TJîF NYSSA tí ATF CTTY JOD «N AL- N Y SS A. OREGON, THURSDAY MAY I- News From Big Bend Miss Helen Hatch riione Parma i-| >i Mr^. Mary Brumbach entertained the Royal Neighbors at her home Monday evening. An exchange of Sitts and their secret pals were re­ vealed. Pug Swigert is going to Nyssa every day for treatment on his leg and ankle. The Jolly Stitcher's” met with Mrs. Goldie Roberts Monday even­ ing and worked on their aprons Several from Big Bend attended the music concert given by the grade and high ..ool pupil» and their teacher, M Det.cne in the Adrian high school auditorium Several children from the Bend took par'.. Mrs. Boyce Van De Water visited Mrs. Dunaway in Arena Valley Mon­ day Mrs. Dunaway has been ill for several months. Mr. and Mr- Boyce Van De Water. Mr and Mrs John Auker and fam­ ily. Mr and Mrs Ronald Saxton and baby enjoyed a picnic dinner to­ gether Sunday In the afternoon the SPECIAL Wilson's Special for Friday - Saturday 9 — -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Chambray SHIRTS — Two Pockets LIMIT 3 TO CUSTOMER Don't Forget to Visit the F.F.A.. Exhibit in Nyssa Saturday. We Carry Stock of Butterick Patterns in our store WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE Dry Goods, Shoes And Ready-To-Weai Phone 32 X-RA Y SHOE FITTING ix cvetun- S t .iell lamiA and Mr McOinni.s family who are visiting here from P l' A m- i- .: . 1'.. Mr- Mary Thomi>-un and Mr» load them m a trip to Emmett to California Dorothy Fox gave an interesting M : a n i M l* H ' t- -ee the Cherry Festival Mr and Mrs Dyre Robert» and a» supper guest» Wednesday even­ report of the P T. A convention family visited in Nampa Sunday ing her brother and : imily Mi and they attemied in Pc ail, and Mr iberts, Mrs Angie i with Mrs. Roberts' sister and family. Mrs Virgil Ran« . '■ and Mr» Jim \1: Nu h> >1» Mary Thompson ai Mr and Mrs Burton Blade Mr and Mr» Jame» McGinnis and 1 » home on furlough :: tn :he nav\ ai tended a P T A executive niect- Junior of Adrian were Sunday visit­ and will report b...-k t Seattle M i lug m Adrian la . ruesday evening. John Thompson. 30 Mi and M ors at the Harvey Hatch home. Mr and Mr- a < AI Tom Jones of Lower Bend was a le tier ,ue in a 1 •. ■ n ltu > ill at­ bu»ine>- caller at the H H Hatch Lafee Fork fdah and aunt. Mr a: \t: W Ite tended a imisi • il gnen by the home Monday grade students, with Mi»s Gladys M: Homer Didericksen and baby Bishop last Thursday and Fnd»i\ Peterson a p jch ei Jolly Jane club nu last Wedne pent last week with her parents, Mr and Mi Varner Hopkins day with Mr- Marti 11a Wilson Nine Mr and Mrs. Jack Jone». Michel Jefferie» of Nyssa, nephew members were pie»«:.: and enJo\- 1 visited Mr and Mr» Lowell Apple- of Mr» Nora Home., spent the week­ the di'htowel excha ;e A »In wt r gate in Boise Sunday Mr.» Myrle I ippeny and Mr- Ir ­ was planned for Maxine Smith De- end at the Howes' home Mr and Mrs. Don Moss and Mr Mark for next meeting. May 14. at ma Hopkins went to Ontario last and Mr» Marvin Jefferie» of Nyssa the home of Mr» Leonard Smith on Tue day to attend the county ex­ tension planning program for tlie -pent Sunday afternoon at the State Line Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones had a coming year Leonard Howes horns Jimmy Thompson and Phillip Miss LaRayne Smith, daughter of new phone installed m their home Hatch attended a boy.»’ slumber Mr. and Mrs. Chet Smith, was la-t week Mrs. Ca»e Muntjewerff has bee 1 party last Thursday night, given chosen prince»» from Parma for the by Nels Lars, n's mother for five Apple Blossom Festival in Payette. ill the la't few day- Mr and Mrs Jack Slabaugh and Mrs. Mary Thomp-on, Mrs. Nora little boy» of lii> grade baby of Caldwell spent the week­ Howes. Mrs Sybil Clovery. Mr» An­ Mr- Ruby Fnglish attended Ladle» end with her parent.», Mr and Mrs. gie Chaney. Miss Mary Weir. Mi»» Aid. Group B ,t the home of Mr» Cliet Smith. Helen Hatch and Charles Witty a t­ Clarence Tunning last Wednesday Mr and Mrs. Darrell English tended the Adrian grade school afternoon visited his folks, Mr. and Mrs. O J. English in Nampa Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas visited The Gaylord Raneys in Huntington. Oregon They also stopped in Weiser Mrs. I xniaii I’oinrrox last Saturday. Mr and Mrs Tom Hilderman and Phone U.’-.l t family of Wilder, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Word was received the first of this urday The ladies are sister-in- Reno. Mrs. Sheila Cartwright and Mrs. week from Mr and Mrs. Charle» laws. Mr. aiui Mi». Ezra Woolley of Sarah Cartwright and her mother. Chapin that they have a two- Mrs Wright of Nampa and her sis­ room apartment at 2903 Crest Street Parma were dinner guests at the ter, Mrs. Martha Amidon of On­ in Wichita Fall». Texas Charles, Keith Woolley home Sutlda.x Mr. and Mr», t ’l.ais Wilson of tario visited Mrs. Amldon's daugh­ who Is stationed at the air base, ter, Mrs. John Stoneman, south of will be located at this address for the Roswell. Idaho were Sunday guest» Nampa last Friday. Sunday they all next twelve week», so his wife join­ at dinner and spending the day at the Harley Wilson home took dinner and spent the day with ed him this month Mr and Mr» Clyde Diderieksen the Arthur Cartwright family in Mrs. Earl Strickland was hon­ Nyssa. ored Monday evening with a surprise and family of Caldwell were Friday Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas were birthday party and dinner. Her evening visitors at the James Cliadd dinner guests Thursday evening at four sons Glenn. Don, Ray and home. Sunday the Chndds drove to the home of her brother and wife. John Strickland and their fam­ Willow Creek for dinner at the home Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Raney in Apple ilies arrived laden with supper, to of Mr. and Mrs. Conley Ltickett. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Barnes and Valley. Her nephew Bud Ranev, celebrate her birthday. Mr» Frank Land» and family »pent and family from Portland, who have Mesdames Albert Notheis and M been east, and are on their way home A. Rataezyk were among those at- the day at the Owyhee Dam Satur­ day on a family picnic. also were supper guests. : lending the all day Catholic fra- Mrs. Charles McCoy and daugh­ Mr. and Mrs Herb Thomas visited trenity conference held at the at the Roy Wyman home in Payette theater Wednesday, with Bishop ter Mary visited at the Russell Ho­ well home Sunday afternoon. Sunday. Leipzig of Baker present. With all the fruit trees heavily Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chaney and Fishermen on Dry Creek Sunday loaded with beautiiitl blossoms in Shirley went to Boise Sunday So see Horace's uncle, Henry Smith, ewho included Mr and Mrs Fred Linde full bloom, farmers are hoping that of Boise. Mr and Mrs Fred Babcock this year, there will be no frost has been sick. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bennett and and family. Walt Hillis, Lewis Mit­ to take the promised fruit. family, Mr. and Mrs Harvey Ben­ chell. Melvin Pendarvis, Larry Dim- nett and family attended a family mtek, Don Brewer. Dale Glenn, Bill reunion at the home of Mr and Mrs. Hamilton, and Thiel. Mr and Mrs. Vyron Hopper and Bob Stubblefield in Parma, honoring their aunt, Mrs. Fred Klotz, and son Carl of Vale were supper guests cousin. Bob, and Howard Klotz and at the Glenn Strickland home Sat- Nyssa « » Week end gu«-st» >»f Mr» Felton Mr» l rank Morgan relume«! home Duncan were her sifter and rhui lay ft :n Portland where she family. Mr and Mr- c le-'.er Pul- pent a week visiting her son, Clay­ -,pher and childreti of Richland. ton Morgan and family. Washington. The Pulsipher» former Bernard Frost attended an Idaho residents of Nyssa. al--- visited other p ■ : meeting all-day Wednesday relatives and friend- Jiere at Payette Farmers Attention! We have the NEW two-row FERGUSON corn planter in stock. This planter we feel has many outstanding features that will interest you a great deal. COME IN AND CHECK THE FOLLOWING ADVANTAGES: 1. The marker setup on this planter. 2. The big oversize hoppers that turn slower for greater accuracy at higher speed. 3. The quick gear change on this ma­ chine. Sunsel Valley Speaks Sizes 14 to 17 Good Quality »« » , f ;2 We have only two of these planters in stock now. There are more available for rapid delivery. Come in—See it—place your order today at the W e ste rn C o rru g a to r C o . P h o n e 181 Nyssa, O r e g o n ' There’s only one way NEVER LET YOU DOWN ! Friday and Saturday May 2 and 3 TO GET ALL THE FACTS You will read and hear many different versions of the settlement of the Ferguson-Ford suit; but there's only ONE way you can be sure that you get the story cor­ rectly . . . by reading the complete text of the Consent Judgment signed by the Federal Judge who presided over the trial. If you're interested, we want you to have a copy of this judgment.* We have no desire to refight this battle which has now been settled. Our business is selling farm equip­ ment . . . the best doggone farm equipment that was ever built and selling that equipment keeps us mighty busy . . . putting on demonstrations, keeping the equip­ ment in tip-top shape, trying as best we can to help the farmer with whom we do business. About all we know about this recent lawsuit is that Harry Ferguson, Inc. received a check for more than $9,000,000 . . . and that after December 31, 1952 no one else can build tractors exactly as ours is built. So . . . we aren't going to get into any local fights about issues that have already been settled. We are going to keep right on doing business the way we al­ ways would, selling a tractor that is good enough for others to copy. Maybe you'd like to see a demonstration of the tractor that had all this fuss made about it. How about telephoning for a demonstration. We can have a Ferguson at your farm tomorrow morning. If you would like to read the complete text of the final Consent Judg­ ment that terminated the Ferguson suit against Ford, let us know. We'll gladly send you a copy. W estern Corrugator Co. I O I Good Ave. Nyssa, O regon FERGUSON you'll Want GARDEN FRESH 15c NAPKINS, 80 size VEGETABLES Joan of Arc 25c BEANS. 2 No. 2Va Cans I LARGE EGGS, A Grade, 3 doz. 99c 83c SELECT OLIVES. 3 cans 9 oz. Can 87c COFFEE, lb. LETTUCE 2 Large Heads Onions & Radishes 2 Bunches 12c Golden West Brand POTTED MEAT. Small Can ^e&ciouA 7c ORANGES Small Size, each lc CARROTS 2 Bunches 13c Vegetable Plants Tomato, Cabbage. Pepper Cucumber, etc. Bakery Goods APPLE PIES Each 39c CAKE DOUGHNUTS Dozen 39c Watch for Other Specials QUALITY MEATS PORK CHOPS lb. 39c LUNCH MEAT, Assorted lb. 49c RING BALOGNA Each 37c BACON SQUARES lb. 23c GROUND BEEF lb. 59c Open Sunday Afternoon — Phone I8f* TRACTO RS AND 63 FERGUSON SYSTEM IMPLEMENTS 19c NYSSA, OREGONl