Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1952)
THE NYSSA. GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY APRII. 10. 1952 Ki.cgh to -ear for a nu-.-ioiiai . family T m day They art making F.i-ter clothing for a little girl and her grandmother. Mi Jake Borge accompanied Mi Mr- Juke Sorge Ni- Hatt to Ny--a Tuesday evening Phene M l R* to attend an extension cU.-.- Th .• went again Saturday morning, and The Newell Height Nimbi« Thim- ham annd Gary a-, they took their will continue for 10 meeting Jake B. :ge lias been plastering bl« club n\ft at the home o f thei* cattle to the hill leader Vlra Stanley Hill Thursday Karla Ki eigh. daughter of Mr and his tenant house this week He also after school. They started work on Mrs Dick Knegh. underwent a ton- did some brick laying for Mrs m L Judd around her flower bed- their head scarfs, and played a ailectiomy Wednesday Mrs Durlin H.mmon accompanied novel game, prepared by Hrs. Hill in Mr and Mrs. Paul Hichhart o f The which the girls hunted for their r e Dalles. Oregon, were guest- at the Mrs. Dyre Roberts and Mrs John Leo Winn home Ironi Saturday eve Thompson to Pendleton Sunday freshments. wiiere they will attend the P T A Mr and Mrs. Elwood Carr of O n ning until Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nye o f On convention. tario were dinner guests at the Lou Mr and Mrs Clarence Kennedy i f Piatt home Sunday. Mrs. Carr and tario visited at the Leo Winn home Wyoming visited in the Earl Kygar Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Pratt are sisters. Mrs. Durlin Mammon accompanied home Thursday The Kennedy’s arc Lou Pratt sheared his sheep and Mrs. Sid Plannagan to Boise Satur aunt and uncle of Mrs Kygar branded them Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Lester Larsen and Mary Lee Dickerson of Parma w.i, day. The U. P church adult young | Wayne of Caldwell were guests at a guest in the Rube Graham home Sunday She accompanied Mr G ra people’s group met at the D ick the Hugh Glenn home Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Glenn. Mr. and Mrs. Darry Dimmick and Mr and Mrs Donnie Brewer went fishing at Gwyhee dam Sunday. They took a picnic lunch and ate there Mrs. Doyle Louder of Rupert Is -[lending a week with her parents. Mr and Mrs. A M. Hammon. while Newell Heights News Used Tractor Buys 1 1948 Oliver 70. 1 D-2 Caterpillar. 2 Model B Allis Chalmers with cultivators 1 1949 C Allis Chalmers with plows and cultivators. 1 F-20 International. M l. n PAGE >e ,n tin Jnn M.lle: oi Wane Charles P .iiian They w wav t<> Greenville. Mi fm a v. .t K H ■ >!t a n d ws -e with her parents I. >r Mt and Mrs Arthur N- rland and D i .it sj leen's ball Saturday e\ - family o f Mountain If me visited Ns i \1 \\ Saturday mght and Sunday in the Ivcme Thursday to remain this week. Martha Norland home She will again go to Caldwell Thin - Fred Fisher and Mildred returned day for a build-up prior to under Tuesday mght from a weeks visit going surgery. with Donald Fisher at Pullman. Dick Knegh and Jake Borge n- Washtngt m. On the way home, they tended the county meeting of the -pent Monday night with Mr. and Farm Bureau Tuesday evening in Mr-. Alvin Voigt and family in Spo Ontario. kane. Mr and Mrs Voigt have The seventh and eighth grade pu bought a home there and are we'l pil- attended a party at the Adrian grade school Friday evening Oanvs and dancing were featured Refresh ments of pop and doughnuts weie served at intervals during the eve ning to Mr aim Mi district. Mi l ,\ *' k U Hi gree Mr ai.d M: Ken:.r V attended the Jei -ev club Adrian la t week T e O e:d- W • , l ' i | the Vanderpool herd <>n ur of local Jersey her di- Mr- Elvin Worden ret • word Friday of the death oi 1 r and- father in Oklahoma. Mr and Mrs Oerrit Timnu rman were hosts at a pot luck dinner mer hon- ormg a cousin. Harold H f : New York City. Sunday Guest were Mr and Mrs. Frank Miller oi Bit: Bend. Mr and Mrs. Dan Holly. 1'ed Holiv, Mr and Mrs Richard Ho iy Mr and Mrs. Raymond Holly of Adrian and 1 John Deere A Tractor with plows. Apple Valley Aclivities beginning SUNDAY. APRIL 13—3:00 p. m. Mr- Sherman Wilson liiunr l’arnia 21-MI Continues each Sunday at 3:00 p. m. also Wednesday and Friday at 8:00 p. m Services conducted by Miss C. Staats and Miss R. Koach A U TO I N S U R A N C E E V m Dial 9-3371 Belter protection 13.80 liobilify und property domog* Itmd k 10 20 i Fast c la im EACH 6 M ON TH S • Optometrist sror? Residents of the Ny-sa area will be able to obtain information about federal old-age and uvivors in- suarance on a regularly cheduled basis it was announced. Ben Kant- ner. from the LaGrande social se curity administration office, will be in Ontario from 9 a m until 2 p. m the second Tue-day of each month, starting April 8 LEGION HALL—ADRIAN service A low -paym ent po licy for c a r e fu l d rive r» No e x t r a ch a rg e » K m s lro m EYES EXAMINED BAUMAN FARM EQUIPMENT O l.D -A tiF 1N -I R \N( E t f l K K I f S VO S i 4\«»WERED in the urday evening, honoring the wedding (Too late for la-t week' A group of friends dropped in un anniversary of Mr and Mrs Wilson Mr- Charles Pitman was called to expectedly for coffee with Mrs Len- na Mac Lewis Thursday morning. Boise Friday by the serious Illness They brought Mrs. Lewi a aft for of her mother, who is a patient it Home beauty begun her birthday Those who enjoyed the a Boise hospital hour were Mesdamcs Wa.ine:. Smal Mr and Mrs Lloyd Caldwell >f w ith . . . ley. Raney. Reed, Schritier. Dibble, Parma were dinner guests, Sunday, Smith. Moran. Dick, Fritt- Fox. and in the Conley Wilson home The Mrs. Conley and Mrs Jack Wilson. dinner was in observance of the Gordon Brewer and Jim Wilson of wedding anniversaries of both Fall Creek, Oregon were weekend couples. guests in the J N Leigh home. Miss lone Pitman arrived home Mrs Anna Boston wa- a winner Friday after a month's visit with in the Red Cross cake contest in figt Kirby Pitman and family in Parma. She tied for first place with Portland. Mrs. Clyde Hill Sgt Kirby Pitman and family of Mr. and Mrs. A G. Schultz were Portland are expected to stop for dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Lloyd a short visit the last of this week Caldwell in Parma Thursday. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ella Stephens anil Mrs Jack Reed received news Sunday even ssssri >■ -'¡s ■■■*&■' m m t m m m i n 111111 it l-l 1111HII11 ti it 1111 w 11111 111 II hi • ing of the airplane crash in which1 Complete Stock of All Sites Captain Clifford Mcllveen was kill- el Captain Mcllveen was the hus I>r. C la re F . C o n ley band of the former Mary Ella Mel- We have turbine pumps for all vedt. granddaughter of Mrs Steph irrigation situations, deep wells, ens and niece of Mrs. Reed shallow wells, etc. Immediate de Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Smalley. Bob livery in nearly all cases . We and Eloise, and Jim Leveaux attend sell the best and service the rest. ed the wedding of Mr.- Smalley's niece, Betty Lorraine Grimes, in (•ood S u p p ly of I ’ sed E q u ip m e n t Caldwell Friday evening. Word was received of the death of Mrs. Fay Collin’s mother at a Boise hospital. She had been ill for several 519 Cleveland, Caldwell, Ida. years. Clifford Brown arrived home Mon ar *'• ■ * ■ M M I I m ill III I I HI I lilWM III 111'M'I HI I II I1111 t'l M i . day from a trip to New York and Missouri. He received word from England that his wife and son had arrived safely. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fritt- were in Caldwell Friday evening for a fare well dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Ham Crosswhite. who are leaving for Coos Bay, Oregon to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pilcher and family of Nampa attended services and the dinner at the local church Sunday of last week Mr. and Mrs. Conley Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Thaniel Botner, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fritts were In On tario lor dinner and a show Sat- (Opp. Sears) i Valley Undenominational Gospel Services IRRIGATION PUMPS 1 1949 Ford Truck with beet bed. I d ;ei. ni w bu till 1- me-< tn>‘ for A; N tN *T In s u ra n t' Intermountain EQUIPMENT COMPANY Myrtle at Broadway Into Ph. ikhio A gency J5& GENERAL INSURANCE CO. OF AMERICA „ A C A P ITA ! \ STOCK C O M PA N Y' HOME OFFICE SEATTLE ^ *• Reisewsrk got you on the ' * * V* V ’’"'•'( 'S* * Let B oise Payette Help You Remodel Best Bite- Size there just piling isn't enough planning stage, if can be done more easily and econ omically than you may realize LOOK afela la yav. «rapar plani mi a rfca Kay to a<artam«cal rsmsdslinf, * BUILD A GARAGE i it ADO A If DROOM ÿ B E S T V: xxxx la y a A ( « m p e ls n l ( « r it r a t t a r m o d e lin g d o lla r s go 1 urHftar. W« it PUT IN A PICTURE WINDOW I Baby chicks like the natural, crumbly form of Pillsbury’s B IT E SIZE Chick Starter They eat more —do better. Watch 'em grow and thrive! “ Mycins” (Pillsbury’s antibi otic fortification) add even greater growth power to this high quality feed. Come in. Arrange for your supply of Pillsbury's BITE SIZE Chick Starter. hot water requirements. He'll recommend the M A K E IT proper size tank for a continuous supply. A H A B IT Clean, fully automatic, so economical to op Keep plant y at »papa fata plug» an hank far amar pent y u ia A ah yaar jla a fric a l daalar far faaa plaga af tf*a propar lia a. oitiar improvamanti. NO DOWN MONTHS PAYMENT TO y POW ER l . l AND K IN G I i i PAINTS FOR INTERIOR Wondtfrtones Mirrolac Enamel Devopake Heavy Duty Enamel Velor Finish 87 Spar Varnish Super Kleen Brushes i far m g a ad jab you n«#d th« rigfct malarial», tan« Pay«ft« will peo - vida th«m budget mm plan » I I SPECIAL . I I I All Metal Rigid Window Scroens while they last $ 1.00 I ■ FEED MILL Si* M U C K - > $<• I I NYSSA I D AH O PAY MATERIALS Add Growth Power! tell him the size of your family and its daily Devoe W onder-l-Coal Olympic Stain i — with Bait« Payette's — “MYCINS" Stop at your nearest appliance dealer— I i 36 only a few pennies a day. PAINTS FOR EXTERIOR it BUILD A DRIVEWAY m o k « s ra - c a n h « ip yo u in ta< u rin g a n a . I s id e w a l k it RfMODEL BASEMENT OR ATTIC — of any on» of tco«a» ef want with an electric water heater. And for ■ar ?? i it ENIAUGE TOUR KITCHEN it • • • • around? You can have all the hot water you ford to be without! I it PUT UP A FENCE hot water to go hot water it a convenience you can hardly af what you can do it BUILD A PATIO up— because erate— at Idaho Power's low rates, plentiful Boise Payette offers you a complete remodeling service. It INSTALL A FIREPLACE • • • • chores not an expense. And, with experienced help in the CHICK STARTER Get more done with water that’s HOT! Household Remodeling your home is an INVESTMENT C. F. MINK. Manager Phone 15 Phone 861-W Nyssa, Oregon * 3 Bring in your size or call us and we will measure them for you. a . i QOI • « © '«** a