THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY MAY ?. 1953 ^ S S iF ieO F O R — Q U IC K C lA Classified Advertising Rates Two cents per word per insertion Minimum charges, 30 cents for first insertion, in advance. To assure insertion on the classified page for proper classification, all ads must be turned into the Journal office not later than noon Tuesday. Publication of any classified advertisement will not be guaranteed when submitted later than Tuesday evening. Dial 2233. PAGE E L E V E » Miscellaneous croae are the days . »h en auto mobiles »ere horseless carriages and white enamti. turned Ye Hove! T - day's automobile is a home on wheels and today's WHITE IMPERVO ENAMEL -tat-, .-uper-white a> long as the durable finuh lasts . . . You Marls Favorable For Vegetables, Weak for Potatoes A fa: favorable vegetable crops market is likely this season, say Oregon state college agricultural jamin Moore Pa.nt Deal lor. N) a -pecialists, but potato and onion Lumber Co. 13-tfc. prices are threatened by plans to increase potato and onion acreages. For Sale Lower prices for Oregon’s l t d For Sale To Buy Or Sell See Mel p< tato crop are almost certain. M. D. START YOUR BETTER Our New Business Building is Located 3 Blocks North of " Y " We have several used electric and I hi mas, Oregon State college exten- FOR SALE We now have our sum HERD TODAY gas refrigerators traded in on the on U.S. 20, across from Berrett's Service Station. slon economist, concludes in the lat- mer supply of Ford Charcoal new Servel. Come in and choose one. Br.quets. Herriman Motor Co. FARMS Farms 100 acres for rent, cash or crop. Artifical In-enunat on to Sires e-: issue of "Oregon Agricultural Ideal Gas & Appliance, Nyssa. Just listed—100 acres ir. Sunset proved in the top 2ri if each breed Situation and Outlook." 16-3tc. CATTLE RANCH 5 acres g, -~d productive land, close 17-tf. Thomas believes that about the 200 head permit. 3 sections lea-ed Valley. Productive soil. Attractive Guernsey, Jersey. Hoi. Swiss. only thing thaf can prevent a dis FOR SALE 1950 Minneapolis Mo land, 117 acres irrigated land. 3 bedroom modern home $26.500. to Nyva. 5 room home. 5 head cow Milking short horn. Brown Also 2 bee FOR SALE—Why rent when you line hay baler Dial 3233 after May barn, brooder house, chicken house, Cheap water Two sets of improve $16.000 down. 50 per . ivw No charge for appointing market is bad weather $6,800. down. , breeds .......... - $7 . w- can buy a modern cinderblock home, 1st. in some of the nation's important 16-3tp. ments. Immediate possession. Si return service Ray Bowns. New potato producing areas. He adds, 70 acres close to Nyssa. highly pr - .-mall down payment low monthly. $35.000. 29~r down HOMES Plymouth 4(M1 ductive. 32 tons beets per acre last 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room. Used Westinghou.-e electric range SAFE WAY TO FARM that even so. many Oregon farmers 1 acre, attractive new 2 bedroom bath, utility room, overhead storage, like new i X 50 *■ Ideal Gas A- Appli- Annii 1 60-70 acre row crop land, plus 100 year spacious 6 room modern home, modern home, terms are set to take a chance on- a larger ----- *'"*■* IDAHO PROVED SIRE full basement, stoker heat. also. 5- Hardwood floors, lawn, flowers, ance. Appd potato acreage than they had in acres good river bottom pasture. I 16-tfc. 2 bedroom modern home, attached room semi-modern home, adequate young trees. 806 No. 2nd St. Dial SERVICE 1951 or 1952 Some farmers may shift ~~ " " ! $10.000 terms arranged to suit you. OUf. suildmgs garage, full basement, 100 ft. front 3302. 17-tfc. l»nd they had planned for potatoes age. $10.500 17-ltc FOR SALE—Baoy chicles and start- ° ° w COUNTRY 120. 73 acres irrigated, really I to barley, wheat or other crops. top „ , ,____ 1 96 acres with more land . - cultivated ■ FOR SALE — ’47 Farmall tractor. ed D ^ . chicks. Ed Lemon s Hatchery. 1 bed roc m modern home, sleeping —,| The threat to the p>tato market to be developed. Good range land row crop larKl. read>‘ for production plows and cultivator, harrow. Harold __ _ _ .... ....... ................... -terns from prospects for the largest nearby Tractor, truck and all smail lots of out buildings. porch, bedroom in basement, large lot, garage. $6.000, easy terms. supply in three years. Latest national Rookstool. phone 054-J4 17-ltp p q r s * l e ictnmnT» , « I equipment Included $27.000. $15.’- *30 500’ 000 d,w n ea‘''y terms 2 bedroom modern home, wall to ----------- S A L E -E ectric Kinmore sew- ^ Jown aw acres. 72 acres irrigated. 5 room figures for prospective plantings in FOR SALE — Purebred \orkshlre lng machine $1-7 Attachments in- y n ^ - Q p v.ALLEY modern home, also 3 room home, wall carpeting in living room, $5.800, dicated that farmers plan to increase gilts Twelve weeks old. Dams aver- | eluded Very good condition Phone | __ ,____ — terms Mrs. G eorge Mauler potato acreage 6 4 percent thi- yen*. New brick home 100 good acres, several out buildings, land lays ex- aged 11 pigs per litter. Harold Sisson, 183-M or see Mrs. Charles Kaneaster, DUI 2733 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $50.000. on terms The OSC economist says an acre cellent, $36.000. $10,000 dowi Rt 2, 3 3 4 miles west on Orand. 510 Good Ave 15-tfc. age increase of not more than Warehouse. 13,900 sq. feet, good 17-2tp.; -— ------------------------------------------------- PAID UP WATER RIGHT 70 head cattle set up, outside 70 acres cultivated, mostly row „ 2 - - — , improvements. $17.. onion storage, plam well located, plumbing The Arcadia _ Sunshine club met 11 at percent' coupled with good w ea th «. and heatm$ _ •* t 'a n r . >.4 ■ <. > » ^ T — can n produce a crop large enough to TOR SALE—Scott Atwater. 7 4 FOR SALE --5 acres. S mile south- 1 crop land Balance fenced pasture the home o f Mrs Otis Bullard Fri .„..u, part irrigated $30.000 000. $10,000 down. j acre, good business location, day with 17 members and three visi break the potato market. He peurtw horse power. Used about 50 hrs. west Nyssa. 2 bedrooms, basement. land, 155 acres, water oost $90 per year, business building and 5-room nvxl- tors present. Mrs Brig Olson drew out that a small potato surplus haw Runs like new, $75 Used 30-gal Elec, furnace heat. Milk house, chicken ENJOY THIS LOCATION 63 acres of good laying land with sultable for row crop and stock, will em home Located on highway close the door prize After the business a marked effect on prices. water heater, good condition, make house, 3-stanchion cowbam, plenty A brighter outlook is seen for Ore good 4 room home. Ideal lor dairy raise onions, beets and spuds. 3 bed- to Nyssa. offer Paint Spray Gun, original cost of shade, ideal for children. Has meeting the time was spent in view- ing $20.000. 3 down. room modern home, tenant house. Business opportunity in Nyssa, it’s $50 sell for $30 See Wylie at Post Stat< 0 1 to“ *- Phone 060-J1 even- _ AD_ 1 lrlkI MCh childhood picture- gon farmers growing vegetables for large barn close to town. $37,000, a money maker, building and busi- and trying to identify each one The iX)mînerclal Pn>cessmg. Thomas say* Office. 17-tfc. ings. Monty Fraser Why pay $12.000 W“ AT A BARGAIN ness goes. 40 acres of fine row crop land, $1.000 per year. next meeting will be May 8 at the local growers are finding contract* to $15.000 for Just a house and lot FOR SALE BY OWNER—80 acre modern 4 bedroom home Will irri home of Mrs. Clyde Bowers. Each readily available for their 1953 acre when you can own this five acres? farm, modern home, all crops in gate in two fields with minor member is requested to bring either age at prices about the same or MEL BECK— REALTOR 13-tf. cluded. 1 mile West on King Ave. 1 4 leveling, very deep soil. Cheap wai I an antique or a keepsake to display. slightly higher than last year. Listings wanted on stock and row crop ranches. mile North. Ontario, Rt, 1, Box 324 Stocks of most vegetables, are ter $25.000, crop included. ¿10,000 Refreshments were served by the LOANS INSURANCE ! hostess. 16- 2tp. moving rapidly and will be i nailer down. FREE NYSSA. OREGON — Dl XL 2033 LIVE CHEAPER John Lucero left last week for than last year when the new pack FOR SALE—Asparagus, 6c a pound, 2 acres with three bedroom mod Prompt Pickup of Dead Animals ¡Pocatello, Ida, where he will visit starts. Canned supplies of peas, you pick it. Dial 2052, R. I. Gressley. beans, beets, and carrots on January ern home. $7.000 I his daughter and family Used Car Bargains Dial Nyssa 3017 17- tfc. Homes Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard. Betty 1, totalled 20 percent less than hold 1948 Chrysler Windsor sedan. S50 REWARD S50 IDEAL LOCATION and Wilma, Mr. and Mr- John Zit- ings a year earlier. Sweet corn was ldaho-Oregon Rendering Co. FOR SALE—Accordions — Finest • Radio, heater, fluid drive; . .... ", the one important canned vegetable Nearly new two bedroom home We will reward you $50 on the pur Italian makes. New and used. exceptionally clean $1100 tere.-b attended a birthday dinner at ln heavy supply the first of the year, with finished apartments in base chase of any car as advertised if the home of Mr an Mrs Lee Datl and lhe USDX reoommends a flv. Reasonable prices. Trades. Write ment $12.500. K ii a terms. you have no car to trade to us dur 1946 Chrysler Windsor sedan. FOR SALB Factory Agent Box 1041, Boise, Ida o Ny--a in honor of Mrs. Dale Lekey m d e c r e a , e ln the nation's Radio, heater, spot lights, STURDY PRE-WAR ing the month o f April. ho. 16-5tp.; 160 acres, fall delivery, $28.000. of Mr. Boi.-e Sunday afternoon. sWeet corn acreage, the economist CONSTRUCTION fluid drive $750 and Mr- Ray Hu-t and fam- Our Prices Invite Comparison!! 1 bed room home on two lots. 1951 Chevr let 5-pa- enger coupe H> of Mann Creek. Ida., were Sa.- reports. Convenient location, 4 finished U-ed Servel ga- refrigerator $89 50 $2.750. $500 down. 1949 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan Load Kadio, heater. Exceptionally 1 unlay visitors at the George bedrooms, full basement. $12,500, Ideal Gas & Appliance. 16-tfc. 4 hcu.-es on two acres, hi way ed with equipment. Condition per clean, tiearly-new tires. easy terms. home here. frontage, $17,000, term-. Lo w mileage fect. Only $1145 HOMES FOR SALE NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME $1575 Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Low made - 1 1948 Willy- Jeep with cab Excellent 2-bedroom home. Hard Large room- with hard wood floors, i 1951 Chev. Sedan, power glide a business trip to Quincy, Wash,, last 100 acres—good location, beautiful Will be re-conditioned wood floors, front room carpeted, home, new machine shed, excellent $650 week. utility room. Safe convenient, all; transmission, radio, heater, I960 Pontiac 2-door sedan. electric duh washer and disposal on one floor arrangement. $13,000,1 many other extras. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gallegos and $1645 Radio, heater, hydromatic easy term -ink, basement, furnace heat. On soil $50,000 Bob Thompson Agency. family have moved from here to 1951 Chevrolet Sedan Extra clean Blacksmith shop with equipment BRAND NEW paved street. Best location. $1650 Homedale, where Dan Gallegos is Radio, heater ______ _ $1135 1950 Studebuker Champion 4-rccms, modern and basement, and house on 1 4 acre fronting high 2 bedroom home with full ba-e- | employed on a ranch near there. Starlight coupe. Heater, nice yard, shade, good location. $1000 way in good farming center. $2,900, ment. Detached double garage. 1950 Chev. sedan; with power glide, Joretta Moeller was absent last Overdrive 41.. balance like rent. radio, heater. One owner $1445 Large corner lot. Facing the park. $1150 week from school with the mumps $1,000 down. $13.500. easy term-. 2-bedrooms, modern, attached ga- XV» STERN CORRl'G.XTOR, IN (. which have been going around the 1950 Chevrolet 4-dr. sedan; radio, community. LOTS OF ROOM USED CAR LOT vity water, heater, very clean interior and abundance*' o7* fr^ Vrai* Only S $7000. UtilUy r00m’ NCarly neW' j $31,500, 4 room houfe. full ba-ement. m od The first meeting of the newly or easy terms. Dial 2255 runs like new ... $1,395 Nyssa 3-rocms and bath. 4 acre in lawn, ern tenant house, extra lot, all for ganized Nyssa Dairying 4-H club $7,250. berries and fruit. Close to general; 2 bedroom house $3,150, only $500 ; was held at the R H Hunter home 1949 Buick -edan. fully equipped and I down, balance like rent. SPECIAL BARGAIN store. Very easy terms. April 14 with K M Hauser as speak perfect in every respect, low Miscellaneous Acreage—2 bedroom house, barn We Have Two Good Business 3 bedroom brick home, not new. er The following officers were elect $1,495 and chicken house $4,200. Buildings for Sale. Both Leased but still good. $3,500. ed: Gordon Hunter, president; Doug- 1941 Chevrolet, 3 to choose I will have two John Deere self-pro-| las Lewi-, vice president; Dwight : IDEAL FOR COUPLE and Paying Good Return. --- ,--- .«V..v , aynigm FARM LOANS from __________________ _ SEND YOUR CLEANING $395 pelled combines going this year. Hire Hunter, secretary. Monty Burbank, Al.-o Apartments and Business Nearly new single bedroom mod BOB THOMPSON AGENCY ern home. $3.000, $1.500 down. 1941 Willys sedan, runs good. Locations. the combine that saves the combine reporter, and Norman Lewis, song 1 Dial 3355 BERNARD EASTMAN WELL WORTH THE MONEY bill. Ralph Holcomb, 617 Idaho, Nys- a n d -veI1 leader Mr Hunter was elec- As is, make offer. to Phone 2643 Nyssa Nearly new 3 bedroom home. Floor' 1940 Olds, 2 to choose from -Sa 16-3tp ! ted t0 ^ ^le leader of the group. ! Name Heal Estate — Insurance furnace, utility room. $7,950 1 Eight members were present. W anted your price. DRY CLEANERS SCRIPTURE VERSE ATTRACTIVE AND NEW Farm Loans Miss Sarah Kita visited Mrs. Cecil 2 bedroom modern home on paved 1939 Chevrolet sedan. Make an Remember: Boast not thyself of to Beokweg of Apple Valley Friday af- Pick Up and Delivery New electric Iowa cream separator. WANTED—Ironings to do in my offer. morrow for thou knowest not what a ternoon. street. Good homes all around. Has had less than 100 gallons of home. Mrs. Ralph Lowe, 706 N. 2nd I $8.000, terms \o suit. day may bring forth. Christ also Monday — Thursday Rev. Harold Jacks of Payette ! TAi - 1 O 1 no < — A... TRUCKS 17-2tp. milk run through, $35. Dial 3061. street. Dial 3182. hath once suffered for sins, the Just showed the film “The Missing Chris Business Opportunities I 1950 Studebaker 4 ton pick-up. for the unjust that He might bring PARMA 7-tf. WANTED- ------------:---- r farm — ------- ------ HOME AND ,______ 100 MONTHLY tian" at the Arcadia school house To „ rent „ a ._ share T_________ .. . Low mileage, excellent condition 4„ . on oim.c t i , ... i^ow condition. us to God Proverbs 27:1.1. Peter j Saturday evening, CORNER LOT for sale. Excellent crop ba*>is or a job as hired man on Phone Parma 3-3131 ^ n t a f cabms X , m S L Z e? V ' ' , “ >leCPmB b° X a n d * £ 3:18 Study your Bible. 16-lt! E H of Fruitland sheared only ' 1“ ^ more, “ ®.»* ™ Terms arranged - - - - - V carrlir AU lor onl> *1075 ' > residential district, 3rd and Ennis. a farm Adrian vicinity preferred. $1075 1 ---------------------sheep to r (roorge Hu-t and Cecil eral $17.000. Collect . Experienced. References if necessary. 1946 Chev. 2-ton Truck P.O. Box 510, Nyssa. MISCELLANEOUS — Orders taken j Houston this week. Dial 2481, Ed Bassett. 17-lt. . . Beet bed, good 825x20 rubber Well located and very attractive. . . ; now for Certified bean seed. Why SPECIAL $40,000. includes all furnishings. * s?een , . WANTED—To rent unfurnished 2- W®1> not raise some beans? We have the Beautiful new 3 bedroom home. bedrooni house or apartment, close ! 1949 Ford 4 -ton, 4-speed trans ; j equipment to clean. Government Large kitchen. Full basement for in for working couple and young KEN POND runs like a new pickup, has radio support prices—small reds, $8 50 plenty of storage space. Fireplace child" DiaY 2233. 17-tfc. 16 North 3rd Dial 6615 and heater. pintos, $7.30 Commodity credit ap Attached double garage. F. H. A. ap- ________________ 1347 Chevrolet 2-ton, with 2-speed proved storage. Bonded warehouse, proved. F.H.A. terms. WANTED—Job taking care of child and beet bed; cab like new. W ith- Permits commodity credit loans, See in my home day or night. Phone BERNARD EASTMAN 3074. 16-2tc. '■ out exception the nicest '47 beet Beans are now selling F O B Nyssa For Rent Nvssa Phone 2643 truck on any lot $1125 on Pintos-reds, $10.85. Come Lawns mowed after school and Sat Physicians in and see us. Owyhee Produce, Inc. LOOK THEM OVER—TRY THEM F X >R"RH NT Fife duph I FOR SALE—New 1952 and 1953 re urdays. Phone 328-M. 15-4tp. Dentists 15-2tc. dial 3356 Dennis Fife. 17-tfc. OUT — COMPARE PRICES — Phone 340-J. frigerators at close-out prices. Fire SARAZIN CLINIC Child care in my home by day, week COMPARE TERMS AND BY ALL DR. C. M. TYLER stone Store, Nyssa. or evening. Dial 3049. 6-tf FOR RENT—3 room- and bath, fur MEANS — COMPARE WARRAN Dr. J. J. Sarazin WILSON BUILDING < X » >KE D POOD 8A1 E Olven by | nished. ground floor. Newly deco TIES BEFORE YOU BUY. Dr K E Kerby Dial 2771, Nys.-a W. 8. C. 8. o f the Metl USED APPLIANCES WANTED — Garden plowing with rated Hot water furni-hed. 15 Park Dr. K. A. Danford O ffe r Hours From 9 to 5 Saturday, May 9 beginning at 10 Estate Range $25.00 Cub Farmall after school. Saturdays Ave. Dial 6698. NYSSA MOTORS 17-tfc. Except Saturdays, 9 to 12 Physicians and Surgeon* Hotpoint Range . $10.00 and Sundays. Dial 3061. 4th and Main Dial 2224 a m. at the Ralph Lawrence Agency. Philco Console Radio $75.00 FOR RENT 4 room -emi--modern 16-2tp. J. R. CUNDALL WANTED—Trucking of any kind, house. 1 mile north on 3rd. Dean Zenith Trans-Oceanic Portable Dentist L. A. MAULDING. M. D. except livestock. Dial 2190. MISCEX .LANEOUS Electrolux Help Wanted 17--" Radio $75 00 Dial 2638 Physician and Surgeon 13-tfc. I cleaners. Sales and service. Ed. R. Priced to Sell Sarazin Clinic Dial 2216 FOR R E N T- 3 room furnished Apt HELP WANTED World War II or Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE NYSSA Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 phone 0287-J4. 44-tf. OREGON WANTED — Pasture for about 40 utilities furnished, dial 3049 K ' . _______________ _ ! Daily Except Saturday and head of 1 and 2 year old dairy heif- 112 Park Ave. 16-tfc. FOR SALE—Pfaff sewing machines. | DR. JOHN W. OLSEN Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 ' n <r! 1! " ■ 11 ' Septic tanks and cesspools cleaned ers. Glenn Brown, dial 2849. training program that will result in rNi»1 A O f l z i n v s — - — ^ Portable or cabinet. Firestone Store. I Dental Clinic 13-tfc. FOR RENT — Sleeping or light vocation to assure lifetime employ I>ial 4-3763, Parma or 24 Parma 2-tf.' 7th and Bower housekeeping room. Dial 3049 Doctor 13-tfc. ment or ability to operate own busi Hardware. Dial 3311 WANTED—To trade 3 h. p. Century 112 Park Ave 16-tfc. ness. Mu.-t be resident of Nyssa or C. R. VAN PATTEN FOR SALE—4 room modern house, motor for 1/3 or V§ h. p. variable — «......... ........... . - P-734, Step having .septic tank trouble by adjacent rural ................... area. Write Chiropractic Physician ^ it h nice lawn and shade trees, putting in Field Drain. Dial 39993 speed motor Inquire Oate City P011 RENT—Rooms for sleeping or Box Q. N> -a No phone calls Physiotherapist ‘equipped with gas. Dial 3914. 9-tf. 12-tf housekeePini?. Working girls, | 17-2tp evenings. Journal. 10-tfc. Offices at 265 North Oregon women or man and wife preferred Ontario Phone 478 ,313 Good Ave. 12-tfc. WANTED Experienced mechanic to COAST Blacktop Paving Co. Is ready Doctor RADIO and TELEVISION FOR SALE—Used Hotpoint refrige do maintenance, crvice, and repair to build your driveway, parking area. EDGEL W WOOD rator. good condition—bargain price. SERVICE FOR RENT — Exceptionally clean ? ork on 13 sch >o1 bllses- Contact Art school yard, feed lot. lounging or Chiropractic Physician Firestone Store. 6 -tf., Complete Radio Repair Service modern furnished apt. Close in Smith, Vale, Oregon. 17-2t. Implement shed. Only pugmlll as Offices at 2 Arcadia Hlvd. phaltic concrete mix ln this area. Tubes and Parts in Stock •gal. Westinghouse water Dial 6650 or 3083 13-tfc. WANTED Man with car who de- Low, guaranteed woiic, free esti _______Nyswa Dial 3939 Quick Service PAULUS heater $59 50. Ideal Gas & Appli-1 -ires to make $250 to $400 per month. mate. Budget plan. Rt. 2. Box 250A Work Guaranteed ance. 6-tf JEWELRY STORE EDWIN W . OLDHAM. D. C. FOR RENT—4 room modern hou-e, Inquire or write Richard Oldham, 15 Of phone 280, Ontario. 13-tf. Union Pacific Time Inspector 101 East 1st St. Dial 3230 Park, Nyssa. furnished *35 a month. 16-3tp JAKE S RADIO and T.V. FOR SALE—Fuller paints and wall! JEWELRY — DIAMONDS Physiotherapy Electro-Therapt BERNARD EASTMAN Remember old King Midas, whose SHOP paper. Budget terms available. Fire WATCHES Nyssa, Oregon Dial 2643 Nyssa touch turned everything to gold? stone Store. 2-tf. i/ocated in XViLson Bros. Dept. Store Main Street at Second Farm Equipment ____________________________________________________________________________ The room you "touch" this season FOR RENT F ¡mi lb da . In FOR SALE—Mint cows, Ouemseys. Veterinarians with Benjamin Moore paint won’t quire ae Berrett’s Cafe or call 230. WANTED HoLsteins and Jerseys, milkers and 1944 M Farmall, painted I change to gold, but its new-found 14-4tp Drad Animals springers C. Clyde Smith, phone and overhauled $1500 beauty will amaze you. . . . Your NYSSA VETERINARY 306, Ontario. Oregon, across from Removed Free. FOR RENT—2-room furnished cab- 1943 H Farmall, painted friendly dealer, Nyssa Lumber Co. DR. J. A. McFALL Ontario sale yard 2mtfc CLINIC and overhauled *975 Dial Nyssa 3947 .n, Chadwick camp. 4-tf. 1946 H Farmall. painted DR. JOHN EASLY Dr. B. E. R om Dr. D. R. Mason Payette 67*. FOR SALE and overhauled *1075 FOR RENT—Three-room furnished Pbone 21. Ontario. Oregon Idaho Animal Products Uo. Large and Small Animals 2-bedroom home, new construc MISCELLANEOUS— Do you need 1948 Fergu-on. -ec this one $950 apartment, close ln. H H Kingrey, money to remodel your home or to tion; completely modern, dining 407 Main St. Dial 2010 1946 F< rd Fergu-on, with Dial 6684 5-tf DR. GEO. E. COBERN room, attached garage; very good overdrive $700 build outbuildings or garage? We WANTED— Highest prices paid for can arrange a loan for you and give EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT location on King ave. $12.000. terms slaughter horses Dr. Marvin M. Prentic# Clyde Smith FOR RENT Paint spray gun. Fire- 1943 Ford Ferguson, with Nyssa Dial 6649 overdrive $575 you up to three years to pay It. 2-bedroom modern home, F.H A phone 306. Ontario. Across from stone store. Veterinary Surgeon 21Ftfc. Nyssa Lumber Co. 23atfc 1943 Oliver "60" *450 Large and Small Animals approved, good location, corner lot, Ontario Sales yarn 23mtfc ARTIFICIAL *200 FOR RENT--Furnished and unfur- 1944 VAO Case Tractor paved street, very nice yard. $9500. 216 W. Park Ph 2341 INSEMINATION 1 ni-hed apartments. Dial 6669 WESTERN «OKKUGATOR, INC. MISCELLEANOU8 — Wall-Satin. Rural grocery store with cold stor New Plymouth. Idaho Here comes color. A washable, rub 11-tf. I Help Wanted I sed Equipment Lot age lockers, excellent location on Dial 2888 berized finish for Interior walls and busy highway. Reasonable terms. BLUFFVIEW FOR RENT — New Clarke 8-incn Nvssa wood trim. 17-tfc. 2 bedroom modern home, full OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU- L Jersey, Guernsey, Holstein floor «anders and 6-tich edger. •covers most surfaces In one uni DR. VERNON WARD basement, extra large lot well im ity nearby immediately available for Stum Lumber Co. Milking Shorthorn form coat. 16-tf. Veterinarian Rawleigh Dealer Buy on credit—pay Use Lennlc P. Ahnstedt proved, $5 000. easy terms. East •dries to a satin sheen ln less than Large or Small Animal* as you sell. Full Information furn FOR RENT Furni«hed apartment Technician Fourth street one hour. ished without obligation to you. with heat and lights furnished Gate City Journal NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY Homedale, Idaho Phone 2185 or 4073 •twelve handsome colors all ready Write L K H pper, Parma, Ida Dial Mr E M Bair. 3155 Ralph G.. Lawrence. Agent New Plymouth, Ida. to use. Itox 765 Phone 2971 17»3t Cla ssi fied Ads. 105 XIain St. Dial 2541 *-tf 16-tf. BEST BUYS Around Arcadia a i PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropractor Jewelry Stores Optometrists