THE N Y SSA GATE C IT Y J O U R N A L. N Y S S A . OREGON. T H U R SD A Y . M A Y 18. 1952 P A G E SIX TEEN to pay the espeioe of Ghainnaa Smdei oi his repre -u Slips U.e * d u g p< lio pledge were given out 11 be dis tributed to Sil M a d eur rouhty »h o * 1 children telhrig Uiern »h a t to do or not to do in case putt > c »tries to th i « wnmumty To give an idea >f »he sp.r.» of the people of thi locality Uie dr.ii was officially ended u.e la t of January but mauv organisation M U i l f l l < O l V I V BREAKS A L L FO LIO D RIVE RECORDS (CseUaeed i t m Fage II othrr ana-half is heiU locally fo. polio u«*ed.- P D Pletvsner, phytic therapist o f the Malheur Mwi, ,r.a. iio- t *ld the fine equipment tiiev have here arid the fact that they ran ha/.die most of the that may i «ne unie.-tf .n ra-r of ep deinu arneii more reg.dered nur e*■ w*.uld be necessary Leonard Hewett trea urer o f the Malheur County chapter reported that during the pa * year Slum * i spent on patients arid that there were nine convalescent The chap ter now na on hand over $4.r>uo if needed A letter from the National pre dent Ha-il O'Connor wa read in viting the l-ieal chairman to a work shop confrence to he held in San Francisco June 7 The chapter voted and Individual Saw m t ■ re tn the impact of polio in our >*n coni- munity," Hemg.son a.d l i t Sat- irdav ■ ct.e. k lot $-6 *S received the Baaiue Lad e Society and the wee* before a ches a f r $20 came in from the Emblem club at O n ta rio ” 'P ie county chairman emphasized that any contribution art till be ing accepted and will be i ed to help care for those afflicted in thi com munity and for research to combat the disease NYSSA PROGRAM Telephone 108 J H E A T R E SATU RD AY, M A Y 17 "California Passage" with Forrest Tucker— Adele Mare California’s lustiest Era blazing with excitement Matinee Sat. 1:3«; Adm. 3«c-»c SU ND AY-M O ND AY, May 18-19 "I'll Never Forget You" with Tyrone Power— Ann Blyth MICHEÁL RENNIE— DENNIS PRICE A modern man steps back two hundred years with a bundle of old love letters found in the attic. Matinee Sun. 1:30; Adm. 30e-9e TUESDAY-W EDNESDAY, M A Y 20-21 "The Denver and Rio Grande" Color By TEC H N IC O LO R with Edmon Obrien— Sterling Hayden DEAN JAGGAR— LAUR A ELLIOTT I t ’s a brawny, brawling story o f rugged men in the roaring days of pioneer railroading. TH URSD AY-FRID AY, M A Y 22-23 "Rancho Notorious" rn TEC H NICO LO R with Marlene Dietrich— Arthur Kennedy MEL FERRER— W ILLIAM IK A W I.E Y Marlene stars as the queen of an outlaw ranch, as a lost love drove her onward to revenge ( IT T < « I M IL HAS B L S V SESSION AT MEETING tive and the book balanced. Van parents of a baby gitl born Thar*- H >nr. a Vale man day. fcl.*y 8 at Balter o r r in Cur.ey and Ahorna. C M c Continued from Page l Elroy are .«»ponent for the Demo- V IS IT S G H A N D I*ARt NTS J jn e !i> » »r e ordered . . | cratic nomination f *r county com- Donald Marshall, who lias served N o* mi m b«. - ot the city budge» mivsioner Currey *s a Malheur in Korea visited with hts grand- c m .i..ttic a.t Wa.aer L o » e and ca n ity stockirwn ai d a third gene- parent Mr and Mrs. Walter M ai- . oi .i ii i.g * n U i . *ho MHceid ration re-ider.t of this county L fc 1 atiail in Ontario. He has left for a ^ ...t iru m i n and Hamilton ciiai- Hammaik is the U O P candidate visit with Lis fattier Wayne Mnr- iiion ine to * iiiemoer will serve, with no oppo.-ition in the prim ary -hall who is an engineer at M«.- .. r truce >cai anu other meinoers IMo campaigning has been nec*s- Nary dam aie A ti L > m ui and Houston W i 1 - ,ary or4 the J>4rt o f incumbent As- “■ “ a,e «lie more year to lessor John Koopmati who ha.- no JUNCTION < ITY MAN ciic and Jared Lewis Warren opponent for the Democratic nomi- SEEKING BROTHER HERE ha.mer and L-in Joi.e^, who have nation to succeed himself, and Sheriff John Eltenng has received A 1 1 1 ’ , * ^ , , * George Carl-on, unopposed on the a request regarding the Whereabouts t l Uoi Republican ticket for the office of Francis Burton Frazier, a farm ’* '* 1 * * " 1 ' 1 * , 1 Carroll Locey of Ironside is a-k- laborer and irrigator, last known to r c 1M h S 1m i t budget lng to be returned to the office of be working in the Vale or Nyssa .m eting *.l. o. lie.d June 3 state representative by seeking the areas. He was last seen driving a Supt Henry Hartley and School Republican nomination on the basis 1934 Studebaker He is wanted by B nd Meinoer John Schenk appear- , of his past record and a promise of bis brother. Elmer Frazier of Junc- to a k f .1 further restrictions on fair and moral legislation. There is tion City, to sign papers in connec pm ball macnines to help prevent t s Democratic candidate for the tion with’ his father's estate, ludem fi 'in pending their lunuh office. ___________________ money The councilmen agreed to At the close o f registration rec amend it amu ement device ordin- ords, Malheur county had 4775 Re am* »<* restrict use of certain coin publican registrants. 3848 Democrats, ui.i -nine- to persons 18 years of age 23 Independents, two Progressives y o t © lO IH O r r O W and older. uvd one Socialist, **cording to the Registered voters who * ait thrir The board also agreed to recom Secretary of State There also were mend that beer license be granted 75 listed as "all others" for a total ballots. Friday in Oregon’s primary election will be able to start voting .to Manuel DeFuents who lias con of 8,724 registered voters. There is a total of 34 precincts in at 8 a. m. and ran continue until structed a restaurant and hotel east 8 p. m. of the underpass, and Wilson’s Su- the county. Voting places in this area are: ,per Market Nyssa precinct 1, city hall. Nyssa precinct 2, Eagles hall. JU NIOR LEGION BASEBALL Nyssa precinct 3, Methodist GAMES S TA R T M AY 26 church. Continued from Page 1 Arcadia, Christensen home, cor Nyssa's reorganized municipal and he need not be the son or rela ner Alberta and Clark boulevard. band will go into action next Mon tive of a Legionaire or Veteran pro Adrian, building adjacent to Bill's viding he attended school during day evening with a public concert Food Market. at the city park, it was announced March, 1852 It was emphasized that Big Bend, Big Bend school house. the Legion’s policy of no distinction by Harry Miner, one of the band (Tliis is a new location.) because of race, color or creed, ex members. Owvhec, Owyhee school house. Th e 22-piece band is under the tends into its .sponsorship o f the Ridgeway, Ridgeway Valley school the direction of Leon Burt, who an Junior Legion baseball teams. house. nounced that the musicians are Home games scheduled for the ready for a public appearance after Bishop and Mrs. James Peterson, summer are May 29, Vale No. 1; a month of intensive practice. The June 6, Vale No. 2; June 13, Ontario band was active two years ago, but Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stoker. Mr. and No 1; June 20, Ontario No. 2; June numerous circumstances caused dis Mrs. Vern Garner. James Hawkins 27, Adrian All home games will be solution of the group last summer. and Golden Draper o f the Owyhee played under the lights at the school Several practice sessions were held Ward attended an excursion to the Idaho Falls L. D. S. temple last field and will start at 8:30 early this spring and during the past Oames away from home and the month a full turnout each Monday week-end. Nyssa's opponents arid the field are: night has made it possible to have May 26. Ontario No. 1; June 3, O n a complete, well-trained band. C O M IN G EVENTS tario No 2; June 10, Adrian. These Miner said that plans are now Saturday, May 17 Job's Daugh first three games are twilight con being made for a formal concert to tests, starting at 6 o’clock. June 17, be followed by a dance later this ter's cooked food sale at Ralph Vale No. 1; June 24: Vale No. 2. year with all proceeds going to a Lawrence’s office, Monday, May 19— Eastern Star The last two Vale games are under fund to defray expenses. A bass horn the lights at Vale's lighted field be and bass drum are the property of the meeting at the Masonic hall. Wednesday, May 21—Civic club ginning at 8:30. city and Chamber of Commerce will meet at Parish hall at 2 p m. while all other instruments are pro May Day program and installation. P O L IT IC A L C A M PA IG N vided by the musicians. Thursday, May 22—Group No. 1 ENDS TO N IG H T ELECTION EK ID A Y may identify at Journal and pay for thi.- notice 18-U » > Nt J me 'f ®^rs J A ^ * L t-c at 8 p m. at I ‘ ' O 1 hall N >m»nati<'ii of ofticers. Tuesday. May 27 Eagles auxiliary to meet instead o f May 20 as pre- vMuslv scheduled Initiation, contest party and apron sale at 8 p. m. — --------------------------- 1 ---------------- P O R 8 A L S Milk si. „ b U. -oon ready for -ervice Oscar Schaf er. phone 082-J2, 1 mile north and mile east Adrian. 18-2tp W AN TED Man to work on farm by month. Call 173-W3 Parma, or 1 mile south of Nys.-a-Pamia Junction, house on left side of road in gully. E. R. Cart ar. 18-1 tp TOO LATE TO C L A S S IF Y ___________________________________WANTH1D—Thirty head of cattle to POUND- Between Baker and Unity, pasture for the summer. Phone reading glass in leather case. Owner 035-JU. Nyssa. 18-tf. Welcome, Jersey Breeders - - - #T j , Y ou May Not Be Pulling Money * i I É ì i m Out of a Where You May Town Band Starts Concerts On Mon. but you'ro doing a sup«r job in pulling money into this community. Naturally, that takes work, and work is down our farm alley when it comes WORK CLOTHES Brackens has studied the needs of residents of this community and we have stocked a complete line of the finest work clothes of all kinds— at reasonable prices. Phone 105 223 Main Cleaning Plant Sold To Nyssa Residents (Continued from Faze 1) former Vale justice of the peace, who retired six years ago. Sale of the Nyssa Gate City Clean Democratic voters are being asked ers by iMearl Marcum to Mr. and to write in the name of Mary Th om Mrs. Harvey Howard and Mr. and as o f Nyssa, whom the county cen Mrs. Roy Pounds, all of Nyssa, has tral committee has endorsed for the been announced. The new owners candidate for county treasurer Mrs. took over operation of the establish Thomas is now employed at the ment today. North Board of Control office here. Howard has been employed at the Incumbent Ora Hope and G. H. cleaning plant for the pas’t seven Van Horn are the Republican con years and is thoroughly experienced tenders for the office of treasurer. in all phases of the work Pounds ,'s Mrs. Hope points to her record i f a pioneer resident of Nyssa, having five terms in the office and the fact made his home here for the past 43 that records are clear and informa years, part of which was spent in the operation of Pounds Grocery which he established and which still | bears his name. Marcum has operated the Gate City Cleaners for the past 18 months and stated that his future plans are indefinite, although he will continue to make his home in Nyssa He has been a resident here for 10 years | and was formerly employed by H ol lingsworths', Inc. IS AN Come the basic products that Nature's Most Nearly Perfect Food BUTTER CHEE5 MILK ICE CREA POULTRY EGI The Gem Produce is your market center for these products which bring the highest market prices you will find anywhere. Dealers In Ice Larro Feeds Fancy Dressed Poultry W « join in welcoming the Jarauy Breeders !o Nyas* for th»ir Seventh Many of iheee Dairymen have found their profit* D TUCKER AND K. THOMAS ON LEAVE FROM NAVY David Tucker. Seaman Apprentice in the Navy, arrived here Sunday week for a 10-day furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Tucker. Tucker, who Just completed 11 weeks boot training at San Diego, i will be stationed at San Francisco upon expiration o f his leave Keith Thomas, o f Nyssa who finished boot training at San Diego the same time, is also here on leave FOUR B4RIES BORN 4T M. M. IlfiSPIT.AL Babies born in the Malheur Mem orial hospital the last three weeks are April 25. a girl to Mr. and Mrs LeRoy Buir of Nyssa: May 3, a girl to Mr aivd Mrs. T G Klinkenberg of Nyssa May 7, a boy to Mr. and Mrs Robert D Brown of Adrian and May 13. a boy to Mr and Mrs Donald R. Willson o f Nyssa. COLOR M OVIE SHOWN AT EPISC O PAL t H I Kt II SUNDAY 'This b Canada.’ a 40 minute color movie was shown Sunday eve ning at the Episcopal church to a group o f members and friends by the Rev Claire Crenshaw A num ber o f these educational films have been sh.'Wii to the Young Peoples’ Fellowship groups by Rev Crenshaw during the past year ________________ greater after dealing through the Gem Produce Co. Gem Produce Co. Corner 6lh and Good Ave. Phone 17 f||8^ \ IS IT S SA ILO R SON Vern Richards and son, Marvin, pent the p a d week in Jerome Idaho visiting their vm and br>>ther Bea man Apprentice LeR* y Richard« who i.-* visiting his mother. -Mrs Ralph lo w Beaman Richards is on a 14 day leave from Ban P ego where he is stationed. PA R E N TS OE D A I U R T E R Mr and Mrs. O r v » Newell of Bak er and loruier resalenu of Nysia are GÁNDCÑfFRESH groceries VE( W\ ! BL ES you’ll Want Lower Snake River Valley "EXTREME B A R G A IN " IS RESULT OF TYPO ERROR Nyssa advertisers who use the Gate City Journal columns to tell their bargains are usually more than generous, but an advertisement, in a few copies of this issue offers an ex treme bargain" as the result of an error on the part of the newspaper. The Boise Payette Lumber Co. is offering paint at $5.10 a gallon, but about 275 eopies of the Journal this week carried a misprint of "$1.10 a gallon.” An effort has been made to send as many of these misprinted copies as possible outside the trad* area, but subscribers living in this locality are forewarned that this notice eliminates the responsibility of the advertiser and this news paper to maintain this misquoted price. IMPORTANT PART OP Friday and Saturday, May 16-17 From Across the Wide Expanse of the Annuel Jersey Show ,f w f W F to meet at home o i \jr< Harold Bobbins at 2 p m Carnation Com Flakes All Macoroni 15% off Catsup, 2 14-oz. bottles_________ 33c Peas 3 cans 33c 300 size __________________________________ Eggs 3 doz. 99c Large Grapefruit 6 cans $1.00 No. 300— Sections Bakery Goods FRENCH BREAD 2 loaves for 29c All sweet rolls—Baker's dozen for price of regular dozen. Watch the counter for other specials. ORANGES each 23c 28 oz. Pkj»s. large size 4 lbs. 25c Fresh STRAWBERRIES Cup 19c LETTUCE 2 lge. heads 19c “ RADISHES and~ GREEN ONIONS 3 for 10c QUALITY MEATS SAUSAGE Pure Pork GROUND BEEF 3 lbs. 85c lb. 59c None Better BACON SQUARES lb. 22c YOUNG BEEF LIVER lb. 59c Oysters. Salmon, Halibut Fryers, Stewers, Roasters Open Sunday Afternoon