o JOURNAL The NYSSA linirehes» Planning l.o-oj*eral»ve L'nil Owyhee Trout Season Opening Pupils T ake Pari In S p eech i'liiiM * Several Hurt In Auto l.rush • TWO SECTIONS— TEN PAGES THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1952 VOLUME X X X X V II NO. 7 World Believed Not Ready For United Nations • Finished For Hoop Plav-offs In Malheur County Battle • a n g e m e n îs r Seven Nyssa student participated NFWEl.L HEIGHTS. Feb Jg—The Rev. Oilbert b Christian of Port­ The Owyhee reservoir trout season in the Snake River vjllr\ peech corner between the Luit H'azn and land. executive secretary of the Ore­ will be opened Saturday. March 1. clinic held in Fruitland February Lou Pravt place on Overstreet road gon Council of Churche.s, will tit in wa the .scene of a violent automo­ about two months earlier than the 25 and Jt> Ny.sa Sunday, March 2 to lead an regular eason opening. The Ny-sa students included V l bile accident Sunday aftei noon when Vale Win* SKY Title inter-denominational group in a d b - , The boat lift is expected to be ope- Kesler, original oraiorv j, Anna car- driven by Diiiitn Hammon anti Marshal! Dana Delivers [ cussion of pcs iblf areas of oo-opeva- rated, at least during March on a Moore, humorous re.id r.g Jerry Ra ph H ie cvllideu while thev were But Must Play for Betty returning from the how a*. Adrian. Bernard Frost. Browne, dramatic reading tiou in Nyssa and tne type of or­ temporary basis Talk to 22.> At C. Occupants of me Hite car were Ann Boeing. re-Vski t ry Carl Warren Farmer and Murle Marcum .(iounty Pennant ganization needeo ud Marvin Ralph H.te and Roberta Vande*- of (I. Banquet Re- Christian, who has had ex­ wem to Boise Wednesday to con ­ Bair, poetry reading puul Hue wa badly cur on the rght Nic. um, after dinner peaking and The Nyssa post o f the American I Tiie Vale Vikings won the Snake perience and knows what method* fer with reclamation bureau officials elbow and R* be: a suffered from l-eg ion Will be host to representa­ Marshall N Liana of Portland, are successful, will speak at 2 30 aoout maintenance of the park at extemporaneous speak g Irene Jayj shock Both .-he and Hite were tives from tiie eastern haif o f the River valley basket ball title last assistant to the president of the Sunday afternoon in the Method; >t the dam and operation of the boat was NVisa's entry in the panel dis- thrown out of heir car into the 11th district at a cor.ference to be w.-ek, but will be required to engag.« cussjon which covered the subject. lift. United States National Bank of church. in a play-off with Ny-sa and On­ Hugh Lamb field Trie Hammon car, held tta urday. Marrn 8 Youth Faces the Na -otic- pr«>b- Officers of the Malheur Game Portland, told 225 persons at the tario for the right to represent this Dee Dad o f Nyssa, temporary which was completely wrecked and An afternoon mee'ir.g. tartmg it county m the district play-off» with annual Nvssa chamber of commerce rha.rman of the Nyssa group, will league met in the Doll House Tues­ lem". 2 o'clock will be held a the veterans L-aOtande o r Baker Students from Snake River valley the H te car stopped in the field day inglil to make recommendation» banquet last Friday night that “ im­ preside Those in the Hammon car were hall and a banquet, at 8 p m , will to the state game commission rela­ schools participating in the clime agination can inspire more liard The Vikings finished their con- the driver and M~v Hammon and be held in the Morocco club The tive to tiie stocking of fish in this were rated and critic; ed by the work and leadership than almost que»t for the SKV title last Friday Fete, Billy, Kay Nancy and Betty eu-tern half oi district U .ocnpnses area The league rwommended plac­ Judges anything else". ohn Hammon Mr Hammon and Kay tiie tin'ario. Vale. Adr.ati antid Nv - iugh- by defeating tiie Ontario I ing tne legal size fish in the Owy­ Speaking on the subject, “The er- by the lop-.-lde « <8 ■ Nancy -uflered brain concussion» a posts. hee river below the dam the drain Balancing Pactors of an Unbalanced 35 in Ontario Ttie following nigh', and Mr Hammon had a had cut B v r o n G . B v l > c c , Department Comn*a'.der H.ilh C ditch south oi Nyssa. the drain ditcn World", Mr Dana opened his talk 0 a above hi- right eve from which doc­ Hull will pre.-ide at the meeting the Nyvsa Bulldog nosed out tiie east of Adrian, the north fork of with a warning not to discount im­ tor- removed mail splinter* of gla-s. oth er department oit ei who will Kmnietl hoophters on the Nys.-a The annual fund campaign of the the Malheur river above Beulah res­ agination because he said "what­ Mr Hammon, Kay Nancy and Rob be pre-ent are Karl l A igner, vice fLwr by a score of 51 to 46 m a freak American Red Cross, with a mini­ ervoir and Willow creek near Vale _______ ever we imagine we can do." erta Vanderpool were knocked un­ commander; T A Collin adjutant game that required two over'ime ‘ Although living on the coast of mum goal this year of $35 000 000 Dale Garrison was named to act Byron Grant tH erc Bybee, promt- conscious. Mrs Hammon suffered u L T 8t Clair, servae officer, and periods for a settlement nationally and >6000 for Malheur Oregon, we realize we are actors and as president of the league because of nent Ontario lanner and cattleman, bad cut on the kn.-e and a gash on Arthur Rou-e of Nys-a, di-trict With the Btilid.igs holdin g a 13- auditors in the greatest drama of county, . _ will b>* launched the first of the illness of L J Hadley, who wa> eurly Wednesday morning of a the head, be ide- a bump over her vxonmander Comma:.«ler Mull w.d point lead and three or four mlr. whlle v^ ation ln ( it all time", said the speaker In refer­ March The 1952 campaign quota is elected head of the organization in h(.arl ules to play, Coach Harry McGlnlev eye and numerous bruises, Feie re­ ence to the situation in the far east tne same as last years n ation s December Arvadia. California With Mr and ceived a bump on the head and also speak at the banquet The American Legion auxiliary •ent In some substitutes who failed The Portland man told briefly of quota, .said Roland Harriman, na Mr By bee at the time were Mr and shuck Billy and Betty were unhur will conduct its district conference to hold the surging H-.ukie Emmett two trips to the orient and Europe tlonal Red Cross president. Mrs, Ira R. Ure o f Nys- a The injured were taken to the hos­ at the same time, holding its after­ st ored three bA -kels In rapid su« c - New A**i*tant In on government assignments, and Malheur county will "kick o f f l*,s slon, to brui* Mikiu-tev *<- »tic ieet. Mr Bybee is survived by his pital in the Rov Hirai and Orrel Hi e noon meeting at '.he Morocco added that “Despite all of the bung­ local drive March 3 and hopes to (latholic (lliurch widow. Florence Stitt Uvbee whom car- Mr Hammon who was partial­ Tiie department president. Mr». While the Nya-a coach was sending ling and stumbling please don’t complete solicitations by March 15. l u i i n n i e u I l n t i o u !*e married In the Salt take L O S ly unconslcous all night; Roberta Mane Wilkins, will pre-tde at the in »ils regulars, the Huskies made think the world has lost its color and Max Taggai-t, county chapter chair­ U ' temple June 23, 1920 one -on, How - Vanderpool. Ralph Hite and Kay auxiliary meeting Other officers who eight more point«. With five sec­ man, auuounced. County commun­ humor." He said he does not like ard; a daughter. Mrs Loren Kin», Nancy Hamilton remained In the will be present are Mr- Gayle Uar- onds to play In the regular gan-.e, the Koreans, who he characterised ity chairmen have been appointed Rev Matthias Curtin, O F M . who and six grandchildren, all of On­ tiospital for observation, jiending son. vice president; Mrs. Mae Whit­ the Huskies evened the count at *7 as sullen and resentful and a waste­ and each resident of the county is will assist the pastor of the Nyssa tario; five sisters, Mrs. l.eKny Burn- further developments Mrs. Hammon comb. secretary, and Mrs. Ellen to 47 The teams played a tbree- ful people. Mr. Dana told of an In- asked to be ready to “answer the Catholic church, has arrived here mgham of Halt Lake City, Mrs. went home, but returned to the hos­ Kakebeeke of Ontario, district presi­ minute overtime battle and at the j to assume his new duties. Father Russell Jordan of Nampa. Mrs. pital Monday morning for stitches dent Mrs Wilkins will peak at the. end of the lime the score was stilt te-view through an interpreter with call" when he is contacted General Chiang Kai-Shek The county budget based upon the Matthias is a member of the Fran- Ieonard Howes of Adrian. Mrs Don in her wounds. banquet, which wilt be open to the knotted "The war spirit still prevails In past year's budgets with an addi- ] ciscan order, which was founded by Moss. Hr of Nyssa and Mrs Gordon public. Banquet tickets may be Nyssa defeated Adrian Tuesday Germany", said the speaker. ’"The tional amount asked because o f the St. Francis of Assisi in 1209, A D. Ray of Nyssa. and three brother*, Hite and Hammon were cited by bought from Mr- K K Lienkaemper night on the Ny.-isa floor by a score Gentians don't like us. Hate still Increased number of blood donors Father Matthias came to Nyssa Dart O., Sherman P . and Wilford A police officers to appear In Justice or at the Powell Service station by of 55 to 41 in the last scheduled con ­ burns in their hearts. Trust Oermany j shows the county needing approxi- from southern Arizona where he Bvbee o f Nyssa. court in Nyasa on a charge of driving Tuesday. March 4 test of the season. part of the way, but not all of the mately »2325 This amount on a worker! as a missionary among the without an operator's license Hi:e In the final standings in the Snake Mr. Bybee was born October 23. way. Now. the Hitlerian propagand i county-wide basis budgets >300 for' Indians. He worked chiefly among appeared February 25 before Judg? \ River Valley A league, Weiser. Ont­ has been turned to Russian propo- Red Cross swimming, $1000 for local the Punas. Papagos and Apaches, 1396 at Roy, Utah He mowed his Ruby Moore and was fined >10. plu, ario and Nyssa are tied behind Vale ganda If Hitler had a sense of hu­ blood donation costs, and >1025 for The pries-t, who Is a native of Ogden, family to Oregon 14 years ago. first' court costs, making a total of >14 50 with 7 victories and 5 defeats each. mor there would not have been home service to service men, vete- Utah, went to California, where he settling at Nyssa and later moving Hammon had not appeared in court Emmett holds fifth place with 5 to Ontario. He was an elder In the studied for the Catholic priesthood world war II." ran» and their families. Wednesday because of his injune- wins and 7 losses and Payette and Mr. Dana said he saw the charter at the Franciscan seminary in Santa Church of Jesus Christ of latter Meridian are tied for sixth place Day Saints, and a senior partner Prospects for eiqian-ton of the Barbara. of the United Nations and the decla­ Brower, Cub Scout work In Nyssa were in­ with 4 victories and 8 kicsee each Rev Curtin will live with the pas­ with his brothers in the Owyhee ration that made aggression a crime William Cooke of Weiser and Kemmer of dicated at a meeting of the Cub« tor of the Nyssa church. Rev. Rem- Produce company of Nyssa on the part of any nation signed, Resident of Nvssa and parents of pack No. 419 at a Vale were high individual scorers Funeral services will be announced bert Ahles, at 222 Emison avenue, but. he said "Civilization was too pollack dinner meeting held ill the in the league with 157 points each, later by the Beachler Funeral home much of a veneer; it was not ready Short Time, Passes but his work will be mainly with of high school building Tuesday night or an average of 13.1 points per Ontario. the Catholic mission at Jordan Val­ lor it.” Walter L. McPartiand. institu­ game Keveren of Nyssa and Olen- Robert D Lytle. Vale attorney, an­ Referring to present world con- ] ■William G. Brower, a resident of ley. Father Matthias is expected to nounced Wednesday that he Is a tional representative, reprimanded noii of Emmett were tied for third ditions, Mr. Dana said "He who the Nyssa section for only a few find plenty of recreation in eastern Hanks Succeeded (('•■atinned on Page 5) candidate for flection as delegate to the parents for not taking more in­ fights for freedom anywhere fights I months, died February 26 of a heart Oregon as his chief hobby is hunt­ terest in >he boys He pointed out the republican national convention for freedom everywhere and no one | attack at his home on Columbia ing. Bv Stuart Norton to be held in Chicago. that cubbifM Is a uo opermtive pro­ J ______ Is free until all the world is fre e "! avenue. He had been here about Lyle said in mating hi* filing, he gram involving both * ~e pa vent- and "The world ha» no* learned the six months Stuart Norton will become scout is not pledged to any candidate for the boys. better way of life, the IdeiT Ameri­ executive of the Ore-Ida council, Boy the nomination, pointing out that Mr. Brower was bom April 14, 1875 Cubma-ster Hamilton Chadderdon can way. The sword has not been at Richmond, Utah. He is survived T i l L # » r » R v f i p ' l t l l Scouts of America March 17, ac- "If the leading candidates were en­ said under the accelerated program, beaten into a plowshare nor the by eight children, including J. E I U K t II e t i l i cording to S W Harwood of McCall, j tered in the primaries and were the pack will consist of 60 Cubs, who The annual Nyssa Boy Scout cam­ spear into a prunirg hook. council president. Brower and Ray Blower of Nyssa; making an active personal campaign will be members of seven dens. Three paign to help finance the Ore-Ida "What does America want to win? I 30 grandchildren and five great Mrs. Tom Lowe, wife of one of Norton replaces Delbert Hanks. for delegates and the primary reaul's more den mothers are needed for council Fill be .started at a kick-off The shooting war in Korea, the war grandchildren. this section's pioneers, died Fefaru- | who has served as council executive represented the will of Oregon re­ the program. breakfast at Brownies cafe Tues­ of ideas? MacArthur said 'The goal No services were held here for the »ry 26 at her home at Lowe's hot for the past four years Hanks !s opening of the dinner, den day morning. March 4 at 6 30. re­ of war is victory’. Beyond the goal retired farmer. The body was sent springs near Mitchell butte south- leaving the Ore-Ida council to be- publican* as a whole. I would con ­ No At 5 the led the pledge of allegianc*! ports Elden Yeigen en, chairman of is peace—as slaves? As free men?" to Burley, Idaho Wednesday by the west of Nyssa. She had been in poor come a deputy regional scout exe- sider myself bound by the result ” "O f the two leading candidates. and sang a son*, »nd Bobby Haye- the Nyssa city drive. Rushed for time because he was Nysa Funeral home. Services are to health for several months. cuCtve uhder Olin D Sharpe, re- Senator Taf* appears not to desire gave the invocation. Lionel Chadder- , Also the same day. at Carl’s Doll to board the night train tor Port­ be held at 2 p m Saturday In Che Mrs. Lowe was born March 15. ginal executive of Region II, which don read a poem House, at 9 a. in. the Nyssa rural land, Mr. Dana eliminated much of Hevourn. Idaho LX) H ward chapel 1886 in Marysville. California and includes Oregon. Washington. Idaho, and not to have the time to make Harry Nakl-hiina, Assistant cub- group will meet to start its campaign. the campaign in Oregon, and Gene his prepared talk and hurried Interment will be at Heyburn. came to this section nine years ago 1 western Montana, and Alaska Mr ral Elsenhower is not in a position master. presented awards to several; The captains of teams are IaiMont through the remainder o f it. He Besides her husband, Mrs. Lowe and Mri. Hanks and children plan to make a campaign. In my own boys. The awards were given as fol­ Fife. Henry Esplin and Pat Williams closed the address by citing some Is survived by two daughters, Mrs. | to leave Nampa Wednesday for F o r t-] mind I am deeply Impre-sed by both lows Gene DeRock, one year silver The Adrian kick-off was held of the contrasts prevailing In the 2 (Àmpie* Return C. R. Kin neck of Vale and Mrs. D. j Und where they will make their' of these men We know where Sena­ star; Lionel Chadderdon and David Tuesday morning. February 26 in world today; Atomic weapons, free-! M Miller of Parma, six grandchll-i home He will begin his new duties tor Taft stands; he knows govern-] Ingebrtt en, lion badges; Jimmy Blcandl’s cafe, with 23 in attendance. From Extendeil Trip dren dom of thought and conscience: | wolfe badge; David, Captains who have been recruit­ and seven great grandchildren March 1. ment, he is honest, vigorous and Parmer, germ warfare, right to hold and Vaughn, bear badge and silver ing men to work on the Nyssa cam­ Funeral services will be held Fri- The new scout executive, who was capable General Eisinhower is a chai.se beliefs; Jet propulsion, teach -1 OWYHEE, Feb 2g— Mr. and Mrs. day at 2 30 in the Lienkaemper chosen from a number of candidates arrow point, and Rodney Burton, paign Include Richard Wilson. W il­ ing, observance and worship; state Oeorge Schweizer returned Tuesday chapel with Rev. C. D. Honeyford by a committee of executive board great soldier and a high ranking ad wolfe badge over all. compulsory education, state1 from a 2800-mile trip which they of Ontario officiating Interment members, comes to the Ore-Ida ministrator. We assume we know his I The boys played game* in the little ton Jackson, Fled Bracken. Hugh position on foreign policy by reason Tobler. Mark Johansen and Huston the servant, freedom of communkM-; tok with Mr and Mrs Vic Marsliall. will be in the Roswell cemetery. council from the Seattle area ooun- i of hi» position; we know nothing o i 1 theater and the parents held their Wilson. tion; free press, controlled press, The group went first to Reno, where business meeting in the home eco- ! cil. Norton, who has served the past his position on domestic policy and they spent two days visiting Stew­ (Continued on Page 2) seven years a., a field executive. until he Is in a position to make a numics room. art i Bud) Soh weizer and family. Funeral Held for Student leaves 1 comes to the council highly recom­ declaration o f principles and doe- The next par*, o f the trip took them mended make such a declaration, we have Stair Will Hrlp Joseph Skuhal of Mr*. Sadie Greig over the Uonner pass, where they On Midwfflt Trip The announcement o f Ndlton’s j no means of making a comparison stalled for over an hour in Nampa Succumb* a were „After Vale Death selection was made Saturday evening between these fwo great leoder- On Drain Projrrl OREOON STATE COLLEGE, Cor­ blinding snow storm because of ------- :— at a farewell dinner given for Mr This may sound like a "straddle",! trouble on the road The snow was vallis. Feb 23 (Special)—Ellis Okano Joseph Skubal, father of Vincent piled about 30 feet high along the Mr« Sadie R Oreig. former Nyssa] and Mr» Hanks The dinner, which but it L not. I am deepley concerned The state highway oomimsMon has of Nyssa. senior in pharmacy, left Sknbal of Nyssa. died Saturday] roadway Wlien the foursome reach­ resident, died in Vale February 21 was attended by many scooters o f ; over the condition brought about by no*, if ted the Ny-sa city council Urn February 22 on a 10-day visit to the morning. February 23 in Nampa M.\ ed Oakland they visited Mr and Mrs Oreig was born January 14. the council, t a held at a Nampa the new deals and the fair deal- it ha- agreed to co-operate with the midwest with a group of 53 Oregon Skubal, who had been ill for three Mrs Earl Schweizer and family, a 1885 In Ohio and spent par*, of her hotel It Is time we had a square deal for city in the installation of a atortn state college pharmacy students. years, died in his sleep Interment son of Oeorge Schweizer. and also life at Vale and Nyssa. She Is sur- tty American people I wan*, a pari newer system on U. B highway 20 The group will return to tiie campus was In the Cloverlawn cemetery at the Buck Ramsey and Ben Logan vived by six sons, including Martin in helping select the man, who. at from Bower avenue to Park avenu-* Filma to Bo Shown March 2 Nampa the time of the convention, appear, The state agreed to -pend up to families. Los Angeles and Holly­ of Nyssa and Harold and Raymond Three major midwest pharmaceu­ Besides his son here, Mr. Skubal wood were the next stops and the Oreig of Vale, two brothers and Educational films showring the best able to bring this about; one >M98. wldch is half of the estimated tical houses will be visited by The is survived by his widow. Josephine travelers enjoyed nice weather while two 6isters. students, who Will see aommercial work being done in the crippled who can win; one with the ability,] cost of the work o f Nampa; four daughters, Mrs.! seeing the sights. On the return trip Services were held at 2 p m Feb- The city will furnish the mater-1 prepara Man. testing and packaging , h_ . children's and adult«' program will understanding and purpose jo for­ Charles Ptilecek of Caldwell. M rs.1 they were informed upon reaching mulate a lair and consistent foreign taU. but will call for bid» on the of drug« during Henry Grasgnick of Idaho Falls. Miss Reno that Mr Marshall's father had m ^ v s i t wlth R ^ C^D Hmevfo^d ** ,hown tl**t policy; one who can give us a weH labor The city will ask for bid» a Lidgmg and * raaapta-tal ion In u rri? c of f rmtaHn K-»1 education and health cMs- Frances Alderman of Seattle and passed away and they returned to of the Baptist ch church Ontario Ph> -H « .» .. ___ ___ i considered and safe domestic policy soon as possible so the contracto. midwest cltias ar» provided by gtfiar- see in the little 'heater of the school Mrs. Frank Roive of Nelson. British attend the funeral the next day officiating Interment wa» in the building from > 50 a m to 2 15 p m and reacsie us from the mnrasa of ran pox red with widening and sur­ maceutirAl tmu.i»(. which aiao assist Columbia, and a brother. John oi The group was gone for 11 days. Nyssa cemetery in furnishing maals en route. Tho Any person is at liberty to avail uncertainty, dishonesty and clax* facing of the highwajr. Vancouver. B C. 1 biennial trip ls under the direction himself of the osvor (.unity by att­ conflict". Dies In Hospital Attend« i aofefemv*— Republican Wemen Te Meet— ending any .showing at his conven­ of tho O0C school of pharmacy Fireside Meeting Held— Rev Joiin t Briehl o f Nyssa att­ okano ls o'clock foe the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin | club will hokl a meeting in the Doll P a to Aprlng». California three week* kene oonferenre of she L O J e w Wilson on A lb e rt avenue Sunday House Tuesday. March 4 at 2 p m section died this morning in the public yio admiaokin charge brill be ego to »pend vane time vúitlng Wiurrh lit P » * « loitheran d u m b and no contribution» will be evening after the regular church The guest speaker will be L W Maif eur Memorial hospital Mr. Ky-1 friend» and relative* and Vookug in Pendleton The thome of the con-1 * M ?"a n il Mrs. krsel B»u* $n« Mr. gar. who was 75 years old. had beer ^ken .session at the chapel, with >4 young Bramard of Fayette, division man­ for a place to Live. Mr Grider re­ ference was "Je»us A» ttu OtTiun»! and Mrs. Wllligm Beus returned in the hnepiial for two days. Details __________________ people in attendance, to hear Nor­ ager of the Idaho Power votnpan", of his life were not available this Wbee Talent i t e e b - turned Friday to «etile some bu»> fk. unuelkir" Her BruFil BU the SuniNy from California, »here they man Neilsun. president of the Par­ who will apeak on the company's Mi»s Anna Mae Fife, daughter of neaa hero bet na returning «o C ali­ Wwdneadar ffurfr.ing derutacme cm tied visited their sons. West and ma M I A . who talked about temple proposed /ire low-head darns cm :® 0™ 111* -------------— ------ Mr and Mre Lament Fife, von first fornia in ApriL Somes.me after the ttie Uspir "J*«u» A« the » : » « » kpencir B«us. for a AecJC Mrs Anna marriage and other L D 8 youth the Hnake river AU members and Arrive* In Korea— plaoe in iha Leons club talent eon-, flrvt of April 'hey will go to Tei «on OpunmBif bblth ioaxdlwavw". B k iB Meet. Mho h»d been visiting in Cali­ interested persons are invited to standards Refrestunen;. were served Bgt Jamas H Smiley, eon o* ten final* at tne Holly theater in à i s u a to visit a daughter. Mr» J Rev Herat-.: r r » Raw i n g tha coa- fornia for tiki weeks, returned home by the Explorers o f the second L O B attend. feiwntw M f. Briabl *n> hdtiM* With them. Mr and Mrs S W Smiley o f Nyasa Adrian Wedoasiay avMung. The B Orjdderd. ward. t»red at tha hoam e f Bov and who Ls serving in Uia quartermaster, con tar, t has been held for the part New Arrive— TrwMfi Mrs D iy 4 I M F * in l o U r w t f WogrA To Meet— corps of -ha army, avnved m Roraa 12 weeks and by wmaing ana of the ______ _______ T* Meet— Mra Nnrman BJveitnar o f t i y a i new tv « v t o • cv tso th e m a x e m a c- T*0um rr 18. acrxirdlng to inform a- weekly com a , Vs. Fili» Wn» ahg- Th* P. T. k. executive board of r h t boundary board wiU meet In th$ Mallieur U n u . t l hospital dur- «ble to try for the grew** gaie». W ed­ hai, reiwiwed word I r a iter hi Min od. WAh ft»« F * K tion received itere Nyssa will meet March 6 irf the Jun­ Ja Wednesday to consider vhe ap- ing the laet week They are a girl, ggt » X Maagmnr. stata< thè» nesday «vet;mg. b e « v rem ior high school building. catfcrn of Earl Rygar. a resident born to Mr and Mr- Wallace TTi a b ­ podewc V M b - ha he» B n «r tia r i/ttd 'h o «retry _______ _ oi «barer»ed. "A d a n k Mea X» ihe southern and of 'lie Ny—a as o f P a m a February 28; a ga-1. to gunrw-rwiiwvev ooep» *gt MaakAieh t>vem«(ht >a»ds a» the kom t of HOSPITAL AUXILIARY M0ET9 WUligm Colamau «sper.t the week- I To Find won finit grixe. • BMirui tut;) distzat. bo hav> fib property Mr and Me WifUa donas of Farms haa hwm evonnaq a» OkiznWi fu» kfr eud w> F»rgy tram warn Mr- At a hospital auxilary meeting w .» - . Up „ „ » iM e n d with hw, faaefiy sere He re- tmst w*A a uirTerrvd to vear bui rvpec' to rr.uni W a *»f kmiiwW of Bocttand and »veld Monday afternoon at the Parish I n a rti ^ 'O d k f e r e h u « te the re t- hru* The hearing 4hll be opened Mrs Frank ladftt. » » h e 2, H m . fPjn^ hospkal in Ho lee. where la* VM t In re «ha stai», h u fall u>.ie«s s o em~ Frank lames of PWwileton, xLtwr hall officers were elected for the 10 a m y aria«*. February *7. gr,4 SwUi»r o f Mrs. FAik. and Mrs coming year as follows: President, u kbcenmg •feaeaar.* Mr and Mr.rr.gd»k* 4 mu M Mrs. Frank Mtorgan, chairman of KUrmatb Benatr ettend *r. in iranee to k*l*. Lak* City to attend the Mrs Clifford Fox and treasurer, tne program far the March grter-tlnc funbrol e f thfir mothPr, Mrs. Mary Mrs. Earl Hollingswortn. The new arrive in been very ni t o t *.wn samtAe. but ithftbt for t!to l i f t o f the Civic club held a meeting wvh Collega of Education veih me** family or* experta^ officers will be installed sometime A Jtmei. about March tj rp S*a Ls Jr^mrivlog nogt 1 * and 'Mrs. her committee Tuesday morning. Thursday, Motrh • a t 3 m p n» a rj^xt month. Announcement was When plans **r» mad* Jot the pro- the home economics rot** o l the t>;egL> Lt Btunz WUJ V ha«b og « Beer end Mrs Feerie» Minear whited made at the meeting that Mrs. Betty jm .W' Un family WiU iWevbiti 4t the Mdttam Mai gen f r i « « tear - Trini of thè cane t1 h w to e h r - Te • * * * T - gr.i:u. Bpihesputt World" It Will high aehool building. ErgizeiMliLka-* Henry H Hartley, Nyssa superin- Wilson will give her annual benefit n Kfsse for* « time P n k d a n d l e t Fr.dmf omilk). oherged «Fitti f«!furt te sla­ f«at-jf* ar*-, and craft» In fli*ik>nie. Uvea of tbf -*6keg4 »n4 glamnl MGKUon ir.n attbni the wt*#Jaag. , ------------------------ bel k ffor» »umlrB * mqfof VbAicJe »endFnt o f schools, will speak at a dance recital April 26 The program Fled, g fe also hPtng Mad* by » r s ------------ -------------- Hare Fw*N Sb*8t8— Calle« T o ___ on » h%hWay, las d e»; indcflnhely meatln* of the AdrStn P T A. Mon- will he her third annual recital for %? o»A *Tid hw commit toe fbT Nir and Tdrs. Wlm«r >tf \ ít and Mrs C Í! MorrLon left postWOned »Bc8u.se of thf npbnlng gay. March 3 on the subject o f *Re- the hospital auxiliary. Tentative the bjevhng to b> held *fd*il f t «»Cb Attend» Coorf«*deKJ— Mr» Xennetk Hototrrgn riAuraad Faiobwkt. A la * * . Firmer fP/vve Pridajr tor Baling. Sdn.«K. vrhwrei o f tha sprink ( « n i o f clcurt court organixatton A School Districts In plans were also made for the annual the th «n e t S<*UX w t iFxs* hvmf .MfeWdaF a f t « «itandlng « nesKlentd, TLitwl i* Wys«a part if they jOern called dAcau.th o f the; Jaramllki Wat t o h«ve beers tried Oregon", based on the proposal that] poiluck luncheon to be served at the TJwc*. «w4* fearJHi 5i»7f l <*8^ »»^ death h f Mr MLrrtfbn's tïjorMr.i In Vyx-w. jubtioì oourf heAT* iudgn Will be voted on In the November! March meeting Details will be given o tit* *rus»es; rfteetbqf 'if i^ b # « f e They « o c t itegn ¡fe t the MhMl O r w ^ z e r elqftlon In Oregon. • later. a-jbp MdOfb Aodeji Mes hUllA** MOTwisqn, •rrU *Lv.v « r « ‘ ihw c* ¿9$ « W iftlr A r « "r hr. ry; -V c - ^ oftfT Vegbye«pihW> District Iecgioii Meeting Planned R «l O Will Solicit March 3 Ontario, Pamses Glib Scouts Will Expand Program Lvtle Seeking Delegate Post Bov Scout Fund Campaign Begun Mrs. Tom I «o we on <9 • •