THE N Y S S A G ATE C IT Y J O U R N A L. N Y S S A . OREGON. T H U R SD A Y . M A Y 2», 1»52 PAGE EIGHT Onna Pounds, community service chairman; Ronni* Buchner world friendship chairman; Ruth Hcrrman and Margaret Bates, pianUU; Lo ■ , id Bex Heifer, recreation committee, and Ramon B*;gam, * publicity. ductal C JCuti's v 4*— v Entertain Guests Bonnie Mullxis *nd Marilyn Low entertained friends at the Mullin^ home May 20 Guests included Rus- ■sell Sorensen, Dave Reib, Arlene Howgen, Johnny Ward Thelma Mullens, Glade Chadwick and Paul­ ine Keib. •I*—+ Beehive Girls Graduate Carolyn Duffln, Mary Lou Bate­ man, Joyce Hansen. Corrine Pry, Geraldine Pry and Karren Pett were graduated from Beehive girls to MIA maids at a meeting Sunday evening in the First Ward L D S church. Book Club Members Hear Review Given The book club met at the home of Mrs. Ralph Haworth Saturday between Nampa and Boise. Mrs Joe Brumback reviewed "The Life of Grandma Moses," Twelve members were present. Mrs. Haworth served refreshments following the meeting Youth Fellowship Elects Officers The Youth Fellowship of the Methodist church elected officers for the coming year at a meeting held 6unday evening at the church. Officers elected were as follows: Ned Snider, president; Rob Hartley, vice president; Janell Haney, sec­ retary; Dave Hartley, treasurer; Marilyn Lytle, worship chairman; A. N. K. Garden Club Meets 10 8 Cald veil. Saturday Mrs C E Greg­ ory, Mrs. Frank Earner and Miss Mabel Jennings of Caldwell were visitors and Sunday callers included Ml Belle Jennmg- anu M.s Blanche Jennings of Caldwell and Mr- Russell Howell, Mr-. Charles Mcdoy and Dan Maty of Sunset Valley. FUNERAL Till BSD and Mrs. Walter Looney will leave today i Thursday i for California where they will visit Mr. Looney's parents and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gunn and Mr. Members of the A N K Garden FOR PEDRO LUNA . . . pent Tue day. May 2 0 vlaitlng Funeral services for Pedro Luna, gardens in the Parma and Caldwell area Se^nteen membtrs visited 65, were held Thursday morning at the gardens of Mrs R H. Young, the Nyssa Funeral home chapel with Mrs Hay Wilson, and Mrs. Theron Father Rembert Ahles officiating. 1 Gough at Parma; of Mrs. Glen Suit­ A resident of Ny-.a for the past or near Caldwell and Mrs. Nina I three year-. Mr Luna died Saturday Thomas. Mrs. Anthol Stuenberg and ' at the hospital following several week illne- Burial was in th- Nys- Mrs. J P. Gibson in Caldwell. Tiie group ate lunch and held 1 j -a cemetery. There are no known j short business meeting at the 'Mid­ I survivors. way" in Nampa The next garden meeting will be held June 10th in BROTHER VISITS Dr. and Mrs. H W Steffens of Ontario when the Nyssa club will be guests of the Ontario club at a Moscow. Idaho were overnight guests luncheon at the home of Mrs. P. J. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steffens Saturday night. Dr. Steffen- is Dean Gallager. of the graduate school and also head of the biology department at the BAKED FOOD SALE The Nyssa Boy Scout troop will Univer-ity of Idaho. He and his wife were enroute to sponsor a baked food sale Saturday at Ralph Lawrence’s Nyssa Insur­ Blackloot, Idaho where Dr Steffens ance Agency. Members of the troop gave the commencement address at will start selling the baked goods at Blackfoot high school. Dr Steffens is a brother of Charles 9 o'clock Saturday morning to raise Steffen local high school instructor. funds for troop activities. JAPANESE AMERICAN GRADUATES HONORED Twenty-two high school gradu­ ates and five college graduates of the Snake River valley were hon­ ored at the seventh annual gradua­ tion banquet given by the Japanese American Citizens League at the NYSSA T e le p h o n e t Side c ife in Ontario May 24. Mi.-. Alice Komai-u. honored graduate of Nyssa gave the response Ed-on Deal. Lt Governor of Idaho delivered the principle address. Other- !r.,in Ny- . who were hon­ ored were Tels Okano, O S C. graduate and Mut. Wuda U. of O graduate. PROGRAM TH EATR E F R ID A Y -S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 30-31 "Rodeo" In COLOR with John Archer— Jane Nigh Also "W om an In The Dark" with Penny Edwards— Ross Elliott Matinee Sat. 1:30; Adm. 30e-»r S U N D A Y -M O N D A Y , JUNE 1-2 "The Model and the Marriage Broker" with Jeanne Crain— Scott Brady THELMA RITTER— MICHAEL O’SHEA A broker who arranged marriage and patched up broken hearts, Thelma Ritter leads Jeanne to a future husband. Maiinee Sun. 1:30; Adm. 30c-9e T U E S D A Y -W E D N E S D A Y , JUNE 3-4 "Fixed Bayonets" with Richard Basehart— Gene Evans Mil II.AEL O’SHEA—CRAIG HILL The Joltln Joes of the infantry in the tale of a corporal who hated to kill. The biggest story in the world today. Mr. and Mr». Danny Norland re­ turned Monday to Anderson dam after visiting over the week-end with friends and relative- here. Accom­ panying them was Miss Judy Find­ ley of Vale. She will visit for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dewey of Eu­ gene spent Tuesday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith. Airs. Lula L. Hoxie visited over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Thomason at Cald­ well. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Gam of Lew­ iston, Montana are visiting this week at the home of Dr. and Mrs. K E. Kerby. Mrs. Nellie Hobart left this morn­ ing for her home In Deadwood, South Dakota after visiting at the home of her daughter and son-in- law. Mr and Mrs. Kinsey Keveren. Miss Janice Rossean of Eastern Oregon College of Education spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs Ken Kerby With her were three of her friends. Mrs. Kerby, Miss Rossean and her friends spent Saturday at McCall. ATTEND MUSIC AUDITION IN NAMPA Keith Child. Janice Lewis, Ilene Moss and Carolyn Duffin and their piano teacher, Marie Ogilvie, went to Nampa Monday afternoon for Orval Maze, Frank Laurence, Mar­ auditions with an instructor from the National Piano Teachers guild. ion Hundz and Frank Elfering at­ tended an Idaho-Oregon peace o f­ ficers meeting in Emmett Tuesday ! NYSS V GIRI, GRADUATES evening. j FROM WESTMONT COLLEGE Miss Anna Bauman of Nyssa is a , Miss Donna Holmes of Payette re­ member of this year's graduating turned Wednesday after visiting class at Westmont College at Santa since Sunday at the home of her I Barbara, Calif The 12th annual grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Mr. and Mrs. Nermand Cutler and commencement will be held Satur­ Holmes. 1). O, Hybee spent several days two children of Riddle. Idaho spent day morning at 10 30 on the campus this week in Grandview, Idaho, two day- at the D. O Bybee home at Emerson hall. where the new dam on Snake river this week, enroute to Portland, where is being completed. He has 400 acres they visited a sister and her family. SON ARRIVES I\ STATES down there and Is much concerned On their return home they spent Sgt. Lawrence Graham sent word over irrigation. several days in Emmett visiting Mrs. to his folks tliis week that lie has Airman, third class Robert Elorea arrived in the United States from arrived home Wednesday evening I Cutler's parents. Korea. He will be In Ny.—a on fur­ from Elmendorf air force base in lough for 30 days. Lawrence is the Alaska. He will visit with his folks, VA Will Discontinue son of Mr. and Mrs C. A. Wernick Mr and Mrs. Cecil Florea until hi- \ Insurance Receipts leave is over the 11th of June, Beginning August 1, the Veterans KKHEKAII OIEK EI S Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith and fam- | Administration plans to discontinue ELECTED AT MEETING ily of Vale and Mr and Mrs. Ward Four Rebekah officers were elected Wieneke and family had a picnic sending receipts for insurance pre­ miums becoming due on and after Thursday evening at a regular Re- Sunday. bekah meeting at the I. O. O. F. Mrs. D. !M. Hrwett of Lyle, Wash­ hall. Officers elected were as fol­ ington arrived last Thursday to visit lows: Inez Sebum, noble grand; until after Memorial day at the Wilma Horn, vice grand: Marjory home of her son and family, Mr I Standerfer, ecretary; and Bessie and Mrs. Leonard Hewett. McConnell, trea urer. Mr. and Airs, i'lco McDowall left Monday morning for their home in LARGE STURGEON CAUGHT Madras after visiting over the week­ IN SNAKE RIVER SUNDAY end at the home of Mrs. McDowall's | The, first ' big catch of the year” parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Florea. | Mr. and Mrs. Ken Renstrom, Mr. was reported Sunday when D. .1 Fllppance caught a 115 pound stur­ and Mrs. John Peterson and Mr and geon in the Snake river. The fish Mrs. John Taggert of Nampa went was landed near Adrian after a long to Moses Lake Wednesday to a farm struggle to bring it from the water. meeting. They will return home Saturday. T/Sgt. T. II. and Airs. Salzman HOSPITAL R EPO R T! THREE BIRTHS Births this week In the Malheur Memorial hospital were reported as follows: Monday, May 26, a boy to Mr. and Mrs Harry Anderson; Tues­ day, May 27, a girl to Mr. and Mrs. John Dority and Thursday, May 29, a boy to Mr and Mr-. Wayne Lewis T IIU R S D A Y -F R ID A Y , JUNE 5-6 "Montana Territory" In TECHNICOLOR with Lon McCallister— Wanda Hendrix PRESTON FOSTER A Saga of Early Fortune Hunters In Montana, a crooked sheriff and gun play galore. 49c Saturday, May 31 Starting at 9 a. m. | j Nyssa Insurance Agency ; ! Sponsored by BOY SCOUTS i CHEESE Borden's Glass jar. A ll Varieties 75c 3 for PRlSHj^ Q p Ü Ç ^ 25c GRAPEFRUIT 8 lb. bag Arizonas Salad Dressing TOMATOES Monday, June 2nd 7 cr Each Ml l d \ Ripe— Tubes Durkees* Qt Jar Short sleeve, ankle length leg, light weight, all cotton, size 36 to 44. Regular $1.98 49c AVACODOS 3 for 25c Pork & Beans iC H O lC fcj^ A T S WOMEN S SHOES $ 2 .2 9 Van Camps 2 Ms size FRYERS Sum mer casuals, fabric uppers, neolite soles, medium wedge and flat heels. Bright colors and white. Size 4 to 9. Each Large colored— Pan ready BLOUSES Farmhand We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all our friends and neighbors for the many floral offerings and other kindnesses shown us during our recent bereave­ ment. Mr. and Mrs. James Huffman and Gene A ll Flavors MEN S UNIONS $ 1 .6 7 BU ILD HUGE S T A C K S with that famous F armhand high-reach Hydraulic Loader p /u s this new “ Push-off” at­ tachment! Adds 6 extra feet to the gigantic 21-foot reach of the F armhand Loader to give you extra high 27-foot stacks that weather well and retain top quality. “ Pushoff” is com­ pletely hydraulic . . . fits on hay basket easily . . . operates from its own control valve through the regular F armhand Loader hydraulic pressure system. Pushes half-ton loads off ends o f basket tines to center of stack. Light aluminum construction. Folds Hat . . . doesn't cut down basket ca­ pacity. Another F a r m h a n d time-saving, work saving, money-saving acceimory you’ll want. Sec it! CARD OF THANKS Cool, Refreshing Iced Tea Jello Specials Saturday and 20-2tp. 43 Bags 39c 3 P kgs..... May 31 st FOR SALE—Small utility trailor. James Huffman, Rt. 2, Nyssa. . 25c size 2 for TOO L A T E TO C L A S S IF Y I TREE Ttt 4 'h dfr and Mrs. William Coleman L o c a 1 J\ e w s At its next regular meeting on May 26 and 27, the State Highway commission will receive bids on two maintenance buildings to be con­ structed in Vale and Juntura. The buildings are to be of masonry block construction and will contain equip­ ment storage bays and work shop. The new building in Juntura will located on 4th Street between Drake and Ediths Streets, and will be used to house mantenance equipment and supplies used in maintenance opera­ tions on the central Oregon highway east and west of Juntura. The new building in Vale will be located on Barclay Drive near the Malheur county shops and will be used to house maintenance equip­ ment and supplies used in mainten­ ance operations on the central Ore­ gon and John Day highways. Baked Food Sale Newly elected officers for the Mal­ heur county extension units’ county committee for 1952 and 53 are Mrs. Helen Noyes of Hyline, Mrs. Louise Hill of Adrian, and Mrs. Ellen Con- grove of Vale. These officers were elected at the final 1952 meeting of the county committee at the home of Mrs. Lola Reed in Brogan, May 1. Mrs. Noyes will serve as chairman for the ensuing year. Mrs. Hill as Idaho received word of the birth of a new j granddaughter Saturday morning. Parent- are Mr and Mrs. Gus Blf- CpI. and Mrs. Del Norman and fets of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Amick and two children of Spokane left today after spending two weeks visiting family of Payette were dinner guests relatives in Nyssa and Emmett. Mrs. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Norman is the daughter of Mr. and Eugene Grasty. Callers In the after­ noon were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Grasty Mr- Roy Founds of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Eee Miller enjoyed of Payette. Mrs. Charles Pent* of Stanford. three days over the week-end with their son, Donald Miller and family Nebraska is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Heldt. She at Hermiston. Thursday evening callers at the arrived Saturday evening and will J W. Jennings home were Mr. and visit for an indefinate time. Air. and Mrs. Hugh Glasglow of Mr- Wren Hendrix of Nyssa and Mr and Mrs. Elton Jennings of Prarie Citv returned to their home Highway Com. To Build At Vale Extension Unit Heads Are Named SPUD CHIPS arrived from their base at Santa Ann, California Saturday evening for a few days visit with Mrs. Salz­ man'.- parents, Mr. and Mr- William Coleman and other relatives. Also vi-iting is Mr Coleman's neice, La Rhea Michile of Hollywood, Califor­ nia They all left Monday evening. Mr vice chairman and Mrs. Congrove as secretary-treasurer Committee heads ior the ensuing year will be Mrs. Lola Reed. Mr Margaret Hucker, Mrs. Myrle Tuppeny and Mrs. Fran­ ces Taylor. The first meeting of the committee to organize their work for the en­ suing year will be held in August. Monday after spending tf»e week­ that date. According to the VA, end at the home ul Mr. and Mrs. this i- an oeonooiy megsure and will not afteci service to policyholders. Hoy Barnes. Notice- concerning th* discon­ Mr and Mrs. t rad Noimuu and family returned to Nyssa Thursday tinuance will Dt mailed to all poliog- evening after spending two weeks i hoklera of U. S. Government Life visiting friends and relatives in Lo.- Insurance and National Service Life Angeles, Pomona and Ontario, Cali­ Insurance— the two groups affected. fornia. Ronnie Norman stayed in Many private insurance companies already have discontinued the prac­ California. Mrs. A. L. Hrldt and son Everett tice of sending out receipts for pre­ have returned from a trip to the t mium payments, and the VA esti­ Eastern states They visited various j mates it will save approximately places of interest in Washington. $1,000,000 annually by doing the D. C., Philadelphia, New York, De­ same. troit and Canada. Policyholders who wish to main­ Air. aud Mr». Sam Gentry of Spo­ tain a record of their premium pay­ kane were overnight guests of Mr. ment are advised by the VA to make and Mrs. John Mullins Friday night payments by check or money order Mr. and Mrs. LaVarr Hayes and and to keep the cancelled checks or family of Owyhee left Wednesday money order stubs as evidence of ¿vening for Rigby. Idaho, where thev their payments. will visit his mother, Mrs. Susannah i On two types of faulty premium Hayes, aged 71, who is ill in a hos- ; payments, it was announced, the pital there. They alsp plan on going | VA will continue to provide a special to Idaho Falls. service. These types of faulty pre­ Nannette Bvbee is staying at the mium payments are (1) any pay­ home of Carol Folkman. where the ment received in an amount in­ girls are employed working in the sufficient to pay the premium due, beets. and (2) any payments submitted Mr«. Kov Burningham of Salt Lake after expiration of the 31-day grace City was honored guest at a family I period following the due date of the party in celebration of her birthday, premium. Thursday evening, at the home of In both of these cases the VA will her sister, Mrs. Don Moss. Mrs. Bur­ acknowledge the payments and sup- ningham is mother to Carl Burning- uly the policyholders with full in­ haim. formation regarding the action they Among the Nyssa people who at­ may take either to keep their poli­ tended the Japanese American cies in force or to re-instate them. graduation banquet in Ontario Sat­ In announcing the discontinuance urday evening were Donna Lee W il­ of receipts in the interest of econ­ son, Betty Ann Boenig, Mr Komatsu omy, the VA said it is constantly and Alice Komatsu and Mr. and striving to reduce expenses, while at Mrs. Joe Brumbach. the same time complying with the Mr. and Airs. Tom Eldridge spent law and giving adequate service. Sunday in Fruitland at the home of In the last year alone, the VA said Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bingman. it has reduced the number of em­ Richard Cole, who has spent the ployees in its insurance program past two years in the service on an by Approximately 4000, or from aircraft carrier off the shores of 15,055 on March 1, 1951, to 10,823. Korea, left for his home in Califor­ The cut in personnel from a peak nia Saturday, after spending several employment of 20,952 in October, days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1946, has been nearly 50 percent. D O. Bybee. SAUSAGE $ 1.00 $4 1.29 • 3 lbs Bulk Pork 2 fo r A Cheese 99c Kraft Velveeta W omen and girls summer blouses white and colors. LARD NYLON HOSE 87C 44bs. Pioneer T Plain and fancy heels, assorted colors. Not all sizes in every shade. These are regular $1.25 and up 45c B rick........ Ç s A Y L O R ’ g FO O D M A R K ET UK Give <3R€€n 5Tftm P5 with new "PUSH-OFF" ATTACHMENT Nyssa, Oregon NYSSA OREGON We Give "S