^ m rn rn m «• i 1 Ç $ THF NYSSA GATE CTTY JOURNAL. N YSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE S. 1*52 PA G E S IX daily O c im i were played with Viola Frank Bvers. Betty and Stanley Mr r. as he finds mate \ : T: Jtner Thur i.i> Tilley v >rkmg in Bn;,« Adams, Mary Srruiey Betty Bowen and Mr. Holland Holme, and tain- i. . i leit )tor Han.-ei living quarters in that city Ca m;er and Bonnie Holmes winning prises ily Mr and Mrs Roy Holmes Mi Ii'i i.ner planned to parei it-, while ’ and Mrs. Gilbert Holmes and daugh Rataezyk moved two peacocks with The club will Died June 4 with Cora visit in Hagernian and Sun Valley him However, the male is running ters, and Mi and Mrs. Glen Holmes, Rooks tool as hostess. over the week-end. VIrv Lyman Pomeroy louse in the valley, and if anyone Jr Holland. Bob and Oilbert Holme» rn Garner and Mi and Mr* V Plum« 02-J3 ee him. they should phone Uie Mrs. Thane Langford of Marsing each took a truck load of boys and iarml y arrived hon ie late Sunday Rataezyks. Mrs. Frank Byers and Mrs. Kenneth Reece of NjntS girls to the dam Sunday for the alter .-pending the Memorial Day visited Friday with their sister. Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Jim Armstrong were Phene 070-R1 Job’s Daughters and DeMoley picnic It wus a busy weeli of visiting and and Mrs. E J Hobson plan on stay week ■end in UlLah. and vi-ned Mr. Friday dinner guests at the home of Gilbert Holmes and family. company for Mr and Mr. E. J Hob ing in the Marie Coates home in Guru er's inothe r. Julia Garner. Mr and Mr- Gilbert Holmes end Mr and Mr- Woodrow Fisher Full Mrs. Glen Brown and children are son. with their children, two sons, Ny--a this summer, while Marie is The Merry Matrons club met at daughters were guests at a weiner visiting friends and relatives in Ne (1 Mr Chf ford Wolfe, two er is a brother of Mrs Armstrong Mr and three daughters, and their fami visiting on the coast, roast Sunday evening at the Holland < i the home of Lillian Lundy Wednes Mr and daugliters, . ■ Fisher returned with her braska. lies. Hobson's son, Mr. and Mrs. Don Stricklands have the sheeting A’t*re guests at the Harold Acker- uncle and aunt, and spent the night day, May 21. 13 members and one Holmes home Richard Hobson and three children on their new house, and the rool man home in Payette Friday for din visiting guest. Dorothy Runcorn, were pres them. A family picnic dinner was en o f Leota, Kansas arrived Monday timbers up Mr. and Mr*. Harry Newby «*f ar: • . . Mi and M Ubi I At kar Mrs. Ira Price was hostess at an ent The afternoon was spent so- joyed last Sunday on the lawn at Mountain Home and Mrs. Tom New and visited at the homes of his Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen and man ! Ne a Plymouth, and Mrs afternoon ladies party at her home the Holland Holmes home Guests brother Joe in Ontario, and his two «oils were Saturday evening supper und jn Gary of Monday afternoon. and Mrs. Melvin Pendarvis and fam were Mr and Mrs. A. M. Goodson by and Gary of Boise were guests sisters. Mrs. Janies Langley and Mrs. guests at the John Timmerman Floren ce P»erce On?gon. and family of Parma: Mr and at the Earl Larson home on Mem Hain» Homer Brewer. E J. Hobson's home. Mrs. NelLsen and her -ister. Dean and Ricky Pendarvis. Mr ily were guests at the Walter Hillis Mrs. F G Holmes. Mr and Mrs. orial day. Roy Holm*-' are Mr and Mr home Friday for dinner on the lawn daughter, Mrs. Clyde Kimball and Pet Conley were down with the flu and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell, and Mr gather H i)4 C\attle in the range for the husband of Oakland, California ar mo t of last week Job. spr;lying regula:r rived Wedne day, and visited at all Mr and M. Lewi- Mitchell and Mr and Mr Fred B ibcock and j of the homes. Friday the family held attended a family picnic in a family dinner and party at the Mi and Mr Walter Hilli nttended family In accordance «nth »he nrnvieions of the "Local Budget Law” (Sections 110-1215, O C X A„ as amended), notice is hereby given that the budget , e of M Langley home, with all of the fami the double-header ball game in Boi.se Ora Bab ■ k Fred' ¡-ter Mr and ommittee of Malheur County Oregon, in compliance with the laws prepared and adopted May 23. 1962 the b u d g e t ^ ^ v a T e ‘ o w n ' s a i d S e t Friday evening. lies present. Saturday E J. Hobson Oregon for the ensuing fiscal vear July 1 1962 to June 30. 1953 All persons are hereby notified that on June 3«, 1953 in Vale. Oregon, said budget Delin' S< anell I Salt Lake Vi .ting at the Ora Nt wgen home Mi and Ills two sons made a trip to e innate, may be discussed with the County Court, the levying board for Malheur County. Oregon, and any person subject to the proposed tax Drewsey and Senaca, and later Wedne day, were Mr and Mrs. Roy City, and Mr and Mr Fred Linde levy or tax levies will be heard in favor of or against said proposed tax levies or any part thereof. Langley took Clyde Kimball and Watkins of Homedale, Idaho, and of B 'i e were also pre-cut Mr and Mr K.ven Chard and Detailed expenditures for each of the three fiscal periods and 6 months of current year, budget for the c u r r e n ty e a r » 1951-53) and ^ m 'Z ed Richard Hobson for an airplane ride their daughter. Mr and Mrs. Bill Don Price returned Fold of Aliquippa. Pennsylvania Mi and Mi estimates of the amounts of money proposed to be raised by taxation for the ensuing fiscal period July 1. 1963 to June 30, 1063. for Malheur County. over the surrounding area. Poh! i- employed in the office of the Saturday from a 15-day trip to Kail Oregon, are as follows, to-wit: Mr. and Mr.-. Clyde Kimball left J At L. Steelmills of Pittsburg. as, returning via Old Mi ..co, Grand fur their hotne in California on Fri ACTUAL EXPENDITURES Arriving early Friday morning at Canyon and Bryce Canyon. day and were accompanied by Mrs. the Ora Newgen hotne were Mr and Arriving Sunday for a visit of sev Estimated Budget Yr. 1st 6 Mos. July 1,1940 July 1.1960 Homer Brewer and her daughter July 1,1948 Mrs Fred Harrison and three sons eral day-, at the Lorin Stine home Budget 1951-1952 1951-1962 Barbara. They plan on seeing if sur to to to of Portland. Harrison is a brother were Mr Stone' mother and broth 1952-1963 gery is necessary for Barbara, who Jun 30, 1960 Jun 30, 1951 Jun 30. 1949 of Mrs Newgen Mrs Ada Harrison, er. Mr Carl Stone, and Myron injured her nose on a swing this COUNTY COURT: mother, who has been visiting on Stone of Ogden, Utah. $ 4.500 00 4,500 00 $ 2,25000 spring. $ 3,600 00 $ 3.600 00 $ 2.750 04 Salary, Judge the west coast for the past six Stanley Reffett of Haines, Oregon 1.500.00 2.000 00 470 26 Richard Hobson and family left 1,189 54 1,292.78 477 35 Commissioners $10 00 per day and Travel Expense weeks, returned with her son. Ac was a Saturday overnight guest at 700 00 800 00 451 59 Monday morning from Boise by companying Harrisons, were Mr 199 46 525 69 1.782.77 e Expense and Clerk the home of hi- parents. Mr and plane for their home in Kansas. Goldie Austin and daughter Elaine Mrs John Reffett. and stayed for 8 4.969.8# 9 5,418.47 8 3,171.85 $ 7.300 08 9 6.708.08 9 5 010 18 Mr. and Mr Bob Newgen of Mad of Longview. Washington, who re dinner Sunday. Supper guests in Total ras, Oregon visited at several homes mained to visit for several weeks. cluded Mr. and Mrs. Roy Osborn in Sunset over the week-end. SHERIFF S OFFICE The Newgens and all their guests and Mr and Mr- Loren Hite and 4.500.00 4.500 00 2,248 1« 3 506 35 2,746 39 3 596 35 Visitors at the Waller Hillis home visited Mrs. Newgen’s neice. Mr and sons, all of Maine. Shortie and Salary, Sheriff 3 .300 00 3.300 00 1 648 16 2.745 25 2.487 32 2.696 35 Sunday were Mr. and Mrs Merle Mrs Dick Curtis in Caldwell Satur Larry Hite remained to spend a Salary, 1 Deputy 3.000 00 3 000 00 1.496 16 2,744 35 2,396 35 2 .696 36 Marcum and daughter, and Mr. and day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred week with their grandparents, the Salary, 1 Deputy Tax 2.100 00 2.100 00 1 348 16 2,41335 1.607.14 3,788 62 Mrs. Harold Marcum and family. Salary. 1 Deputy Tax Harrison and three sons left Sunday Reffett 1,800 00 1,800 00 1,078.47 330 00 2.049 90 000 Salary, Tax Clerks Lynn Snodgrass was out last week evening for Portland. Mr and Mr Neil Gimmick drove 2 . 200.00 3 500 00 1.294.95 3.220 16 4.320 08 3 681 75 and excavated for the new Charles Travel Expenses and Car Mrs. H A, Wilson and her father, to the Grand Gene Lodge in the 3.000.00 3,000 00 711 68 1.542 35 2.335 53 3,799 80 Schweizer home. John Jarvis will O. it. Hite were overnight guests Sawtooth mountain- over the week County Jail and Board of Prisoners 500 00 500 00 start on the forms for the structure Wednesday and Thursday at the Rifles and Equipment end. 2,600 00 3 600 00 2.880 90 4,270 75 5,139 97 6 .284 08 this week, with his assistants. Office Supplies and Collection of Taxes George Johnston home in Haines. Mr and Mr Lawrence Gimmick 150 00 150 00 10 00 800 Mrs. E J Hobson is staying at The Johnstons then spent the week Special Deputies were urf-board riding on the river 1.080.00 the Homer Brewer home caring for end at the Harley Wilson home. Half Time Deputy Sunday and later were among the the children while her daughter. John Burke of Jerome, Idaho 8 26,543 10 9 21.872.74 9 12,718 64 $ 25,458.80 S 24,238.00 $ 22.380.18 Mrs. Brewer is in California. Mr spent three days visiting at the home dinner gue-ts of Mr and Mrs. Don- Total ild Bren 11 t were M of his aunt, Mrs. H. A Wilson the and Mr Don Hite and family and COUNTY C L E R K « OFFICE first of the week Mr in I Mi Oi raid Stanger. 4.500 00 4.500 00 2.350 00 $ 3 600 00 $ 2.750 04 $ 3.600 00 Salary, Clerk Ro well residents, Mr. and Mrs. M: and Mi Harold Fivecoats and 3.000 00 3.000 00 1.500 00 2,640 00 2,74500 2.880 00 Salary, Deputy Clerk Lester Züricher were also among the children of Madia , Oregon, former 5.100 00 5.100 00 2.350 00 4,864 75 4,634 20 4,260 00 Salary. Stenographers dinner guests at the H. A Wilson residents of tlii area, were dinner 4.500 09 4.500 00 1.929 85 Salary, Bookkeeper home Sunday Kite ' • 1 - it 1 ■ home Of Mr. 3,700 00 3.450.00 2.838 90 2,160 40 2.109 73 3.200 19 Supplies Mr and Mrs. O. P. Counsil were and Mr O. P Counsil. 250 00 250.00 000 86 10 000 82 14 Office Equipment guest of Mr and Mi Wilbur Chap Friday Mr and Mi Joe Counsil in on a boat ride Sunday on the of Nampa; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross, 9 14.022.13 8 13.888.91 9 19,668.75 $ 29,808.06 S 21.050.0# $ 12.528.29 Total Owyhee reservoir. The group ate O. P. C 01111 il and Paul Knottingham O N S A V IN G S their dinner while in the boat, float picnicked at the Owyhee dam. ASSESSOR’S OFFICE ing over property formerly part of 2 '/a * O n certificates Mr. and Mi Robert Reffett re $ 4.50000 $ 4.50000 2.350 00 < 3.600 00 t 2,750.04 $ 3.600.00 Salary, Assessor Mrs Counsil's ranch, before the dam turned Friday after vi iting at Moses 6,590 00 OF DEPORT WRITTÍN TO 3.480 00 6.590 00 7,073.27 6.744 96 7.290 30 Salary, Office Deputies (3) was’ built. 8.400 00 5,500 00 1,975.28 MATURE IN 4 ‘YfARS 529 83 2.994.02 1.643 66 Field Deputies and Traveling Exp. Me id.lines James Armstrong, Keith Lake at the home of Mr. and Mr... 900.00 600 00 1.918 54 1.825 21 7,163 68 4.549 62 Supplies Stoker, Ira Price and Harry Garner James Robb, former residents of B a n k a n d E s ta b lish were guests at an afternoon party at Sunset Valley. While enroute home 8 20.390.00 $ 17,190 00 $ 17,516.82 S 15,164.19 9 9.623.82 $ 17.083.58 Total the I, W Pomeroy home Thursday. Reffett also visited at the Ed Ber- y o u r C r e d it w ith Mr Charles Schweizer and Miss gam - 111 Richland, and Mrs Reffett's COUNTY TREASURER: Clarice Notheis were guests at a cousin. Clifford Phillips. < r v «n Ca liner R ita. /vk arrived Friday $ 1,650 00 9 3.30000 $ 3.30000 $ 3.000 00 $ 2 , 100.00 $ 3.000 00 Salary of Treasurer _ ■ ANY BRANCH luncheon and spent the day at the with tu hou eliold belongings from 400.00 600 00 261 38 324.02 426 02 225.21 Supplies and Traveling Expense home of Miss Marjorie Niehart at F I R S T N A T IO N A L 7500 000 60 50 Homedale Tuesday. This was a get- Washington An tnpanying him was Extra help together of some of the teachers be his sister, Mi . Sophia Rataezyk. ^ BANK $ 1.911.38 S 3,975.08 $ 3.700.00 $ 2.424.82 $ 3,485.52 ) 3.225.21 Total fore Miss Notheis leaves for summer Caxmier and family are living in the OF PORTLAND older house on the M. A. Rataezyk school m Colorado COUNTY S C H O O L SUPERINTENDENT Norman Tilley of Seattle, Wash farm. Oa-.ni er i working for Albert " t / r s blmo o h g o n t o g u m ** $ 3.600 00 9 3.600 00 9 1,800 00 $ 2.100 00 $ 3.000 00 $ 3.000 00 Salary of Superintendent ington arrived Wednesday for a | Notheis at pre-ent Sophia plans on OPEN to !• S SIX DAYS A WEEK 700.00 700 00 313 37 461 19 450 29 356 51 short visit at the home of his uncle, Traveling Expense 6 »h A M o rris o n B r a n c h Mil 6 p m . 500.00 700 00 399 85 867 60 644 59 1,207.42 Supplies I, W Pomeroy. Overnight guests ^ Ml M Bit HUE «At u t e o s if 1 1 « Vo *»»« t CORFO *» I 'N _ 2,100 00 2,100 00 1,060.00 1,660 17 1.717.00 1.468 60 were Tilley and his former class- Clerk Along The Sunset Valley Speaks NOW Total out of is an Now you can purchaae fire-proof, rodant- and forever avoid unnecessary worry and loss of profits. Ample sate farm storage often paya for itself the first yearl The land the crop la raised on seldom doee this! L IV E S T O C K R A I S E R S with enough •SIOUX - Steel Storage can purchase feeds to better advantage, end store without fire or fodant los Anyone can easily erect - SIOUX • Steel Bins.—often In less time than is spent trying to get the crop to the elevator during harvest. Ask your dealer to supply you with •SIOUX - Steel Bine now. and enjoy the extra money safe, ample, farm storage provides every year from now on. Approved bins for government storage. Can Pay 15 down, 5 years on balance. For further information, see Sid Walker, Manager, Nyssa Farmers Supply Co op INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Yes S ir... one out of every five home fleeter* sold in Utah-ldaho last year wat an International Harveiter. Here's PROOF of ACCEPTANCE International Harvester freez er* and refrigerator* are top* f o r b e a u t y , u t ilit y a n d economy. Invest at terms to fit YOUR budget at OWYHEE TRUCK A N O IM P L E M E N T COM PANY NY SSA 9 6.032.62 $ 5,811.88 8 3,563.22 8 6.900.00 8 7,100 00 $ 1,893.43 8 2,123.81 8 1,910.18 9 912.68 • 2.000.00 9 2.000.00 CIRCUIT COURT: ___________ 1 $.949.05 9 7.018.94 9 6,599.12 8 3,967.75 $ 7,120.00 9 7,120.00 COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE: 9 9,950 00 9 11.700 00 $ 4.508.00 8 5,992.50 $ 11.985.00 9 12,385.00 IIK4I.TII UNIT: 8 21,112.27 8 26.643.37 9 11,156.17 9 7,248.34 9 17.580 00 9 17.580 00 $ 11,299 45 18.714 00 1,237 55 15,000 00 $ 13,475 00 22.009 45 1.314.00 16.300.00 $ 17,955 00 27,463 00 1,617 00 18.000 00 $ 8,747.25 23.966 50 1.144 50 587475 1.929 00 1,157 25 13.206 00 31,942 00 1,526 00 7,833 00 2.572 00 12.087 00 33,952 00 1,650 00 7.050 00 4,350 00 1.544 00 $ 46.251 09 8 53.058.45 8 65.035.08 $ 42889.25 I 57,979.0« 9 60.633.00 366 52 55 52 11251 172.11 51995 2,41754 73 00 000 109 96 38 79 7533 443 31 82 00 150 00 7.291 71 400 17 000 1,706 40 563 52 75.588 62 5.030 96 335 00 601.45 7.109 19 7 ,859 07 000 692 80 0.00 150 00 COUNTY W E L F A R E : Dependent Children Old Age Assistance Blind Assistance General Assistance Permanently Disabled Foster Care . . . . ............. Weed Control Sealer of Weights and Measurers State Industrial Acc. Comm. Malheur County Home Indigent Veterans Water Master. Travel Expense and Deputies Insane Examinations of School Institute and Standard Achv. Test Justice Court _____________________________________________ Coroner ......................... Tuberculosis Indemnity and Bangs Audit County Books O fficers Indemnity Bonds General sch ool Tax Estimated _ Pi AT FORM NOT l U R N I l H I D B V M A N U F A C T U R E M 8 5,889.28 DISTRICT ATTORNEY: Total p roof. easily erected - SIOUX - Steel Storage I Oregon Trail NOTICE OF 1952-1953 BUDGET Why worry «bout freight car ehortaqes. lack of «levator apac«, and market price« (they often are low at Harvest time). Why worry every year you have a crop? <1 101 08 120 87 386 84 6.41087 45 00 6.452 64 549 11 4.363.83 675 00 100 00 81.744.26 2,475.30 313.50 4.505 82 7.228 33 14.859 61 Vital Statistics Court House, Office Furniture Insurance, Improvements, etc Current Expense. Fuel. Water, Telephone. Janitor, etc. ---- Library Contract _____________________________________________ Emergency Fund ______________________________________________ 1,258.02 Miscellaneous ..........................—..........- ...... 2.783 58 Destruction of Predatory Animals 1 936 90 Official Advertising 3.148 62 i s . . : (mental Area, 5 mill 1.349 51 School Library Tax 152 80 Tax Rebate D iscounts________________________________________ 3,011.24 Count) Sen Ice o i fleer 2,177 50 County Veterinarian ................................ ................................ 430 27 Children’s Aid in Homes 17 79 Rural District Board Expense old Oregon Trail, Inc. County Fair Board County Surveyor ........................................ ...................... I xpei i of 8< m kal security Interest on Outstanding Warrants General Road Fund, for new machinery and equipment. 334.813 36 B dge materials, and Road materials Special Road Levy, for construction, repair, improvements and maintenance of County Roads 7,01935 289 00 3.946 90 848 50 527 50 74.953 91 2.911 93 306 00 23 95 8.979 83 13,971 60 000 825 44 3.51545 1.588 63 000 731 24 57 38 289 34 1.326 25 332 50 000 0 00 2,834 27 782 80 707 41 000 000 1,972.00 360 00 000 77 88 1,317 53 35 60 1,245 35 50 00 281.45 4.521 48 177 40 0 00 000 280 00 43,187 91 689 80 100 00 23585 3.532 22 6.662.22 000 404 46 1,475 00 572 06 104 25 000 000 000 1,337 00 154.17 000 120 00 1,000 00 100 00 5.000 00 150 00 300.00 7,820 00 600.00 000 1.500 00 300 00 72.060 00 3.275 00 300 00 3.000 00 7,300 00 15,056 28 14.359 28 5,12586 3.000 00 2.500 00 500 00 77500 9.121 47 000 2.000 00 400 00 000 500 00 1.000 00 350 00 1.500 00 150 00 130 00 1.500 00 500 00 3.000 00 150 00 350 00 8,796 00 600 00 3.000 00 2.000 00 350.00 71.61000 2.500 00 300 00 4 500 00 7,300 00 15.960 50 7,877.29 3.500 00 3.000 00 2.500 00 500 00 775 00 12.961 78 3.000 00 400 00 1.000 00 1.000 00 3.300 00 1.000 00 85.000 00 90.000 00 267,294 71 267.294 71 $ 128887.49 8689.226.6# 8784 . 193.28 13.000 00 1.800 00 10.000 00 2,500 00 90.000 00 000 150 00 200 00 17.923 OD 000 13.000 00 1.600« 15 000 00 2.500 00 •5.000 00 13.000 00 1.900 00 15.000 00 2,500 00 85.00D 00 13.000 00 1.800 00 12.000 00 2.500 00 90.000 00 2 700« 12.000« 2.7(1) 00 tf.auo D 2.000 00 o u « au Total 9135.88199 f ia lenuau 0131.900« SI 29.300 00 T i lt At M i x ; I T 9439 8*4*3 9190.901 80 0951.080« Ì874JB93.2S Total 863 U88S.57 LESS ESTIMATED RECEIPTS FOR YEAR AND CASH ON HAND: Cash General Fund Cash, Oeneral Road Fund County Clerk’s Fees o Circuit and Justice Court FVes and Fines Penalti and Interest on Delinquent Taxes Motor License Fund Cash Receipts, Fines and etc. Road* County U n d * Rents S.i’.e. County Lands Delinquent Taxes e Hea i Rel tad 1NDIHTKDNM 0’ NONE Flr-t p-ohl atum June 5, 1962. Is i i y .Tun# 12. 1952 __________ 416.005 90 8714.241 91 305 800 10 8574.186.87 151,237 60 000 OR! 4NTYCHÏT.J5RLÏV. Chairman of the Budget B oari MILTON M CLAJUC, Secretary of the Budget Board N 8