Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1952)
T H E N Y S S A , G A T E C I T Y J O t fB W A L , N Y S 3 A Meeting I» Held Bv Lxteimion Uuh BTC BF.ND 27—The A and B extension club met for an all-day meeting with Mrs. Myrle Tuppeny last Tuesday Idas Edna M lllw : On'ario. the extension leader, dem onstrated "Hom e Repairs” . Those present were Mrs. Lucille Pinkston. Mrs. Myrle CampbeU. Sirs Treda Soloman of Parma Mrs Dolly Ed wards. Mr Pearl Stanton. M r'> TV oip : Mrs Lydia Van De Water. Mr T. m Hopkins, aj.d H el en Hatch Mr and Mr Albert Clifford and family ol Ny -a were visitors in the Horace Chaney home Sunday. Mr. and Mr Bob Welsh and fam ily of Caldwell and Mr and Mrs -iW A N T E D :- YOUR DEAD AND USELESS ANIMALS Horses. Cows. Calves. Sheep. Hogs Cash for live horses and cows FREE PROMPT REMOVAL Phone us collect Nyssa 102-W Payetle 670 I f no answer call Nampa 6-4604 D A Y OR N IG H T IDAHO ANIMAL PRODUCTS Nampa, Idaho HERE’S LOWER MORE UNIFORM COST, BALING OW EGON. T H U R S D A Y M AUCH n » t7. 1932 B e t* o f Hotus were caller« Sunday dinner Sunday evenu g »a v.\t Zeb of Vineouver. Washing: ) » v;»it«d Saturday They visited in the Jim delegate» They weiv acc mpanied evening in the Itornc o f Mr and Mis Wilson homo in the Maty Brumbach heme laM Ph ifer home and v. ued Mrs Hub by then instruct i Henry Rm ter H o i.c e Chaney. J E Cameron's nephew R a, Lar Friday. erts' parents, M: and Mrs Hender- Mr Caroline R fb.irk o f Bo: e Mrs. J F C am eron« two sister», sen, and or.cte o f Salt L . *e City Mr Mary Brumbach and Mr». lider. In the afternoon Mr Roberts was a visitor in the home of her aunt Miu. Julia Courtney and Mi Jennie visited Tuesday and lueaiay even Mildred attended a Royal took the girls to l)r> Lake out of and uncle. Mr and Mr George El f Courtney o f Tw in Falls, »pent tarn ing with Jus uncle ur.u aunt. M r Neighbor lodge meeting Monday Nampa. days and night» visiting last week and Mr.» J k. Cameron. night in the home of Mr» Lizzie Wayne Robert of the Adrian ers, Sunday. VI: and Mis. Rodney Ha we. and Harrokl. in her home Callers in the home of Mr , George f F a . chapter was swarded the Miss Kern Cameron, who is work family and Mr and M: Uuy Strong Mr and Mr». Henry Wilson and State Farmer degree at F. F. A. Elfers Monday were Mrs Je e Hi g ing in the telephone office in Boise, ol Parma enjoyed a birthday din girls attended a birthday dinner for convention at Corvallis. Johnny gins of the Ro well community. Mr spent Sunday in the home of her ner given tor Hubert Ha*e> m the her father, Janie» Brown, in Dixie Witty atul Dwain Baxter went as Bill Baxter and Mr Tom Jone» rom Jone parent». Mr and Mr» J E Cameron. home of his aunt. Mr Sunday. Mr Brown wa- 7'J year.» old LaKayne South and Pat Murray 'I Word ha» been received here from Mr.». Sara Cartwright and Mr». lient Saturday evertmg ui tiie K en Dorothy Fergueson Troughton from neth Snuth home in Caldwell. Sheila Cartmright and bo> »hopped Babbitt, Nevada announcing the Mr. aial Mr». I<ee Clea>erl> and in Nampa Saturday und visited her birth of a son, Robert Harold, March family .»hopped in Caiowell Satur mother, Mrs. Naomi Wright 4 Mr . Troughton attended school Mrs. Ray Cartwright and Mrs. day. in Big Bend and Adrian Mr and Mr». Jack Slabough and Raymond Cartwright .»hopped in O n G R A I N FED BEEF. C U S T O M C U T T IN G A N D Mr and Mrs. Charle» Reno visited baby, Mr. and Mr,» Kenneth Smith tario Friday. On their way home W R A P P I N G . C U S T O M -B U T C H E R IN G in the home of their daughter. Mrs. and family of Caldwell, Mr. and they visited Richard Stradley in, Tom Hilderman, and family of Mrs. W alt Abbott and Susie, and the hospital at Nyssa. where he is Curing. Sm oking and R en derin g Homedale Sunday. Stock received e v e ry day except Mrs. Maxine DeMark. were Sunday receiving treatment for a broken Mr and Mrs. Clinton Reno and dinner guests of their lurents, Ur. leg. Sundays and holidays son of Parma were visitors in the and Mrs. Chet Smith. Mrs. Goldie Roberts and Mrs. home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ruby English made a trip to Cald Mr and Mrs. Herb Thoma» attend Charles Reno, Sunday evening. ed the Mr and Mi pinochle club well Thursday. They took little Elea Miss Bernice Chaney of Caldwell at the home of her brother. Jack nor to a Sector for a check-up. was a week-end guest in the home Haney of Apple valley. Mr. and Mrs. Varner Hopkins at- | of her parents, Mr and Mr.». Horace tended a birthday dinner Sunday in Mr. and Mrs. George De Haven of j Chaney. Kingm an Kolonv had a.s their Sun the A J. Hopkins home in Parma Processed any w a y you want it. Mr. and Mrs. J E Cameron helped day dinner gue.»ts Mr and Mr». Mr. Hopkins was the honored guest, P ork is cheap now ; fill up your freezer celebrate the 50th wedding annivers- • Herb Thomas o f But Bend. and all his children and grand ary of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and ________________ and locker Mrs. Herb Thomas and her sister, children were present to help him Mr». George Worden of Boise. W ed Mrs. Rosie Bawtinhelmer of Roswell celebrate. nesday. Mr and Mrs. Cameron »pent and her daughter. Mrs Sam Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Delno Brock went '•i m ile west on Alberta Ave. Phone 381-R, locker plant Wednesday night at Boise. Phone 381 -W, slaughterhouse and cutting room visited their sister in Boi»e last Sat- : to Pilo Rock. Oregon to visit her Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson and i brother. Bud Prosser, and family. urday. girls and their daughter and hus Miss Mary W eir and Mr» Charles Mrs. M ary Brumbach and Ezra band, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Aberann were Sunday dinner guests of Mr W itty attended grade school P.T.A of Nebraska, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle meeting in Adrian Thursday even and Mrs. Art Walz in Parma. Hodge o f Culdwell and Mr and Mrs Mrs. W ill Grunt and »on. Oordon. ing. A T. Patterson o f Wilder enjoyed o f Nampa, and her sister, Mrs. Oeldl Mr and Mrs. Tomm y Godwin of Washington, old-tim e residents »f • I’l l mil Hil'UlH H R II I lllllllI I I IIII rn III IH 1 Big Bend, visited several friends - Tuesday. They ate .»upper In the Ray Cartwright home Tuesday evening. D r . (H a r t* F . ( l o n l e y Dick Davis of Ridgevlew ate sup OU R P A R I S per and spent Sunday evening with Junior and his grandparents, Mr. WITH TRAIN f KAMI Optometrist and Mrs. Harvey Hatch. for toying* up to Mrs. Davis went with her m oth er. Mrs. James McGinnis to Moses % a n d it's E Y E S E X A M IN E D Lake Friday to visit James over the ch taper by lar than week-end. He is building a home driv ing your <ar! there for Mr Robb. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Stark visited (O p p . Sears) D ial 9 3371 Saturday evening In the Howard Hatch home in Adrian. THE F R I E N D L Y » U S L I N E 519 Cleveland, Caldwell. Ida. Mrs. Case M untjewerff has been 220 Main St. Phone 217 sick again with influenza and com ■ hm mi i ui iiiiMiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiii,. plications, but is much improved. Mrs. Harvey Hatch and Helen and Yea . . . ALL bonaiide Farm and Ranch Owners can Phillip, Mrs. Hazel Ferguson of SAVE MONEY when insured with FARMERS. Apple valley and Junior McOinnis visited Mr and Mrs. Bert LaRue at SPECIAL LOW RATES for the Marks motel in Ontario Satur day afternoon. Mr. LaRue is not . . . F ARM & R A N C H C O M P R E H E N S IV E gaining a.s was hoped and may have LIA B ILIT Y. to go back to the hospital for fur ther treatment. . . . F A R M O W N E D & OPERATED A U T O M O Junior McOinnis of Adrian spent BILES en d TRU C KS. the week-end with his grandparents, Mr und Mrs. Harvey Hatch, while See your friendly neighborhood FARMERS INSUR his mother visited his father at A N C E GROUP agent lor ALL your insurance need« Moses Lake, Washington. and you will SAVE money. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and Alice and Jimmy were Sunday din ner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Howard Obendorf. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van De W ater i FARMIRS 2M East Main Slrtrl (INSURANCEf vLslted Sunday in the home of his Nyssa. Oregon CROUP sister, Mrs. Foglenian, and family Rhone 155 o f Nampa. FISCHER'S LOCKER SERVICE LOOKERS AVAILABLE Locker Specials DRESSED PORK IT c o v e ts SO MUCH YET COSTS SO LITTLE 60 w T R A IL W A Y S B A L E -O -M A T IC ONE MAN AND T H I B A L E -O -M A T IC MAKE UNIFORM, SQUARE-CORNERED BALES . . . THAT DON’T COME LOOSE I Here’s new speed, new safety, new ease in baling hay. This rugged M M B A L E -O -M A T IC picks up the hay, slices and ties it into firm, uniform, square-cornered bale9. No loose or broken bales No wire ends to drop in the field or in the bales Once tied, bales stay tied. Weight o f bales may be varied from 60 to 90 pounds, len gth may lie selected at approximately 35, 40 or 45 inches. Every bale is counted by the automatic meter. PROFITABLE ONE-MAN O PE R A TIO N On every farm, for custom work —this M M B A LE -0 M A T IC is a real money-maker. All-steel welded con struction and factory quality control assure long life, dependable performance DEALER FOR B a B & e K »:» A l E S A N D fffc f' Ford Ferguson tractor 6-foot lohn Deere disc 6-foot M M disc 69 M M harvester Farmhand stacker and manure loader — ■«»otwi» ■AcwiaiRil Nyssa, Oregon $725 SEE THEM ON THE LOT B & M EQUIPMENT CO • 1 Minneapolis-Moline scores another achievement in pro ducing an entirely new model of one of the popular tractor«— the Model Z in the two-three-plow power class. A new high ia reached in the many outstanding feature« now offered by this new Z. Here are just a few that will appeal to every modern farmer: NEW POWER—fO^c more power: 31 h p. on drawbar and 36 h.p. on belt. NEW ENGINE— Increased piston displacement and high turbulence combustion chamber« for extra power with extra economy. NEW COOLING SYSTEM — Controlled cooling with new type radiator having cast iron top and bottom tanka and a larger fan. NEW OPERATING SPEEDS— Forward speed« of 2.4. 3.6. 4 6, 6.3, 13.1 and a reverse speed of 2.2 mph. NEW COMFORTS— Adjustable steering wheel: lasy- back, air and hair-cushioned seat; wobble stick gear shift lsvsr. VNI-MATIC POWER— Nsw hydraulic hsight or depth control of mounted or pull-behind implements. NEW ECONOMY — N s w pressure lubrication system and high quality materials designed and tested for dependable long-life performance. Here is a tractor built to standaida farmers themselves insisted on. W e invite you to eee ue uow tor complete facts about ..■=- -- MM POWERFLOW DRIVE— THE SMOOTHEST, MOST EXACTING OF ALL SPEED CONTROLS Minneapolis-Moline now offers the greatest sensation in combine development— the Self-Propelled Harvester with Powerflow Hydraulic Drive. It gives esactly the right speed with a ll the pow er you need for any crop an d any field condition. A drive unit so flexible that movement of the control lever instantly regulates the speed from sero m.p.h. to maximum apeed in any selected g e a r with out changing engine speed or sacrificing power. N or does ground speed regulation interfere with the combining mechanism that a lw a y s runs at uniform speed for the most efficient combining results. Operating height of header is regulated by new MM smooth-acting Uni-Matic power. The positive, fast acting hydraulic control that is adjustable to any working height and dees all the work for you. M M M odel " 3 " Harvesters m ay be obtained with the 45-bushel grain tank that can be emptied in approximately one minute with the high speed auger unloader . . . they are also available with the platform and lu rk in g attachment Visit us and see the many MM Harvester features that have continued to moke com bine history since introduced in 1934 oe the MM ori g inal htgh o a p a c H j, lightweight /III N yssa. O rego n Nyssa. O rego n ■ * », 'G IA N T SIZE CRYSTAL-CUT DESIGN CAKE PLATE • • Beautify/ crystal-clear glo ss M oulded by famous Anchor Hocking • Giant 12-inch site far cahet, cookies, snoefcs • Mofces beoutifu/ Center Piece tea Q JR»* » Just for taking 3 minutes to watch the Speediest/ Savingest w asher of all! | S P IN D R IIR Demonstrations e v ery hour on the hour Come in . . . ge t this beautiful, useful Giant Cake Plate ABSOLUTELY FREE — just for watching a 3-minute demonstration o f the fomous EASY Spindrier. See how the speedy Eosy does a whole 2-tub week s wo»h whiter, brighter, in less Whatever yew plan to ; paint— r here'* ' expert "know-how"! A»k for free folders — what to get — how te do it the eeiy way I than on how. Watch Easy’s g e n tle S p ira la tor washing ection and the omazing Auto matic Spin-rinse. See how Easy H - spin« clothes 2 5 % drier than a wringer Easy’s y e w Ö j C.-X □ IÌ best buy I Came in today. 31 MfffRCNT m i l l » -A M I DON B & M Equipment Co. Ge» yours today w hile they last W PAINTING N il P I this new tractor. B & M EQUIPMENT CO. Ik Mr. and Mrs. Noel Tuppeny, Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Mrs. John Packwood, Mrs. Esther Bennett, Mrs. Seuell, Mrs. Clucas and Helen Hatch attended a P. A T meeting in Ad rian Wednesday evening. Harvey Hatch made a business trip to Nyssa und Onturlo Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Olen Evans o f Cald well and Mrs. Frone Stradley spent Wednesday in the Ray Cartwright home. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Nu-Acres called in the Case Mun tjew erff home Sunday afternoon The Smiths and M untjewerff were old-tim e friends o f many years. Miss Loretta Van De Water, who is attending college at Oreen Vill. O REG O N I South Carolina called her parents, — Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van De Water, last Monday evening saying she was fine. bu*. was very busy getting ready for a music concert. Mrs. Dyre Roberts and Mrs. Irma Hopkins met with the executive group at Adrian high school, making plans fo r the athletic banquet. The Jolly Stitcher club met at the home o f Mrs. Dyre Roberts and then later In the evening Mrs. Jloberts took the club girls to see Nancy Hamon o f Newell Heights, who was hurt In a car accident. Boyce Van De W ater and Laralne went to Nampa Saturday. Joyce Bowers o f Adrian spent the week-end with Sharen and Karen Roberts. Mrs. Dyre Roberts took Sharen, Karen and Norene Howes to Nampa ! o — Nyssa MM MODEL Z-N E W FEATURES NEW POWER-NEW PERFORMANCE Roy L. Booker 3 3-section harrows $45.00 each. SERVICI B & M Equipment Co. $775 $775 $145 $145 $495 1940 R Moline Far camptal» lalmrmotion, csoia m today Lai v i f i r a you tha /noth fcivh am lAa M M lA L i- O - M A IK YOUR . . . For A Better Buy In Used Equipment Belter Buy These Dem onstration Satu rd ay. M arch 21 at 4 F. M. Ototf B. M O S S Firestone Dealer Store 5th and Main NYSSA FURNITURE CO. Phone 2 ,(At-™ :« From Reclamation O ffice) N yssa. Oregon _____________ j 1st St. and Good Av**- © AJ * 0