<@ > o fk t iim Bought For Adrian School in 3c dueoair tf 1‘ «t Ve »4 De W aitr, Mr- W it5 Tuppeny S' ci.-c Pinkston ot Panne homes end Elsies Raich saeii* lest Tues­ FOR S A L S —Few Quality fine wool i FO R TR A D E -B oys’ saddle for • Linda Smith of the Miteltef uUvte day m the home o f Mrs. in ua Hop with lambs l> -.de- Phong grown-ups saddle Dean Fife, phone BIO BEND. Ffb 7- John Thump;. >n community ix-nt the week-end wub ku i' -tewing on theu dres.se.- Mr- M yrue Katoh made e trip took Mr Thompson, Mr Darrell Sharon and Karen Kobertfc 0V1-R2 7F3xp 019-Rl. 7FJxc. Bnglish. Mrs Irma Hopkins, Mrs Mrs Dyre Robert attended a pro- to Caldweil Monday with poultry Leroy Benneit: and Helen Hatch *o je il leaders meeting to Ontario booking orders tor baby chicks FOK SALE John Deere type culti­ The Adrian Antelopes dropped FO R BALE Ver, •d t iree-bed- Boise last Thursday. The women Monday. vator for F-14 Farmall Ira tor with FOR SAI.E Hotpolnt range unu Mrs Citarle.s Wyman of Bo.se. e still further in the B" c la - con­ .ooln home on P.i:k uver.ue Mo t j „ j m Deere type bar. tools and Frigidaire refrigerato! Ph< :.t 12 H were selecting and purchasing pic-1 Mrs Mary Tfc mpson Mrs Mary si-ier of Mr- H eib Thomas, .-.pent ference by losing two c l e bu ket- 7F2xp tures for the Adrian grade school Brum bach. Mr Charles Witty. Mis Friday In the Thomas home make quick sale, $65<>0. terms can be clami)- C E. Harris, 4l a milt i.or'h- ball game- to Fruitland and Wilder with the money the Wade I* T A Dyre Roberts. Mr Irma Hopkins, Mr end Mrs Pug Swigert were in Adrian’- eighth lo.— came a: the had left in ‘ he treasury when it dis­ and Miss Helen Hatch attended the | Boise and Nampa Tuesday shopping. hands of Fruitland. 33 to 37. on Uie banded. Adrian high school R T A. meeting Mr and Mrs. Herb Thomas were FrUilUild court January 29 The Friends and neighbors of Mr and m Adrian Monday night. in Payette Saturday visiting triend-. game was almost an identical dupU- Mrs. W E Conn gave hem a fare­ Mr and Mrs Bert La Rue of H a lf­ Mr. and Mr- Roy Wyman id » I me Fruitland-Adrian well party Tuesday evening Mr way. Oregon, former residents >f Mr and Mrs Herb Thomas at­ game played at Adrian earlier tins Joe K in g showed sacred pictures Big Bend, spent lait Wednesd i\ tended a pinochle ¡tarty at the home -eason when Fruitland edged pa-: with her projector. The group sang l r.ight in the home of Mr and Mrs ot Mr a id Mrs Wesley Piercy in Adrian, 33 to 36. Tne fir.-l quarter .ong and visited Refreshm ent Harvey Hatch They con ulted a Kingman Kolonv Friday evening. saw Adrian manage to collect one were enjoyed during the evening doctor in Ontario a- Mr. La Rue has1 Dumei gue-ts in the Herb Thomas Held goal by still ieaduig 6-5 The Those present were Mr and Mrs been in poor health the last year home Sunday were her brother and second period wa.- equally a- -low. Frank Shipley and Billy and Oliva, i Mr Myrtle Hatch visited in the » t i e Mr and Mr Paul Raney of as it ended 14-14. Tlve third quartei Mr. and Mrs. Dale Tet*r and fam- ! Howard Jones home in Apple valley Cambridge her niece Mr £!w od progressed more consistently, with Uy Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stradley j Sunday afternoon and also called Garble, and family o f Cambridge Adr.an leading 36-21 Ua.-v Urahain., | and family. Mr. and Mrs Charles at the Tom Ferguson home her nephew Frank Haney and f r i - ; Adrian’s forward, left the game in W itty and bovs Mr and Mr Tom Helen and Rhillip Hatch took Alice end. Mis- Marjorie W olfe of Nampa the third period when he wa acci­ Wilson, Mrs William Teter. Mr and and Jimmy Thompson and Mr and Mrs. Harvey Bennett and daugh­ dentally struck in Uie lace by a warn or Mrs. Joe King. Mrs William Strad­ Mrs Tom Ferguson roller skating ter and Mrs. Boyce Van De W ater! Fruitland player. The blow gave ley. and Mr. and Mrs. Rolland and daughter visited Mrs. George Graham a bloody nose and ne was Saturday evening at Ontario rm um um inni—in — Mr and Mrs. Dyre Roberts and Mr> Joe King. Mr Tom Jone- Elfers in the Caldwell Memorial hos- 1 helped to the showers. In the fourth daughters, Sharon and Karen, were Mrs. John Thompson. Mrs Boyce pital Saturday Mrs. Elfers 1 - .-lowly quarter Adrian led ter five minute.-, improving but Fruitland tied the core with Mr and Mr- Pug Swigert were three minutes left at 31-31 Adrian dinner guests Sunday in the Denver pulled into a 33-31 lead, but Fruit- Edward’s home. land came back to score and tie the Hear this 33 year old muu er. who is Llie younge- ’ national director Carl Foglernan and daughter of count The Grizclie- then hit lor Nampa were dinner gue-ts in the another field goal and then control­ of Uie Christian churehe ot tlie U S md Canada, a- he di-cus-c Bill Van Dewater home Friday. led the ball until with only seconds Uie following topic« Mr. and Mrs. Robe.-: Welsh a n d 1 remaining, June*. Fruitland center, family o f Caldwell were dinner hit on a jump shot to erd the game Sunday— 11:00 A. M.. "Revive Thy Church" guests In the home o f Mr and Mrs 1 at 37-33 Horace Chaney Sunday evening In the frosh-soph preliminary 8:00 P. M.. "God's Spirit" Mr and Mrs Joe Dibbens of Cald-1 game Fruitland edged Adrian 38 to well were guests from Thursday un­ Week night services begin at 8 o'clock. til Sunday in the Woodrow Shearer 30 Monday: "God's Purpose— Man's Reaction” . Adrian lost its ninth conference home Tuesday: "IloW Shall W’e Escape If We Neglect Salvation?” Mrs. Woodrow Shearer and daugh­ game Friday, February 1, on the ter visited Tuesday in the home of Adrian floor to the Wilder Wildcats Wednesday: ‘‘ Beliefs That Make I s Brave” . her parents, Mr and Mrs. Arch j Adrian took an early lead but as the Thursday: “ The Transformed ( ross". first period ended it was an even Wright of New Plymouth Friday: "T h e Pure Of The Perfect". Roberta Reno and Mary Ann 8 to 8 score Adrian pulled ahead In Stradley were overnight g .ests Fri­ the -econU period, which ended day night in the home of Mrs. Orvil 18-14 with Adrian leading In the second half. Wilder played a tighter Morrison in Wilder. "Christian" Kenneth and Clinton Reno and defense and scoring became rare Austin J Hollingsworth, Minister families of Parma .-pent Sunday in for both sides As the third period Dale W. Mrdearis, the home of their parents, Mr and ended W ilder was sporting a 23-22 Fifth and F.nnis — Nyssa, Oregon Evangelistic Director lead Both teams were .-o evenly Mi C'ha.’Te.- Reno. matched that the lead changed -ix I'.'X.. TTg a .L times, Patterson. Wilder guard, drip­ ped in two free tosses with 55 sec­ ond- remaining to gn e Wilder the needed points for the win. As the final horn sounded Wilder was :n COLUM BIA AVE Feb. 7 - Mr and front 35-33 High scorer o f the even­ Mrs Pete Van der Oord visited ing was Schelrner who collected 13 friends in Parma ta-t week. counters In the frosh-soph prelim­ Mrs. Florence Larson visited at inary game undefeated Wilder rap­ the Ray Weather.,poon home last ped Adrian 37-1*8. Cook collected 16 week points for the victors _ . ______ ___ The pinochle club met at the home o f Mr «n d Mr.s Juke Groot TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Tuesday afternoon Tw o tables were at play, with high scores going to MISC ELLANEOU S U r your Avon Mr. and Mrs. Groot and low to George Smit. K ft lam bing ha- started at the Strin­ - - - ger corals on the Pete Tensen iarm. Dave Hawkins visited Mr and Mr- Roy Cook o f Ontario recently. Pete de Boer o f Ontario is re­ modeling one of the tenant houses on the Pete Tensen iarm. t i f a Mr and Mrs. Dick Groot were tH 1 hosts to the whist club Sunday a f­ ternoon for the following couples: Mr and Mr- Oerri*. Groot of Apple j valley, M>. and Mr.s. Jake Groot of i Arcadia. M r and Mrs. Z. Davidson ; S O U N D , W E L L M A I N T A I N E D of Parma and Mr. and Mrs. John Whole or Half—Lb. P R O P E R T IE S D E S ER V E Timmerman of New Heights. Mr and Mrs Jacob Relk of Nampa 1 C A P I T A L S T O C K F IR E - - - called on friends in this community I N S U R A N C E P R O T E C T IO N Tuesday afternoon Mr and Mrs. Dick Groot were D O ES Y O U R PR O PER TY 3 lbs. hosts to the Whist club Wednesday; Di‘l Monte— 14 oz. afternoon, with high scores go in g1 Q U A L IF Y ? to Mrs. Z. Davidson and Dick Groot. j ASK USI Dinner guests at the Jake Relk | home in Nampa Monday were Mr. 4 lbs. Henry (Andy) Andsrson and Mrs. Oerrit Stain and Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Parma Mr. and Mrs. M Smit o f Valley j View and Mrs W illiam Duin of On- j j tario called on Mr and Mrs. Jake Red Spot— .'100 size Grade A Beef—Lb. Strang CmpUoi ! van Twlsk last week Callers at the Pete Tensen home Stmak F lw t e c flo A Wedne-day atternoon were Mr and Mrs. Z. Davidson o f Parma. Mr. vi-itors Cristlov m and iUy Henttef Utter t:.<% M: Antelope?» Lose Ninfli Bal liante Pillsbury Best 14% Prolein Dairy Feed Saturday and Monday. February 9 and 11 Only P * W ) >(• fi ur s h o p ie to p -tja e iity w o r k . Exper#m»4 e sscheeicef Ammonium Sulphate— 21% o ....................................................... (See Counter for Other And factory steriderd IH Peru! Doo t daUyi See o0 fWo «tert&açr W dâ«si and Bakery Specials) O w y h e e Truck and Im plem ent Co. «* NYSSA. OREGON NTERNATIONAL HARVESTER \ W \ .j . . / , / / * ' . Tofiier s Feed and Fuel, Inc SERVICE H P h o n r. 3 6 NYSSA OREGON Carrots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9 * 2 Bunches GORDON'S BRIVE - IN FRIDAY and SATUBDAYi FEBRUARY ¿-9 treat Sçsjéd FBWBS# Tomatoes. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9 * 8 9 © Tuba—£ach G « t c a r l o a d p r i c e f o r F o b , d o ll r a c y L e te s t to o ls « » *4 e q « ip m e e tl call us TOD A Yt £«tcb DEPEND­ A B LE IPHONE 88 G RO CERS V NYSSA, OREGON! \ ■ -1 , »-• ’