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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1952)
9 + THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 5. 1952 FACE EIGHT M Li v E g -ired turned home Ftid.iy Phillip remain report ba * June 9 Beiuiy K d i*r parent.- Mt »n d Mr- Noei Tuppeny. quet honoring coliegi u d high 'nicy w ue a -.-ieu u> .Hi Alice ed for a longer vi-it with M> rlt and who also is home on leave, visited on their way home Trout a trip sclvji'l graduate.- that i- spon-irtd bv Japane-e Citizen League and through California. Donald at the home ot hi- parent Thump-on. M. , Hopkins had hi* father. was held at the East Side cafe in \i; and Mr-. Jack Jone charge of the guest card At the Ill M’ C < The Jolly Stitchers held their last Ontario Saturday night Lt Gover close of the evening a gift of silver family of Portland are visiting her M; Mary i helping and meeting with their leader. M i s G ol Miss Helen lltlili nor Ed-on Deal of Nampa was the w i j.ven them by W C Van De m Lee Cl caring for the Clucas children while die Robert.- Monday. Mrs Robert Phone Farina 1-1-1 Water. Guests from a distant were ily this week their mother wa- in the ho-pital and Sharen. Karen, and Elaine Ricks principal speaker. Mrs Henry Eden and Invigene. Ed Nt w: in and Bert went to N ca recoveniig from her resent opera- took the -ewing down to Ontario and Mr and Mr- Ralph Haworth d Mi - Tom Jones and Janice went to Ml.-s Loretta Van De Water re remain for a tune, while Mr Hobb- Nampa Mr. and Mr Z Par well and P lymouth Friday to attend Memor- i tion. entered it at the spring fair. M works in the wheat iiarvest in O re .al services. turned home Monday ' Mr and M: Herb Thoma- went Mrs Charles Wyman of Boi-e. Boi-e Thur-day The girl- are plan daughter of Parma; Mr and M M: ai.(I Mr- Oe rge B i." :.f Ville. Mouth Carolina where .he has gon i to Wr; er Wedne day evening to at | visited Thursday with her sister, ning on starting nur-e training this M tnd Ml Art Parma and M: and M: t'a e M in- tend the graduation of their grand- Mrs Herb Thomas In the afternoon fall. been attend me college the i>a t nine I Shirley and Larry Davidson of ______________ tje * e r if vi-ited at the Ed Newton 1 daughter, Jean Dillie. Mr. and Mrs. they visited their brother and fam months. Caldwell t ited Maryann and Victor Spark' ol Kingman Kolony. Mi and Mrs. Harold D eG roff of June the past week We-ley Percy accompanied them to ily. Mr and Mrs. Jack Raney of Mr and Mrs. ( laud Brown return Mr and Mr Dyre Roberts and home Sunday. Mr and Mrs Tom June- enter see their nephew, Dale Percy, who Apple Valley. Boise visited his sister and family, ed home Thur -day from Bend where Mr and Mr- Floyd Fleshman of family -pent Memorial Day m Boise, Mr. and Mrs Boyce Van De Water Clarkston. Washington visited at the where they visited at the Bob Cole tained hi- aunt and uncle, Mr and also graduated. Mrs Walter Bishop and Mrs E H they were called when M r Brown’s and attended the graduation at A d Varner Hopkins home Monday. and Ray Henderlider homes Sharon Mr- W ill Back of Columbia. Ten- Mr Mary Brumbach accompanied Brumbach attended R. N A lodge father was taken to the St. Charles rian where his nephew, Billy Van ne ee, whom he had not seen for i -■ received in Schweuer and Mi s meeting at home of Mrs W. J. Rob- Mr and Mrs. Varner Hopkins, and Karen visited Christine Snapp, 44 years, over Sunday From here Mrs. Charlt De Water was among the graduate-, an automobile accident. Mrs. a former school mate and Big Bend Clarice Nolheis to a meeting of Book linson in Ro well Monday evening. Faye Marie, and Kenny spent S at they went to Lewiston. Idaho to I club held at Mrs Ralph Haworths Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas took a Brown’s Neice. Sherry Calkins re resident. urday and Sunday with Mr and M r, Ezra Brumbach was in Nampa turned with them to spend the sum Mr and Mrs Babe Hamilton and visit Mr. Jones' parents. drive Sunday to Homed ale and Cald t.ew hotnw Mrs. Joe Brumbach re Bill Hopkins at Cascade. Idaho. Saturday where he served as best well. They visited Mr and Mrs. Glen Donny were Saturday night callers Mr Hart came Monday from her viewed "Grandmother Moses" a story mer here Mr and Mrs. John Auker, Mr and at the Roberts home Donny spent home at Baker to visit her daughter of life of a 92-year-old lady writ | man at a wedding o f Cpl. Victor Gaylord and Mrs. Emery Parsons in Mr and Mrs. LeRov Barton visited Paul and Miss Mae Gibbs. Mrs. Varner Hopkins and family and the night with Wayne and Mrs and family, Mr. and Mr Caldwell. Leroy ten by herself. Sunday in Vale at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brumbach at Mr and Mrs Boyxe Van De W ater Hamilton and little granddaughters, Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas re Mr. and Mr- Keller, daughter and and Mrs Austin Barton. ceived a telephone call from their and family and ^Alice Thompson Vickie and Terry of Nyssa spent Mi-s LaRayne Smith, who is em son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs Jacit tended the annual graduation ban spent Thursday evening at the Sunday in the Roberts home. son in Spokane telling them to meet ployed in Boise, spent the week-end Jones, accompanied them to Cald their grandson. Merle Thomas, who George Elfers home. The occasion Mrs Dyre Roberts took her 4-H with her parents, Mr and Mr;. well Sunday, where 40 relatives is coming by plane Sunday noon to was George’s birthday. gathered at the Dark for a picnic 1 club girls to Ontario Thursday a f Chet Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Joe King went to ternoon to see the 4-H style review spend his vacation with them. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Slaybaugh of dinner in honor of Jack Jones’ birth Mr. and Mrs Herb Thomas spent North Powder Sunday and got their While there they got their displays Caldwell .-pent the week-end at the day. two little grandsons, Joe and Steve and ribbons Ribbons won for 4-H Chet Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Welsh and fam Memorial Day in Weiser. King from Portland, who will spend i sewing were Norene Howes, a merit ily of Caldwell visited at the Bend Mrs. George DeHaven and girls Mr- Babe Hamilton of Newell their vacation on the farm ribbon; Sharon and Karen Roberts Heights and her two granddaugh Sunday, calling on Mr. and Mrs. Of Kingman Kolonv and Kathcrini Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Ruddell and , won 3rd. and Elaine Ricks won 4th. ters and Mrs. Goldie Roberts visited Pug Swigert and other friends. Auker visited at the Herb Thomas Mr Ckas Davidson spent two days In the cooking. Sharon and Karen Sunday at the Chet Smith home, John Walter Tuppeny and his home Sunday evening. cousin Loren Colbert of Denver Mrs. Prone Stradley returned visiting their brother and sister, Mr. | Roberts. Kay Cllicas, Katherine An iToo late for last week« home Sunday from Ny.-sa, where and Mrs Joe King, leaving Tues ker, Norene Howes, and Peggy Chan- The A and B extension held their Colorado arrived Tuesday to visit his : ey, received 2nd ribbons, Jimmy last meeting for the summer with she has been visiting her son, El day for their home near Salem Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School mer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Varner Hopkink, Chaney won 4th Mrs. Irma Hopkins last Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright and Mr and Mrs Bill Van De Water, A son was born to Mr and Mrs. Mi-.- Edna Mae Miller the extension I District No. 26-C of Malheur County, State of Oregon, Mr and Mrs. Elmer Prosser were and Mr. and Mrs Dyre Roberts en Walter Abbott last Friday at the leader, showed several colored slides fishing at Owyhee dam Sunday. tertained 83 friends and relatives at Caldwell Memorial hospital. Rickie of the different units in their "bet- , that the Annual Election of said district will be held Th e Jolly Jane club met with Mrs. the Hopkin's home Wednesday even Gene and his mother are spending a ter dress shop." Subject for the af- , Jack Jones last Wednesday. Next ing, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Boyce few days with his grandparents, Mr ternoon was "Short Cuts in House at the elementary school between the hours of 2:00 meeting to be with Mrs. Sarah C art Van De W ater’s silver wedding an and Mrs. Chet Smith before g o in g . Keeping"; also demonstrated "Cor wright June 11. niversary. The table was beautiful to their home in Boise. sage Making.” Lunch was served by P. M. and 7:00 P. M. on the third Monday of June, be Mr and Mrs. Martin Hobbs and with a lace table cloth and center- Mrs Hamilton McAllister of Nam- i the hostess. family who hnve been living in piece of roses. After the special deco pa came home with Mr. and Mrs Mr and Mrs. Wilber Strange and ing the 16th day of June, A. D., 1952. Washington returned to visit her rated cake was cut by the honored Ralph Stark last Wednesday and is j sons, Dale and Wesley, and Jim Sut parents, Mr. and Mrs Ray Cart couple, Miss Faye Hopkins served spending a few days at the Stark ton and Chas. Reynolds of Butler, wright Mrs. Hobbs and children will and Miss Loraine Van De Water home visiting This election is called for the purpose of electing Mo were overnight guests of the John Thompson family Friday night Mr. and Mrs Foy Scott and fam- I one director for a term of five years. My of Roswell were dinner guests | They were on their way to Moses Bank and Establish Wednesday evening at the Ralph Lake. Washington, where they have y o u r Cred it with Stark home. Their son W F. Is home i employment. Dated this 5th day of June, 1952. on furlough from a camp in Vir- ! Mr and Mrs. Chester Stanton went to Boise Sunday to visit her gmia. V a n y branch Mr and Mi Ralph Stark visited son and family. Mr and Mrs. Glen News From Big Bend NOTICE of Annual School Election H A U L I N G and M O V I N G <ry in the L. Aufderhar home in Cald- well a week ago Sunday In the a f ternoon they motored to Boise to see the baby buffalos at the Julia Davis park Horace Chaney and Ralph Stark made a trip out to the cattle camp last Thursday to see how the cattle were doing Mr and Mrs Emmett G ifford of Salt Lake. Mr and Mr Albert G if ford of Nyssa visited their sister und family. Mr. and Mrs Horace Chaney over Memorial Day. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Tuttle of Ogden and Aarel Sexton visited his daughter and family. Mr and Mrs. Io e Cleverly over the week-end Mrs. Ed Newton attended the graduation exercises of her grand daughter, Mrs Shirley Newton Jen nings. daughter of Ted Newton i f Joseph, Oregon Mr- F.<1 Newton accompanied Mr Myrtle Hatch. Helen and Phillip to Joseph, Oregon Tuesday to visit at the Henry Hatch home They re- Near or F a r .............. Depend On U» For Efficient Moving Our reliability has been proven by our service now being rendered. Our rates are very reasonable. For any moving or hauling need - C A L L 234 M AY TRUCKING CO. 312 S. 4lh St. N y ssa -Subscribe Now or Renew Your Subscription Smith. j Mr and Mrs. R ay Cartwright and Mrs. Frone Stradley spent Sunday visiting her mother, Mrs. Naoma j W right and her aunt, Mrs. Lilly Walters o f LaGrande. Mrs. Quick, formerly of Big Bend, , who now is residing in California wth her daughter, Mrs. Mary W at son. visited at the Joe King home last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chaney and family went to Emmett Sunday to visit her mother, Mrs. Abe Yergen- sen who was celebrating her 73rd birthday. Mr and Mrs. Harvy Bennett and family made a trip to Mt. Vernon. j Oregon visiting in the A1 Mecham home. Margaret remained and is ! spending a few days visiting her friend. Miss Ethel Mecham. Mr and Mrs. David Oarritt and daughter of Olympia. Washington were overnight guests of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weir. The Oarrltts were returning from a visit with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Charley Kiel of Fairmont. Nebraska. Vernon Peterson of New Plymouth is visiting in the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Shearer and baby. Donald Jones is home on leave from Lowry. Colorado and has to I 7 IK ^ ST NATIONAL Attest: BANK Henry H. Hartley, OF PORTLAND m. S U ittU U M U l PtfO Sit in s o » a /*CJ C o ie o t A t K X „ Special Clearance Sale BALE TIES *7.95 Bauman Farm Equipment Your Allis-Chalmers and New Idea Dealer N Y S S A STORE 1 Milo No. of Nyssa Phone 333 To Attend The From A Member of the Malheur Memorial Hospital Auxiliary OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S You will receive the newspaper covering the activities of the Nyssa Community each week and will be helping this hard-working organ ization raise funds for their hospital work. ON THE SNAKE RIVER SOUTH OF MOUNTAIN HOME iunacu/ ex rtHoon Only $ 2 .5 0 Per Year In Malheur County, Oregon and Payette and Canyon Countie«, Idaho $ 3 .0 0 Per Year Elsewhere M A K E IT a Sunday afternoon outing— bring the whole family— uro Idaho's lurgest power plant. Subscription Rates Will Be Advanced the grounds will hr open at I p. m. <)uiiles will b e available at point* of general Interest to answer your ques tions. The dedication ceremony will take place at ?:««. .Mark your cal endar for Sunday, June 8th. and plan to come. to $ 3 .0 0 Per Year In Malheur County, Oregon, and Payette and Canyon Countie», Idaho This newly completed Itl.iWf.iMHl $ 3 .5 0 Per Year Elsewhere A m • « ® project has a dam 3,220 feet in length — three big electric generators each capable of supplying the power needs of the City of Bit*«*. The whole fam ily will enjoy seeing It. There'* plenty of parking *puoe. Coffee and ire cream will lx- servtd. Drive south of Mountain Home, keep west of the Air Hast* and follow the signs. It's 23 miles Southwest of Mountain Home. I DA HO V POWER AFTER THAT DATE-.Single Copie« Will Be Advanced to 7c « ® « Directors O P EN 10 fo 3 SIX D A Y S A W EEK 6th A M orrison Branch till 6 p nt Gate City Journal After July 19, 1952 Chairman, Board of District Clerk •LET'S BUILD OREGON TOGETHER" For The This Auxiliary Subcsription Campaign Ends July 19, 1952 John Schenk, CI TI ZEN WHEREVER IT S E RV E S O N TAR IO STORE 510 No. Oregon Phone 56