THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON Days Gone By ¡n Nyssa Community F rom Uie Journ al F i l e ' 5 Y n r t 4*o M at 6, 1947 Plans for the Malheur Memorial Hos-pital to be erected at Nysta have been received by the hospital asso ciation along with a perspective drawing which has been placed on display in the Idaho Pewer office. The association now needs only $15.- 000 to increase its building fund to $50,000 which it hope» the govern ment will match.-----Workers started this morning digging the trench for the storm drain on Main St After the drain is installed, curbs will be built and then the actual paving if the steet will be started Ken Ren- strom of Nyssa was elected vice president o f the Malheur County Public health association.-----Alyce Wada, Nyssa high school senior is one of the 15 finalists in statewide competition for the annual Frank scholarship, $1,000 scholarship, pay able <1 000 per year for 4 years *o any college in Oregon, based on scholarship and character A new, Lutheran congregation will be for mally organized in Nyssa the first Sunday in June with Rev. Roland G Wuest as pastor.-----The senior graduating class of 1947 includes 54 students with Alyce Wada valedic torian and Doris Beers, salutator- ian.----- Plans for christening a new Pacific Trailwav bus a- ' The City of commerce meeting On the ar rangement committee are Clean Well Henry Hartley. Roy Bibbey and Bernard Frost. 10 Year» \,o May 7. 190 Nyssa High school commencement exercises will be held May 14 at he gymnasiums with Keith Herrman delivering the salutatory and Twila Latham the valedictory. There are 54 graduates listed.— Coach John Young and his Nyssa high school ba.-eball team have scored again and will meet the Fruitland Grizzlies on the home field for the champion ship of the Snake River Valley con ference - -Donald M Graham en listed thi' week tn the V S Navy, Paul Heldt, employed at Honolulu i ' visiting his parents. Mr. and Mr-. Albert Heldt 15 Years \go May 6. 1937 Fire completely destroyed the farm home across the river in which Mr. and Mrs r t Sager were living At the time of the fire, they were visit ing at the home of the latter’s par ents. Mr and Mrs W W Foster The city council voted Thursday *o accept the offer of A C. Green to sell the city 40 acre' of waste land north of Nyssa for a dump ground The agreed price was $200 — The 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin n iiiiiiiiiiiii Mr. (Lire K. MEULLER FURNACES— LINK BELT STOKERS (.o n lc Y Optometrist EYES E X A M IN E D 1 1 Estimates Gladly Given HEATING (Opp. Sears) Dial 9-3371 Phone 134L2 GEORGE J. KINZER1 519 Cleveland. ( aldwell. Ida. Parma, Idaho || i ! Ill 1111111111 ! 111111 ! 11 ! 1111111111111 ! 111111 * of Nyssa" were d.'Cu^ed at clumber city council granted Lee Miller per mission to move a house onto tots in the far north part of town and N F Leigh wa granted a permit to bu.ld a brick theater building on Main St . 40x100 feet, brick walls and metal roof at an estimated cast of $10,000 M r' Rena Schweizer sold the Schweiser Cafe to H G Willcison of Parsons, Kansas. Dick Tensen is wearing both a 'plen- did new watch and a smile that won’t come o ff since Monday's meet ing of the Owyhee Ditch board. He was given a 21 Jewel watch inscrib ed "For Faithful Service" after ser ving on the board 25 years. — Ber nard Frost was elected president of the Eagles lodge 20 Y ears Ago May j. 1932 The office of F A. Banks, chief engineer reports the pouring of con crete in Owyhee dam is 99 percent completed and Die dam will be fin ished in May Plugging o f the d i version tunnel is scheduled for June and July for wa’ er storage — Eight Nyssa lady golfers were guests of eight Parma ladies for luncheon and golfing Mr- Olenn Frizzell of N\'- 'a made low score of 64 and Mr Estes L Morton of Nyssa. next with 65.- - A smooth working machine if 9 Nyssa diamond men scored a win over Nampa 5 to 0 Dick Young fan ned 12 Nampans Hoxie. Price and Servoss made a pretty double play A cla-s of 29 seniors, 15 boy< and 14 girls will graduate from N i - a hign chiol at commencement May 19 a ’ the Liberty theater Miss Donna Cook is valedictorian and Miss T h el ma Cook, salutatoriun -Nyssa Gun club closed it ' shoot for the -.eason and the following nimrods have high score, Artie Robertson, Marlin Wilson, A. V Cook. Aden Wilson and C. B Short -Nyssa winners in the county W C. T U. essay contest are Marjorie Groot, Ruth Flanary. Leonard Nichols The state game commission plans to make the entire Owyhee reservoir i bird sanctuary and stock the waters with fish and food — First cutting hay was selling for $3 per ton. ONE GARMENT S5 Y . * r > %*.> 6 1927 Frost ha.' injured wee cherries, peaches and apricot : iur N\ -,t aiul Ontario according :■ County .Agent Shovel. -Ju dge Dalt<ui B;_gs wul hear claimants who lost property m the Bully Creek 11. si oi 1925. who have tiled their Gainis with county clerk 60 claims have been filed amounting to $117.553 72 __ Bessie Callaway and Ciia:. lie Chee- ley of Ny.ssa won hci. m the coun ty spelling bee Dredges on Warmsprings drainage work pro gressed five miles during March and April. F. V. Zut/ of Nyssa nar rowly escaped death when County Clerk H S Socket: n ued him from hi> coupe which went out of control, overturned In a barrow pit filled with water and pinned him beneath it.-----Crews prospecting for grav -1 for the big Owyhee dam uncovered the best bed of gravel yet discovered this week on the I’ M Warren ranc l a tew miles southea t of Nyssa if further drilling -sustains expectations of the cre-v. the bid -ufficieni to furnish all the gravel for tiie dam. a good thniR for Mi Warren and Nyssa. as it will mean that the rail road will start only a tew miles from his place.----- The Powell Service Station is making an Improvement this week by building a ladies rest room adjoining the s’ ation 30 Years Ago May 5, 1922 Nyssa League ball ti m defeated Huntington 9 to 0 Sunday on home grounds. L B Hamaker of the Commercial club reported progress on the Boy Scout movement and ex pects to have an organization per fected soon with a good strong mem- ip H \ l' i Mi El>:e Ray. both of N\ c were mar ried They will make their home m Nyssa. Mi Divcn havitat purchased a handsome residence >n First Si Bob Lawrence received a severe jolt while attempting to solder a 20-gal gas tank with a blow torch The tank exploded, knocking him several feet across the garage Kmgma.i Kolony industrial clubs are organi zing for the season’s work Canning club. Mrs. Conrad Martin, leader: sewing club. Mrs. H Q Johnson leader and Helen Powell. Violet Pinkston and Jeanette Martin mem bers; pig club. Robert Overstreet: leader and members Eddie Powell, lack. Cora and Mike Elliott. Merritt Creeling and Dorothv Parsons 35 Years Ago May I. 1917 Ci: zons of Nyssa met in the Opera Hou-e to discuss the question of War relief botli in foreign lands and t home. It was decided the execu tive committee, named by different ' /I'ganizations should continue in charge of ‘ he work On the commit- lee art C. C Wilson, chairman; Thomas Canhatn, Jr., secretary. Pro fessor Davis. Mrs F O Carman. \lr and Mrs. Frank Leuck, E B. Nudry. E M Dean and M i s s Alice McFarland The cause of good roads in Malheur county and es pecially the road bond Issue, advan ced immeasurably a- the result of the good roads rally Friday evening. W L. Thompson oi Pendleton and Gov Withycombe to. k a trip over the valley on bt h l(1c of the river, then addressed a surprise gathering THURSDAY MAY 8 . 1952 PAGE THREE | animation as soon as possible. Mrs Foster also announced a let ter had been received from Mr Endu Farris public health nur-e if Parents of pre-school children who will enter school for the first time Malheur county statu.-: that com this fall are reminded of the physic U plaints have been received from some examination each child i- to be of tiie phj ician-s that the goldenrod given as early as possible belore the sheets have not been filled out be school term opens in September, ac fore Uie child appear- for exam ina cording to Mrs W. W Foster, tion Parents are requested not to health chairman for Uie Ny - a P a r bring in any other children at the ent-Teachers association Local doc tune their child scheduled to enter tors and dentists are cooperating school for the first time, goes for with the schools by giving thorough examination as the special rate is physical examinations to these ch il given only to children The dren at a special rate. health sheets are to be left with the There were 105 physical examina doctor or dentist after Uie check-up tion sheets sent out recently by the is completed so they may be sent i.i P r A. in conjunction with the local to the health department If anyone schools, to parent- of prospective has moved into the community with new first grade students determined a child entering school and lias not by the current school census These received an examination sheet, the»' sheet', goldenrod in color, and con. are requested to contact Mrs Fos laming blanks for complete personal ter. Phone 157-J. Nvssa Mrs Frank health record of the child should he Skeen or the local school filled out by the parent, an appoint ment made with a physician and dentist and Uie child given the ex- Card Parties Planned Pre School Exams Are Wanted Early St. Paul's Episcopal guild is spon- orui-i a progressive card party F ri day evening. May 9 Tables of bridge, pinochle and canasta will be m plav and at the close o l ’.he evening the groups will all assemble at the church for refreshments and prizes. The public is invited to attend and reservations may be made calling Mrs. Grant Rineluirt. Mrs. Norman Itlrakman and Mrs. Jolui O T o o le spent the week-end in Nyssa with re la th e' Mr- Bleakman is employed as laboratory technician at the St Alphonsus hospital in Boise Mrs Bleakman is taking an esthesia training at St. Luke’s hoc- pita 1 Hr. and Mrs. tiarttrt and Mrs. Glen Brown of Ontario were visitors in tiie Lackey home last week Last year. 1.962 000 Americans were injured in traffic accidents. of 75 road enthusiasts in N\ a Mrs Fred Powell and daughter Mae have been engaged this week hi making flags for the U S Boys and Betsy R o " patriotism has been in it ‘ he way they've been helping Old Glory unfurl for guardian of Nyssa's brave patriots All civilians guar ding O S L bridges were taken o ff duty May 6 and replaced by soldiers Six civilians have guarded the two big O. S L. steel bridges a short distance south of Nyssa Year in and year out you’ll do well with the HARTFORD VOTE for Sam Coon Republican for C O N G R E S S SAM COON offers Eastern Oregon a representative who is familiar with the activities, the problems of the livestock raiser, farmer, business man and em ployee. HARTFORD INSURAT'C: 4€€ SAM COON is vitally interested in the development, resources and industry of Eastern Oregon. BERNARD EASTM AN Real Estate Insurance Phone 64 OREGON Voter—“demonstrated outstanding ability in debate.” C APIT O L JO UR N A L “not swayed easily by oratory or pressure.” • »prdtrluf H A iT fO tl H it « A C T fO tO M OM M T IM S U tA IK I (O M fA M T mmé I N M M M I Î Y (O M P R M I Paid for by Coon for Congress Committee CÎ USED CARS 1 1950 Ford Cuslom Club Coupe— Radio, Heater, Overdrive, Spotlight, Fender Skirts, Seat Covers, Low Mileage. This is a Beauty! N EW STYLES! NEW LO W PR IC ES! Stunning blond oak mode! in popular clean* lined modern design Rubbed and polished to beautiful high gloss ( hest has self-ming inte rior tray for convenient storage of small items. 1950 Ford Custom Fordor— HERE 5 W H A T YO U GET TO DA Y IN A M O D E R N L A N E CEDAR C H E S T er Gr Gr Radio, Heater, Seat Covers, Excellent Rubber, Paint Like New. A Cared-For Car. H a n d io m « , f u n c t io n a l f u r n it u r e w it h a l l th * m o th a n d d u s t - p ro o f s t o ra g e s p a t e y o u 'v e so b a d ly needed — but h a v e n ev er h ad ! 1950 Ford Deluxe Tudor— A fre e m o th p ro te c tio n w a r r a n t y b a c k e d b y o n e of w o r ld 's la r g e s t in s u r a n c e A rm s A b s o lu t e p ro te c tio n w it h o u t a d d it io n a l c o s t e v e r y y e a r ! New Paint, New Rubber, Air Conditioning Heater, Plastic Seat Covers. Here is a car you look for often But SEE seldom. W o r ld 's o itly c e d a r c h e s t f a c t o r y - t e s t e d u n d e r a ir p r e s s u r e f o r a r o m a - t ig h t n e s s . O n ly a r o m a - t ig h t c e d a r c h e s ts a r e m o th - p ro o f c e d a r c h e s t s . MANY DIFFERENT MODELS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSEI All The Above Cars Guaranteed ADVftmro LIFE l o t « o f room in this big 4A” ktretmlinfd modern chest Matched American walnut, wilnur stump • ad paid a«* trim Has self-riAing lutenor tray. Tw o Dandy Buys for Fishing or Irrigating— 1940 Chevrolet Fordor 1941 Chevrolet Fordor '5 9 ” Per <*d console design in satin finish mahof* anv — perfect for hallway, dining room or living room Deep, full length drawer in base. W# Give S These Are Priced So Low That You Wont Believe It'« True. ■79” Herriman Motor Co. H Green Stamps Peterson Furniture Company N yssa TH E P L A C E T O C O M E FO R C A R S TH AT G O “The Dependable Furniture Stores” Ontario Vale Payette * «* t# • # g# « t#oo r o o o A®. 9 ® 9