T H E N Y S S A G A T E C I T Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A . O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y . J U N E 5. 1952 PAG E FOUR Novels, Cooking, Essays At Library Newell Heighls News Let Us Fix That Dim Headlight W ^ ' SH E LL PRODUCTS and S E R V IC E BLUNCK S H E L L SER VICE OR. C.W. CRAVES Optometrist Eye* Examined 718 Arthur St. Caldwell, Idaho L o 1 MEULLER I FURNACES— LINK BELT STOKERS ! ok T h i s H a w o v T à r m h a n o Around Arcadia Split Cedar Post Treatment Could Double Service Buena Vista Phone 9 2312 l . .g , | Ctesm home The womei ter- ul Mrs Cleaver Eugene Cleaver, L>- ter Cleaver M m liMirnc Mor 1er and Harold Fivecoat spent Thur-da> Phone 032-R2 at the dam. Letter caught a 7 1 4 pound bass. The Chatter Box club is holding Mr. and Mrs. John W uli of Nyssa its June meeting at the Eugeiye Stephen home, instead of the Eugene were dinner guests Sunday at the Cleaver home as previously announ­ home of Mr. and Mr- L. E Rob­ bins. In the afternoon they all called ced. on Grandma Seburn and Mr. and Mrs. A A Bratton. Mrs. Earl Demarest of Ogden ar­ rived last Friday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Cecil Boekweg and family and her brother. Clifford Beckstead and family of Nyssa Visitors at the OUs Bullard home If someone could figure out a home Sunday were Mrs Dale Lakey. Jim­ preservative treatment for split ced­ my, Janet and Barbara of Boise: Mr. ar. Charles R Hugs of Oregon State and Mrs. Theo Matherly and Joan college says it would be worth a and Mr and Mrs. Jerry Zittercob million dollars to Oregon farmers. and son of Ontario and Mr. and Th e extension farm forestry spec- Mrs. John Zittercob IJTS half of the 4.500,00 in * Elmer Stradley and family spent posts used annually in Oregon are Sunday at the Owyhee dam split cedar. They have an average Mr. and Mr-. Charles Miller and life span o f 10 to 12 years. Then, baby o f Portland visited Mrs. M ill­ like any post, they fail at the ground er’s brother, Norman Hipp and fam ­ line. ily one day last week Y et cedar is a fairly durable wood Cecil Boekweg and Clifford Beck- and the post tops will last 20 years stead and two boys spent the week­ or more. Farmers would have their end fishing at the Higgins reservoir. 20 year fence posts, if life o f the Linda Moeller is spending this cedar could be extended at the week at the George Moeller h> me ground line. and attending Bible school at Ar­ It is believed that plit cedar posts cadia. will be available to Oregon farmers Mr and Mrs. Ben Houston and indefinitely, but durability of the Harold went to Council for Memor­ wood Is not going to improve. Tech ­ ial Day. Mrs. Harold Houston and nicians as the Oregon Forest Pro­ ducts laboratory and eLsewhere arc- working to discover a method of R A D I O and preserving cedar post butts. Thus far. nothing particularly succei ful R E F R IG E R A T IO N lias been developed. Here’s the problem in a nutshell: R E P A IR IN G cedar heart-wood resists penetration by preservatives. Sapwood can be treated, but the heartwood is the problem. And a split post is all, or nearly all, heart- Technician wood . Should farmers attempt to treat split cedar? The answer Is definitely Located At Western Store yes, says Ross. He believes the cokl- soak treatment using penta or other Phone 241-J Residence Ph. 2H6-R cold-soak preservatives will be worth what it costs and then some. He admits that these preservatives will provide only surface coating and HARVESTING COSTS crack penetration. These preserva­ tives are so effective, however, that even a light coating will add several years to a post’s life. Since split cedar posts will not absorb much > preservatives, treatment cost is low. When the day comes that service life of split cedar is doubled, a mil- j lion dollars will be saved in replace­ ment costs, Ross estimates. w an .» tx >k on barbecue, two on Spain and the Near fca t. one on a i> children accompanied Mr and Mrs. of civil liberties today, on display ! G H Ball to the Rosedale cemetery * Friday They went on to Wclscr to library in Ontario They will go in­ the swimming pool where part of to circulation on Saturday. June 7 the children swum The group visited With summer’s invitation to out­ at the A C Dudgeon home in the door living, "The Complete Barbe­ Crystal district near Weiser while cue Book" by John and Marie Rob­ | there. erson can add culinary delights to Mr and Mrs Jake Borge and fam- camp life and picnicking. i ily accompanied Mr and Mrs G H A doctor's analysis explains " A r ­ Ball to the Rosedale cemetery S at­ um i> and the Rheumatic Disea-es.'' urday They also visited at the Lyle Philip Lewin, the author, includes a Harvey home and the A Z. Ader discussion of ACFH and cortisone. home in Weiser. Where Nests the Water Hen" by Mr and Mrs. Melvin Burningham Gabrielle Roy is a translation from and daughter. Scherryl of Clearfield, the French of two long stories about Utah visited at the A M Hainmon Luzina's efforts to e-tublish a school and Durlin Hammon homes last and about the shrewd and saintly week. Father Joseph-Marie, both members Pauline Butler. Billy Hammon, of a small French-Canadian settle­ Alice Simpson, Marie, Dale and K ay ment. Borge and Lee Norland attended the Two books relating to the interna­ Community Vacation Bible school tional scene are "The Near East and in Adrian this week Anita Pratt the Great Power " edited by Rich­ assisted in instructing the classes. ard Frye, and "The Face of Spain" Jake Borge is building a cinder- by Gerald Brenan. The first, in the 1 indersi Hiding block home for Pete Timmerman on between Western and Near Eastern the John Timmerman farm. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Martinez and cultures, combines the thinking of family are moving into the finished ’ bU'inessmen, diplomats, and schol­ tenant house on the Jake Borge ars on economic, political, and cul­ farm this week They have been tural factor^ affecting both areas. The second book contrasts postwar living in the basement. Mrs. Jake Borge and children a c ­ Spain with pre-eival war Spam companied Mr. and Mrs. G. H Ball i where the author and his wife had to Caldwell Tuesday for an after­ lived. "Civil Libertie Under Attack" is noon in the park. Mrs. Harry Wa ren and Mrs. J R i a collection of essays pointing out Suter and daughters of Parma and i the dangers to civil rights presented Mrs. Edwin T o p liff and daughters by current actions which have been of Nyssa visited at the Irvin T o p liff j prompted by fear of Communism. "Arrival in W ycherly" is a light home Friday. Mr. and Mrs Lou Pratt took a novel by Norman Denny about a truck load o f DeMolay boys and my teriou.s stranger whose presence Job's Daughters to Owyhee dam spread good until his identity was Sunday. The group picnicked, boat­ discovered. A Rex Stout mystery novel com­ ed and fished. It was an outing hon­ oring the Gresham DeMolays who pletes the week's selection. It is a have been visiting the Nyssa boys new Nero Wolfe novel called "M u r­ for a three day session of initiation der by the Book." ceremonies. Mr and Mrs. Stanley Hill return­ ed with their family from Seattle Sunday. Loren Harvey, son of Mr and Mrs. Mrs. Alva Goodell Lyle Harvey of Weiser has been Phone (Hi!»- HI visiting in the Jake Borge home this week Mi and Mrs. H. Scott and chil­ dren of California visited the past week at the James Stephen, Jr. home Mr Scott is a nephew of Mrs. Stephen. Mr. and Mrs Leslie T o p liff spent Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ( artwriclit Sunday visiting with Elizabeth spent from Friday until Sunday j Goodell at her home at Emmett. above Unity fishing. A. T. C. and Mrs James Stephen left Thursday for California where Estimate* Gladly Given he is stationed with the air corp -. Mr and Mrs Wilks Bertram and Sally returned home Sunday after Phone 134L2 spending several days at the Chet Sage home at Moses Lake and at­ tending the farm day demonstration Parma, Idaho there. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell were m b r h k a m m w m m m m m m sm m r dinner gue-ts at the Henry Estnck home at Meridian Sunday In the ufternoon they accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Estrlck to Idaho City. Mr and Mrs Lewis Batey and family of Buhl . pent the week end B an k and Estab lish at the George Cleaver home Mrs Batey is a neice of Mrs. Cleaver. y o o r C re d it w ith Mr. and Mrs. LaMarr Orr and soil of Seattle visited Saturday night at the Lester Cleaver home. They were ■ i ■ H a a | a ANY BRANCH enroute home from Utah and Mr. F I R S T N A T IO N A L and Mrs. Orr returned home with Mr« Jake Bor** r hon« 041 » 2 A fter spending a week in Buhl at the home o f her parents, Mrs. Dick Kriegh and children returned to her home here. Mr Kriegh's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Kriegh brought her back with them. Mr. and Mrs. G. H Ball arrived at the Jake Borge home Wednesda/ night from Denver Mrs. Ball is Mrs Borge's mother. M r and Mrs. Earl Leach and fam ­ ily of Portland were visiting at the homes of his sisters. Mrs. Jake Burge and Mrs. charle- Harris from 'Ihurs- day night to Sunday evening Mrs. Charles Harris and children and Mr and Mrs Earl Leach and • e ^THERE'S NO^ HEATING 'B o w e r -B o UNLOADS ITSfciP A u t o m a t ic a l l y ! SUBSTITUTE FOR A BANK B o/m N b ò ACCOUNT GEORGE I. KINZER y s Captain Kidd Raised Insurance Rates! ’ Insurance cost a lot 200 years ago because of the dan­ gers of pirates and highway­ men —even 50 years back it was fairly expensive. Today you'll be amazed how little adequate property insurance costs and it's even cheaper if you pay a five year pre­ mium in udvance! GREATEST TIME AND WORK SAVE R you’ve ever seen . . . a 4-ton capacity wagon box with tractor-powered end­ less-chain unloading mech­ anism across full width of bed . . . feeds out a n y amount of an y kind of loose or bulky load where you want it . . . under complete control. Big, rugged, b e a u tifu lly e n g i­ neered. See it! l ets make that insurance survey of your values now before you have a costly loss! High Speed Spreader and * ii, r Attachment* Avuilokio Mow See Fa rm h a n d "POWER-BOX” B and M Equipment Company Pliont- M l RALPH LAWRENCE Nyssa Insurance Agency 105 Main St. I’honr 53 Nyssa. Oregon Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen and Billie of Vale were Sunday dinner guests at the La Verne Cleaver home. Mr. and Mr Rub«- Allen of Grants Pass, Ted Allen of Adak, Alaska visited one day this week at the Callahan home enroute to Coulee dam. Mrs Maynard Thompson, who re­ cently returned from South America and Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy spent Saturday evening at the Les­ lie T o p liff home Mrs. Eugene Stephen has been in the Nyssa hospital the past week for treatment. Harryette Gardner spent last week at the Bob R effett home helping care for the R effett children while their parents were at Moses Lake* Mrs. Lloyd Adams spent several days at the Nyssa hospital »luring the past week following a heart a t­ tack Mr and Mrs Everett Callahan and family attended a family picnic at Meridian Sunday. Mr and Mrs Weir Hoffman and son o f Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day and family o f Adrian were Sunday dinner guests at the S B. Hoffm an home. Mrs. Jun Ritchie and Garnet and Sandra Day attended a banquet at the Adrian church given in honor of the eighth grade graduation. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fivecoat of Madras. Mrs Charles Davis and (laughters of Burns spent the past Furniture and Appliances Fine Quality Product* — Priced Below the Market. Thrifty Shopper* Buy Here ------- Quality. Low Price* and term* to Suit Your Need*. T R Y US — JUST ONCE! ED CASE FUR NITUR E CO. U. S. 20 No. of Y Nyssa ^ BANK O F PORTLAND ^ ’ tu MA* M f o » i t iNtwtAMCI c u * b * * t i y H ^ Horne b ea uty begins w ith . . . Visitors Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. M Cochrun were v w s x v VWWWWWVNA » \ i I li I ! N il H ]U U fULUM //A* h e r e ___ ' s L a A stim o ^ _ m r o w e r m. M m a *. .A Wt fo r i -w - ■ Herbert E. Cox ji j ; i i i DROP V \ vS^3! ______ ^ p D I ;l | | | | { r R A c ! 816 V A U W i n t h « 2 - 3 f la w Pow er C l . s . 'Y ou ’re power ahead — money ahead with the M M Model Z Tractor. You get the low-cost power to do M O R E work and do it right . . . to boost your profits and lower your overhead. You get the built-in quality that means lower maintenance costs, operating economy— the ability to stay on the job season after season . . . for many years to come. THESE IMPORTANT FEATURES GIVE YOU MORE WITH THE M M MODE! Z POWER TO SPARE —31 h.p. on drawbar and 36 h.p. on belt. 615 rpm at power-take-off. STEPPED UP ENGINE — 206 cu. in. piston displacement and high turbulence combustion chambers to give you power reserve when you need it. CONTROLLED CO O LIN G —Thermostat controls cooling system. Stur­ dily built radiator with cast top and bottom tanks, steel frames and removable core. FIVE FORWARD SPEEDS— 2.4, 3.6, 4 .6 , 6.4, 13.1 and 2.2 m p h reverse. Convenient hand-operated clutch, oversize brakes . . . double or single action. MORE COMFORTS — Flote-Ride seat, adjustable steering w h e e l, wobble-stick gear shift and many more to make the job e a s ie r . Visionlined for complete visibility. UNI MATIC POWER —The modern hydraulic height and d e p t h control o f mounted or pull-behind implements, optional with the Model Z. MM Stlf-Propelled HARVEST 0 R It’s built to get all the crop, on time, and at a lower cost. MM Model S Harvestors give you these exclusive features: ts Powerflow hydraulic drive— the smoothest most exacting of speed controls. • MM rasp-bar cylinder and one piece, all-steel concave and grate for superior threshing. • 45 bushel grain tank can be unloaded in one minute by high apeed auger. • Header and conveyor design­ ed for fastest operation under all conditions. • Balanced weight for fast easy operation and transport. We will be glad to give you complete facts. Your Friendly MM Dealer "u rs scan o r soon j o a n m i r OftN 10 »• 5 SIX BAYS A WEEK A Morrison Brattck till 6 p. m. M r and Mr Clyde Shurr and daughter and M: (Uid M: Charles McClure and daughter of Caldwell. Mr and Mrs Rob Newgen and family of Madras spent the week­ end at the home of Mr and Mrs. Le mard New gen. They left Edward here to spend -onie time visiting it his grandparents home Tan va and Monty Barninghawi left Sunday for Salt Lake City to visit at the home of their grand­ parents. Mr and Mrs. A R Burn­ ingham They will return in two weeks. P«¥*y pent the day at Wei er with hei sister, Mrs. t a l i PetTet and daughter Ethel Bullard who has pent the past !w ) months with tier fathar. Charle Bullard returned to her home at Hertniston. Oregon last week Ben. Cecil and Harold Houston went to Un.ty Sunday lor a load of poles. Miss Betty and W ilma Bullard of Boise spent Memorial Day here. Betty and Belva Hunter spent the week-end at the Bullard summer home at McCall. Mr and Mrs Lester Reece and family of the Idaho side, were din­ ner guests Memorial Day at the Otis Bullard home Johnny Tucker of Homedale spent the week-end here with his mother, Mrs. J E Warner Daily Vacation Bible school began Monday at Arcadia under the su­ pervision of Mr and Mrs M ar­ vin McLean of Nampa. Joretta Moeller and Joan Matherly are help­ ing with teaching. The McLeans are staying at the George Moeller home. B & M Equipment Co. Nyssa, Oregon Or iva /a today and lot vi giva you ALL lha bets • wa it to yourtotf to loo tho tractor that maro and l tho MM ModoI Z Tractor. TW brmor-huimoumoa WANK B & M EQUIPMENT CO., INC. M O O I ■ H A M A C H I N A I T J Nyssa, Oregon TIIE W ILL FIND IT EVFN BETTER THAN Wl'VE IIF.II1I»!.. It's liven many years since a new car has caused as much talk as today's Chrysler Imperial has. What you may not realize is how long it’s been since a car gave so tilting reasons for excited talk as this one. May we invite you to drive and test the best and most w orth-ow n in g en g in e on the road today? (Chrysler’» magnificent new 1 SO H.P. E’irePower V-S.T May we invite you to handle the rasirsf and sa fe s t » teen n g w heel in exist­ ence at the moment? i l ’ hrysler's f u l l ­ tim e Power Steering.) May we invite you to try out brakes which require as httl, as on e-third the usual foot-pressure, and still stop you in many feet less than other ivr» do? (Chrysler Power Brakes. May we invite you to sit on toe most comfortable seat cushions, and enjov the fullest window vis: in you can find? May we invite» you to rule on the rough-road miracle of the Or. 1 iw shook absorbers which only Chrysler-built cars have? May we invite > >u to d a r e a Chrysler Imperial . . . and c n how much you'd miss, a n d deeply regret, if you bought another car today without knowing this one first? We . . . and Imperi d by Chrysler . . . are at your service, any time. CHRYSLER T H E FIN EST CAR AMF It 14 A HAS A E T PHOIH ( ED W ag g o n er M otor Co. Filone ISO_____________________Nyssa, Ore.