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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1952)
• O e t-ì • •s'oj VÍ-íl"-. - ir ? • ° ® % V'o aÍ4.1„ * • im t ?» • • • # * THE NYSSA GATF CITY JOURNAL. NYBSA OREGON. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2«. 19i2 ArniiigPiiuMiti» Made For Hoo|# Gamr* (C ontinued from Page 1) individual scoring honors with 132 points, an 11 point average, each Under »rangem ents made by the high school principals of O ntario. V ale and Nyssa a t sessions held Sunday and Monday. Vale drew a bye and the Bulldogs and Tigers will tangle in the first earnest o f 1 »H o f ^ p l»y -off game t wa< offered the p lay -o ffs in the V T e.«, high _ . Vale and O ntario principals declined L ^ naS1Um S a t; ' rdHy n * h ' the offer, teelm * th a t playmg here v f * m n* r of th a : game wouid KlVe the Bulldogs an advan* i i e r u e s d ,I . ^ Iarci_) tage W ilson said the other man had Vi km 1 r ° i * lnS' l^ e and a point there, but seemed a little un- ni t t^ ay m the Ny,SiA * } m ] reasonable about i t H nasuun. If the team s are Nyssa and i T h e p lay -oil between this sub- Vlll„ - i *; . * played _In d istrict em end of either P ayette, or W eiser. probably ’ d istrict No 1 will be started Friday P ayette Use of the Nv sa gym nasium for 0i neXt werk; T h e M alhfu r cou n'> , sa gymna .am lor wjnn#r V||| play eiih ei B aker or l« i- G rande M arch 7 there T he second game will be played Tuesday. M .ircn a .. a e a 11 at home school in M alheur . H . — f - ~ h 4 lf . B county T h e third con test, if neces- I A [ W \ K / I f f l l l f t ) A A u ! / s* ry w,1‘ ^ NI jr c h 14 on 1 I (M /’ W c W in / neutral floor T o enter the d istrict play-offs. Raker will have to d efea' L aO rande three tunes COM ING EVEN TS Thursday. Feb 28 Regular m eet ing of the Rebekah lodge S atu rd ay M arch 1- Rebekah pi- nochle party. I O O P hall. 8 p m Jo b ’' Iia lig h ter - bingo p arty at M a- sonic hall a t 8 p. m Monday. March 3 r . - t e r n S ta r m eeting at M asonic hall at 8 p. m. P ast presidents parley of the Am eri- can Legion auxiliary will mee* at the home of M rs E K B urton U 2 p m to check with your local lum ber dealer before making any commitments. We will be here tomorrow. STUNZ LUMBER CO. USG SHADOW LOCK ATTACH M EN T Phone 110W ì\( A f!nan All sat in the Sunday school m eeting w ith Dr O ilbert B C h ris- hgh-potency formula th a t kills not * A a O class taught by Sam Tyson ol P a r - ( t u n of Portland to di>cu areas of one. but four Bind of m asut. I1U cooperation of the Chri-U an forces germs. Moreover, gei ms donB become F I R S T C H l'R l H OP ( HKIKT of Nyssa and the type >t o rgan iza pencillin resistant. Can be kept for (Christ ia nl 4K SK M BIA o r iH in tion needed. m onths without refrigeration B etter Austin J Hollingsworth. Minister F r in k C. Coley. P astor 3 p m youth rally in Fru itland have a tube or two on hand all the 10 a m.. B ib le school Harold Hob- Sou th 2nd and Reece Ave. M ethodist ch u rch , in which our high i tim e for use a t the first sign of bins. general superintendent O rad- school group will participate C a r s ! m astitis O ne tube treat- a quarter, Sunday school. 10 a. m <d lessons for all except adults who will leave the ch u rch at 2:45 s e e Nyssa Feed Mill 28Flxc Morning worship, 11 a. m u>e th a In te rn a tio n a l serle-, i>: v rlp - 1 p m . interm ediate fellowship. Children s chu rch in basement tural studies. Lesson-, lor liar whole 4lKiUoriUm j j ' a m FO K B A L E — In tern ation al 18-incn Young adult lellowship trail plow C lillo rd Wolfe, Sunset prayer and fam ily . , Tuesday ' evening H a m . m orning a di . rrm on praise g p m CA RD OE T H I N K S valley .five m iles west. 4 mile south We wish to state that we deeply of Owyhee corner. 28Flxc. by the pastor, using the topic M eas- ; ’ you ng people's meeting Friday appreciate the kindne.* and assist uring th e Churoti evening, a p m ance extended to us during our re W A N TED —M an for general farm 2 30 p. m.. union service at Metho- Everyone w elcom e. cen t bereavem ent, caused by the work C lifford W olf. 5 miles west and dlM chu rch, in Wlucr. toe local Nys a d eath ol C h arles A M arshall, and | s m ile sou th of Owyhee Junction. TH E M E TH O D IST CO M M UN ITY churcnes will be addressed by O iloert (or the beau tilu l floral offering 28Flxc. B C hm ua/i ex e cu in e secretary of CHURCH Mrs. Mary E M arshall the Oregon C ouncil ot Churche- Donald S. Caaipbeii. M inister Mr and Mrs Victor R M arshall F O R R E N T —New two-bedroom mod 9 *5 a m , church school 6 p. m . orsh estra pra. e d rected ern house with full basem ent, fin Mr. and Mrs. Ja c k M arshall 11 a. nv, morning worship Holy by Lyrvn Law rence M e:nbe-- ot the ished with two. three-room basement com m union will be celebra'.ed S e r group urged to w r ite ,i little early ap artm en ts. Also two-bedroom house TOO LATE TO C L A S S I F Y m on: " In My Name". Anthem 7 p. on . youth mixer and fellow- with good h a lf basem ent, modem. *fuP period He/resiunents, devo- "O Sacred Head Now W ounded" by- F O R S A L E D r Hess M astitis o in t V V G rid er, 112 P ark avenue, Nyssa. B ach with solo by Mrs. Dwight tional p n g ia m L»le k il-o n , presi- 28F2xp. W yckoff Vocal solo by Hugh Tob- ment contains 100 n ...... [ r u u dent- Mr * nd “ tchard Mason, ler. “I Walked Today W here Jesus streptom ycin plus 150 000 units of F O R R E N T —Modern house, phone recreation sponsor»- pencillin in a special non-irritating W alked." 28F2xc. • P m . two special numbers from ba-e. T h is com bination gives you a 78-J . 2 30 p m , inter-d en om inational oruhe.Mra, diraoted by Mr I awrence. hym ns m ent l « der G ilbert with orchestral accom pani- y* r -v F’» tr ic l-1 v u' tro- -soni5 Serm on by guest -.peake.-. B. C h ristian of Portland. PUBLIC FARM SALE m i Hêtot-P/tn ' Cohr Help! Tuesday. M arch 4 - Eagles au xil- ih t m ia n rn rw m iarv m eeting, Eagles hall, 8 p. m ■ , Rt U T hursday. M arch 6 Jo b 's D aught- ' vr“ u* ers m eeting at Masonic hall. 7:30 Krv Jo h n L ' B r‘, h l - ****“ p m S ta te inspection by grand Sunday, ch u rch school. 10 a m guardian. M ary and M arth a circle Divine worship service. 11 a m m eeting a t the home of Mrs. Clyde T h e general them e Pilate's Ques- : Sn id er a t 2 p m. A m erican Legion tio n s?” will be considered in the auxiliary m eeting a t th e hom e of | coming five Sunduys ol the Lenten Mrs E K Burton 8 p nv season. T h e special topic for this Friday, M arch 7—Su n sh in e club - Sunday will be "W h ich of the Tw o?" m eeting a t I. O. O. F . hall a t 2 M att. 27:20-21. o’clock W ednesday evening Lenten ser- T hursday. M arch 1 3 - Annual S? , vices. 8 p. nv T h e general theme. P a tr c k ’s dinner, sponsored by S t . 1 "C hrist's W o r d s ', will be considered Anne's A ltar society a t chu rch, 5 to in special W ednesday evening Len- 8 30 p m. ten services. T h e special topic for Your persono/ --------------------------- next W ednesday evening will be woH, coiling, Here From Troy— Saved In th e Nick of Tim e". Lk floor c o lo r s - Mrs. Jo h n Jo h n son of Troy, Idaho 23 43 in your own is visiting a t the home of her daugh- You are sincerely invited to wor- ter. Mrs. Rosel Hunter Prior to com - ship with its "sam pler" — ing to Nyssa, Mrs. Jo h n so n visited ! ------------ for easier a son and daughter at P ortland. S h e ! ADRIAN UN ITED shopping — will be here one week P R E S B Y T E R IA N CHURCH and ture COLOR-PLAN Henry E. Moore, Pastor decorolingl L enten S e rriee * Set— j Sunday m orning a t 11 a. nv Rev FOLDERS L en ten services will be held in the ^ oore preaches the first sermon In S t. P aul's Episcopal chu rch each a series o f serm ons on the general Another FREE W ednesday night a t 7:30 a t the p ar- topic, "Je s u s is Lord and Savior", Fuller service! ish hall during the season of Lent T h e special topic thus Sunday is, Everyone is invited to attend t h e ; - w h a t is S in ? " L ast Su n d ay morning at 9 o ’clock services. ) the H unters and Fisherm en of the «OH DKC1ATIN6 HUP" Adrian C om m unity church led hot cakes, .sausage, cocoa, and coffee to 100 persons. P arm a and Roswell Nyssa, Oregon ; Presbyterian s were the guests of of re-siding.. BE SURE ('M l » r i i SYSTEM I will sell at the Owyhee junction, 8 miles southwest of J Three-SGCtion Spiketooth harTOW. Nyssa, the following described personal property 1 Home-made road grader. Friday, March 7 Iron Age potato planter. Horse corn cultivator. 1 1944 Chevrolet beet truck. Advance water system. 1 Farmall H Tractor 150-gal. Hardy orchard sprayer with 1 Farmall B.N. Tractor. built-in agitator. 1 Beet and bean cultivator for B.N. 2 Hay Derricks with pulleys and cables. 1 Combination spud and beet cultivator, 1 Valcon 8-foot cultipacker. for H. 1 Diker. 1 Rose corrugator. 1 5-row Dempster corrugator, for H. 2 Joints 8-inch heavy iron fluming. 20- 1 Brillion cultipacker. feet each. 2 Sickle grinders. 1 7-foot International disc. 1 Heavy set of tractor chains. 1 16-inch baled hay trailer, 16-in. wheels. Some new lumber, 2x6. 1 Sargent side delivery rake. Several house windows. 1 MM Bale-O-Matic wire tie baler. 7 Joints of 10-inch tile. 2 New house doors. 1 I.H.C. two-row beet puller. 1 Stock rack for 14-foot beet bed, good. 1 4-row Planet, Ir. planter. 5 Bundles of baling wire. 1 Paint gun. 1 18-inch hang-on plow, for H. 1 54-foot derrick boom. 5 Panels. 1 14-inch hang-on plow, for BN. 2 Jackson forks, one for baled hay. 1 5-foot I.H.C. mower, for BN. 6 Chicken feeders. 4 Chicken waterers. 1 Buck rake and hoist, for BN. 1 Derrick cart. 1 Steel wheelbarrow. 1 3-section steel harrow. 1 Cream separator. 1 Army truck bed. 1 Spring-tooth harrow. Some heavy bridge timber. 1 Side dresser, for H. Some Corral poles. 5 Oil barrels. 1 14-foot finger weeder. Several rolls of woven wire. 1 Buck rake tractor. Several rolls of barbed wire. 1 J.D. crop duster, 20-foot, (nearly new). 150 Fence posts. Shop tools. 1 1947 I.H.C. 12-Ft. self-propelled combine, 1 Gashouse with 285-gal. built-in-tank, excellent condition, with pickup and 1 Slip scraper. 1 Four-horse fresno. seed attachments. 1 Hay slide. 1 Lawn Mower 1 I.H.C. 4-row beet and bean planter. 2 Hay swathers. 1 4-row Planet, Jr. drill. 1 Barrel cylinder oil, 30 weight, and sev* eral cans of overhead lube. 1 Cultipacker. '1 6-foot crosscut saw. 1 M.M. two-row beet puller. Many articles too numerous to mention. 1 M.M. horse-drawn beet cultivator. 40 Tons of good hay. Small beet tools. About 600 bushels of wheat, 300 bushels 1 Valley Mound corrugator. good for seed. 1 J.D. diker. 1 Oliver disc, 8-foot. Several tons of barley, good seed. About 2 tons of oats. 1 J.D. mower, oil bath. Several tons of baled straw. 1 Grain drill. Other articles too numerous to mention. 15 Head of mixed steers. 2 Holstein cows. 100 1-inch siphon tubes. 1 Two-year old Holstein heifer. Complete set of tools for 2 beet culti vators. Cows T. B. and abortion tested. 1 Seven-year old saddle horse. Spud cultivator tools. 5 rolls netting wire. 2 Sets of heavy work harness. 1 Heavy stock saddle. 1 Derrick cable and Jackson fork. 2 Brood sows. 1 Red boar. Approximately 3000 pounds of barley. 82 White Leghorn pullets. 10 rolls Bale-O-Matic wire. TERMS—CASH TERMS—CASH Lunch Served at Oasis Lunch Served On Grounds—Free Coffee Sale Starts At 1 p. m. « NO EM HERE? FRIDAY and SATURDAY. FEB. 29 and MAR. 1 SROCERIES Assorted FROZEN STRAWBERRIES..... 12 oz. each 35c RING BOLOGNA lb. 59c GROUND BEEF GRANULATED SOAP . box 19c Large TOILET TISSUE ...... 3 rolls . Ib. 49c Waldorf HALIBUT . 4 lbs. 57c LARD TUNA FISH ....... 3 cans 97c RANCH EGGS 2 doz. CARROTS ................ 2 bu. 13c CELERY HEARTS ............. 18c RADISHES & ONIONS 3 (or 0c LETTUCE 3 heads (or 28c Large GRAPES Ï m B E m DEPEND ABLE doz. 39c DOUGHNUTS All kinds Watch Other Specials 3 lbs. %5c GORDON'S » r iv i ; PHONE 88 - IX GROCERS H. B. SLIPPY, Owner NYSSA, OREGON! Coll. Bari Andaraon and Joa Church, Aucitonaara L. H. F rltts, Clark *. .® ® * A # * p. ^i ' ' J * #* ’ * V 0 TUESDAY, MARCH 4 PUBLIC FARM SALE eooo lb. 4«c Ten miles southwest of Nyssa, ‘2 't miles west of Owyhee junction As 1 have sold my farm, I will sell the following described property SALE STARTS AT 12 O'CLOCK 1 1948 Model H International tractor, good shape. 1 International manure loader, new. 1 18-inch International hang-on plow, plowed less than 100 acres. 1 Team International beetlifter. 1 20-inch John Deere tandem disc, new. 1 Martin ditcher. 2 Hay slips. 1 7-foot John Deere tractor mower. 1 8-foot John Deere grain drill, with grass seeder. 2 John Deere horse mowers. 1 John Deere two-way horse plow. 1 Case hay baler, good shape. ESS "»«m i 1 Case side delivery rake. 1 9-foot International horse rake. FIRESTONE STORE 2 Iron-wheeled wagons. 1 Two-wheel tractor trailer for baled hay. 1 Heavy stock trailer for two cows. 1 Two-section springtooth harrow. PLENTY OF CLUBS LUNCH MEAT ....... VAGE FIVfP O ® «i o oO - r © ,■. - ^ • ® V í> • * • a O.Q • *a * • «aAí, _ • i(B| 1 1 1 1 R. L. PATTON, Owner Cola. Bart Andaraon and Jo* Church. Auctionaara L. H. Frttta. Clark