Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1952)
O % O O PAGE SIX —— placed at either side of the bra»al| party. The bride, given in marrige by her father, wore a floor length gown of orchid marquisette sprinkled witn + + tiny »liver stars, which had been LOCAL COUPLE WED for her by her mother The Miss Carol« F'ae Flanders became made bodice was fa-hioned with a narrow the bride oi M arvin Lee Wilson Fri closely yoke that extended day. February IS In an early evening to form shirred puffed leeve The de ceremony performed at the home of tails were tiny accented rhinestone the bride's parents. President Arvel jewelry. A rhme tm e with worn by I* Child of the L. D S. Nys.ia stake her m other when she :ia;... married, perform ed the double ring ceremony. completed the ensemble was Her bou T he couple repeated vows in front was of white carnations and of th e fireplace with a large mirror quet background Tall orchid candles in stephanotis surrounded by white crystal holders were on either side satin ribbon. of the m antel Large boskets of o r Mux Dorothy Erwin w.i maid >f chid and white carnations were honor. She wore a gown of turquiose [ F a ria l E lites — SPECIAL ICE CREAM Sl.SS Per Gal. Saturday, March 1 With Presentation oi This Ad ICE CREAM SHOP Acroaa from FirMtone Store Would You Like to Own a 48-PIECE DINNERWARE SET (S e rv ic e fo r 6) FREE? Aim-nst IX families have sets started Some have al ready ftr.ishe«! their sets absolutely free. See these d is h e s on d is p la y a t o u r sto re . YOU MAY ALSO ENJOY THESE LOW PRICES: KRE MEL all flavors, 4 pkgs. 23c TIDE, gkart ................ 79c TIDE, largo 29c TISSUE, Guest 3 for 23c LARD, Pioneer 4 lbs. 55c OLEO, Sun Valley 4 lbs. 95c HAMS, half or whole lb. 55c BEEF, fresh ground lb. 59c LETTUCE head 10c ORANGES 6 lbs. 49c FRIDAY and SATURDAY. FEB. 29 and MAR. 1 NYSSA FOOD CENTER NYSSA PROGRAM Telephone 106 TH EATR E w ts sk <?AT* e r r r j o u s n A L. A 6 » * k y s s a . o r eg o m . T h u r s d a y . F e b r u a r y 28 . 1952 Shrovt Toe day. the m en of St Paul’s episcopal church served tu members and friends Tue-day even ing from 5 30 1.J0 m the p an sa house. The men participating in this year’s affair were Bernard Eas - man. E K B urton parnake flipper- Ralph Lawrence, Wesley Browne. Artie Robertson. Claire Crenshaw and W E Schlreinan According to tradition, all of the rich fats and drippings ... >e titter were used in pancakes on Shrove Tuesday that the cupboard might be bare for Lenten last to otgin on uie following day. A h Wednesday 4*—4* BOOK CLUB MEETS Members of the book club met Saturday afternoon at the home of C laroe N othes lfiia Emma Zwemke reviewed T h e President's Lady" by Irving Stone M;>s N othc served a lunch to 12 members and one guest, Mrs. M.ldred Hite + —<• HONORED ON BIRTHDAYS Two brothers. Richard and Le-ter Hayes, sons of Mr and M is LaVar Hayes of Adrian. w<*ie honored guests at a party g.ven in celebra tion of their birthdays, of 12 and 9 years, respectively at the Q;emm T rail schoolhou e last w- ek with 22 friends ettendir.g. Co-hostes e with Mrs Hayes were Loretta Payne and Edith Hayes. v GOLD AND OREEN BALL HELD The Nyssa first ward sponsored its annual Gold and G reen ball at the Nyssa stake house Saturday even ing, February 16 The theme for the dance was "In An Old Dutch G ar den”. Reigning over the dance and program were Ellen and Marie H an sen, queens. At interm ission, a program w,>s held as follows: Duet, "In An Old Dutch G arden", Darlene Batem an and Mrs. Dwight Wycoff; Dutch numbers, Mr. and Mrs. William Holt, accompanied by Mrs. Folkert; and a D utch dance and a ballet, Carolyn Duffln, Sherlll Fagen, Janeal Fife, Darlene Baiem an, K aren Ann Pett, blue with net overskirt and carried Jack Capp. and M ary Lou Batem an. During the a m atching nosegay. Miss Cleo Mr. Wilson, a graduate of Nyssa coronation, Frell Blair crowned the Flinders, sister of the bride, and Miss high school, served four years in the girls. T he stage decorated with Barbara Sanders, were bridesmaids. U. S . navy. Mrs. Wilson graduated painted scenes to was depict a Dutch They w ire gowns of yellow and pink from Nyssa high school and atten d net and carried m atching nosegay--. ed Brigliam Young university. The two tiny flower girls, Miss Gail She chose for the short honey Flinders ami Mis K aren Child wore tpip, a black and white suit Identical blue tat feta dresses and moon with apple green and black accesso m iniature carnation corsages. ries. Eldon Barker acted a b est man. T he couple are now living in Nys Only relatives of the immediate sa, where the groom is working for families witnessed the wedding the Railway Express company and Following the ceremony the p ar the bride Is employed in the Nyssa ents of the bride honored the couple G ate City Journal office. | at a reception at the Nyssa stake house, with 3f>0 guests attending. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Standing in the receiving line with A group of Nyssa Eastern Stars the bridal party were parents of the and Masons were invited to Payette bride, Mr and Mrs. J. Elwood Flin Tuesday, February 18 to participate ders and the m other of the groom, in P ayette’s Lorraine C hapter No. 30 golden anniversary celebration. Mrs E J Wilson of Homedale. Everyone taking part wore costumes Mrs. Flinders wore a black crepe of orchid and gold. The Nyssa group dress with rhim tone embroidered conducted installation and per trim and a fusha corsage. Mrs. Wil formed the an rituals as they would son wore a brown and tan crepej have been done 50 years ago and <n dress with a coral corsage sam e costumes as would have In charge of the gift table was the then. Following the im Mrs Leo Child, grandm other of the been worn program, a dinner was ser-- bride. Assisting her were Mrs. Ruth pressive ved to 300 persons. A highlight of the Anderson, Mrs Geor -e Foul on. Miss dinner a huge cake with an K aren Fife, Miss Deone Cleverly. Eastern was star out of the top and Miss Sharon Glover and Mi. Jan ice1 decorated in cut metallic star colors. Lewis. Cut flowers also were used the The refreshm ent table was pre centerpieces. Those from Nyssa in who sided over by Mrs Alvin Swenson,; attended were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mrs Hugo Olsen, and Mi Arvel L. Frost, Mrs. H erbert Fischer, Mr. and Child Mrs. Robert Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Fumiko Ka ahara was in Glenn Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W E. cliarge of the guest book Schirem an, Mrs. G ran t R inehart, During Intermission, Leon M Mrs. B ert Llenkaeinper, Mrs. Al. Child, m aster of ceremonies, pre Chadwick, Mrs. M arie Mackl, Mrs. sented the following program: Vio Emil Paulus, Mrs. Dick Stockham, lin solo. Mis-, Donna Lee Wilson; Mrs. Angie Cook, Mrs. Roy Holmes, i vocal solos, "Because" and "At Mrs. Paul House, Mrs. J D Hughes, Dawning”. Rulou Huntington; record Mrs. Jessie Rtgney and Mr and Mrs. impersonation A Good Man Is Jake Siiiuiions. _.j. Hard To Find” and "I’m The Lone- lie t G al In T vn". Miss Anna Mae PANCAKE SU PPER SERVED Fife; trio, "My Hero”, Betty Fife, Carrying on one of the oldest sur Nani Child and Olga Sanders; and viving customs of early C hristian duet and dance numbers, Jake and Britain, the serving of pancakes on r x k garden and a field of tulip» A Officer* t-f «he first w*rd M. I -A. windmill -iot-d in the foreground, SUhouf’-tei of D utch scents were n iu e d around the half Mr and Mr Alma Hendricks were ui charge of the floor »how «re V era M near, Dough*. Mr Frar.k M oucur Mrs. F it 11 E iair and Mrs Douglu Batem an. AU »f the other officers and te* her help ed with the decorations and p lan ning • V Wilson s Week End Specials Friday and Saturday, Feb. 29, Mar. 1 CANNON DAN RIVER FABRICS TOWELS Values to $1.49 a yard 380 3 to 5 yds Dress Lengths size 20x40 include: Woven Cham- brays, Ginghams, Cord- All Colors—First quality spun Fabrics, Starspun checks and weaves. Regular 59c 750 Yard EXTftA FINE SHEETS 81x99 Premium Quality- Type 128 Each 80 SQ. PRINTS 310 Fancy Patterns $ 1 .8 9 $1.98 Yard Wilson Bros. Dept. Store Shoes, Dry Goods, and Ready-to-wear 61x103 N yssa Phone 32 X-Ray Shoe Fitting NO Guesswork Here! GET OUR FORD 2-in-l Service Special NOW! f_ A compl»!« «agme ckeck-up . . . including *«»*» of co m p etitio n , carburetion and ignition. 2 . Cxporf tuno-up . . . to put bock that old pap and top perform ance. A ll w ork needed according to these scientific tests . . . d en e w ith your authority. Special Low Price for a Lim ited Time O nly HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Compare This With Milk Feeding . . . Does your tractor start hard? SATURDAY, MARCH 1 "Yes Sir Mr. Bones" An all-star minstrel .show also "Texans with Never Cry" . . . "pin g" on hard pulls? .« • w aste oil? Gene Aufrey—Mary CaatU» Matinee Sat. 1:M; Adai. 3#<-9c SUNDAY-MONDAY, MARCH 2-3 "No Highway with In The Sky" BEAUTENA S RECORD James Stewart-—Marlene Dietrich JACK H A W K IN S—JA N ETTE SCOTT He was perfectly happy In his laboratory until he met a beautiful blond, then science versus hum anity was the problem he had to solve. .M atinee Sue. 1:J0, Adai. 30. 9c TUESDAY. MARCH 4 "The Magic Face" with Luther Adler—Patrica Knight The most daring and courageous deception in the history of the world. WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY, MARCH 5-6 J "Come Fill The Cup" amea Cagney—Phyllla Thaxter stop power thieves! WITH OUR IH 5-STAR ENGINE OVERHAUL with RAYMOND MASSEY—JAMKS (.IJCASON A truly great motion picture of a m an was his own worst enemy Jam es Cagney at his best KRIDAY-SATURDAY. MARCH ?-« "Silver with Canyon" G*u® Autry—Pa! Buttram Also "The Sea with Hornet" . # Rod Cameron—Adel# Mara mama— m am m a— m* CALL US TODAY Keep power up aaJ fuel consump tion d o w n ! , .. Bring your tractor in now for .in aheed-of-seugon en gine overhaul. You can depend ou our IH trained servicemen, 1H- appmved service equipment and gen u in e IH precision-engineered parts to maintaia th e tine per- torm.ioce built into y o u r barm.ill. Beautena comes from the Angelo M arostica Dairy Farm in Apple Valley She was brought into the store when she was 4 days old. Until she was three weeks old she was fed 1 gallon of milk a day. The fourth week her milk, ration was cut in half as she was eating Purina Calf Startena. When she was one month old she was self fed Calf Startena, salt and w ater and this program continued until the third month when hay was added to her feeding program. The following record shows the gain, Calf Startena fed and the cost of feeding until she finished the calf program at four months old. (Calf Startena averaged $7.40 Per Hundred). Weight Age T bs of Calf Startena Fed Cost 132 lbs. 35 lbs. 1 Month $ 2.50 2 Months 181 lbs. 135 lbs. 9.80 3 Months 252 lbs. 293 lbs. 21.39 4 Months 317 lbs 466 lbs. 34.26 NET GAIN 185 LBS. NET COST $34.26 NET COST PER POUND OF GAIN 18.5c COME IN AND SEE BEAUTENA Owyhee Truck & Implement Co. Nyssa, Oiegon •fTWMMIONAl HAXVISTtft f ARM fQUIPMtNT HRADQUAkTtM Nym& TOBLER S FEED & FUEL, Inc. Phonw 26 Oregon