«I THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON News From Big Bend Mi»» Ht lrn Haï b F no ne Parma 1-FÎ1 Miv, Fay Marie Hopkins enter- • Uie die e- modeled were 75 years •tamed with a .-lumber party at her old and op to the pre-ent day Then h«»me Monday evening Those pres- they nividGed in their better ent were Loraine Van Ue Water. dre--e.s. ju t completed Pat Antrim, Margaret Bennett. Mrs Ra> Cartwright went to On­ Mary Ann McFarland. Ague- Haut- tario Monday to consult a doctor tnan, and Helen Metcalf She ha- been on the sick list the Sunday dinner guests in the C. last week K Smith home were Mr and Mr-. Mr and Mrs A T Patterson of Jam es Smith and daughter Rita af Umatilla, Mr and Mrs. Keith Smith Wilder and her parents, Mr. and and family o f Echo, Ore . Mrs Mrs. Zeb Wilson went to Ander.-on Walter Abbott, Suzie and Mr and Ranch dam over Mother's Day. Mr- John Auker. Mrs. John Pack- Mrs. Frank De Mark After dinner they all visited Dr. Elsie Smith, wood and Mrs. Herb Thomas at- vtyrna Westfall, Mr and Mrs. Ray I tended Mary and Martha club at Jmith, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morten- Adrian Thursday in the K. I Petter- en and Guy Smith of Boise. The iel1 home Arthur Holly of Boise spent the party then visited Kenneth Smith vho is in St. Lukes hospital in Boise. week-end at his place on the river. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Abbott a n i Suzie moved to Boise Friday Abbott su: prised to have their children. •is driving for the Trailway’s bus J.mmy and Selma. Virginia and Gar­ lines. rett and two little granddaughters Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smith and bring their dinner and come home family of Echo, are visiting at the to enjoy Mother's Day with them. •Chet Smith home and will remain Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holly joined until after the commencement exer- them for supper. ci.se.s Thursday evening. 'Mr and Mrs. Dyre Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shelton were family and Danny Hamilton of Sunday evening guests in the home Newell Heights spent Mother’s Day of his .-,i>ter, Mrs. Chet Smith. at Nampa w.th her parents, Mr. ■Mrs. Walter Bishop’s Royal and Mrs. Henderlider Neighbor Sisters, gave her a house Mr and Mrs. Babe Hamilton of vanning party Monday evening in Newell Heights pent Thursday a ft­ their new home. They presented ernoon in the Noel Tuppeny home her with a pottery dish, and many The Big Bend drainage board held beautiful flowers. their regular meeting la-t Tuesday Mr and Mr- Ray Mortensen of evening in the Harvey Hatch home Umatilla visited at the C. K. Smith with all members present. Harvey Hatch made a business home Wednesday evening. The regular primary election for ; trip to Boise last Wednesday to at- the Big Bond precinct will be held I tend the regular board of control Friday, May 16, at the Big Bend meeting of the Boise project.' school house. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas at- A-1st Class Frank De Mark of I tended the Apple Blossom Festival Victorville, Calif., arrived at the C. in Payette Saturday. K. Smith home on Saturday to be Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas visited •with his wife for her graduation. 1 in the Bill Mathew's home in Cald­ She will return to Victorville with well Sunday. ihim the forepart of next week Mrs. Chester Stanton was a Boise Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright en­ business visitor last Wednesday. joyed a Mother's Day dinner at the Mr and Mrs. Wyman of Payette •home of her son Raymond and fam- 1 spent Wednesday visiting in the •ily. Herb Thomas home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones. Mary- Mr and Mrs Ray Landeau and ann and Victor went on a picnic to two little boys of Oakridge, spent Jump Creek Sunday. last Thursday visiting in the Herb Mrs. Pearl Stanton. Mrs. Gertie Thomas home. Jone-, Mrs. Elida Van Dewater, Mrs. Mrs. Herb Thomas attended a Myrle Tuppeny, Mrs. Verl Bean, •pinochle party at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Mary Thompson and Helen L. W. Dierking up Snake river last Hatch of the A&B Extension unit Friday. attended the county extension fes­ Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Samer and tival held in the L.D.S. recreation Catherine had as their dinner guests hall in Vale, May 9 Approximately Mother's Day her parents, Mr and 200 were present to hear the guest Mrs. Robt. Weir, Mary and Charles sneaker, Miss Frona Yeager of and Lora Pillsbury. Oregon State College, speak on “Ad- ; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett and ventures in Friendship.” Some of family, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bennett If you’re for and family and Mr Mid Mi Cl*r- euce Kneifei and family of Pam a er»jo>ed a picnic at the -tain over Mother's 1 > j i Mi and Mr- W.Jtei B J p vis­ ited their -on Cyrus and taimly up Succor creek Sunday Mr and M - Walter Bi-hop made a trip to their ranch in Long Val­ iev la t Sundaj They report lots ot .-now there Mr and Mr- Frank Dickerson of Parma. Mr and Mi - Gordie Dicker- m and girl- were Sunday dinner guests in the John Thompson home Mr and Mr- James McGinnis and Junior of Adrian visited in the home of her parents Mr and Mrs. Har­ vey Hatch Mother's Day. Mr and Mr- Dick Davis of Ridge- view were dinner guests Saturday of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hatch and Aunt Helen. Mr and Mrs. Garritt Muntjewerff, Marie and Gary of Joseph visited over Sunday with their parents, Mr and Mrs. Case Muntjewerff and the Ed Newton family Mr- Ted New­ ton and daughter Shirley of Joseph also vitied in the Ed Newton home. They all returned home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs Warner Hopkins and family, Mr and Mrs. Boyce Van De Water and family enjoyed a pic­ nic at Jump creek Mother's Day. Mr- Myrtle Hatch made delivery of 200 turkey poults to Mr. an 1 Mrs. Cruse Wednesday and delivered *pr«»g Chicken- t. XT Muntjewerff at Cai-lwell Frida' Mr and Mi A J Paiterscn of Wilder Visit! e W ->n home Monday and :.. i|i,d Zeb on their new honn Mr. and Mi Homer Hatch of OaMwtU u* :t. Hatch bCHM Mi and Mr- H t C'hanev and family went to Ca ■ ■ lung to -ee the c< l!e_ie pjay Mer­ chant ui Venice ,n which their daughter Be: nice had a part Bud Prosser anil family of Pilot Rock and Mi and Mr Delno Brock were week end visitoi m their par­ ents home, Mr and Mr- Elmer Prosser over Mother Day Mr and Mrs. Ouy Strong of Parma -pent Monday m the home of their daughter and family Mr and Mrs Tom Jone m Lower Bend Mr. and Mr- LiaireU Engli-h and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mr Gail Martin and fgmily in Adrian. Mrs. Tom June-, Mrs. John Thompson. Mrs. Boice Van De Water, Mrs. Bullen Mr Emery Cameron attended the mother s tea at the Adrian high chool Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mr- Horace Chaney and family visited his mother, Mr- Anna Chaney in Nyssa Mother's Day Mrs. Cyrus Bishop and daughter Bonnie -pent Monday in the Walter Bishop home The Week's Nu Acres News Farmerettes Club Mrs. Palmer Ross and Mrs. Hat­ tie Ross of Nampa visited at the Tom Evans home on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Waterman of •Bowmont, Idaho, and their daugh­ ter, Mrs. D. M Norgard of Nampa •visited at the F. C. FYy home Sun­ day evening. Mrs. Waterman is a distant counsin of Mr. Fry. Mr. and Mr. E M Seuell and fam­ ily of Parma. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd •Seuell. Mr. and Mis. Roy Hoff and family of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Baker of Weiser were ■guests at the M. C. Seuell home for Mother's Day. Mrs. M C. Seuell was presented with several iu lovely iu j •gifts. ,, . ,, ..... , . . Mr and Mrs. Tom Nedbalek and home on Monday afternoon. Visit­ ing couples were, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs Gerrit Groot of Apple Valley and Mr and ; Mrs. Z. Davidson of Parma. Qeorge Pulsifer and Roy Smith visited Wednesday evening with A A Wild and family Mr and Mr,. Glen Cooper and sons Ronald and Billy of near Nyssa, visited Sunday afternoon at the F. C Fry home 11 Mr. and Mrs. Don MoVey of Hermiston, Ore., visited Sunday at j the Jim Me D Roe home. Betty Seuell. Mr and Mrs. M C. •Seuell and Mrs. Charles Buskirk of Parma were in Caldwell Monday 1 •afternoon. Wanda Johnson wu- an overnight i guest of Joy Cullen Thursday. Sunday visitors a[ Uu, p A John. - «•* t«" : ssrut K Nebalek. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meroney were dinner guest- Thursday of Mrs. Ele- •nora Wherry in Payette. Mr. and Mrs. George Smit enter­ tained their pinochle club at their IKE daughters Eleanor and Pauline of Farina. Mr and Mi- Sherman K » k and family and Mr and Mi Hal White and Ralph of Nv--a Mi aiulM i- Richard Jenkins and -on. Wesley of Now Plymouth ha-1 dinner at the home of hi- parent.-, m m f i i wednaadi M: and Mr George Snnt p ^ ix l whist at the home of Mr and Mr- Z Davidson o! Parma Thursday a f­ ternoon Mr and Mr Martin Hansen, for­ merly of this community, now living Ui Nebraska are here on ba-ines- Eva Meroney and her sister, Dell Marrs of Ny-.-a visited with another O n Saturday, M ay 17 The Jersey Cow will take first place when breeders from a wide area gather here for the Seventh Annual SPRING JERSEY SH O W Dairying is more and more becoming a vital part of our economy. The Clover Lawn Dairy is an important cog in this farming industry—gathering milk from local dairy farms and delivering it right to your doOfr. r. Clover Lawn Dairy 313 Arcadia Blvd. THIS Piece Howard C. Belton Clackamas County Mere's why these 10 ere recommended Phone 4 G-E and you get re will ■ si-let Dora Browv in the Big Ben-i The daryman w.U lo >k (or a community south of Adrian Mon- straight top line because it nidi ate ia Mr Brow baa been ill a strong back capable of ately car­ but is improved now rying the v.tal organs and the large amount of feed that a productive Mr. and Mrs. W Ralph Murphy cow con-ume- daily A long level vi-ited Sundav with Mr- C J M ir- rump is related to a wide, long and phy who us in a Caldwell hospital well attached mammary -ite m Th- Mr and Mrs. I ro Bernier anil | length and strength usually indi­ the size and conformation of a children of Portland were dinner cate- gue-Ls of Mr ami Mi T H Brewer strong level udder Monday evening Because the true dairy cow is fed Ralph Murphy look hit commer­ tor milk and butterfat production cial flight examination Sunday from and not for beet, efficient size us John Pennmton at Wei-er He pass­ important for economy of produc- i tion and for beauty. ed the examination successfully. Homemakers are finding that Dairy Products from the Clover Lawn Dairy are first in quality and our Service First in Efficiency BUY m tm CLIP THIS LIST AND TAKE TO POLLS PAGE FIVE Right Down to First... and Clyde Butcher. Maynard Sager got hit above the eye with a ball bat Sunday after­ noon while playing ball with the •neighborhood children. It was nec­ essary to have two stitches taken Jim Me D Roe and his mother. Susan made a business trip to Boise Thursday. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Neely and Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Evans attended Pomona Grange at Orchard avenue Thursday night Visitors at the Tom Evans home Sunday were Mary Ballard and VOTE FOR THESE 10 DELEGATES-AT-LARGE to be certain yt THURSDAY. M A Y IS. 19S2 DINNER RANGE WARE SET AT NO EXTRA COST Zylpha Zell Burnt Multnomah County In the nam e ef the Eitenhow er-for-Pretident com ­ mittee, Sen. Henry C a bo t Lodge, Jr„ chairm an, Robert A. Elliott ¡••wed the fo llo w in g (tatement, Saturday, M a y 10: Jackson County " W t urgently request that you recommend to the Republican voters in Oregon a list of the most- widely known and representative candidates for delegate-at-large to the Republican National Con­ vention so that voter* who favor Eisenhower's nomination may not scatter and waste their votes among the SO candidates who are now running for the 10 delegate positions. Mark O. Hatfield W e fully realize the difficult and embarras­ sing task you will confront in choosing such a list from among the very many strong and worthy candidates who are on the ballot, but we are convinced that unless such a list is recommended by your Committee, the heavy Eisenhower majority vote will be dangerously scattered and diluted, and the concentrated minority vote for the Taft candidates might elect many of them. They should be defeated in their scheme of filing by petition to escape the moral and legal obligation of supporting the choice of the majority of the Oregon vot­ ers. The only way to defeat that scheme is to concentrate the majority Eisenhower vote on a list of candidates recommended by Ore- gon’sown Eisenhower Campaign Committee." Latest-Model, Automatic Marion County LEADER Wm. M. McAllister Jackson County • RANGE Cov. Douglas McKay Marion County Full-size, newest-model General Electric U. S. Senator Wayne Morse "Speed Cooking” Range— with a fully auto­ matic oven! Lane County H. Clay Myers, Jr. AND Multnomah County A heaitliftit 54 piece Ediuln Cordon D. Orput Knou’les Dinnerware Set Multnomah County E xqu tlllely designed in l/i* W in d w a rd Pattern Lamar Tooxe G-f “SPUD COOKING" Multnomah County '* O F F IC IA L L Y R E C O M M E N D S » E ISE N H O W E R DELEGATES IN ACCORDANCE W ITH THIS REQUEST THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ORECON FOR EISENHOWER COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THESE CANDIDATES VOTE FOR EISENHOWER P o i d Adv. Oregon-for-Eisenhower Committee, W . L. Phillip», Chairm an 41 5 Oregon Bldg., Salem, O regon/ Come in Today ! Henneman Hardware Co. 207 Main St. Phone 106 \ f W Authorized Dealer G E N E R A L ^ ELECTRIC RANGES — — .........- — • • o