NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY MARCH 27. 1952 the PAC K SIX Social Notes 245 • HONORED ON B IR TH D A Y Miss Olive Be us w a . hoiiered ou her 17th birthday Tuesday night at a parly given by her parents. Mr. and Mrs Ersel Beus Ouests included Muna and Roland Christensen. Lor­ raine Fuiher. Betty File, Nani Child, Carol l-’ile, Nannette B>bee. Roger and Jimmy skren, Colleen By bee, Claudina Wilson. Kent Beus, Olga and Elsa Sanders and Karma and V L Ke.sler Mrs Kinily Field assist­ ed with the arrangements C H R IS T IA N WOMEN G IV E LUNCHEON A Latin American luncheon fea­ turing Latin Amerlrun food and decorations was given at the Chris­ tian church March 13 for 40 women o f Nyssa and Ontario. The luncheon, which started at 12 o'clock, was ser­ ved at small tables on special little mats. Centerpieces were small bou­ quets of yellow daftodlls. Mr- Vernon DeLong, dc/.rlet sec­ retary o! the Christian Wom ens Fellowship presented the Latin American program centering on Paraguay She was assisted by Mrs Dawson. Mr Ye.skey and Mrs. Oreg- ory, all of LaGrande Mrs. Austin Hollingsworth led the devotions and Mr Richard Mason presented vocal solos. The brief business meeting was under the direction of Mrs. Emerson Buigaman. local president. Mrs Richard Mason was general chair­ man for the event. «> * . L.luh Women Attenti Meeting • « presented the new members of the club. The four coaches, Howard Love- joy, football and baseball; Harry Mc- Olilley, ba keiball; Dale Overstake, boxing. and Kinsey Keveren, track, save short talks and presented the team captains, who introduced the leitermen of then squad- The cap tains were Allan Gustav son, foot­ ball; Dan Lovejoy, baseball; Bob Keveren. ba ketball. Harry Bum­ garner, track, and Jim Corfield, box­ ing. All of Uie coaches expressed satis­ faction with the show.ngs made by their teams during the last year. A fried chicken dinner was served to the 90 men and boys by Mrs Charles Steflens and her home eco­ nomics girls. Emperor Haile Selassie. Cain gave a command performance with his magic illustrations before the j en'- peror Having recently visi.ed 19 counties in Africa. Asia and Europe, Cam will show a -cries of up-to-da,e colored films depleting the various Returns to I i*li— Annette Campbell returned Mon- lands visited ___ dav night to Logan. Utah, »h ere she " A. * C She Lobby to Be Clowetl— is attending the " U. S. spent the pa t week in Nyssa visit­ The post office lobby will be closed ing her father, W. R Campbell. 1 from 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon 1 until Monday morning a- workmen Magician t*> Perform— Stanley Cain, former professional will be re-seallng and re-finishing magician and missionery in Ethiopia, the floor. will hold meetings in the Owyhee Community church April 2. 3 and 4 Here From Portland— at 8 p m and April 6 at 10 30 a m. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Morgan ot P ort­ and 8 p in Before taking up his land are here visiting this week at duties as a missionary and Bible the home of Mrs Frank Morgan. teacher in the public schools ■>! Ethiopia, where he served for 27 FOR R E N T —Small furnished house. 27Mtfc. months at the special invitation of Bernard Frost. Yiait At Wilder— M....... Mi George N. Bt..r and Mis Pearlee Kmsor visited Mr and Mrs Earl Snow near Wilder Sun­ day ______________