e * PAC • » THE NYSSA GATE CTTY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY MAY 15. 1952 T. T F N with civil defer, e director >f Mai- heur. Union and Wulic wa rr uiuiv Previous meeting- were held w. a drainage and diking di-trict eng»- From Ihr Journal Filet n ifi- < 1 MannjB.a.i and Oolun.u.a Representative, of the Army counties. enter the state track meet H. ako 5 Y ears Ago May 15. 11*4? Corps of F.ng.neer- and the Oregon rGdo of Nys a was elected pre .dent Civil Defen-e agency met with Mal * 11 : li I i 11 ti 111 i 111 ii 11111111 i H i. n 11 n id n tt ' Dennis W Patch has been em and Martha Browne of Ny a wa heur County Civil Defense Directoi ployed as principal at tlie high elected Vice piesident of tne Associ ‘ Ed Ho ve in Vale M mday to study school succeeding Errett Hummel, ated women tudents at the Ea tern oefn approved by that date will re- flood D r . (ila r e K . Ilo n le y control measure for this area. held for grade school pupil,. Nyssa celvo their bonus payment in July resigned ——L K Meslrr and so n , Oregon College of Education of La- The flood potential- in Malheur won second with 93 points. For the F D Mesler of Nampa have pur i li amic Veterans are not being notified county tudied were based on MKiw Tlie Junior Women' 2 nd year Minnie Goodr.ch ot Ny . a tnat chased tne Thompson Oil Co from Amity club met Pndu> at the borne their claims have been approv surveys made by the army engi won the girls trophy.----- Albert Möh Henry Jen ens m . . l illian Ni • ed Only those veterans *ho.->e ap neers earlier this month. of Mi Lucille Pelt. A constitution ler of Pruitland and Mr Doty open plications bet. county librarian and Miss Dai-.y and by-laws were presented and are disapproved will be ed their new grocery. N i-a Ca n P^aiions a.e u.sapp oseu ■- fiecoy will assist at the opening <f voted on and round table discussion Jack Have state civil defense di Grocery and report a very good '<» informed Less than 400 letter, rector. aid that while present con Adrian coniinuniiy Library Satur was conducted by Mrs I.lusd Wil on, business.----- 13 Nyssa students will ?f dlJ>aUowal hjVe ^ “ ‘ d 1 ditions do not indicate flood,, any day. Mie community hbiary is the a recent war bride from England receive their diploma, at commence far. project of the Kingman Kolony 15 Years \go May 13, 1937 The bonus pay., $10 for each unusual weather might change the, 1‘ 'I' A Preliminary plans for se ID Years Ago May. ISM'! Five people lost their lives as the ment exercises May 13 at Liberty month an Oregon veteran -pent in situation. Prank Wilson, Nyssa high school result of a collision between a west Theatre. They are Hazel Beam, stateside seivice and $15 for each lecting a queen to chri ten the P a Also from the ■ late CD office was 519 Cleveland. Caldwell. Ida. cific Tiailw aj bus to be designated pitcher led his teamm.it« to the bound U. P freight and a car driven Clyde Benton. Lucille Clement. Pau month for foreign or sea duty dur Robert Sandstrom, administrative ns •'City of Ny a" were announced championship of the Snake River by Mr1 Marie Oraham of Payette line Fi her. Lee Klinkenberg, Jen ing World War II. proviJed the vet coordinator Tlie men are holding tills week The School Hoard of Valley leugue Friday afternoon when at the grade crossing in Nyssa. The nie Koopman, Charles Leuck. George eran was a bona fide resident of the flood-control meetings this week . Ill 11 M i l 11111111M M H H111111M I I I I I I 111 I IHI L Di t lit»C ha- called an election >o they defeated Pruitland. winners of coroner") inquest exonerated the Newby. Mary Swan. Robert Thomp state for one year or more prior to Ny,- railroad crew Irotn any blame, but it son. Verna and Virginia Thompson his active duty. The maximum pay be held May 31 lor the purpose of tlie Idaho division. 5 to O deciding on a question of contrac a's Farm Labor camp officially be was recommended an underpass be and Mable Wood,.-----Watch Ad ment is $000 ting a bonded indebtedness of $10.- came a city May 11 with the election built. 31 seniors will receive di rian grow! Several new building, are Next of kin of Oregon men who <xx> for improving the Nyssa Grade of a camp chairman and council plomas at commencement exercises going up.—new residence,, a pool school binklur' Coach Howard and adoption of a con million, re May 37, Jargc t enior graduating hall, barber shop, etc and a ne v died in service are entitled to 11, Lovejoy left for Corvallis with Boh ports Armond Thomas, cainp man class in the history of the school.—- well has been dug.-----Directors of $*>00 maximum If a veteran died JV. 71 eighth grade pupil will The Civic Club has scheduled a the Owyhee project J J Sarazin. -m e hi di charge, the eligible ui- Church and George I,eri. who will ager S D Go hert and R J Davis at- vhor is entitled to the amount the spring flower exhibit May 19 in the tended the reclamation meeting held veteran would be paid had he hied fcagle") hall.----A new business es Eligible survivors include the un- tábil Lment opened its door for busi- in Portland. The Owyhee w as term- ne Monday when Maxie's Con- ed "the biggest reclamation project remarried wife, the surviving chil- fecturnery Shop started serving cus in America" and it is thought work dren, and the surviving parent . m tomers It's located next to Bal may start on the dam tin, fall that order. Phone 98 To date lightly more than 80.000 Parm a dridge Implement and in a location 30 Y ears Ago May 12. 1922 W B Hoxie reported there is some veterans have applied for the bonus, formerly occup.ed by Ruth's Beauty Nook and Ktibye Lou's Beauty movement on town lot- Purchaser, but the department estimates that Phone 100-R Nyssa Shop J J Chandler, meat cutter are satisfied Nyssa is permanently another 00.000 or so still may file at filler’s returned from a honey on the map and unprovement arc before the December 1 deadline, H . moon to San Francisco. He was mar planned by the In VI ried la t week to Ruth Lacy of Holmes has been busy hauling lum ber to the Weideman ranch for con- Boise All proposed charter a- mendments carried at Tuesday’s | struction of a fine new bungalow — election. Largest majority was rolled Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ci,"k gave a N yssa. up on the proposal to change the party in honor of their daughter Fanner depending on bee for name of tin municipality from Donna’s 9th birthday 22 mailboy (town) to icily i. Also carried were and girls attended.— Mr, Pett eed crip pollination should make Third Generation Malheur County Resident amendments givuig the council pow Hambuud was in Boise to look after' certain that the bees' operations are er to force pr; perty owners or or ad property Interests.----- fi M Allred not restricted to Iaidino clover, at> and stockman. jacent to the sewer to connect on has bargained for 2 'j lots on Park cording to Dr H A Scullen. agricul- and changing tlie term of city offi Avenue and 2nd St. to ere t a lurist for the Oregon State college Representation for the Outlying Districts cers from one year U> two.----- Work dwelling.----- Nyssa won a hard agricultural experiment station. Studies in Jefferson county by men replaced a large plate glass tought baseball game from Vale 11 window in front of the Owyhee to 5 at Vale. Nyssa lineup was F Dr Scullen show that bees frequent- Barber shop which was broken when Duncan, Young, Teusch, 1) Hoxie, jy io.se weight and often do not sur- Bud Anderson tarted hLs car while Wilkerson. Divens, Simons, Wood- vive when they get only Ladino The DSC bee expert says this hap- in gear, jumping the sidewalk and | niff pens because Ladino is low in nectar C i crashing into the glasi Mr and 35 Years Ago May 11, 1917 Nyssa is to have two fine new and high in pollen content, Mrs Dale Garrison. JoAnne anil Mr. 7 GIVE YOUR HOME A BEAUTY Pollen Is necessary as a protein 1 and Mi Jake Fischer pent the brick buildings. John Ennis of Sioux week-end fishing above Unity and City, Iowa, formerly of Nyssa is j for the growth of young bees, Dr. TREATMENT, TO< completing arrangements for erec- Scullen explains, but a certain returned with their limit. tion of a one-story brick building on amount of nectar also is necessary 30 Years Ago May. 193:! the corner of Main and 1st streets for making honey, Dr and Mrs. John Long of Salem and a one story brick building on The tests in Jefferson county are visiting Dr Long's parents, Mr his vacant lot between the Foster showed that bee colonies lost as and Mrs. J. T Long of Arcadia and Building and the building occupied much as half a pound a day while I j.hey plan to make their home by the Nyssa Hardware— Water working on Ladino clover blossoms here.---- Malheur County has 5,351 was turned into the Kingman Kol- during the main blossom period. The registered voters this year as com ony ditches this week Irrigation j low nectar content is believed re- pared to 4454 for 1930 ----- Nyssa season is starting one month later t sponsible for the weight loss because students. Lloyd Wilson annd Audra than last year.----- Helen Peck is : the bees find it difficult to get Hendricks won trophies In the an organizing a music class in Nyssa enough nectar from Ludino to feed IMPROVEMEN nual track meet at Vale Nyssa high for violin study.----- Frank D. Hall their young and take care of their school presented tire operetta "Sail is having a commodious garage con own needs as well. LOANS FOR YOUR NOME or Maids" with leads tagen by Miss structed on his residence property Planting ample nectar-producing Donna Cook. Bill Gehr, Paul Hatch, at the corner of Fourth St and Ehr- cropi such as alsike and lotus near Don't put off needed repairs that would Pauline Hatch, Bertha Wimp, How mean greater expense later on. If you are good in which he will enter his new Ladino fields i., not a solution, warns ard Foster, Hubert Leuck and Ralph automobile when it is not in use.— Dr. Scullen. This would create an short of "ready cash" come in and talk over Lawrence.-----Three Caldwell snake Frank Leuck last week bought 95 other problem since these seeds your problem with a Loan Officer. hunters captured 30 live rattle acres of land on the river a mile can't be separated from I.adino seed i " h '" » a<o7,;c? 'hi9h Money to put up an attractive fen ce. . . snakes at Rockville, south of Nyssa. below town for $2,625 from H. D. in cleaning The resulting mixture ; •PO'OlHlhi,, in ‘ ‘»"* °< )o A Seattle zoo assured payment of •°y* ct,0„e, *••»'* improve your lawn and garden...repairing Gray of Pendleton.----- The building reduces the value of the Ladino seed $1 for each live snake.----- Ladies for Nyssa', new flouring mill is near- crop, 0 ,tSon go„rnor 5pro^ anil modernizing your home can he easily U,< lorm.r silk hose were advertised at 22c a ing completion anil looms up like a 1 When other nectar crops are not arranged through a Home Improvement pair Eder Hardware was selling cathedral Manager Warren expects j within the usual bee flight range l.oan. 100 lb. sack ot No. 1 potatoes for 45o, to have the wheels going around in Scullen recommends moving the No Mortgage or Dawn Payment 1« Required 4 « lb sock i'i flour, Me Harold plenty of time to take care of the colonies to another area for part of Ginzel, newcomer from St. Paul, next wheat crop----- R R Bowan zf one-fourth to one-half mile. Dr. Minn, was visiting in Nyssa He has was in Nys a again tills week still the year. This will insure an ade- PH A d v ., U n o n d e r For T re a s u re r C o m m ittee ' O * o r ( e l . > . S p e o g ce , C h o ifm o * purchased Wilks Jewelry in On hunting for 75 head of lost heep NYSSA BRANCH I quale source of food. tario.— Mrs. Bernard Frost enter tained Tuesday Bridge a i 1 1 i Mr NATIONAL Artie Robertson and Mrs Barney BANK Wilson winning favors. Days Gone By in Nyssa Community receive heir dipk>mj Friday morn- ing the Uige-l »th trade greduat- • H f.jin n i in the Cmder- elle Ball were Knth Ru-,ell and IXlma Ward, prince and Cinderella and K ger Simmons ai.d Betty Week junior royalty Among mem bers of tne court were David Hart ley. Vernon Kr , t, Colleen Bybee, LeVelle Hunter. Lorraine Pi her. Janell Haney. Lyle Cottle Raymond Larson. Phyllis Schireinan. Bob and Don Fldredge. Colleen Turne. Dick Tensen and Claiidine Tomlm-on — Twyla Crawford anil Dickie Schire- man won honors at the regtnal inu- ,ic festival in Spokane. of July. Bonus Supervisor H C Saalleld of the state Department of Veteiaiu Affairs estimated today That was the number and amount Oregon Vets to Get $27.170.000 2*225 SLinmentTurS 1 'Su*S Wars nSEn?“ •» ^>- v b' d“:t' whes T i 1X0; Engineers Study Flood Measures Optorm. Iris! EYES EXAMINED (Opp. Sears) Dial 9-3371 DEAD Fast Service Free Pickup VOTE MAY 16 FOR Orrin Currey Democratic Candidate For Bees Need Variety Of Nectar Crops County Commissioner Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. Oregon Y01MJNANDER-AND OREGON J FIRS ST OF PO RTLAND O 25 Y ears Ago May, 1927 Around 800 people attended the f 10 la I U X DAYS A A m **« Co'p«> «*Moa ----- -- annual Malheur County field and track meet in Vale with 18 school districts participating in the meet Uawt• A "*« .. v " V v *v ' A . , 's * • ÍT -. ^ ■' fon. v -is-' /- . .( V V Farm Truck and Farm Pickup Liability Insurance Rates Reduced 2 5 % Through the Efforts of Your General Insurance Co. Lowctf priced in its field Tht« b«owilful now Stylolioo Do lu io 2 Door Sodon litts foi lots fhon ony comparoblo nodol io ilt Mold. fCoor.Muof-on o f s tondmrd oqu<p- m »nl and h m tllu itra to d it doponJoof am Q ro d o b .l.ty of m o l t i o l W k .fo of OJUm tool vhoa proilokfo ) m oil tu rn 0/f/yCfiei/rt>/et offesc you... All these Big-Car Extras with the Lowest-Priced Line in its Field! — -fc 1 ''3 1 Agent ", -** F ]- E For Better Insurance IX TRA W IO I C N O iC I • I S tylin g a n d C o l* ,» 'i HD , mt li — ? (X TR A tiA U T Y ANO O U A IIT Y of R *d y by Fi»b«r fe-a -al .w - - IX TR A SMOOTH PERFORMANCE IX T R A « f Cp ntcrp o i»* P o w c i R ID IN G CO M FO RT of Improvt-tf Kne»' Action SM O O TH N ESS of P O N E R A utom atic Tran sm issio n A rt')fi/>/c/e p u n i r Warn with IXTRA STOP01MC POWER •f Dt«* tiM .i Insurance Agency of Fiiher Unitteel Construction EXTRA extra-powerful Valve-in- Head engine, and Automatic t hoke Optional on Dg l uxe model» at extra cost See Renstrom EXTRA STREN GTH ANO C O M FO RT IXTRA STEERING EASE •t Ont*, Paint Steering IX T R A # f A«^e*’ ce , P R EST IG E P o p u la r C a r M«,r fin M O fil M O f i l l tU Y C H IV R O L IT S THAN A N Y O TH IO C A R ! so Nyssa Motors, Inc. •* i O ak LOW I Nyssa, Oregon ]