PAGE FIVE ~HE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 22. J952 About People You Know M rv Margaret Lynch of Portland was a visitor this week at the hum - Mrs Marion Meyers. Amity riub will be held Frtdav of this week at the home of M r' Walk- er Low Mri. Mary McConnell. Mrs. Nettie Bennett and Mrs Bud Short of W il- der went to Portland last week While there they visited Mrs Short . daughter, Jeame Short at the Catho- lie convent. Mrs Bennett and Mr. MoConnell visited Mr and Mrs Carl Dodson, Lizzie and Lucy Thompsou and Mrs. Alta Bensen and daughter, Doris. From Portland they went to Depot Bay to visit Mrs Edith Baird. Mr. and Mrs. Orley Roman and to do some deep sea fishing. Mrs. Ben- A | OR. C .W . G R A V E S O p t o m e t r is t E yes E x a m in e d Phono 9-2312 718 A rth u r S t C a ld w e ll, Id a h o -------- — nett remained in Salem w.ule the other.' returned home Mr* II E < hambarUIn of Ogdrn arrived Saturday at the home of tier daughter and >on-in-law Mr. and M r' S R B\oee She will visit for 1 **“•** before returning to her honl*' Mrs. Delbert Malloy and son and Jack Meyers left Thursday evening to visit for two weeks m Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Mr*. II. E. Chamberlain of Ogden and Mrs S P Bybee and Gary were in Boise Monday. Rev and Mr*. E. J. Wilson of Hoinedale v; ted Monday in Nyssa at the home of Mr and Mrs. Jim Shaw. Mr and Mrs. John Reeve* and |It Mrs. Herb Cox returned Sunday from Appleton City. Missouri where they took Mrs Reeves mother. Mrs Lora Ditty to her home Mrs. Ditty had been visiting her for the past 1 several months lief ire returning to Nyssa, Mr and M:s. Reeves and Mrs. Cox visited fr ends and rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Cilen Brown of On- tario, Mr and Mrs F N Brown and Mr and Mrs. Dean Hopper drove to Idaho City Sunday. Mrs. Nelson Wilder, who has been visiting her son, Robert W ilder here wm for the past weeks returned Satur- | V day evening to Klammath Falls, DEAD ANIMALS Free Pickup Fast Service Parma Nyssa Phone 98 Phone 100-R Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. Nyssa. Oregon t M rv After a short v t l w r e ahe ■will Uy left Monday ior , i t : am to firr oitt U «n t »n R<.>.*e Hill. N bi her. • t .i curt*. pri-u to ln> It'..- it*. da> f.>r Virginia. ne will or L i t D u l w e n t to B t k r t S a t u r d a y SHVuiu.uh. O co fi..i a :.i recently to visit at Uie home of Mr ana M: - stationed Bgt O rv s Newell. Returning with nun returned from Ok. Mr*. Martha U r n of Meridian WOP Dali Who had been viMtmg Ml Vera N r «e ll borne for aeveral days was a week-end » Mr and Mrs Eugene Eisher and Wilson Mr». Henry Simeam r and Mr and ">n 'pent Sunday at the homr of Mrs Art Servoss a .»lining those M r' Fisher’s parents. Mr and Mr* attending the Jut.. l.g io n bail C H Ayers at Council. Mr and Mr». Warren Fanner and game at Weiser Sat . ,.iy night children will leave Friday lor Salt Lake City Mr. Farmer will return after upending several days there * “ d leave Mrs Farmer and the chil- dren 10 v;slt ior two Mr. and Mr». Emil Stuns and granddaughters, Betsy and Suzanne visited relatives in Boise Friday. The Future Homemakers of Amer Hu|h Tobler »pent three day» oyer ica presented a fasl >n show Thurs the week-end on a business trip to day evening at the high chool build Reno and on Tuesday made a round- ing under the (tirec r, of Mrs. Vir trip [light to P x a te llo ginia Steffens, homcm iknig adviso-. Mr*. « harles Marshall was an all- The address of welcome was given day Sunday guest of Mr and Mrs. by F H A pn Ml J C Smith During the afternoon Narrator* f u th< visitors were Mr. and Mrs. C. E Glenda Moss and M. Drydale P i Farner of Nampa and their grand- ano accompaniment was played by sons. Carl and Kenneth Farner. Jr. Irene Jayo. of Eugene The Earners were en- Mvxiels lor the e\e: were Car route home from a visit with their rol Lundy. Carol Dillon Janice W il son, Kenneth Farner and family at liam.'. Marilyn Chad Carl lee K< - Eugene and the boys accompanied ler, Virginia Tuckei Barbara Baker, them back to spend two weeks visit- Mary Jean House Jean Walker ing them and their grandparents, Donna Butler. Maxine \\..;ht. Mar Mr and Mrs. Smith. lene Bergam. Joretta Moeller, Mollv Mr. and Mr*. Elmer ('ru*on and Yoneyama. Jo Anna M ore. Janice family spent Saturday night and Williams, Darlene Thomas. Betty Sunday at Vale visiting at the home Smith, Lyna Lankford, Kristine oi Mi and Mrs. Vernon Me Cain. Rineliart, Violet Drydale, Dorthy Karl Kartron returned Monday, Claudlna Willson, Wilma evening from Victorville. California Hall. Lois Garner, Darlene Bateman. where he spent three days visiting Mary Snut, Jerilyn Cleverly. Carolyn his brother, Denny Bartron at the Dillon, June Peterson, Mary Lou George air force base. Burbidge. Ruth Herrman, Reva Mr. and Mr». Ken Renstrom and Rookstool, Nellie Chave/, Darlene Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brendle had Bateman. Sylvia Jayo, Peggy Hall, a picnic Sunday at Manns creek Teresa Jensen, Darlene Anderson, Mr. and Mr*. George N. Bear Carol Fife. Betty Ann Boeing, Edna visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Burns, Mrs. Audrey Ward, Ester Keith Orris in the Owyhee district Benedict, Mrs. Mark Hartley, Jean A. E. Zekmund accompanied Don Lancaster, Barbara and Debb.v Sav E Petkin of Burns to Boise Friday age. Mrs Margaret Hewitt, Mrs I,eo where he purchased a new '52 truck Gonyer, Mrs. La Vone Fox. Mrs to use in connection with his build Virginia Cleaver. Mrs. LaVerne Clea ing supply store. ver. Mrs Mary Gunewav Mrs Nor- Mr. and Mr*. Harry Kroner of ina Jamieson and Mrs. Wilma Es- Salem and Mr and Mrs. Ralph Beu- plain. tler of Ontario were Sunday visitors At intervals during the modeling a of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson. program was presented as follow' Mr and Mrs. Bert Sandy and fam ily spent Sunday visiting Mrs tap dance. Kay Hannon. Glenda Sandy's brother, R E Willis and Hannon and Delores Duus; piano family at Mountain Home. Mr. and duet, Merle Burninghain and Ra Mr Willis are former Nyssa resi- Nae Draper: vocal duet, Jerelyn Cleverly and Janice Williams; record ; dents. Mr. and Mr*. James Yost and fam- impersonation, Carrol Lundy; and vocal trio, Jerilyn Cleverly, Jean Walker and Betty Ami Boeing. Latest Fashions Modeled at F.H.A. Fashion Show Feej At f icl w i ' the naming of Ed Boydell as ar.o rf.i: urday e ... Gae t leaving only ihe T 1 i M ii .<■ C o and Waggoner M or Co. team, second vice p r e s e n t by a majority to form the nucle i a le.izue M t vote of tiie club. E lydell aand Murl wh -;uk' n iw t ui Empire of the experience players in tins Lanca ter had received tie votes V V area a-rpe> lally p:- .a : as well as last week when new o fficer' were Local Boy M a r r i e s n absorbed by elected M. El ic Mae 8inglet<>n. daugh new player', have Tobler ex ter .'f Mr and Mr- William I 8in- the three men’s t> ui. glc: m of Grace De Havre Maryland plained. However, plan' being made to . i l l . ft! .t: : M Burt ui C Haney of Nyssa continue tiie softball program by were married last Saturday evening having each team irrange for pos B II eaman appren in tiie Methodist church in Grace session of the softball field one night n it .ilr and Mr Mel l>e Havre The double ring ceremony each week They will compete with tice. LiSN teams from ne.glib ring towns as vin C. Smith. Route 2, Nyssa, re was preformed by Heverend L L well as several oi the well-known cently reported for duty aboard the K ru : traveling team h as the House destroyer USS Hopewell Tiie brale. given in marriage by ,'f David and othi to provide en Th e Hopewell now undergoing her fattier wore a gown of white net tertainment durn .; the summer shipyard overhaul at Mare Island. lave over June green taffeta and a months. Vallejo, Calif . recently returned corsage of pink aand white carna T.vbler said there is still the pos from a tour of duty in the Far East. tions. sibility that more teams will be Mi Dcrothy Nesbitt of Port D e formed to make a four-team league Operating with Ta-k Force 77. she was instrumental in bombardinjj posit was maid of honor She wore a possible here. Wonsan Harbor and patrolling the blue gown and a corsage of pink Other Lions business transacted Formosa Strait carnations. Mrs Pauline Singleton of Baltimore, sister-in-law of the bride was bridesmaid. She wore a grey gown and a red rosebud cor sage Joseph Singleton, brother of tire bride was beet man. From Nyssa—Effective May 7 Tiie bride's mother wore navy with a corsage of sweet peas. EASTBOUND Following tiie ceremony, a recep 2:53 A. M 8:1* P. M. ‘ 9:05 A. M. 11:15 A. M. tion was held at the VFW hall. The WESTBOUND bride's table was centered with a 5:55 A. M. 12:3« I*. M. ‘ ,6:30 IV M. M il P M. tiered wedding cake and banked ‘ Local to Boise I Local to Weiser wall lilacs, iris and bridal wreath. *ri lb-ill* Except Sundays ami National Holiday» On Sunday. Mrs Haney \ parents entertained 20 guests at dinner m Mrs. Marie Thomas. Agent honor o f the couple. 220 Main St Phone 217 The Haneys will be at home at 125 Blooni'bury avenue Pfc, Haney is stationed att tiie Grace De Harve I proving grounds. Don’t risk scrawny pigs! Mr. and Mrs. Bridge Club Let Pillsbury's Best PIG FEAST be your protection Mr. and Mrs. Ted Morgan enter against poor doers. ‘Mycins,’ tained their Mr. and Mis Bridge plus scientific formulation, club Wednesday evening Guests help this great new pig were Mr and Mrs. Robert Gross of starter produce big, healthy Vale and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tensen. litters ... put runts right up Prizes were awarded to Dr. and v ith the others. Choose Mrs. John Kopp. high score winners i il or new BITE-SIZE. and Mr. and Mrs. Lhjyd Wilson, sec ond high. a» i* , k . - e i Nyssa Man Serves Aboard Destroyer T R A IIW A Y S City May Have No Softball League Nyssa may not have a softball league of its own this summer, Hugh Tobler told members of the Lions club Monday noon. He announced that one team that had been organ ized had joined the Ontario league, Pillsbury's Best Pinochle Party Mrs. Veva Castle and Mrs. Blanche Hite were co-hoste. es to 12 guests at a pinochle party Friday evening at Mis. Castle’s home. Prizes were won by Mrs. Myrtle Bartholoma, high and Mrs. Art Cartwright and Mrs. Angie Cook, traveling. -is:> -T li PIG FEAST fiffl pig starter w ith "M YC IN S" NYSSA FEED MILL Nyssa People Attend Knife and Fork Club BRINGS HOT WATER •• Phone 361-W A number of Ny sa people attend ed the K n ife and Fork club meeting is an ECONOMICALLY Just as simple as that! A t your touch of the ..W ITH THE AID OF BOISE PAYETTE hot water tap, you get hot water. Dependably. You get triple your money's worth from every dollar spent on remodeling — in increased property valuation. Whatever home improvement you anticipate . . . . take your problem to Bone Payette. Competent personnel will aid in securing plans, specifications, contractor, financing and help in scores of other important ways, from the planning stage to the completed job. Here are just a few things you can do: Twenty-four hours a day. An automatic electric hot water heater has proved a wonderful blessing for tens-of-thou- sands of families in Snake River Valley. From the day it's installed, it needs no attention. Clean, silent, and fully auto matic. Best of all, at Idaho Power's low rates, you can operate an elec- trie water heater for only a few pennies a day. Be sufe the electric water heater you buy is large enough for all Yes Sir... one out of every five home freezer* told in Utah-ldahe last year wai an International Harvester. Here * PROOF of ACCEPTANCE international Harvester freez ers and rsfrigerators are tops f a r beauty, utility a n d economy. fit YOUR budget a t OWYHEE TRUCK fX e c ïiuCÀÙi V NEW PORCH Add a now look to your horns. Modern or tradition al beauty to roplaco that sagging and worn porch. NEW ROOM A ram patant cantractar m o lta ra- m agallnp g a llo n 90 fwrthar. Wa «an halp yaw In taewring ana. Bo it a bedroom, dining room . . . . romodotod attii or basomont, you can do If economically and pay on convenient terms. In v e st at term s to family needs. i d a h o A ita ff a f ham* g a t lf n a n It a v a ll a s i» »a yaw. Prapar p la n t ara I I » fcay ta acanam lcol ra m a g a lin f. p o w e r Does So MUCH-Costs So LITTLE ' fa r e fo o d |»0 yaw n»»g iKa rl*M m wtarialt. S a lta Pay»««» w ill pro- v id a rt»»m. CET AN ESTIMATi OP COST POR REMODELING YOUR HOME. THERE S NO OBLIGATION WHiN YOU S E E _____ NO DOWN PAYMENT 36 MONTHS TO PAY when you remodel with Boise Payette's AND IM P L E M E N T COM PANY Nyssa, Oregon C. F M INK, Mgr. NYSSA Phone 15 1' s * © a * e