THE N Y S S A GATE CITY J O U R N A L. N Y S S A , OREGON, T H U R SD A Y , M A Y 27 1952 P A G E S IX Newell Heights News Mr» Jahr Borge I*hont- 048-Ki Mrs. Durlin Hummon was taken to the Nyssa hospital Tuesday. She spent the remainder o f the week there und returned to her home Saturday evening. K ay Hajntnon danced at the F H A. style show In Nyssa Thursday evening. Cub Scouts of Den I I I met in the home o f their den mother. Mr Rosie Martinez, Thursday. T h e; made bracelets o f plastic craft-strip under the supervision of their den chief, Terry Borge The boy- plan tJ make earrings at a later meeting The b and Ctrl • • ' and ninth grades attended an out door party at the Adrian Commun ity Presbyterian church Wednesday evening Gay and Charlene Ham -, Send Flowers (or : : : Memorial Day By Western Union Trailways Bus Depot Nyssa, Oregon P h on e 217 PICK-UP, CHOP, LOAD HAY 2 TO 4 ACRES PER H O UR Olenn, A I M elyu and Karen McKinley were ,un ..g those from Newell Heights attending the party. Mrs. F> e . W n< :.ty morning She is recovering although still in the hospital. 1 ie B >r. e wa ao-ent from school til week bttau-e of having the mumps. Marie Borge also had the mumps the latter part of the wees Ka> has the mumps this week. Toe Nimble Thimble 4-H club ■stilt on a panic ruth of Adrian III S inley H.ll They r tasted weiners along the Snake river. Te i I,oh e luii been helping Jake Borge erect an additional room on the Borge h ,me tin week They also dal tne finishing work on the tenant hou e on the Borge farm. Tne Nimble Thimble 4-H club met at the home o f their leader Friday in for a work meeting. The Ur iu ) finished their stuffed toys and wei instructed to get their work in upe for the Spring 4-H .show. They plan to have two meetings this week to finish up. Mr Dudley and Mr Marion Kurt/ were at the Will Gahley home in Parma Wednesday afternoon hou e cleaning as Mrs. Gahley had ju-t returned from the hospital. The mother- of the eighth graders in the United Presbyterian church M ■ Mon day afternoon to help plan a party for the eighth grade graduates. Marian McFarland is ill with the mumps this week. The seventh grade mothers o f the United Presbyterian i^iurch met at the M L. Kurtz home Monday even- ing to plan the program for the graduation party. The Thurman Piercy family have returned from a month's trip through Illinois. They are visiting at the Wesley Piercy home and were dinner guests at the Wayne Piercy home Sunday. Mr and Mr Lee Saxton went to Pendleton Sunday to attend the fun eral of Mrs. Jack Chrl.stoffer Monday. Mr Cristoffer was formerly of Nys- a and spent a long period of illness in the Nys a hospital before going u Pendleton. Jack Cristoffer u> a three sons o f Boise visited ¡a the brother of Mrs Sax: n Lynn Kygar home «Saturday. Tiie young married people of the Mr and Mr Charley Bradley of United Presbyterian church met at N imp.i called in the Lee Household the We-sley Piercy home Thursday er Home Tuesday afternoon. Plans evening as the guests of Mrs Ar concerning the Pioneers of the Owy lene Spark They brought a potluck hee valley picnic were discussed The supper and played games. affair will be held ui the Nyssa park Mr and Mrs. C B Hill were on Ji re 8. Mr and Mrs Charley Culbertson week-end guests at the Hardy FFine and Mr and Mrs Russell Talbot home in G leng* Ferry. The King Heights Home Exten- went to Vale Thursday iifternoon to -ion unit met at the home of Mrs look at a horse. Russell Patton, Jr. and Leslie Dell Francis Deffer in Adrian Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Dale Glenn was arrived Friday night from Quincy elected president; Mrs. Cooper, vice to get Mrs Patton and Paulette and president and Mrs. Ira Price secre take them home after they had spent the past month here with Mr. and tary for the coming year's work Mr. and Mrs. Fischer of Nyssa call Mrs E. E. Crocker. ed at the Dudley Kurtz home Sun Thursday afternoon Mrs. Grant day afternoon. Patterson and sons and Mrs. Roll- The A N K Garden club will and Maw and children went to Par make a tour of gardens in Parma ma where they attended a birthday party for Sussanne and Judy Short and Caldwell Tuesday. at-the Glenn Short home. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin T o p liff and , Omar Hite and Sonny went to Teresa were dinner guests Sunday at the Oscar Bratton home in On- i Dry Creek fishing last Sunday with Jim Hite and Mr Bell of Haines, tario. Mr and Mrs. M L. Kurtz and Mr ponny caught a 17 17-inch trout. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson and Donna were dinner guests at the Wesley Piercy home Sunday. Mrs. Roy Hirai was co-hostess with Mrs. Roy Hashitam and Mrs. Ted Nakamura at a farewell shower hon Mrs. George Moeler oring Mrs. Harry Masto at the Roy Phone 052-K2 Hashitani home in Ontario Friday evening. Mr and Mrs. Masto are j moving to Moses Lake. Mrs. Ernest Stephensen left last Mr. and Mrs. M L Judd, Mrs. C Saturday for Buhl, Idaho where B Hill and Mrs. Lmt Stam sat on she will join her mother. Mrs the election board Friday in Adrian. Rhodes and accompany her to Miss They reported 165 persons voted. ouri and Arkansas where they will Mr. and Mrs. M L. Judd and Mrs. visit relatives. John Downer were guests at the Charles Bullard has returned Robert Overstreet home in Boise home from a two weeks stay in the Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. Dale Glenn. Mr. and Nyssa hospital. Mrs. Ben Houston returned last Mrs. Kenneth Price. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hamilton and Billy Glenn and week from Council, Idaho where she Bobby Skinner went to Caldwell to visited friends. Mr and Mrs. Oti- Bullard visited swim Sunday. The group later a t Sunday afternoon at the Theo Ma- tended the jalopy races. Mrs. M O. Judd assisted Mrs. L J. therly and Frank Teschida homes Kinney o f Ontario in sponsoring a on the Ontario Heights. Mrs. Bellmore o f Spring Field, bridal shower for Miss Rita Lanter- man of Ontario 'whose wpdding will Oregon, returned home last week take place Friday at the Episcopal after a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Harold Houston and family. church in Ontario. Misses Betty and Wilma Bullard of Boi-e spent the week-end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs J. E W arner have purchased the Theo Matherly home. Mrs. Laura Beckstead returned to Mrs. Kenneth McDonald her home at Ogden, Utah after a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Phone Ü96-K3 Boekweg and family. Angie Cook is moving to Nyssa The members of the Handy W ork After the meeting Karen Mitchell this week, where she is building her and K a y McDonald met at the home ers 4-H club have been meeting each a home. week and completing their projects of Shirley Skinner where the three Several of the mothers attended which will be shown at the Spring girls practiced the demonstration the dress review of the F H. A. Fair to be held in Ontario May 26, they will give at the fair. Friday after school the members I 27. 28 and 29 Last Friday afternoon the group met at the home o f P a of the Handy Worker- 4-H club went tricia Babcock with all members home with Dianne Whitman where pre-ent. Mr Fred Babcock and Mrs. they had a meeting and spent the \ Art Hawkins, leaders, were in charge. night with D ianne- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorenson. iimimiiiiiimiiiiiiiimii The girls played games and enjoyed movies after supper. Mrs. Lorenson took the young ladies to their homes Saturday morning. Kennth McDonald and son. Butch, Optometrist accompanied Athol Sayer and sons Fred and Steve to Boise Saturday, where tlicy attended the state track meet and had a picnic lunch in the EYES EXAMINED "AS DEPENDABLE AS park. TOMORROW'S SUNRISE'' Art Hawkins left Tuesday for Canada where he will .-»pend 10 days In just • fe w v e e rs th ousand s of (Opp. Sears) Dial 9-3371 or two weeks on business. d a iry m e n h ave le a rn e d th at A r t if ic ia l In se m in a tio n can be d e p e n d e d upon to Larry Culbertson was host to the a ssist in b u ild in g a m o re p ro fita b le herd 519 Cleveland, ( aidwell. Ida. members of his 4-H club, the Sunset o f d a ir y c o w s . Valley Livestock club, Saturday a f F irst . . . th e y h a v e fo u n d th at he rd dimiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiii, ternoon. Mrs. Charley Culbertson f e r t ilit y cen be ta k e n fo r g ra n te d as one served cake, ice cream and soda pop o f thg stro n g est fe a tu re s o f a rtific ia l b re e d in g . to the group. O R. Hite left Friday night with T hen . . . no fu ss or b o th er w it h a d a n g e ro u s b u ll; ju st p ic k u p y o u r tele Mr. and Mrs Harley Wilson to go to p h o n a and c a ll y o u r lo cal Co-op DAIRY Haines to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jim « R E E D E R S A S S O C IA T IO N fo r servie# . Hite and family. Mr- Omar Hite and Mary Louise Malheur Dairy Breeders were Mother's Day dinner guests in Association the Don De Haven home in Weiser. Phone Ontario 1099-W Mr. and Mrs. Don Franklin and class at the little theater ui Nyssa May 15 The Arcadia Sun-hlne club will meet Friday May 23 at the homt of Mr- Brig 01-on on Eureka ave nue Mr and Mrs Ueorfe Wilson Har old and MaryUn visited Sunday in Baker with then son Vernon Wilson and family Mr and Mrs. lames Yost and fam and beat the 3 o’clock deadline Fvery day John Jones ruvhed to the office . . . nervously dug into the daily business in order (o make (he 5 o'clock deadline at a bank. Then one day Mr. Jones discovered that he could hank at The First National Bank sf Portland, Any Time, 10 to 4, including Saturday. Now, of course, he Lanka regularly at The First National! <TV NATIONAL F,£ $T BANK NYSSA BRANCH O P P O R TLA N D O fX 10 to 5 «X DAYS A WHK M em b er F e d e ra l Depot!» ln*wra«ce Corporation m mm N ew TRUE sideward action Owyhee Occurrences O K H a r v o t f« ' w ith H o y F fo n i $ g |f p o » * r # d w ith 4 0 H P e n g in e A lt o a v a ila b le in p o w er ta k e off m o d el FORAGE HARVESTER . . . ONE POWER UNIT HANDLES EITHER HAY OR ROW CROP ATTACHMENT O u ic k • C h o n 0 * Vow C r o p A tt a c h m e n t F it * o n ta m o p o w e r u n it You save many hours with ihe O K Forage Harves ter, avoid mush baik breaking work, and ilcar your field in one operation. It will harvest any and all forage crops grown on your farm — with O N I power unit. Just make <|uiik change from Hay to Kow Crop Altailiment. See the entire line of <) K farm maihinery — built by v|ieiialistv since 1X92. Western Corrugator Co. l i t co p acM y O K F o r age ll o w e r — w it h W a g o n U n lo o d o r a n d V e il A n d o Food T ro u g h . Nyssa, Oregon Phone 181 l>r. f'hir«» F. Conley who raced the mon Around Arcadia ily o f Ny sa, Mr. and Mr- D cln vr Boylen of Harper and Mr and Mr Oran Curry of Juntura spent Sunday on a fishing trip to Beulah dam. Mr. and Mrs. I»an Van Se• * ana family of Payette were Sunday a f ternoon guests at the Art Servoss home. Mr. and Mrs Robert Toomb. Jr, Gary and Cherie visited at the For rest Carpenter ranch in Nu Acres Sunday evening ■ RAKES FASTER with LESS LEAF LOSS . . with the NCW FERGUSON Side-Delivery Rake Now you can rake hay at higher speeds with better returns. The new Ferguson Side-Delivery Rake lifts the hay gently with a continuous action . . . moves it directly sidewards to the wifldrow with its six-bar, offset reel, in half the distance it is usually moved by older, leaf-shattering raking methods! No pitching, kicking or tossing—far less rolling and churning! Less leaf loss. Power take-off driven tractor-mounted F inger T ip Controlled. See it today! WESTERN CORRUGATOR CO. Phone 181 Nyssa, Oregon HF 44-111 WE KNOW IT S LATE, BUT HERE IT IS- FERGUSON TRACTOR Im p le m e n ts ............-Aiyuny.- ■ w J J f j c . . . . ____ • \W~i fcZD- -/-P- k //¿n ( 11RYSLFK SARATOGA 6-PASSENGER SEDAN i -.-me'**"' / __ - id * Turn» n o n p r o d u c t iv e * d e a d " furrows 1» in to p r o f i t a b l e , l e v e l s e e d b e d s F A S TE R Smooth out "dead” furrows for uniform water runs in irrigated fields. Balanced action in this New Ferguson 2-W ay Single-Bottom Moldboard l ’low 8i*>eds up seedbed preparation. Gives quicker entry and faster turnarounds at the headland. Operates efficiently at all plowing depths up to 12 inches. Big 18-inch base covers heavy trash, or green manure crops. i This new 2-way plow is tractor mounted with fast throe-point attachment. Each base has own coulter jointer combination. Exclusive Ferguson Floating Furrow Wheel controls side draft. See Ferguson "balanced” two-way plowing in action on your farm. Gall us for a demonstration, today. Western Corrugator Co. Phone 181 ITS NEW KIM) OF HORSEPOWER IS SOMETHING TO FEEL! With its 1 SO H F V-8 engine, on 1 2 5 'j Inches of wheelbase, many people think the Saratoga is the best Chrysler car of all. Vie invite you to take the wheel anil feel what happens! There’s a new sense of easy power, of reset re power that make driving a new experience. It-* revolutionary combustion chamber develops more of the power in each charge of fuel than other engines can do. One result is performaniw, even on non-pre mium furl, such as you have never felt. Another result is new economy. I t ’s an engine that scarcely forms carbon at all. It creates loss heat. It will last much longer, stay younger on the way! Anil with Chrysler full-time Power Steering*, you steer with one-fifth the usual effort . . . drive w ith .fire ft me# the usual control! With Power Brake* you need up to tuo-thirds less foot pressure . . . and still stop in many ftet less than other cars can do. Yes, behind Chrysler’s new engine you’ll find a new kind of car. Won't you come in and feel what we mean? * \ O T I l /’ok « - Steering itaedardan Cron n ¡»iperiat. Aeatlabla, extra, an an y new Cktgeler. CHRYSLER TIIE FINEST CAR AM FR IG A MAS l E f PM n iU CEl» Nyssa, Oregon i-e-9 C o p y r’tfflt V.* * by ITgrry fY rg'n on , fh«U FERGUSON TRACTOR AN D 6 3 FERG U SO N S Y S T E M IM P LE M E N T S Waggoner Motor Co. Phone 180 N yssa, Ore. Ml * • e % G