THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNE 3, 1952 PAGE TEN Three-Day Ceremony Completes Chapter (Continued from P»g<- 1) Additional installing officers for the Job’s Daughters w«-re Holmes, guide; Donna Lee Wilson, marshall; Betty Ann Boeing, chap lain, Mrs. C. A Wernick. secretary Mrs Bud Wilson, musician Mrs o E. Cheldelin, junior custodian and Mrs. Carl Grunke, senior custodian Young Men Installed Installed as new officers of the local DeMolay chapter were BUI Morrison, master counsellor, David Savage, senior counsellor, Vernon Frost, junior counsellor; Ned Snyder, senior deacon; John Focht, junior deacon; Larry Holmes, senior stew ard, Dick Winters, junior .u-Wunl. Gene Servoss, orator. John Lieu- kaemper, sci tbe Stan Thompson, treasurer; Dee Schuster . eiitinel, Jerry Smiley, chaplain Marvin H # - ers, marshal; Lawrence Patterson, standard bearer, seven preceptor* Misted in order«, Donald ¡Savage. Karri einuley, Robert Webb, Lew. 81 i-oio < ■ x H a rijn d fo i Oera and Cat l T>lei Bjnron Caldwell, almoner Members ct the Gresham DeMolay ii.g at installation wrvlci w. ri youth'. Carl Tyler. G ereid Cox and Ralph and Dirk HUe were initiated into the order of the DeMolay Church services were conducted Continued from Page 1 Sunday morning at Lemkaempet chapel with Rev A J Hollingsworth, Auxiliary get ciedit lor the commis- lon, are urged to pay a member of gue-t speaker. Mrs Bud Wilson pianut and trio violin selections by ne Auxiliaiy and receive a receipt Misses Lois and Donna Lee Wilson .rum them. Present subscribers are iIso asked to pay their renewals to and Doris Rigney. i memoer ol the Auxiliary. The Approximately 200 DeMolays, Job’. journal cannot give credit for those Daughters, parents and friend laying at the office or sending them ouarded volunteered trucks and cai it-re by mail with the request that to spend the remainder of Sunday .hey be credited to the Hospital on a potluck picnic, boating anc luxiliary. fishing excursion at Owyhee dam It is expected that several hun Members of the Boat club furnished dred dollar, will be raided by the boats. Upon returning to Nyssa Sun Vuxiliary, and Mrs. Frost announced day evening a group of 45 went .hat many new items must be pur- guests for a buffet supper at the Dr hased for the hospital and funds L. A Maulding home and another gill be used for a diversity o f pur- group were guests at the Paul Jersey heifers under one year are home. heing judged by I rling Johanason, Also included In the three-day Emmett, at the Jersey show here agenda wire a Friday evening pot- May 17. fir s t and second plaee win- luck dinner arranged by the Ny.s ,i ners are owned by Lew Johnson of Eastern Star, a Saturday noon pienk Two alarms M inday called Nyssa | .it Ny a ity park lor DeMolays and ireinen who were able to put out a Job Daughters, and a dance at tin ,ir fire early in the morning and gym Saturday evening following m- tallation with music by Steffen- found the owner had hi. house fire inder control in the evening orchestra. At 8 a. m. fire caused by defective The guests from Gresham depart- ed for their re (»ective homes at live wiring spread through a car owned >y Gerald Curry at his home here uV..<ck Monday morning •’iremen reported that Curry had tarted hi, car, but the motor died md when ha attempted to start it ig.iin fire pread through the igni- ion v tern It was put out with chemicals and only minor damage (C o n tin u e d fro m P a g e l i part o f the county without any road resulted. At 6:45 p m rural firemen were program whatsoever, he said. called to the Glenn Cooper home on Garrison reported that the O n Columbia A v*. two miles northwest tario Chamber has renewed Interest of town. A fire of unknown origin In the county tax and lias called a meeting for next Tuesday night in had tarted in a basket of laundry Ontario with the Nyssa and Vale in a bedroom and Cooper had brok en a window and put out the blaze Chamber^ invited to attend Three year old Jersey cows are A special committee composed of with a .irden h>. e The damage wa Garrison, chairman, Harold Henig- negligible, Ralph Lawrence reported. lined up for the May 17 judging, m Provo. Utah after vioiun* fur Hospital Auxiliary Starts Campaign Firemen Answer Two Calls Monday Di< k Dow sett, installing o ffiie i Du k Norton, enior counsellor; Ru b Oreen, junior counsellor. Gene Co*, chaplain; Roger Hawes, enior dea con and Gordon Heck marshall Th eir charter was presented to the Nyssa DeMolay chapter by Jared Summerhays, Milton-Free- water, deputy active member of D e Molay of the state of Oregon. Elvln Alexander, junior past mas ter counsellor, introduced his moth er, Mrs. Earl Alexander, president of the lieM olay Mother's club and gave a talk on the activities of the club and its importance to the DeMolay A group of the Gresham DeMolay i, Hat Twyman, Oene Cox, Don Mc son, Henry Hartley, Jake Fischer Ginnis, Rich Vincent, Gary Moller, and J L. Herriman, was appointed John Dirkson, Tom Vessello, Dick to make arrangements for and pro Dudder, Gordon Heck, Bob Lowden, mote re-issuance of the issue to I».. K Norton, Jai k Richey. Rich Malheur county voters. Green, Don Solheim, Dick Surface. Social P ro gra m Roger Lewis, Peter Orundfo.ssen. Rev John Brlehl, pastor o f the Roger Hawes, Jim Perkins, Rich Lutheran church and chairman of Lear, Ray Morsman, Harvey Chalk- the Chamber labor committee, re er. Bob Parker and Jim Hensley, put ported that personnel for a summer on the colorful heart drill and hon recreational and religious program ored Mrs Alexander with a bouquet for transient workers are unavail of roses on behalf of all mothers j f able for a longer period than 30 the DaMolay*. The drill team ren days The cost for such a program dered 'Let Me Call You Sweetheart" sponsored by the National and O re with Ray Ownbey, soloist. During gon Councils of Churches, which are closing ceremonies, Jim Cox, , non-denominational, would be about am, gave “The Flower Talk.” $435 Local organisations will be Special guests from Ontario In i kid to furnish $350 of that a- cluded Mrs. Pearl Reynolds, guard mount. ian of Ontario Bethel No. 25; Elaine President Elmer Cruson asked the Conklin, honored queen, members labor committee chairman to call of the Bethel, their counsil, James another meeting of representatives Ennor, state chaplain and other D e of all organizations Interested to Molay and council memliers. Guests determine the general views of the from Gre.sham included Harold Ia*w- community is, chairman of the advisory council; Mrs. Lewis, daughter Jill la*wi.s, queen elect of Bethel 19 of Gresham; Todd Slayton, secretary of the ad visory council, Mrs. Slayton, their A furniture renevating class con daughter, Toddice, third messenger of Bethel 19, Jerold Peck, council ducted by Mrs. Charles Steffens from member, Mr and Mrs. Clair Perkins, May 26 to June 5 has been com Pat, Mr and Mrs Stafford Dow.sett, pleted The 15 women In the class daughter Gayle, senior custodian of met in the high school home-making Bethel 19, Jaye Ownbey, Junior cus rooms from H a. m. to 5 p m Completed articals included three todian; and Howard Chalker, bus pairs of unlined draperies; eight driver. Friday evening a closed meeting of swing rockers; one chib chair; one the DeMolays and Masons was held, lounge chair, two swing chairs, one highlighted by the giving o f the In cliaunel back chair and one foot itiatory and DeMolay degrees by the stool Instruction was also given in Gresham chapter. Four Nyssa refinishing of old woods. t ale, and third place winner is own- ed by Hope and l barley Grider, but is hidden by the second place win- ner. Journal Photo Chamber Votes To Spearhead Drive Summer Furniture Class Completed NO D E L I V E R Y FROM JU N E 9 TO JU N E 23 There Will Be No Route Deliveries Because of Vacations. Toblers Feed & Fuel, Inc. NYSSA PROGRAM Telephone 108 THEATRE SATURDAY. JUNK 7 "W a c o " with B i l l E l l i o t t — P a m e la B la k e Also "The Purple Heart Diary" with F r a n c e s L a n g f o r d - B an L e a s y Matinee 1:1*. tar 9r SUN DAY-MONDAY, JUNE 8-9 "Across the W ide Missouri" in TBCH NIO O I j OH with Clark Gabla- John Hodiak M H H .PIIE MKNJOI-— K l( HARD MONTAl.BAN Filmed lor the millions who thrill to excitement and romance of the rugged west, a new and wonderful technicolor adventure. Matinee Suit 1:30; Adnt *>r 9c TUESDAY, JUNE 10 "The G u y W h o Came Back" with Paul Douqlaa -J oan B t n n w ii L IN D A U 4 K N IL L Th e football story i f the vr*r WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY, JUNE 11 12 "A n gels in the Outiield" With Paul Douglaa—Janet Leigh KEFNAM H fN N - H P ilN U B Y I N (« T O N TYie picture laden with more UinlL than a homer w«th the bases loaded. More laughs than any o m e d y you’ve «een o e Farm Bureau Board Meets Tuesday At a County Farm Bureau board meeting in Ontario Tuesday night it wa decided to ext-nd the time limit for the Farm Bureau 4-H essay conte-t until June .1* All essays are to Ije ent to Mr Jake Bulge, chair man. by that date Adrian and Ny :i Farm Bureau centers were a ked to take care of the county fair tin fall The Willow creek center will have the conces- I. P ( foi tiic F F. A. shop exhibit were discussed. It was decided to give prizes for two classes, large construction and small con struction. Emil Maaa of Willow creek, vot ing delegate to tile state, urged that all centers act on enate bill 315 and bring their de< 1 ions to the next county meeting. The house of dele gates will meet in Bend August 4 and 5. Classification Tour Is Planned A classification tour of the Grider Jersey farm and the Beaumont and Toomb Jersey farm is planned for Wednesday, June 11 Hilton Boynton of New Hampshire will be in the county to officially classify the two herds. In the Jersey classification pro gram, each cow is evaluated against a j>erfect cow and an official rating is given each cow by the classifica tion Judge. A potluck luncheon will Vie served at noon at the Grider farm Anyone interested is invited to attend, ac cording to Mrs Hope Grider. Former Resident Dies In Washington W (1 Campbell, Of Kent. Wash ington and formerly of Nyssa died at Kent May 29 at the age ot 73 Fune ral services were held Saturday a f ternoon at ttie Baptist church ill Kent Mi Campbell lived m Nyssa for many years prior to his moving to Washington 17 years ago He is .sur vived by ins wife, K ite 11a; two daughters, Mrs Chester Sager of Klaber, Washington and Mi E B Van Heigh of Kent; si* grandchil dren; two brothers and five .sisters, Nyssa M an Receives Doctor's Degree Clayton C Morgan of Nyssa will receive a degree of doctor of medi cine Friday of next week at the Uni versity o f Oregon Miaheal school, it has been announced by Dr David W E Baird, dean He is among the 69 graduating seniors to receive the M I) d«>gree He will start his in ternship in July at Madlgan army hospital In Seattle In addition to his medical degree. Dr Morgan will he appointed first lieutenant In the medical corps if the l ' S air force reserve as a result uf his medical school H O T .C ac tivities. NYHSA WOMEN TO PORTI \M> I O ATTEND CONVENTION!* Mrs Maurice Judd and Mrs Frank Morgan. Sr left Tue-dav morning for Portland where they planned to attend the Republican convention Wednesday Mrs Judd remained In Portland for the Associated Garden Clubs convention also slated there this week Mis Gurrlt Stain of N v „.i left Wednesday for Portland to be In attendance at the Garden club convention, also. I i i m F K S EX A M I N W l O N S S( III 111 I I II E G « F R I D A Y Driver license examinations will be given tomorrow at the city hall between 9 a m and 2 p m . It has been announced Persons wishing licenses or permits to drive are a k< d to get in touch with the examine: well ahead o f the * Reddled closing hour m oriier to assure i »mpletion f their apphiations with a mini mum o f d< Uy SCHOOL PRINCIPAL KfcKim k LY ILL je r ry T-aCrile. principal at the Apple Valiev sctvx.l and resident >f N\ a 1* reported tv be ni. Rlut L improved thr* morning after «ertou* (M t.'ia css*. H » WAR »*vv first place winner is owned by Fred I A - 'J* ■ :> . two days at the home of Mrs. Andei- son's parent-. Mr- and Mr# W. O. Peterson. Burgess, Vale; second by Lew John- son. Vale, and third by Kenneth Yanderpool, Nyssa. Journal Photo fined at the hospital and under care day evening. The scouts took lunch ful observation to determine the and the Kratzbergs served pup and cause of his illne.s,, which was not ice cream. learned. UHUIM II STARTING ejudgedOsaP TIME CHANGES Beginning Sunday, June 8 the St. MRS. NORA JACKSON I f W E S Haul's Episcopal church will begin ON VACATION TO ALASKA Mi Nora L Jack-on left Tuesday their services at 7:30 p. m instead by plane for Seattle and Anchorage, of 11 a m. There will be no morning Alaska on a month's vacation trip services this summer. She planned to spend one day sight seeing in Seattle and continue on by plane to Anchorage where she will visit her son and daughter-in- Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Phifer and law, Mr. and Mrs George D Jack- family of Long Pine, Nebraska are son. visiting friends and relatives in Nys- su this week They arrived last JERRY TUCKER RECOVERING Thursday. EKOM SURGERY AT BOISE Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Elliott have Jerry Tucker, son of Mr. and Mrs. gone to Catilina Island for a 10 day Roger Tucker of Nyssa underwent fishing cruise as guests of Van major surgery at St. Luke's hospital Camp - Canning corporation. They at Boise last week He is reported to left Nyssa Saturday. Mr and Mrs. It. E. Willis and fam be recovering satisfactorily and may be able to return home within the ily of Mt Home visited over Memor ial day at the home of Mr and Mrs. next week. G. L Willis Mrs. Willis returned to Mountain Home with them adn visi SGT KKI L HERE ON LEAVE Sgt. Robert L Krul of Victorville, ted for a short time. Visitors over Memorial Oav at the California is visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. C M. Tyler on u home of Mrs. Murle Duncan were two weeks’ furlough. Sgt. Krul ar Mrs. Duncan's sister, Mrs. Fred rived here Friday morning from Vic Chresst of Glenns Ferry and Mr. and torville where lie is stationed with Mrs Chester Pulsipher o f Richland, the 146th medical group of the an Washington. Mr. anil Mrs Kenneth Hunter and force. children and Mr. and Mrs. Macum Smith of Bone were visitors on FROM JAPAN AND KOREA S Sgt. Lawrence Graham arrived Memorial Day at the home of M. last Thursday night at the home of and Mrs. H E. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Harm Eolkerts and hi - parents, Mr. and Mrs C. A W er family left for Calgary, Canada nick on a 30 day furlough. S Sgt Oraham has just returned where they will be for the next two from 23 months’ active duty in Ja week They will visit Mrs. Folkerts' pan and Korea. He will be stationed mother and sister who are recently at El Toro, California upon expira over from Holland. Word was re ceived here that Mrs. Folkerts’ tion of his leave. mother is very ill. ( (M IKI II I OOI> Air. and Mrs. .1. O'Neill of Couer d Alene and children G reg and Le SAI I IT ANNEll A cooked food sale will lie held Anne were gue-ts over the Memorial Saturday, June 7 In the Marshall- Day week-end at the H E Collins W e lls store The sale is sponsored home Mr O'Neill is a son of Mrs. by the members o f the St Anne: Collins. Altar society Air and Mrs. George Dunkel of Pocatello were week-end guests of I P ENGINEERS VIEW Mr and Mrs Kay C. Lewis. Mrs M O O O K I P AIK AA ( I K K Lewis and Mrs Dunkel were sisters A party of Union Pacific division | Mrs Beaty l.av of Portland ar engineer accompanied by M -K rived Monday evening to visit this Construction Co engineers, Friday, week at the home of her mother, inspected the U. P. railroad branch Mr Murle Duncan line damaged by floods here in April Mrs Leo l ong of Palto Alto. Cali Tom Jones, local U P agent, stated fornia arrived in Boise last Thursday that all repair work was passed and by plane and then came on to Nyssa approved by the engineers. to spend a week here at the home of her parents. Mr and Mrs. W. O GIRL SCOUT TROOP FIVE Peterson. Mr and Mrs. Peterson and TM iES BICYCLE O U TIN G Avon and Joy will leave the la-t of Twelve members o f G irl Scout i this week to drive to California to trinip No 5 and their leader. Mrs take Mr- Long home Leo Long is Grant Rinehart made a five mile , attending Stanford University round-trip bicycle ride to the Fred Air and Mrs Frank Anderson left Kratzberg ranch and returned Tues- Wednesday morning for their home LOCAL NEWS COME IN Mr. and Mrs. Jerry tP‘U»n and daughter will visit in Nyssa this weex-end at the home of Mr Bell- on s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bell- on. They will then go to Moscow where Mr. Bellon will study this summer for his masters. He has been coaching the past year in Hansen, Idaho. Jue Maughan spent three days at Logan. Utah. He returned home Sunday and his father, Joe M Maughan came home with him for a visit for a few days. Perry Coleman spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman and other relatives. He left Saturday for Wash ington where tie will go to work on a dam near Battleground, Wash ington. Leah Whipple returned home Fri day after undergoing ail operation at the Malheur Memorial hospital. Mrs. Bessie Brvwn was in Nyssa over the Memorial Day week-end at tne home ol Mr. and Mrs Bernard Frost. On Friday, she visited her husband’s grave in the Fayette Cemetery. Bernard Frost, Mrs Brown's brother flew her to the home uf her daughter in Pendleton Saturday morning. They left at (J a. m and he had returned at 9 30 a. m. Loretta Russell Is visiting this week with her sister, Mrs. Floyd Hale and family at Jolin Day. Mrs. Elruy Brady and children, Barbara and Jimmy have joined M Sgt. Elroy Brady at Great Falls, Montana where he is on tour of duty. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Brady have as visitors in their home, grandchildren, Peggy, Cathy and Chucky Brady of Emmett. The girls are attending vacation day school at Arcadia. Mrs. Jessie Kirkpatrick and daugh ter-in-law, Mrs. Ray Kirkpatrick and children spent Friday with Mrs. Louise McGaven and Mrs. Joe Maughan. Mr. and Mrs. George N. Bear spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Everett Lynn near Sheaville, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Whitaker and three children visited relatives in ; Ogden over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Matlock of Ordinance visited Monday and Tues day at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Florea. Mrs. Thelma Moves and 2 boys left Sunday night for Fort Townsend, Washington where they will make their home. Mrs. Richard Forbesa and Ronald and Dennis visited over Memorial Day in Malad, Idaho with Mr. and Mrs. Evan J. Evans. Air. and Mrs. R. T. Sager and fam ily left Tuesday morning for a trip to the coast where they will visit Mr.-,. Charles Wilson, Mrs. Sager's sister They will attend the Straw berry festival and bring Tommy Foster home with them from W illa mette, where he had been attending college. Make today i m p day % United States pileuse Bonds Aliss A’erda lla a s of Salt L ik e visited over Memorial Day at the home of Mr? Fae Duftin COM ING EVENTS Thursday, June 5—Job'.- Daugh ters hold their regular meeting at the Ma.'onic liall. Friday, June 6 Sunshine club at the home of Mi s Alia Stuuz. 207 S. 7th at 2 p. m Monday, June 9—St Paul’s guild at 8 p. m at the home ot Mrs. Dick Tensen. Wednesday, June 18—Civic club will meet at 9:30 at the Episcopal parish hall for annual garden tour. HAIi IN S URAN C E Costs no more now than later. Be protected all season. KEN POND K r l rMAit Insurance Ss O X 2 S A V IN G S ' / » * ON C fU TIH C A TES OF D tPO SIT W RÌTTEN TO MATURE IN 3 YEARS B a n k an d Establish y o u r Cred it with _ _ < fy _ _ a n y branch F I R S T N A T IO N A L ^ BANK O F PORTLAND "UTS K A O OREGON TOGETHER" OPEN 10 )• 5 SIX DAYS A WEEK 6*h X Marriian Branch till 6 p m. — MtM Mt r U M M O CCllT I N M U C I CO ««CtAtlO N WILSON’ S SPECIALS Many Items on Sale too numerous to mention Shop now and make your dollars go farther LARGE RAG RUGS LADIES’ DRESS CLEARENCE Assorted colors Rayon and Fancy Dresses Values to S 10.95 $ 3.99 O FF THAT HOT B O Y S’ OVERA LLS CH ILD REN S PLASTIC PANTS S T R E E T TH IS Bib and Waist Sizes 1 to 6 Snap Sides Sizes S, M, L MINUTE . . . . . . and seat yourself at a table or the coun- er in our cool air-con ditioned cafe. Then en joy one of our super- delicious sodas' Can’t you just feel that smooth ice cream slid- itij; down? And taste those wonderful ilav- ui's’’ What a pick up on a hot day! Full Course Dinners Lunches 108 MAIN B & E CAFE _ 98 * 39 * MEN’S W H ITE HANDKERCHIEFS MENS DRESS SH IRTS Large size Fancy Stripes. Regular value $2.95. Sizes 14 to 17 9 * $ 1.77 SPECIAL- -P A R T WOOL BLANKETS 70’ , cotton. 25'. rayon, 5U wool- Full size 72 in.x 84 in. Bound in wide rayon satin—Individual boxed. VALUES $5.95 Q Q Sale Price 5f Wilson Bros. Dept. Store SHOES. DAY GOODS and READY-TO WEAR Phone 32 X-Ray Shoe Fitting Nvssa