Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1952)
r\rx THE NYSSA GATE CITY tOUHWAL. WVSSA. OWrgtJTt, TTftmSnAY. AftfHT. 1ft. US* t in Sunsei Valley Speaks Mr« l.vm .n Pi>airr«i »•Invili 12-J3 Mrs. Kenneth Parker h a s the mumps and is spending the week at the home of her grandparents, Mr and Mr O H Schweizer Mi and M r s H Crutchfield left Thursday morning on a trip to visit r Mrs. I Mrs. Iliu the Moses Lake area in Washington Lytle. Mrs. Fred Mil fie 11, who was 71 Mi and M Harold Park and years old March 31. was remembered child, f B' e. were overnight by her host o 1 friends with many gue : at th* h me if Mr and Mr birthday cards, and gifts. Sunday M A Rataezyk Saturday evening evening Mr and Mrs. Delbert G a r and were dinner guest-. Sunday at ner, and Mr. and Mrs. Irvm Durfee the Harry Rataezyk home and Mr. and M r s Charles Schweizer Mr f re t I'nian: ot Bot-.e and surprised Mrs. Mitchell with a party children w r i guest. Sunday at the and gifts at the Schweizer home. lxuiie of her paren. Mr and Mrs. March 31 is not only Mrs. Mitchell’ , Russell Howell birthday, but al-o marks the M it Mrs. Neil Dimmii k arrived home chell's 52nd wedding annivei ary. * j Saturday afterno n from the Boise Monday evening M arid Mr M it hospital She w.ll have to wear a chell were supper guests of Mr and cast on tier leg for ten days ufter Mrs. Charles Schweizer. celebrating having the cartilage removed in her the occasion. knee Mrs. John Minke and daughters Mr and Mr. James Chadd made of Sacramento. California are visit a business trip to Boise Saturday. i ing at the home of Mrs. (S a lly Bernie Lorensen, son of Mr. and Minke's mother, M r s Amelia Pyl- Mrs Kenneth Loren eii, left Mon lingness. Mr. and Mrs H. Crutch- day for Alaska. feld made the trip to California, re Mr. and Mr Delbert Garner and turning the first of the week, bring children and Mrs. Wayne Garner ing Mrs. Crutchfield's sister, Sally, and daughters drove to Emmett and and daughters, with them Mrs were dinner guests at the Dewey Minke is recuperating from a recent Oarner home for Sunday dinner. operation. Wayne Oarner, Thurman Hill. Mrs. Neil Dimmick underwent sur Wayne Moncur and Robert R effett gery on her knee in Boise at the St reported very good fidling on their Alphonsus' hospital Thursday. Sunday trip to the dam. Mrs. Jon Bowen is working at the Linda Parker, daughter of Mr and corner store, helping Charlie McCoy . . r Carl Simplon. L. >ren Stone Thur- am Hill and John ReffeC. all ex perimented with individualized make-up under the Kuidanee of Mr,. Harriet Gardner. Refre-hment were served Mrs Walter Htlli and two daugh ters. Mrs. Lewis Mitchell, and M r.. Melvin Pendarv; and children made a business trip to Boise Monday and dined at the home of Mr Carrie Hilhs, former Sun ct Valley re i- dent. Members of the Sunset Live tock 4-H club will meet Saturday after noon at the Kaneu'ter home, for livestock judging practice There are now 24 members of tins club, a Put tie Flanagan and Linda Smith join ed the group this pa. t month. Mr. and Mrs. O H Schweizer made a business trip to Vale Mon day and dined at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs Robert Schweizer Branding and dehorning three bunches o f cattle took place Sun day with Mr. and Mr Hudson Robb / •* of Nyssa out for dinner, and Charles Culbertson and Wilbur Chapin The men also took Jim Robb's cattle to the hills In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. LaVarr Hawkins and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Strickland Saturday even- | 4€€ ing for steak supper. The two ladi es are sisters. The Hawkins are BE RNARD EASTM AN planning on leaving right after Eas Real Estate Insurance ter for Canada to make their home. Phone «4 Hawkins is a deisel engineer. Mrs. Clarence Reed left this Mon day on a three week trip to visit her relatives and friends after recuper Hat Tf Oft ft M il IMlMUOKl ( * » f t » « » ating from a recent operation. She NAftll vftO MOMMI aaft IMOUftWIT (I IN/Hefl, {»••••'*«*« left by train to visit at Nunn and Qreeley, Colorado. From there she will drive with her brother. Bud Richardson through Texas and on ! to Milton, Florida where they will 1 visit their parents Mrs. Ira Price l e f Friday with her son and his wife. Mr and Mrs Krn- ! neth Price to visit at Salem. Oregon at tiie home o f Mrs. Price's daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs Albert Albritton. Mr and Mrs Ira Chadd left on j Thursday morning with their trailor | house for northern California, via Burns, where they will visit Mr. | Cluidd's older brother whom they ‘ have not seen for twenty-five year ;. Families gathered at the Homer Brewer home Sunday for a potluck dinner to celebrate Mrs. Hom er! Brewer's birthday Included were Mr. and Mrs Joe Hob on and fami ly of Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. E J. Hobson. Mr. and Mr Keith Tolman and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. James James Langley. Afternoon caller were Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Williams. M r s . Ada Hari i on who ha pei ■ the winter visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ora Newgen left this Tuesday by bus to visit at the home of her children at Madras, Hood River and then on to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Don Strickland were 1 pouring the footings for their ne-.v i home this Monday and will start the laying of blocks for the basement this week The new home they are starting will be 2 * by 36 with a 10 by 15 extension for a dining room, mak You can do a lot ing about l'-’OO square feet. f o r t o little Three couples the Lawrence Dim- mlcks, Don Brewers and Dale Dress up your room s with Olenns took Sunday o ff for fishing at the dam, but their luck was poor warm -hearted w allpapers Mr. and Mrs. John R effett were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Henry Collier in O n tario. Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen and sons and Mr and Mrs. Ivan Chase and son spent Thursday evening v i siting in Weiser and Payette. Week end guests at the Ora New DON B. MOSS gen home were Mr. and Mrs. Dave j Howard of Idaho. Howard’s home is on Cumas Prairie and they have wintered in Gooding, Idaho where tlieir daughter is attending school 5th and Main Phone 2 As there is still three feet o f snow N "--< Oregon with a heavy water content on the « . A cosmetic party w.i^ held Friday afternoon at the home of Mr Rob ert Reffert. Mesdame* Pete Clonnin- Yecr in ond year out you’!! do w ell with the HARTFORD HARTFORD prairie, H< ward mnot -tort his farming ;* tery oon. H.twk.n L . h> l ihur'-day w th - A H Mi Wayne 1 Ob ai d >n M'ke, •pent the day in K j veil at the home Local Mrs. John O f null' iia* taken lc**e from the Malheur Memorial hos pital and is taking a course in ana- thesia at the St. Luke \ hospital in B ji'e She will be training for the next three months. Mr., ¿a * Mrs. M f h i « Bevia aad Mi and Mr Allen Gamble of Pay ette and Mr and Mrs. Eldon Dress- en of Fruitland spent Saturday ev ening at the Harry Anderson home. Mrs. f nnl Slum and granddaught er. Suzaime Stunz, and Mrs Norman Bleakman spent Thursday and F ri day in Boise . Mrs. Sara M ilirr spent Sunday visiting with Mrs Mary Hicks and daughters. saw u « » N O T IC E " " Ä « ft* i » k O . J L O j L u A J A r-J c flJ L ic W — Fra« Rooms for Kiddies •O N I All Those Interested in Flaying With City Band O » A B O I I N " ________ //a r s i Be At N ew ly Decorated Room» J ♦rom •2 .2 5 .p £ C ITY H A L L 0 G 0 0 9 . fatili! •* Monday Night. April 14 0 C .H * . Shop 0 gaby Silt«» S.rvic. at 8:30 g. W. 11" at Stark »t. P artlaad Ora. »r o r r in r im n r ! is .. a s t i f o b t h e N n t o u n g VERT INSURANCE COSTS SO LITTLE TO BEAUTIFY YOUR BEDROOM Mr* 8win Hart»** aad Jaaoae and Mrs D K Hartley and Sharou were m Boise Monday 1 ree iiftuuii los« two finger» last week ui an acc.dent with a biuz News T O U H G HEAD AND SHOULDERS Little Boys' ABOVE YOUR W O R K L t Cute as the Bunny himself . . . SUITS colorful as Easter eggs — the happiest, most pleasing and com SHIRTS bination of all! And you’ll dis SHOES - SOX cover it right here in our com Everything plete selections of togs for young young Paraders! men for all from 1 month to (i years old. I h»t’» where you are > 111111 « when using ihc new V ISIO N - LINfcD 'Z ' tractor and Quick-On—Quick-Off mounted imple ments. MM V1SIONL1NED design brings all cans and runners into your line o f vision from the comfortable lazy-back seat. For Little Girls and Young Misses to 12 Dresses - Hats - Slips Panties - Bonnets Bag Sets You can watih it plant . . . SEE WHAT KIND O F A JO B YO U ARE D O IN G The new 'Z ' tractor with Quick-On— Quick-Off planting and fer tilizing attachment* will do a fast, clean job on all row crop* with lets lime »peril on adju»tments. MM planting attachments C o m e equipped wnh a variety o f openers and coverers for all soil*. One gauge wheel for each runner assures uniform planting depth no matter how uneven the held. With M M equipment, fertilizer is placed along vide of (he row at any desired depth at a rate o f up lo 500 lb*, per acre. A removable plate at the outlet o f (he hopper makes inspection and cleaning easy. B and M Equipment S e r v ie * I ' " 1' " * ' Company »Minne H4 Nyssa, Oregon Shower Gifts • . 1 V \ Don’t forget our complete selection of gifts of all kinds for showers, anniversaries and all special events. ” • . U*.. V TH E STORK SHOP ^ t c h a " i iS 1* 14 Norih 3rd Street s s rv * r * Nyssa u e ll! r Firestone Dealer Store It's Easy lo Say Thank You Bui Hard io Say Goodbye . . . Now that I am beginning to emerge from the maze of details involved in changing businesses, 1 am ready t o extend t o my Nyssa friends a very hearty thank you for the patronage and friendship that I have enjoyed over the last 10 years as editor and publisher of the Nyssa (¡ate City Journal. The success that I enjoyed in my Nyssa busi ness was due entirely to the patronage and other support given by the residents of the community, which has developed as I had hoped it would, because of the character of the people and their friendly and co-operative spirit As we grow older, we appreciate and love more and more our memories and our long time friends. I shall carry into my new busi ness, Powell's Office Supply, in Ontario fond memories of the decade I spent in Nyssa 1 forsee for my successor, Duane Alters, as editor of the (¡ate City Journal, a period of happy business and soeial relations with the residents of the Nyssa area His determination to succeed in a community that he is enthusi astic about deserves the support of all of you 1 .c.i-.e extend to him and bis lovely wife »•very j«« sitde consideration Klass V. Pow ell Want a lot of mileage for your money F.’ l l admit that the price tags of automobiles —all automobiles — aren't what they used to he. W But it’s just as true today as ever before that some price tags are lo w er than others, and some cars cost less to own than others. So let’s see how a Buick S pi into the picture. c ia L fits lake first cost. If you put the price tag of this Buiek against price tags of ears that have always been tagged as belong ing in “ the low-priced field” - y o u ’ll find that, in actual dollars, a Buiek ‘s surpris ingly close to these cars of lesser size and horsepower. But that’s just the beginning. W h a t y o u ’re g e ttin g h ere is B u ic k quality — this S pecial comes down the same assembly line as Sl'PFRS and R oadm asters . Its heft tells you it has extra sturdiness in frame and structure. Its F i r e b a l l E n g in e d e l i v e r s e x t r a power. It is an eight, a valve-in-head, with high compression, and the miles you can get from a gallon of gas make it a thrift} performer. Y>u get Buick’s Million Dollar Ride, which protects >ou and the car—from jars and jolts. Even the tires are bigger — which, any tire man will tell you, lengthens their wear. ® M aybe that’s w hy Buick’s doing so well in the present market. W h y not come in and see w hat a great car this is for you? g»i.■ w w l.w im r iil, tr im and m o d ,l, a n tu b jrrt t o chan«« „-.fftoat •*"“ *'•• W b e tl C r o a t i a n dard or, H u a i ,Ma m a . opt tonal at ,z tr a . , . . 1 on olft.r S trm t. H'kit« aidow allt option a l a t r i t r a coat ..ft,,. ucuilaN,. •S tandard on H o a p m a s tta , option a l at t z t r a coot on olA«r S o n t t Sure is true for 52 When better automobiles are built BUICK A nd if you pay a hit extra for Dynaflow D rive * you’re easing the strain on the engine, the rear end, the tires —and eliminating clutch repair bills. wll build them Roberts-Nyssa, Inc. S M ) m « GOOD A V t N l f t » So when w e talk about “ m ileage fo r your money” w e ’re talking about the miles you’ll get from your ear-includ ing the unused miles that are what you have to sell when you trade it in. N T 1ft* A. 0 * 1 G ON 4 » K