® , _ P A G E FOUR (>irl Injur« In Srlm o I \n u W n t NU-ACRES Mar 27—Thursday eve ning at the home of Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Seuell were Mr aiul Mrs Eail Wilkie and son of Moses Lake. Washington and Mr and Mrs. Charles Bu-kirk and Hazel of Parma. Joy Cullen suffered a sprined ankle while at school last Friday, but was able to attend school Mon day Mi and Mi Oaorge H.tgler move I to Apple valley, where Mr Hagler Is employed by Mr Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. George Smit visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Nunt- Jeuers ol Big Bend Mr arid Mrs M C Seuall and Mr and Mrs C A, Feamster of Fiuit- land went to Boise Saturday evening to a'.tend the Jefferson-Jackson day dinner and to hear a .speech by Sen .itor Robert S Kerr of Oklahoma Mrs. M C Seuell and Mrs. Merle Thomson attended a birthday party given at the home of Mr J C Parker of Fruitland last Friday in honor of Mrs James Cl ivfi Nampa. Sunday dinner guests of V L Lett and his mother, Mrs. Lula Lett. *ere C harles Huffman of Nyssa and Mr and Mr Ed Meroney and Joy Cullen Mrs. Percy of Homedale visited it ’.he A P Ciie.sney home la t ween Mrs. Percy Is a cousin of Mr Che - ney and her son, Clark, i- working for him at the present time The Farmerette club met at 'he hall Wednesday afternoon Plan, were made for the annual a 11-day meeting to be held in April it the home of the president. Mr Henry II MKJNS sm man r a VIFF£K£NC£. DON'T TH£Y! si iU', iVe Feed NOW for Early Fall Eggs Get plenty of eggs early in the fall—when prices are best. Feed Pillsbury’s Best Growing Mash NOW, to build husky, early layers j 1 ■'Mycins” .(Pillsbury’s antibiotic fortification) BE add more growth power Don’t lose the head- •*. way of a good start. Get your Pillsbury's Best Glowing Mash right away. ?' , it ' y Pillsbury’s Best «SERB?« NYSSA FEED MEL 319 South First Phone 361-W THE N Y SSA GATE C tT T J O U B N A t . N Y S S A . O BFG D N . T H U R SD A Y . M ARCH 27. 1952 Orcutt Following the meeting, re and Mrs Frank Sorenson. Mr and in nment.s were erved bv the hos- Mrs. Tom Nedbalek, and Mi and •> . N Mrs. Angelo Marostica and son. all Harry Wood t.> it.ll improving at of Nu-Acres. The guest of honor re- the veterans hospital in Boi->e. Mrs. I ceived many nice gifts. Wood and Mr>. Merle Thomson Mr. and Mrs F c. Fry and Jesse drove to Boise to vi-it him Thurs and Lela went to Nyssa and Ontario day. ! Tuesday. It was the first time for Roger Jenkins and Corynne Fry Mr Fry to be out since last fall as vi it>-d Sunday at the home of their he has been ill and confined to his brother Richard Jenkins, and fam j home. ily of New Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Daudt re Frank Johnson was injured last turned Friday from a two-weeks trip week while doing carpenter work, to Oakland. California. They en but is recovering Visitors at the countered some snow in northern John >n home this week were Mr. California on their return trip and iml Mr Drexel Lewis of Nampa were detained for several hours M Mi Lewis is a daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Daudt were married March Johnson. Other visitors were H E. 4 and will make their home at 330 Collins of Nyssa, Mr and Mrs Leon ; Third avenue north in Payette. Mrs. Burt Mr and Mrs Sam Phillips, Mr. 1 Daudt is the former Mr Donna and Mrs Harley Sager, F C. Fty and Mason, daughter of Mr and Mr Mr and Mr- Vanderwall of Nyssa. j A. P. Che-.ney of this community. Mr . Roy Hoff and Terry of Nyssa i were vi ltors at the home of her par ents. Mr. and Mrs M C. Seuell.' SuiiHPt K<‘tti<lrnt Tue day afternoon. Marrieti In B oise Mi F. C Fry. Jim Me D Roe and Mr Susan Me D Roe drove to Boise Saturday to visit at the home of SUNSET VALLEY, Mar 27—Miss Mr Fry’s sister, Mrs. A J. Schrock.l Donna Brererton and Glenn Knott- and Mrs. Me D Roe had her ey e s1 ingham were united in marriage at checked by her doctor following a a home wedding held at noon March 21 in Boise with Bishop Glade offi recent operation. Mr and Mrs Herb Nelson visited ciating Present for the ceremony last week with Earl Dodge, who is were the parents of the bride, Mr. in the St. Alphonsus hospital in and Mrs. Calrence Brererton of Pro vo, Utah; the bride’s brother and Boise. J e s s e Morehouse is visiting at the sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold home of Frank Nichols in New Plym Brererton of Provo; Mrs. Edna Allen of Boise, and Mr and Mrs O. P. outh. Mr and Mrs. Russell Meroney and Counsil and Paul Knottingham of family spent the week-end in La- Nyssa. The groom Is the son of Mrs. Grande and Cove, Oregon visiting j Counsil. The newlyweds will make their home at »05 Pueblo in Boise relatives. Pfr Donald Chesney, son of Mr. | Mr. and Mrs. H. Crutchfield and and Mrs A. P. Chesney, is in North son. Brian, returned late Sunday night from a week-end trip to Quin Korea with the 40th division. Mrs Paul Thomson spent several! cy. Euphrata, Soap Lake and Moses days last week at the home of her| Lake, Washington. sister, Mrs Floyd Ames of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hintz have Mr and Mrs, Ames are the parents purchased a 100-acre farm near of a daughter, born Wednesday, Moses Lake and will be moving soon. March 19 Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hobson moved Mr. and Mrs. David Spilde were part of their household goods to the hosts at a potluck supper in observ home of their daughter, Mrs. James ance of the 77th birthday of his| Langley, this week. Mr. and Mrs. futher, O D. Spilde, Thursday even Hobson are staying for a while at ing, March 13. Those attending were the Langley home. John Timmerman Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strasbaugh of is moving into the Hobson home. Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs, Horace Coker Hobson plans on a trip to California of Wilder, Mr and Mrs. Rinaldo of later In the year. of Sterling, Colorado Mr and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Counsil of Perle Richard and son, Mr. and Mrs. Corvallis were Sunday afternoon Johnny Richard and daughter, Mr. visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Fred Hinkle and son, Mr. O. P. Counsil. Harry Counsil and and Mrs. Ray Knapp, J T Martin, family are moving Saturday to Salt Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Samuels, Mr. Lake City, where he has a position with the Northrup-King Seed com pany. Mr. and Mrs. John Plaza of On tario were Sunday dinner guests at f the S. E. Flanagan home. Afternoon 1 visitors were Mrs Kenneth Lorensen ¡and Mrs. Willard Whitman and ! daughter. Mrs. Lew McCoy of Ironside was a house*uest at the home of her son, Charles McCoy, Tuesday even ing She returned home Friday. Mr and Mrs. Charles McCoy drove to) the Lew McCoy ranch with a load nf | hay Saturday ,, ... ORTHORU IS0T0X M AY isim * k ill* J u a t 2 « p r a y « —ISOTOX Garden Spray and ORTHORIX Spray give your garden full protection against moat insects ami plant diseases. ISOTOX takes care of the I iassets th a t a tta c k annuals, perennials, roses, lawna, shrub«, trees, etc. ORTHORIX protecta your garden from mildew, ru st spores and o th er p lan t disease». They mix l P u t them together and spray lKith at tlie same time. Sim ple! Effective! 4 .r o ii|> * 7 Hertla to Tenting l*ro»srain Seven dairy herds were added .o the record-keeping program in Feb ruary according to reports issued by C. A Nichols, supervisor of the Malheur County D H I A New herds on the standard tests Include the Neldon Chadwick and th Gilbert Chadwick herds of West Bench community. Changing from owner-sampler to standard testing were A V Miller. White Settlement community, and J Irvin Hart of Vale. New owner-sampler members in clude Philip Cluca.s and E. M. Seuell of Big Bend; Guy Moore. Kingman Colony; T R Bowers. Nyssa. and William A Dunn, Owyhee commun ity. . , There were 58 herds on test during February, including nearly 1000 cows. Twenty-nine herds were on the standard test plan, including two herds on official test. The Fred Burgess Jersey herd of Vale and the Charles Grider Jersey herd at Nyssa are testing combination D. H, I A and H I R programs. The Horner Hight Guernsey herd at Nyssa is on udvanced registery testing under the supervision of Oregon State college, with the local supervisor. Nichols, conducting the work for the college and the Guernsey Cattle club. Returns From Walla Walla— Glen H. Kenaston returned to Nys sa Saturday from Walla Walla, he was called last week because if the death of his father. A. L. Ken aston, March 18. W ils o n ’s BUNNY BONUS SPECIALS F riday an d S aturday, M arch 28 an d 29 It's easy to protect your garden against pests Just four easy-to-use pest controls—and you're on your way to lovelier flowers, healthier shrubs, greener lawns! ward bishopric Sunday evening M’ Mu» replaced Glenn SHor Mr. and Mrs Claude Skinner went to Ontario on business ^Tuesday went home with Mrs. Jones Sunday Lawrence Peutz went to Portland H o ld t.atherin^* to receive a medical check-up it the veterans hospital. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Kygar and OWYHEE Mar 2 7 - Members of the daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Keith O K K club met Thursday after Kvgar and children are moving this noon at the home of Mrs Jesse Ditty, week to Crooked Creek, where they with Mrs. Clyde Hoke and Mrs Wer will operate the Flag ranch. ner Peutz assisting. Due to the ab Mr and Mr Jack Walters visited sence of both president and vice in the home of his parents. Mr and president, Mrs. F. L. Olmstead con Mrs. Ellis Walters, Monday night. ducted the business meeting Mrs Mr and Mrs Jack Walters are mov Orville McEwen and Mr Werner ing to Moses Lake this week Peutz held the winning numbers in Mr. and Mrs. Don Franklin and the raffle Refreshments of angel- sons of Boise spent Sunday in the food cake and jello salad were ser home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ved to 16 members and two guests. Lynn Kygar Ml I n Ditty and U n John Virginia Cook pent from Tuesday Reeves of Nyssa The next meeting until Sunday with her parents. Mr will be held at the home of Mr.< and Mrs. Bill Cook Miss Cook was Charles Culbertson April 17, w ith> ■ on vacation from Eastern Oregon Mrs. Earl Kygar as co-hostess. College of Education at LaGrande. An unusually large crowd attend Mrs Oeorge Schweizer and Mrs ed the P T A meeting in the Ad Eugene Stephen spent Monday af rian grade school building Tuesday ternoon in Ontario at the home of evening. The nominating committee Mrs. F L. Olmstead. reported and the same officers were Mrs Orson Berett of Ogden ar elected to serve another term. They rived Sunday to spend some time are as follows: President, Mrs. John with her daughter, Mrs. Grant Pat Thompson; first vice president. Mrs terson, and family and son, Wayne Durlin Haminon; second vice presi Berrett, and family and help care dent, Mrs. Chet Mills; secretary. for the new Berrett daughter. Mrs. Francis Deffer and treasurer. Mrs Frank Mitchell and Mrs. Max Mrs. Don Fix. All the officers plan Mitchell arrived home from Utah to attend the state convention, which Saturday after visiting there for will be held in Pendleton this year. three weeks. Mrs. Max Mitchell The program consisted of several brought her father, Hr. Green with numbers by the junior band, a skit her for a visit. by Mr Witty’s third grade, a phys Mrs. Grant Patterson and Mrs ical education demonstration by Roland Maw attended a farewell Mrs. Newbill’s second grade pupils, party for Mrs. Lila Mitchell Friday and several dance numbers by the afternoon at the Vern Garner home. seventh and eighth grades. Mrs. Neal Nicholson and children Mrs. Ralph Jones of Boise visited were Sunday dinner guests in the from Friday until Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. home of her son-in-law and daugh Louis Skinner. ter, Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters. Mr Roland Maw was installed as Jones came Saturday evening and second counsellor of the Owyhee O w vhw Guests At Judd Bon Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Franks of j Redmond, Miss Clair Hanley of Med- j ford and Mrs. Ernest Jermark of Ashland. Oregon Garden club fede ration officers, visited Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M L Judd. The group was returning from the National Federation of Garden clubs meeting at Dixoll, Mississippi FANCY LADIES' RAG RUGS Size 24x48 PRINT DRESSES Special Price 80 Sq. Prints 62p $ 1 .5 9 BOYS' MEN'S OVERALLS Waist and Bib CANVAS GLOVES Sizes 5 and 6 Blue Wrist Band 98c 22 £ WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE Society Serves Lunch— Members of the Owyliee Ward Re-1 lief society, with President Henri etta Maw In charge, served lunch a*, the Bybee farm and cattle sale Wed nesday on Mendiola road near Ad rian Dry Goods, Shoes And Ready-To-W eai Phone 32 Nyssa X -R ay Shoe F ittin g FOR THE CLEANEST 2 The easy wuy to apply ISOTOX and A -l Used Cars O R T H O R IX is tlie S P R A Y -E T T E . It a ttac h es to your garden hoar, provides au to m atic correct dilution, is light-weight, easy to handle and hel|ta you protect ev ery th in g from insec ts and plant diseases — a ll at once— fast as you ctfn walk around y o u r garden! 7 tin K ML III till ____ 1 Ja IN T O W N SEE: Herriman Motor Co. M \ *o // 3 deluxe! In its ow n ’’pump-action” duster this all purpose dust provide« easy control againat both insects and plant disease». Just carry it around in your garden haaket — ready instantly to use w herever peats attack. 1950 FORD FORDOR Radio, Heater, Overdrive, Very Good Rubber . . . .$1595 E a sie st protection against snails and slugs is BUG-GETA Pellets. Taka« only a few minutes to scatter around, protecting your entire garden. 1950 FORD TUDOR Fresh Air Heater, New T i r e s ....................................... $1495 4 Of tours« there are times you’ll need tlie VOLCK Oil Spray amotli««« stale inset Is and I tlwir eggs Ask your ORTHO dauiert 1949 FORD CUSTOM FORDOR Radio, Heater, Overdrive, N ew Tires, Visor, Low M ile a g e .................................. $1385 buggeta 10 FREE LUB. JOBS Pellets 1949 PLYMOUTH Special DeLuxe Club Coupe Fresh Air H e a t e r ...................................... 5 K ltf sssas 1 r Kiln* Hardware Company h - - PH ON E a 10 FREE LUB. JOBS $1345 ; iLVO S l THESE CARS ALL CARRY AN IRON CLAD GUARANTEE f- V M - 10 FREE LUB. JOBS 10 FREE LUB. JOBS special help of o th er O K T H O ’'prescription p ro d u cts.” VAPO TO N E XX Spray controls heavy infestation of red spider. O R T H O Roue D ust com itate powdery mildew. 202 MAIN Your Transportation Merchant" F o r th e la d y - g a r d e n e r , here's BOTANO v 1 SEE AND DRIVE THESE TODAY!