/ / A » . The NYSSA JOURNAL «•linea recent­ r e s » story and ■ • — - 1 • -------- — -=de hi» plane T W O S E C T IO N S T F N p/ T H E N Y S S A G A T E C I T Y J O U R N A L . N Y * S A , O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y . M A R C H 20. 1952 V O L U M E X X X X V I I N O . 10 I N vmui Stu«h*ntH Improvement at Libor Camp Will Be Accelerated W in IM a o « * * S M***«’ l In < .onteM • . ^id and take oft rossroads” . saio Good Awards V u t ; never lag, ever-changing (m en to F.F. ?rs across the ley might see Oen Boys at Baii(| g to Lt. London Seven Nvs«u high school students participated in a district speech tn situation. meet at Burns Friday, March 14 and a few returned home with some of the Year'?* A< II I« \ t III« fle n c Lor h press awards. fin«*; S t a l e l * r e > i . ‘ " L o r » «°n - Three Nvssa students won flr»t . 0 Lit Eisenhow- ..--- * Several awards of distlnetic-^'ll^0*,* ' • T A h fit* e reading and Jo Anna Moore in ,'O r le y : airman presented to Nyssa F F A m>Q„ :---- humorous reading June Peterson nd seat on ___ _ night .. lust _____ Friday a.s . part oí U * took second In impromptu .peaking. ; nual chapter lather and on b ^ and 1 .......... ui panel dis­ program, in winch the state Ilpers prices. and Irene Jayo third Money In Available; He ports (¿¡veil at ('.ham* her Luneheon Jared Lewis, a member of the housing authority o i Malheur coun­ ty, told the Nyssa chamber o i com­ merce at its weekly luncheon Wed- ; nesday noon that his group has re­ ceived between $11,000 and $12,000 cussion Iwland Morris participated dent. Hemke Olillng. delivi from the government ior improve- | iiKipat add awui re i ' in radio .speaking and Jimmy Skeen princlp.il nient oi the labor camp. Following the oiwnlng ci*T~®'x i in extemporaneous speaking. The officer home chighw ay 30, Mr. Lewis said he would be pleased j i uist and second place winners will by -- the ---------- - - in - the - ------ north «»' to have a chamber o i commerce ’ go to tlie state speech meet to be lcs r‘'om fhe high scho, uy* committee meet with the housing neld in Eugene April « and 5 President Delbert Peter on C h f authority oiiicers at their next meet­ Other schools represented at the ‘ »vocation -*nd introduced t h " ™ ^ - Sale ,s----- ..---- Superintendent Henry H i'1 ■ 11 cows. ing to submit ideas relative to the Burns ----- meet ----- were Ontario, Burns labor camp. The speaker said ' W e Mitchell and Crane. The Nyssa stu­ troduced the school boarT.*,f *oader, beet propose to put a net wire fen ce1 dents were accompanied by Miss and Principal Richard _ e:r and ma» y presented the members c, casd Lunch, around the yard, do some additional Representatives of Bcv Scout troop No. «1» of Nvssa, which tied for first canoe man. Johnny Boston: the Indians, Clinton Butcher. Paul Minniek Viola Dunckley. ulty. The boys introduT.ff . Cols Bert painting, level the property and pMee with Ontario troop 464 in the recent district jamboree held in and tlordon Williamson; a woodsman. Jerry l.angford; a hunter, Dirk fathers. hurch- «uction- plant grass and trees.” Ontario are shown above in a pageant, entitled "Invitation to Adventure’’. Repor’.iiig on the achle- It depleted an American boy. Michael Kastman (on the cot l dreaming Rinehart; a trapper, Jimmy Settles, and the Boy Scout, representing ail Considerable improvements have the chapter and itu denha M a ^ | - about pioneer life. Appearing in the dream were (left to right) the of the personalities, Richard Korbevs. (Picture courtesy Argus-Observer) already been made at the camp. V. L. Keeler said the ^ The authority has put on new roofs i chapter was $44.931 62 an and painted the shelters and painted expenses were $28,01568. Hill«* ami Pistol (loll«**;«* (loach to and repaired the administration come for 6055 hours of building Now the houses are in iair- Speak at Annual Cluli Receives Six 04. averaging $2.79 p* ly good condition for transient labor. income of each student aj| J The in« r Lewis said. Athletic HaiKpiet (¿overnnient Rifles $345.22. Jack Chard had the The camp has been a dirty place Thirty-one Nyssa merchants are individual income. $2920 48 St e J The Nyssa Parent-Teacher asso­ to live because of the wind and lacs Officer?* An* Fleeted By The program for the annual ban­ actively participating in the Bunny j completing 50 improvement p 1 lle Nyssa R ifle and Pistol dub of grass and trees", the "speaker ciation is sponsoruig a series of quet to be given by the Nyssa Lions P T A ; Driver Course j have a total o f 116 anffhal units and said. "W e would like to have the meetings for mothers of children club for lettermen o f the high school Bonus promotion sponsored by the l>a's leceued government rifles and 75 acres of ground under cultivation. chamber co-operate in the program. chamber of commerce and 44 others other w> ulPme,u th o u gh the Na- I h Dineussed Last year, the chapter started a I am sure we would all benefit. who will enter school next fall. The at 7 p. m. Tuesday, March 25 in the tional R ifle association. The material home economics room of the high are contributing financially to its I dairy chain, sheep and beef chains There is a lot of work to be done. I first meeting was held Wednesday. school building has been partially support, according to Robert Wilson, was given to the club through Uie di- j T . , ks giVe n ~ ^ i I 7 Germany by I were completed and started again think it is important for all of Nyssa March 19 and the other two will be arranged. held March 26 and April 2 in the rector ot civilian marksmanship, de-1 two exchange students and a dis- and two swine chains were renewed committee chairman. to keep it in the best possible shape. The principal address will be de­ parunent of the army. library of the grade school building cussion o f the driver’s course con- ; and started again. The chapter We can be more choosy about the The merchants, conducting the livered by Bob Quinn, director of Tlie club received targets, field 1 ducted as a part of ’.he Nyssa high - sponsored a chupter fair and con- labor we select if we have good from 2:45 to 4 p. in., according to Miss Emma A Zweinke. chairman athletics of Eastern Oregon College promotion in observance of the telephones, four MI-30 calibre rities j school curriculum and election of | ducted a swine feeding experiment, places for them to live in.” Easter season. will give away 450 and four .22 calibre Remington tar- officers featured tlie monthly pro- j The judging teams did fairly well, of Education. Rev. John Briehl o f the chamber of the pre-school committee. The program will include group door prizes and 90 live bunny rab- get ritles Members will meet March gram of the Nyssa Parent-Teacher : The Nyssa chapter sent a judging At tills week’s meeting a panel dis of commerce labor camp committee singirg, invocation; welcome oi bits. The door prizes will be given 27 ut 8 P- m. in the Nyssa Insurance j association in the little theater last | team to the Pacific International said " I am not attempting to minl- cussion was held, with Mrs. Elwood Livestock exposition at Portland. mize the importance o f the work of Flinders. Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and Mrs. gue.sts and introduction of the toast- to persons over 16 years old and the agency office to ready the Titles for Thursday night. Tommy Huston played two har- Dale Overstake, instructor of the the housing authority, but regard- Holland Laurance a- leaders. The master, Richard V. Wilson, Lions rabbits will be given to the younger use. They will also make plans lor breaking ground on the range site driver education program, said the monlca solos, less of how much is spent over th e re ! general topic was What Can Be president; introduction of guests,, children. The promotion will be conducted located 12 miles w^est of Nyssa on the course Is divided into classroom work Eldon Barker of Ontario told of on physical improvements we also i Done In the Home to Prepare the Toastmaster K V Powell; présenta- have to work on the people" The Child for Entering School’ ’’ Indi- tion of new members, Jack Duncan, over a period of three weeks, with old Vale road for the new range. and behind-the-wheel driving. The the work and time he had expended registration period for president the Letterm Th e club members will start work- classroom phase is conducted only to gain the American Farmer award, minuter e x p r e s ^ the ^ l l e f that I v .dually, the three women discussed...... ............. of . — - ........ . en’s cluo. a » separate — — ‘- f — some outside help could be secured "Personal Independence", "General and summary of 1951-52 sports. each week Each participating mer­ ing on tlie range as soon us weather one day a week and the other sec- the highest obtainable In the Future chant will give three prizes each permits, probably in about three tion oi the course is conducted four Farmers of America for religious and recreational better- ! Home Care of the C h ild ' and Men- Coaches Howard Lovejoy, Harry Me Ginley, Kinsey Keveren and Dale week following a 1:30 p. in. drawing weeks ,al Attitudes and Adjustments | days a week. Each student drives ap- Mrs. Dwight W yckoff and Jerry ment at the camp. Overstake. on Saturday. Each week's registra- proximately 15 miles a day for two ‘ Browne played a piano duet, "D on- Mr. Lewis agreed with the minister ; On March 26. the children who The numbers will be interspersed tion will be started after the draw- key Serenade” . enter school next fall are invited to day.-» each week. (Continued on Page 5) Harold Bumgarner and Junius 'visit the firs-t grade from 1:30 to 3 with musical entertainment and ing Saturday. The first registration The class, which has a regular ! p. m That same afternoon, a meet- antics of the tailtwisters. The fried will be started Saturday, March 22 textbook, studies automobile insur- Tanner won the awards given by the Drawings for the bunnies will be ! ing for pre-school mothers will oe chicken dinner will be served by ance, the Importance of watching Safeway Stores, Inc. for the best held at 2:45. Dr. J J. Sarazin will Mrs. Charles Steffens and her home- held at 3:30 p. m. on three Satur­ the gauges, keeping safety aids, such initial projects. Bumgarner won the days, March 2», April 5 and April 12 fta lk on health problems and Walter making girls. The Malheur county council o f th» as windshield swipers and brakes in $10 first prize and Tar.w«.-. won the on Main street. Thirty live rabbits McPartland. elementary principal. Oregon Congress of Parents and tfood operating condition, and traffic $5 second prise for their first pro­ will be given away each Saturday. , ’ . . . will speak on and answer questions Teachers met at the Adrian elemen- ! regulations as well as other phases jects. The prizes were awarded by No boy or girl will be allowed to There is no salvage value in the mt£ iers relaUve t0 the ‘ chool. lary school building, Saturday, oi driving. All of the students have Leslie Hiatt. F. F. A member, on win more tluin one rabbit In the teets that farmers left in the ground John Schenk, first grade March 15. Mrs. Kenneth Greenfield, only learner's permits. The Ford car behalf o f Bob Clausen, Safeway last fall, mostly because of w eather, h win speak at th, Aprii 2 .-«anie drawing wa-, loaned to the district for the manager. Each merchant will have two president, conducted the meeting. James Corfleld presented the Nys- ^ 0iA N>:SSa’ i meeting on "Reading Readiness” , Rev. Henry Moore of Adrian gave i course 80 Lhe only costs to the school boxes for registration, one for the district manager of the Amalgu- discussion period will be fol- sa Star farmer award to James Liss- Th e members o f the senior and the invocation, and Mrs Alta Pek- are a“ tomoblle insurance upkeep, SniLiir wim lant caiH c. 1 1 mated Sugar company, said Wedne. door prizes and one for the bunnies. lowed by a social hour. kala of Ontario led in group sing- nl‘nor repairs and teaching mater- man for his F. F A. activities. Liss- junior courts chosen for the 1952 ___________________ day. ^ i lals. Mr. Overstake expressed the be- man, who was toastmaster at the Cinderella ball sponsored by the' , , . ing. Sugar company officials, who have | Nyssa high school girls league were ¡ ^ C V C I l L e t te r m e n Th e following officers were elected ^ 'at cost h61" «student last banquet, is district vice president; been keeping close watch over the ; ^ | | r O l I I S for next year: Mrs. Kenneth Green- j semester was cheap compared to the he represented the Nyssa chapter at announced today by Mrs. Margaret beets in the hope of harvesting them i ■ the state and national conventions; Engstrom. league advisor. l I o i* R n s A r I o F u l l .... f r . Vale, piesldent; Mrs. John ya' l,e °L the i a course In avoiding in » for processing this .spring could have ' * * • • x r l 4 I I I _ _ in ru n . ( and I l w i « deaths. u th c T i m e a course ai iria was head of the parliamentary pro­ Juries Th has The theme of the ball, to be held Elfering, Vale, vice president; Mr- been salvaged had weather condi­ vice b<* n 8lv<,n in some states between 15 cedure team: was elected state treas­ Friday, March 28 at 8:15 p m. will Fred Hess, Ontario, second tions permitted, but since that time Coach Howard Lovejoy has seven president; Mr» Leo Oonyer, Nyssa, and 18 years. Trained drivers. Over- urer last full and was selected as the The bureau o f reclamation and be "Turn Burk ’.he Hands of Tim e ”. the beets have been almost com­ stake said, have less than half the outstanding Future Farmer in Mul- pletely decomposed by the alterna­ boards o f control of the Owyhee S hu rtliffs orchestra will furnish the leltermen back in uniform in prepa- thlrd vice president; Mrs. Dow number of accidents o f non-trained heur county in 1961 ration for the^ opening of the high Vale, recording secretary; project started releasing water into music. ’I wo door prizes will be given ting freezing and thawing weather. "Sometimes we think there is no school baseball season I Mrs. Don Fonda. Vale, correspond- operators. He tries to take into the The dis-trict manager said acreage the Owyhee river Monday because of awa>’ The lettermen _ are Roger Skeen, ing secretary and Mrs. Dwiler Ham- class only students Just learning to challenge left in farm ing” , said Superintendent Henry Hartley will . „ contracting for 1952 is progressing \ an anticipated surplus after the drive. j State President Ohling. "There is crown Cinderella and her prince, Bob Keveren, Phil Wilson, Dave moner House, irrigation manager, who add- Donn.i Lee^Wilson, Jac*t Chard^ Jack have been working out in the gvm- convention of the Oregon Congress Thomas, treasurer. beets. After the election, Mrs. Jesse Rig- j Th irty-five trackmen of the Nyssa ed that water will be turned into the Duncan, Robert Keveren, James nasium, but general practice did not of Parents and Tea cherS will be held Lissman, Clifford Mefford, Lynn start until Wedne day night of last at Pendleton April 7 „ and 9 M rv ney led the group In singing one j high school started practicing last irrigation canals around April 1. Keveren as j week with 12 lettermen Included in S p e a k s There was almost twice as much James Skeen, Roger Skeen, u . i . „ 1 John Hayes of Twin FalLs, national song, with Mrs. K accompanist. i the various events. l snow on the watershed March 1 i-« Jer.ry Tud*er and Phillip Wilson. n t s t " ; s a rr. * « ? * • « , « » <» « « « E D. Anderson, executive-secretary Coach Kinsey Keveren, who is in there was'"at the ~same''ti’me "last and Junior— Oayle Baughman. Terry two games a week until the play-oif Th e Adrian P. T A. served lunch of the high school-college relations the habit of developing champion- year, when the depth was approxi- Ooodall, Sandra Holmes, Douglas occurring the first week in May. He to those present. hopes to squeeze in two games the inately normal. On March 1 the snow Skeen, Judy Bingham, Jimmy Ko In the afternoon a report was committee of Oregon, who accom- ship track teams, said his squad will last of March, if weather permits. *• L * gitt-!.c° uf>.y ! varied from 25 inches to 102 inches . Becky Medlock, Dennis W il- given by Mrs. Wilson Craft o f O n ­ panted the Oerman youths to Nyssa. be very weak in the distances and intendent. explained the proposed squad will show tario, county health chairman, on introduced them at the meeting. He weights. Th e in depth. The water content aver- son, Jerry Hendricks and Phyllis Flower Sale Planned— school re-organization bill to be . 9, . . romoar-d to an Carr. .. ' the physical examinations o f all said the youths are among the 330 strength in the middle distances, Plans are being made by *'*■** Antbleais tirVs a •■rill nts 1 At- , a R aa I voted on in the next election when „ o ! children who will enter school next foreign students who are studying in javelin and Jumps. average of 10 2 for the last 23 years. | R^ igns P. s,tion_ A. N K. Garden club for the spring he appeared on the program at a Oregon. Oerd Blaesser, studying Keveren said the squad is larger meeting of the Adrian Farm Bureau George Carlson, candidate for the! flower sale to be held April 5 in the | ^ heal than d^education" physics, came to the United States than usual from the standpoint of republication nomination for county building where Sid Burbidge for (Continued on Page 2) Monday night. Church Planning numbers, with Vale, Fruitland, A d ­ A workshop was conducted by Mrs assessor, and field representative of merly operated his meat market. On . Ed Brandt, district road supervisor, rian and Nyssa participating. S|»e«*ial Services the state industrial accident com­ sale will be all kinds o f perennials. explained the proposed bond issue f y' huh « « h " u E Other events on the tentative • j m r .. favors, a.rA. n [ «CeptlOnal Child, Ulld Mr.S. Alta mission for the last 10 years in shrubs, flowers, party garden to be voted on April 8 for oiling the | ---------- i schedule are as follows; March 18. knick-knacks and colored Easter county chairman, farm-to-market roads in the district | The Methodist church o f Nyssa Grant. Harney and Malheur coun­ Intramural cross-country run at l intramural _ 1 » __________ 1 Questions on children's fears, be­ He stated that through the 10 mill j will participate in the United evan- ties, has resigned his state position eggs. Mrs. Gene McCormick of P a r­ r e n e - e m p l o y e r i Nyssa; March 19, Interclass track havior and discipline were discussed. tax. in a period of five years, the ' gelistic mission the week of March i so that he can devote his "fu ll time ma and Mrs. Gerrit Stam are co- ________ 1 J meet; March 20, interclass track The child who has emotional dis­ ehalrmen in charge roads could be oiled He said the 23 to 28 All o f the Methodist chu:- to the republican cause", At the last meeting o f the school ,n" 1: A »?r11 2- quadrangular meet, turbances and frustrations is handi­ maintenance of .such roads is very J ches of Idaho. Oregon and Wash- capped in school. Mrs Frank Skeen, board, the directors re-hired all of Ontario, Parma, Adrian and Nyssa, small compared to the first cost. ; ington are cooperating lg in the uic pro pro- * 1 0 440 XT Nyssa. summarized the helpful sug­ the teachers for the 1952-53 school Afjri' »• « ™ £ e R *ver. v* n*y " laV Correspondence from the Oregon gram which includes year, according to School Clerk carnival at Ontario, April 16, Mai- gestions given. Farm Bureau Federation president, j ing services and home heur county meet at Ontario; April Henry H. Hartley Marshall Swearingen, was read, l t ! The guest preachers are visiting The board is increasing the salary » • /roah-soph meet, Ontario, Vale . . . . U /iM car a n n N v c c o a r O n f a r i n ' A r\n 1 urged all eligible citizens to be su re! ministers from other Methodist T w o Nys*« Youth* schedule by $120, a cost-of-llvlng Weiser and Nyssa at Ontario; April to vote at the coming elections. He J churches Rev A M. Thomas, pastor 36. Snake River valley conference Make O .S.d. Varsilv raise However, the Increase is con­ meet at Caldwell; first week In May, said only 46 per cent of the eligible of the Methodist church in Burley, tingent on a vote o f the people on __________ The Nyssa city counctlmen have register as they do in any other voters cast their ______________ ballots in the ____ last will assist in the program in Nyssa exceeding the six per cent limitation triangular meet. Ontario, Baker and Ralph Coleman, Oregon State election and that Oregon ranks He will preach Sunday morning and d*f^d5d give city residents and flection. The registration, which at the annual school election. A r­ Nyssa at Nyssa; May 10. eastern Ore­ third in the Pacific coast states in \ evening and each evening. Monday farmers an opportunity to take a will not reveal the way a person college baseball coach, trimmed his rangement of the budget has not gon district meet at LaOrande, and 1952 .quad to 34 men thi.» week and using its voting privilege through Friday, at 8 o'clock. Special straw vote on the proposed in- May 16 and 17, »late meet at Cor­ been completed vo.es, will help city officials to de- survivors Included two Nyssa The title for the 4-H essay contest! music will be arranged for each ser- stallation of parking meters on Main vallis. , 1 In addition to the proposed in­ to be conducted March 1 to June 1 vice. The choir will sing "Ood Loved street between First and Third termlne accurately the results o f « youths. Jack Bowen and Dick W il- crease. the teachers will receive their the election. F.xtrwftiow ( lasses Begun— son. this year, will be “ Is Competition In the World by Stainer and ‘I f W ith st^ ls The city council is sponsoring the ' Bowen Is listed among the infield- regular increment according to the One spring term class has elready _________ vote *** taken through 4-H Good For _____ M e?” Club membe» s All Your Hearts” by Mendelssohn. saury schedule, which is based on been started and another has been co-operation of the Oate City vote to get an expression from the ers and Wilson among the outfield- nine years of age through thr _ the eighth Soloists during the week include length o f service. - - Bratton. -- scheduled by the general extension grade will write essay of 50 words High Tobler. Oscar Mr» Journal Persons desiring to vote on general public on the controversial ers. Bowen is a son of Mr and Mrs division of the state department of •• J«ihn Bowen and Wilson is a son each and children o f the ninth grade Dwight W yckoff. Mr Donald S the question may cast their ballots higher education for Nyssa. A physi­ Ballots may be ca t in the Journal 0f Mr and Mr Barney Wilson I l f a v Y S n o w and higher grades will write 200 to Campbell and Miss Kathryn Cran- b? marking the ballot printed be- F a lls cal education workshop was started Both boys were members of the 1*51 5U0 words. Details will bw given to dall. The public is Invited to all the '*,w t0 Journal office and office until 8 p m . March )1 In S o m e S e c t i o n * in the Junior high school building Nyssa high school »quad •nri g club leaders. - - - ---------- t March 13. with Miss Evelyn Hudson. The OSC varsity will report for Rev Campbell helped with the Nominees of th# loeal renter for tigh t inches of .»now was reported staff instructor o f the general di- duty next week during prtng vaca­ county a «sociated women's chairman program in Jerome last week, tratn- tion Their fir »4 , a ignment will Ue to have fallen in the Adrian section vision, as Instructor Three hours of aiid publicity chairman are Mr», ing ’ he visitors and preaching at the Should the city install parking meters on .Main street against Pacific university at Cor- end other area» of the Snake River under-graduate minor credit will oe Jake Borge and Mrs Arthur Hatch, service During the week in the en- j given for the course. A biological valley Wednesday night. v.kili« March 2t re^pectively Mr and Mrs. Antonio tire area more than 30W person» in Nvssa between Fir*t and Third streets’ Six Inches of snow fell at Jordan science survey course given by Dr Martinez entertained With a C»jban accepted Chri»t and membeiOnp .n Valley Wedne»day and probably Lyle Stanferd. head o f the depart- ArrlTW— daneg. Potluck refre hmeuu werti the Methodist church. Ye I am iu favor of the proposal A boy and e girl wer» hren e l the more fell during the storm last night, ment o f biology o f , the College H .»erved after adjournment will be started Monday, Malheur Memorial hospital March Jordan Valley already had eight Idaho (iaevts At Dlnni Mr and Mr Frank Oraham of inches of packed snow on the ground March 24 The course will Include 10 Rev. and M r» I f K Moore * r ? I I ¿ratera HaapnaF— I am not ui favor of tlie propesa! No Inough snow fell in Nyssa to sessions. Three hours o. under­ saa are parents o f the ho* and William Coleman e«m e home tot dinner guests .Saturday evening at and Mrs Wayne Bmeett or Bys- time ground, but it had practically graduarte credit will be given to those a few days last waek Gran» the vete- the home ot M r and Mrs William all melted by noon today finishing the course ! sa are parents of the girl. Jacobson o f Vale rana fc/v-iyul Conditions In Germany Aired By 2 Students Ä Firms G ne Easier Frizes Pre-school Tot (¿athcrin“s Set JAVES Officers Numeri Rv (Ion il tv lVF.A. Hope for Beet Salvage Dropped Cinderella Ball Courts Revealed water Turned In River Out W«‘ak In Spots To Farm Bureau Nyssa Teachers A nrvÍSnch*|G()unciI Sponsors Straw Vote On Proposal for Parking Meters Ä