9 3.300 00 « 3,30000 daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Russell at the Culbertson home at 12:30, The Oibb.v were en route to Moses Supplies and Traveling Expense 324 02 425 02 225.21 261 38 600 00 400 00 Howell visited Wednesday evening ready to go to Ontario. The group Lake with farm equipment. Extra help 60 50 000 75.00 K in g m a n K olon y Kontacis Sunset V a lie v Speaks NOTICE OF 1952-1953 BUDGET 9 Total “How can small 9 2.424.92 Supplies Clerk firms hold their own with a big company like you?” Men who run small businesses hair said such thirtf’s us: ''Somepeople think ice’re being frozen out. I'm doing well, but what about othersl How can small firms hold their oun with a big com­ pany like you?” You can see the answer for yourself when you get a clear picture of the way business firms tle|iend ujxm one another. Even a big, integrated company can’t stand alone. O u r co m p a n y in a num ber o f parta that fit together like pieces o f a jigsaw puzzle. A t the center o f things, w e’re refiners. Then to he sure ol a supply o f crude oil, we drill wells o f our own. And to keep up the flow into our refineries and out again, we provide tankers, pipelines and trueks, and distributing organizations. Hut the territory is broad, the needs many. 3,225.21 9 3,485.52 9 1,911.38 9 3.975.00 3 9 2,100 00 461 49 ...................................... ...... ___ 867 00 — 1,660.17 3 3.000.00 35651 1,207 42 1.468 69 $ 3,000 00 450 29 644 59 1,717 00 8 1,800 00 313 37 399 85 1,050.00 3 3,600 00 700 00 500 00 2,100 00 $ 3.600 00 700.00 700 00 2.100 00 5.089 26 9 6.032.62 9 3.811.88 9 3.583.22 9 6.900.00 3 1,893.43 9 2,123.91 9 1.910.18 9 912.08 9 2.000.00 9 2,000 00 5.949.05 9 7,018.94 9 0.599.12 9 3.967.75 9 7,120 00 9 9 9.950 00 9 11.700 00 9 4.500.00 9 3,992 50 9 11.985.0« 3 12,385.00 9 21,112.27 9 26.643.37 9 11.150.17 9 7,248.34 9 17.580.00 3 17.580.00 3 11,299 45 18,714 00 ...... 1,237 55 15,000 00 9 13,475 00 22.069 45 1,314 00 16200.00 9 17.955.00 27,463 00 1.617 00 18.000 00 9 8,747.25 23.956 50 1,144 50 5.874.75 1.929 00 1,157 25 9 13.206 00 31,942 00 1,526.00 7.833 00 2,572 00 — t 12,067 00 33,952 00 1,650 00 7.050.00 4,350 00 1,544 00 C O U NTY SCHOOL SU PERIN TEN D EN T: Salary o f Superintendent ............. Traveling Expense ............. - ................ Total 9 DISTRICT ATTORNEY: ............ _ ............. ....... - I CIRCUIT COURT: 9 COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE: - H E A LT H U NI T: C O U NTY W ELFARE: Dependant Children < > m Age Assistance Blind Assi-tance General Assistance Pei manently Disabled Foster Care .................. .. ............ ............ Total 9 40,251 00 Weed Control .......................................... ....................$ ........ Sealer of Weights and Measurers 266 52 State Industrial Ace Comm. .......... . 101 oo Malheur County Home 120.87 Indigent Veterans 388.84 W ater Master, T ravel Expense and Deputies 6,410 87 Insane Examinations of 45 00 School Institute and Standard Achv Test .... ...... Justice Court - ...................... 6,462 04 Coroner 549 11 Tuberculosis Indemnity and Bangs 4,383.83 Audit County Books 675 00 O fficers Indemnity Bonds 100 00 General School Tax Estimated 91,744.26 Election . . 2,475.30 Vital Statistics 313.50 Court House, Office Furniture Insurance, Improvements, etc. 4,505 82 Current Expense. Fuel, Water. Telephone, Janitor, etc. ..... ........ 7.228 33 i tbrary Contract 14.959.61 Emergency Fund Miscellaneous De tructl in of Predatory Animals O fficial Advertising lerlmental Area, 5 m ill School Library Tax r.i\ Rebati Discounts Count) Service O fficer County Veterinarian Aid in Homes R ural District Board Expense O ld Oregon Trail, Inc. County Fair Board County Surveyor 9 apt nse il Social Security ..... T h e r e are many small refiners <*>m|»ettng with us. In every field, there are distributors scll- i ng either our products for us o r o nnpet itive lines. F or exam ple, here in the West independent servne stations selling our gasoline outniiudsr Company-owned stations nUnit -n to o n e . . . and stations selling other biamis outimuiber our own shout . 9 to one T h e s e s m a ll firm s "hold their own” very well indeed, and through serving well, many o f them will grow lug Standard goes right on working to gain new business competing for your pat­ ronage by increasing efficiency o f operation, im ­ proving pnslui Is, ».a ping prices down. Hut it's clear that a v ist number ol small firms, too, uluu.vx s ill In needed to complete the p xtu rr. Total 17 79 . fa • plan* flUood to adrve you better in i > ra tin ata # 7,120.00 9 42,809.25 9 57,079 00 9 60,633.00 9 9 9 9 9 55 52 112 51 112.11 51995 2.417 54 73 00 7.019 35 289 00 3.946 90 848 50 527 50 74.953 91 2.911 93 306 00 23 95 8,979 83 13,971 00 000 825 44 3,515 45 1.588 63 000 731 24 57 38 289 34 1.320 25 332 50 000 0.00 77 80 1.317 53 35 60 1,245 35 50 00 281 45 4,521 48 177 40 000 000 280 00 43.187 91 689 89 100 00 235 85 3.532 22 6,682 22 000 404 46 1.475 00 572 06 104 25 000 000 000 1.337 00 154 17 000 000 109 96 36 79 75 33 443 31 82 00 150 00 7,291.71 400 17 000 1,706 40 563 52 75.588 62 5.030 98 335 00 601 45 7.109 19 7,869 07 000 692 80 000 2.834 27 782 80 707 41 000 000 1.972 00 360 00 000 150 00 120 00 1.000 00 100.00 5.000 00 150 00 300 00 7.820.00 600 00 000 1.500 00 300.00 72,050 00 3.275 00 300 00 3.000 00 7.300 00 15.956.28 14,359 28 5,12586 3.000 00 2,500 00 500 00 775 00 9.121 47 1.500 00 150 00 130.00 1.500 00 500 00 3,000 00 150 00 350 00 8.796 00 600 00 3.000 00 2.000 00 350 00 71.61000 2,500 00 300 00 4.500 00 7.300 00 15,960 50 7,877 29 3,500 00 3.000 00 2.500 00 500 00 775 00 12.961.78 000 2.000 00 400 00 OOO 500 00 3.000 00 400 00 — 1.000 00 1.000 00 350 00 334.813 36 416.005 90 9714.241.11 ____ 305,800 10 9374.1S8.0T 008 24 13.000 00 1 600 00 10.000 00 2.500 00 90 000 00 OOO 150 00 200 CD 17,923 00 0 tv 1.000 00 3 300 00 1,000 00 85.000 00 90.000 00 267,294 71 267,294 71 *689.226.60 *704.193.28 * 9 151.237 60 »120.2*7 49 13.000 00 1900 00 15.000 00 2.500 00 *5.000 00 13.000 00 1 eoo 00 » 5.000 00 2.500 00 *5.000 00 13.0® 00 1.800® 12,0® ® 2 .5 ® ® 90.0® ® 2.700 00 12.OUI 00 2.7® 00 12.0®® 2.000® 8.0® 00 9 IM.ML.M f i l l .M M » «U IM M » «129.200.0» »«30.00AM fW * 80140 «557 .CM 60 «678.803.28 now * «»* • » publication Jane 5, 1*62 l * t f Mb « .»■ « » * June 12. 1952. 7,100 00 9 «5,035 00 ................ LESS e s t i m a t e d r e c e i p t s f o r y e a r a n d c a s h o n h a n d Cash, General Fund Q< neral Road Fund County Clerk's Fees .... Sheriff's Fees Circuit and Justice Court Fees and Fines Penalt) and Interest on Delinquent TBnas Motor License Fund ( Rat c;pt-. Fine- and etc. Hoad- County Lands Hants Sale, County Lands Delinquent Taxes Health Refund r»u i 3.700.00 9 53.058.45 • 9O31.H05S7 T o r 41. R U D G C * S T A N D A R D OIL C O M P A N Y OF CA L I F O R N I A 1,258 02 2,783 58 1.936.90 3,148 62 1.34951 152.80 3.01124 2,177 50 43927 Interest on Outstanding Warrants General Road Fund, for new machinery and equipment, Bridge materials, and Road materials ..... Special Road Levy, for construction, repair, Improvements and m aintenance of County Roads Suppliera, competitors and customers most o f them small firms are netsled all around us. ( »t her producers supply over 40' o f tin1 erudì* we need. And we buy thousands o f other things, from pu>e to paper clips last year, more than 3110,000,000 worth o f goods and serv ices from some 10.(MX) sup­ pliers in the West alone. 9 O R LA N D C M B LD E U ir. C h a tm a n o f the Budget B H i l t o n M « ’ LAJA«, setvam ry *>1 Uie Budget Board.