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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1952)
'.m V M E V-- .1.. X X X X V II r. ... NO. Q W arren F a rm e r '*? A d ta illa g e s : ol IM I' s Cansón E le c te d H e a d o f L o ra l H o s p ita l I l O ! U se o i' r H o s p ita l \ i 'U i n g L a o ililic u By , '(*5 ( ile d r o je r At M anager < T f i r .'r - M e e tin g By a' I'.-ilK S | >o 1 1 - 1>i■ i 111 L ocal Factory Run Will End February 10 l n il lie (|i$ e M r n i g r a m O n R a d io L is titi P o lio G a m p a ig n Q iif& iv C om pany P la n s t o J >P fu *o © s l í e n * S t i l l H I n la a iF v c s t» “f! ‘S farren i i i n u r was el«ctad prclsi- A lton C. Ullnian of Balter, ch air <ftsnt of th® lialh au r Memorial ffios- Jared Lewis of Nyssa, district man of th * Idaho-Ogegon ¡Sell s jmui I association following th« en - manager of the Amalgamated Sugar Canyon aaecciotion. said at a m «*t- tiual meeting of members in th * lit- company, expressed hope today that .ng sponsored in the high school tie teeater of th * school building | a break In the weather will permit building in Nyss» Wednesday night Monday night. the farmecs to hfitrve. t the beet - that N v ssn U o s iiic n l' O f f w by the Nyss®-Adrian unit tea t “The The other officers are ®#rnard they were forced to leave in the main re.»»n th * people of the are« Eastm an, vie® president. and Glea r o it i- l'o o l o T v t<i lu t- ground last fall because of bad houlcl be solidly behind Kell's can A. Billings, secretary. Th® esecustive weather. In time to avoid an Inter yon Is th t* It represents wise re conuaiuee will be elected at th * Feb <■ r e a g ì liw iia llo iiB ruption In processing operations at source devetopeam ruary meeting of the directors the Nyssa factory. ■'fli.ainiMB’ifivj studies on *1» rive* With Jafc® Fischer, chairman of 'l’ha agwch of Dimes lies boon T h e company will finish process during th® kt*t S3 years h*ve shown the itosrd, presiding in th® absonce ing about February 10 all of the conclusively tilct a high storage dam featured during tlte last weett by of the president, G rant Rinehart, beets th at have l^en dug. The beets at Hell's canyon Is the only type of so®» rotlier corny «ntertalnm ent. remaining in th® ground could be Mr OU&U&gs reed th? minutes of the but It. has beon èffgctlve in raising development th at will properly uU- ia--t annuel meating and Harold processed in ataout 15 d*ys so that 11a® the rttrar resource. The need for tntifjGV fit Myssg for the relief of if no int®rru?»te>n ware encountered, HUenigyon read th * financial state- storage Is istcreaslng every yegr ettd poli» fSttBnts. «#®nt as of Septom tor SO. 16S1, the 1E%} higlU.fftit of the week has bton the l t S l -52 cgtnpstgn could be com Hell's ocnpsra is the only pteo* on end of th * fiscal year T he figures pleted te e latter pgrt of February. tho S n a ie river where that storage thB rogjuast pregram conducted lacluctod in the financial report were " I f it Is impossible for the farmers Uirouoiteut tlte county ov»r H 8 H V , can be realized now It will not only those published in the G ate City to get iei'.g their fields by February Bill Davis, (leftI field organiiatlon Bureau meeting held in Nysoa last Hardy of Molulln, slat* chat) m an of With Rpssc. On'arto, Vale and Pay provide Huns! control, recreation end Journal last fall Considerable dis At stipulated 10 tye plan on opening: the factory cussion was hekl on th® qusstion of director of the American Farm Bur- Th unala y. Others iu Ilio picture (left the assoalatci'l Women mf tho biuvnu. other multl-purpo.-te benefits, but It ette gfSrtlclpAting later when they can. provided the collections eau Federation. was one of tile prin- to right) are C liff Wright, stato or- and Tod Morgan of .Vysea. rogloea.1 Will develop tjoll over « million kilo times, parsons with a few dollars la boets are suitable for processing", uojbtu'iiiute hav» phoned to the radio T he small ¡»em tarship in attend-1 cipa 1 speakers at a district Form gonDational diro«tor; KJrt>. Walter director. (G a U> City Journal f'hetoi watts of ytftr-around powt'r Mr. Lewis said. ‘‘Engineering studies show teat staOorn Sltoir willingness to contrib anas elected four new directors, | ------------------ ——— "W e ar<J running analyses on the ute 6 certain amount of mongy in i iho ptiWer cgn to mirSetad at a 2 'j Jared Lewis, Ja k e Fischer, Mrs. Wes- ivMum IW a certain musical number to e ts, every day or two now. The mill rate end the revenues will pdy l . o r c l t a t { iih h <*1( toy ®rowne and Fred Brack®». D a ir y M e e tin g B r id g fo n ï P la n i bsets that have not had the tops off the project Wlthm S5) years, plus j ° r «nttirtainmcnt. After the election, Fischer said "I N tu n e d H ig h S c h o o l m all-rsquest program last beaten off appear to be In fairly appreciate my re-election, which I S g a lli d l l i D h t i n i i paying interest t e c * into tl it trews- j cvevm nat v im n u l l ury at three pgr ce#t on th< the invest- [ StuMmSlay night, Wyss® collected good shape Some of the beets with consider an hon«r. By serving on the 1 9 5 2 V a h *d i n o r i m i ment. {S t.13 to? the polio fund. With the tops hsaten o ff are not in such good board X feel I ana doing something "Hell’s canyon aifects this com- IK®pto Just catching on Saturday condition We will have to watch Junior dairymen of Malheur county Prtiu.ipnl tlchfcrd v . wilrau an - The Oregon Frozen Food company for say community. We finally have the beets carefully and continue the lawn and pasture a t the hos have been invited to attend, along j gaaaccd Wedmaulay that l.orottn I of Ontario tonight the former Bridg- munity in many different ways, but I I'lffhi. only one 625 contPibutloS was with the analyses with tee hope the there are to o main points. First, | pla$^)<Hl. For that sum. Harold pital seeded We are setting along with their parents, the deiry meet hoe been selec ted as vubidic- ¡ ford plant iss Ontario at auction Bell's canycm ®111 matte available *o i HoniSiEW», KUalheur county clialrman, beets will be suitable for processing." fine Manager John O Toole thought The company finished slicing beets ing to be held in the little theater of ¡'”riuu H1* 1952 senior class of the Monday «t> the® continued oparetioh this area 2'v mill pbCMr. which will MiA Jrirry Cto»cy of K SRV sang a about th® need for a root cellar and Nys6a high school. He also annoan- ... , ... at the Nampa factory late Saturday nobody had any rest untB the cellar Nyssa school building February cod thru B itty Louise li f e has beg* : of “ »• fac,luy * « P * l#d Ul* raebe it possihia for defense industry, the program to im- and finished „ ro„,c making sugar there was built." 2 at 1: 30 p. m. The sate i»> *«feject to ccnfirm atem to build plants Ut this part of th® IB®«», Hys«a residents continued t o , ' - . nom od as salutato ria n country Th® «co n d point is Uiat in ' phone in rq p esis tor piioneflreph T u ^ a y ^ Cnews started main|pnance Mrs. W. W. Foster suggested that Colored movies taken at p*»>t Miss Russell's grade point avcrajto by the Steooiastouetion Finance cor- the Sell's canyon bill there is abso- until 1 30. a com m ute, attempt to sacuro sub- j snows other dalry 0TOnti is 1.10 and Miss Fife's average is porotion, ayltMi gained control of late safeguard for luture upstr®£hi On Mtoudny sti^ilit of this Whl® end . . . . « o p tio n s to the hospital from new , ., 1.30. Th« host passìbili grade is 1.0. residents of the community. Robert i m 1116 county *'*11 * * rtetured. Thu avarufius laclada gmdus re- the property on forciosura oi e loan [ irrigation development and there is i Ifi^t niyht, tea pledges really togan P i m i i s O u t l i n e d Thompson. president of the Wnind- • ‘ipoc-ial film from the Isia of Jersey C(!iv(ul during tho first three yeurs made to tlto ¡Bridgford company e l a provision In the bill that will fln&fco’ to powr la. With prominent IByssg *rs Service Organization, is reported Will also he shown. of high srhool ajid tho Hrst sooHKtor few yesiC ft@o. T h * confirmation is it possible to use potter revenues to j rosidonts participating in the tom- etp icted in vteW of the fact th at tli® | help pay the cost of thai# future toidfivy o ffen d for a serious purpose to have in mind e plan to develop "Anyoiie who lias pnrticipatod i n ' af the senior year, Oregon Proaon Food company has Irrigation projects." Wilton JocBonm's heart really bled that, projart tJii.s year. successfully operateil the plant dur- j Ullinan denied that Hell's can y o n ' as ho sang of his old home s*ate, j F in al plans for observance of Boy Reaching th® meeting late after local shows and lairs will ¡» inter-1 i * i » lng tee Iftst Uhwfi® years. j power will to s*n‘ to th» coast, ffle "HS®p In thp ISaart of Texas", all ¡Scout wee® in the Malheur district an emergency operat.>*n, Manager ested in seaing themselves and Uieir Is | Thh froeen ¿feed company, bondad said te a t is not true tor two reasons for $$3. 0 e .isfcggj a m in proved te a t, ar t I J fens for th.» tilalheur district John O’Toole was given a round of i animals In tease mo vims and we feei tee* club eadors and parents IJ J g ' , H S9pSi bid $¿».039 tor tea “Such acting WoulQ to ig n n ltg iy ; 61» th® W J ’tl&’d&p ntsfti* taM&wiu. jim c w s i wife* ten main items applause by the membership. Ci I I II3 T I 1 H . TBrMB of th0 seItl ,su13u!t.t- coniatiry to toisting policy of t t o ! Hk© Tihoinpion Just »bout topped j of business conducted at tee district Th® managwr mid "We don't hove Will to toeactally Interest«*"^M id ------------ ^ n g tee Wd Wat to t o ecccBïBan- 5£onn«»vill® power adminLstrgttosi the contributions with ($17«. given for gpmmitito meeting in Ontario last as many patients as we would libe Lewis Johnson or Val®, présidait of Glenn I. Short, who was ssriottsly by e c4tee6 foe 23 per onnt of The Most direct example is Bfeliagsll, his rendition of "The Man On th e Thursday evening. to have, but we are worbing to aee the Maliieur County Jersey club. Future Farmers of America are to injured when his pick-up tmofit col- ^ ftnd th« «RFC. Would (Can tin nod an Bttgo 7) Flying Trapoao". Jafto Fischer, who HS&sic training was started' for th at every possible patient can be u» to 73 par cant — :--------------------- i claims he does not sell horse meat. sooutnawt'tr.s and committeemen and taken care of here. I believe that by I be special guests and are to ap p ear; lidod with a Nyssa school bus driven I {inAnc9 ^ sang "The Old Grey M ar*", for $25 for cubmasters end committeemen this tin® n est year we will e®9 a on the program, as are some of the by Richard Butcher on Lytle toule- Slttl £h)l r, put*tion and financial , vard last Hhiday. was .showing J m - r„spoIlslhlUty of UtQ biddtir to be a ■ It has been a long tlm® since Artie in their round-table sessions. Murl great change in the* direction. I f e -H c lu b members. The program will to varied to M eet! ppovtmiwnt W<Mn*«ay in th® Mai- requiSita of confirmation Rctertvon hit th« saddle, (If ever) j Lancaster lt«l th e Shy Scout sec- we don’t use «vary facility to iha T h r chamber of coomraerc® but he did right well With "B ack in { tion while Eton Orgnt conduced the fullest « sten t it will 4» hard for j the interests of all dairy-mlndod | heur IStomorial hospital. Ha Is saad persons, regardless of breed prefer- j to 1» suffering from brain concus- Which passed a resolution ashing the Saddle Again." His first ren- Ci»b Stou t training session. the hospital t® get along. We have ; ______ * once. said Rosel Hunter of Nyssa, ^ sion, skull fracture and other in the Reconstruction Finance corpor-1 At Mon brought $36 and additional The district com m ittee set Thurs- to do that. T he only way we can do Wemfttd Frost, local manager of phono calls for repeats Increased day, February 7 as the opening date chairman of the event. | juries . . . . . . . , r ation to sell the Bridgford plant as told i u "T fm Refreshments will be served by the The accident occurrred about '-15 onw anj t received a letter from the ' , . .. M ^ th® total to $40. Listeners still did j for a five-wee® llxplorer basic tra in - I am glad to worb at th» hosgital r4lalheur Countv Jersev chili p. m. a t tee intersection of K lam atoj R P C whlch was read a t the c h a in -' m<?mbers o f th<* N>s‘'a ^ „ Ll° ^ . clllb _ not have enough of Fischer, Thoinp» i Ing course. All BSplorer advisors, as- and I ant «led to ba in Kyssri", | ,1ftJlneur c ounty jersey club. J and Jefferson avenues. Butcher had tor's Wednesday luncheon. hs 'unchoon Monday noon KT1g Jackson, and gskvd slstant advisors, post committeemen O’T oole said. “I hav# never had n n .. . _ _ driven part way across the inter - ” ™T, * rL T “ y, .T " them to sing a quartet number, and young men leaders in the Mal- better group to work with and I have I >||} |(|< ><>S J i J K ( * j Minion when Short’s nutohin« hit the th* t could to de velop«! lor Uio ..£3arti Town Strutters Ball". Judge heur district posts are to take part been from the Atlantic to the Pacific j r j? |] g i bus Just in front of tho right rear S»W®11 Stanton mad® the mistake of in the training coasts.” er cost than th * Hall's canyon dam I W O I l O O I S J L M I I K ' S wltesl. The impact swung tfe> school (( «ntliarted ob Pa^o 7) | Homer Anderson, distrift. health Referring to th® physio-therapy “ThaM sites ar« much cloakr to the j * . j bus around and across a teurrow-pit and safety chairman outlined tliP B y department of th® hosjyatal. Jakv j Bonnwvilk» grid amfi construction of | Scout week program, which will run Fischer said “J t has really paid off. | The Nyssa, Bulldogs Iteld onto ft into a field, where it stopped about dams thi/rn raither than in Mall's V l a i ' v B e a u m o n t 1 from Februfi-yc 6 to 12 Each unit The directors are happy now they ¡¿«¡mu to emerge victorious over the 75 to 169 feet a Way. Butchi/r was Mrs. Naeltje Stem , widow of Dirk canyon would save tons of critical hurt and the children war® only participating in tee window ejjsplay decided to establish th* dupartauvrat " Fayette Pirates by a score of «»7 to not _______ ________ _ »tarn, di«d a t her horn® nostr Nyssa matarkiLs, such a s cop par mnii and bruited. D i e # o s j ) ! m contest lylll receive a colorful stream ftSaneger O Toole said patients 46 to gain undisputed possession of scratched aluminum, in transmission lines. TRc Parents of Adrian sc4«ioS ohildron I Friday, January 38. er “and citations will be presented from as far away as B um s are re fourth place in the Snake River who live n *ar th * ®ivd o f th© bus I Funeral services war© held Mon- dams could to built quicker and a' Funeral services fferO h®ld Satur- ! a il.t' r displays are rated. All ceiving treatm ent in the physio wtltey basketball conference Tues routo, tocam© anxious about th e ir; dn>y a* 2 p. m. in th« Lkniltaantper less oast and would genarato more day night on th.' R-iv.'tt.- floor. therapy d«prttn*n®. day afternoon a t 2 o'clock In tb« * unlts * “ encoura« p<1 to n m hold children because tee bus was nearly j chapel With Rev D.MXihl 0 . Catup- power. I'lU» nf * " Altett hnnee ncrtrrf f ,.• some .... " T t » departmuint is something wo The Pirates tied the score twice an hour late. T he Adrian bus arrived j boll officiating. Internusmt wtt» in th© f 0fjfn Pro* ram f« r «»J» " I feel w« will hava mom chance Uonäaeinpsr ch a í» l for Uli.s Wary I hospital around here has”, said in the first quarter, but thenceforth * ¡ o l d far| ‘lhes and . ? u^ Gold ‘^ ol*t banauets *» » on tho scene almost imm«idiat(/!y Nyssa o^metery for industrial development With tho Zilgha B aaiw p ii'. résidant '/ ” of * th “ ‘'¡h Blue for O Toole. “It Will not only keep cur [ were unable to catch the revitalised after the crash between the Nyssa Mrs Stsvm was bom in Holland , toW-hoad dams tho power coBtp«.ny 3olaI ! y '®c t®in i ^ ’ . rr < ' ny Ctfes and their parents for their people here, but will bring in people 1 Bulldogs, who have won their last bus and Short's pick-up. Th© Nyssa; February 12, 1M3 and com« to th® propuaws to build because that i»w er J « rs IUy; H -«BhorC of u February pack meetings from other towns.” four games after losing th* first bus was standina uprlsvht in « field, K y s t e section 43 years it«o. Sim was j will t o for the people of eastern A to»n coadaMOd te c services The rratula “* - ary pac* meet..igs. On Scout Sunday, February 12, --------------------------- j four. The score bp quarters was as but tee pick-up was overturnod in j 1---------- 1------- of * ----------- - ---------- 1 Oregon end southern I<teho; Rot for tejdJ 9 m senO to fficrtlffid Tgiscon- unit leaders will encourage all Cubs, * member the Dutch (Reformed ad van Lotos over us. such as markets, .<ji for InteiAuhtat a ditch, with Vhft radiator and motor | Chruch of Holland 22 for Nyssa and third, 38 to 32 for flattened end pushed alm ost into küss tenuHTont, tÿho died ln th e Scouts and Explorers to attend the Survivors are a son, Jo h n o f Nys- the coastal areas that slr&ody hava church of their choice in uniform. Nyssa Barber of Payette was high tho cite. o f V a lle y D ie ts 1 sa; a daughter. Mrs. Feto Vandoi labor and transportation Industry Ontario hogpUgl January 80?, Mas Committee chairmen were appokit- . . . . pointer with 15 tellies. Lovejoy was also looks a t tho tax cost. Which lfi ilartKsrttl, ^.Isconsln auly 31. Robert Patterson, «eighth grade Oord o f Nyssa. and si® firandshlld- od by Oene Clar|, d istrict camping O i H e a r t A t t a c k high far Kyssa with IS, followed by Would to much lower With the »rl- i 1,y^' • da tush tor of Ksau Beaumont and activities chairman. They are ferch er and driver of tho Adrian i r®n - ________ | Keveren with 13. vato taxpaying dobelopmont. ; 8n<^ kuby S g s l U (Beaumont, pio- Walter M cPartland, Nyssa, evening bus, and M as Linville, « high school D*« Willis of, former resident , Other players wero Flerce 8 H a n student and passenger, assisted in| ( J l l l i r c l l ( i o M f V r c i K ' r "There a r t nine sites left on th t 31® * S ,°^ «•lsccftisln. In Noveml^r, program; Bill Lords, Ontario, phys oi Sunset valley, died Saturday night j* y. 2J. Marcu”’- 3 - Wilson 7, H .att 3 pulling Short from the wreckage i Snake river th at are listed as 0co- sy,c mov«.-d fp Kingman Kolony ical arrangements; Don Benson) O n , , " hou® for her brother, Clif- tario, demonstrations and exhibi of a heart attack. Funeral sefvicosl 1 „ . . . I Nearly 46 minutes of time was ra I s S c ! I * o r S m i m I un nomical for development FivO ol ^ these or over three-fourths &ould Sh® B*» a momb'tr of tt o H art- tions; Ross Bugler, Vale, scoutcraft wer® held Tuesday afternoon a t tho ! « « - r - 10 fB ‘ rica*® Ui® m»n, who I*90“ Cungregatlonfvl church ana the skill contests; Murl Lancaster. Nys 4* I TSartland Summers chapel in ffiois*. «ntefn- started their offensive with was bIe®din8 profusely about the The Nyssa stako quarterly ffcavfep- bt> flooded by the high dam, causing Eastern S ta r chapter sa. special activities, and Don Lynch, ¡M*n* was in th® Boise cetiwtejry j they gained u 10 to 8 Fad iace and head 0 n t :ooi was so fln n * ! enco of tht> Church u>l J tjsms Christ the power company witliln a shorv (During the first and second World tlmh to go to more pjppaslv® de ^ u rW v o rs^ are the w.dow. C a m * ; , , “c" * “ P , L I T , *y ^ c e d te a t his ovorsho© had ^ of la tte r Day Suints Will bn held In Ontario, publicity. ® tygrs. Dftss Uvaumoni engaged ln velopment, which would b>P <e>urs0 Ihni (Cross 'W ftrlS and taught classes have t» »fleetaxi l*t the gtoja® and Si knitting ¡Before moving to King- P W h f t p E x p a n d s pany's cates. living man gloBny sh«> made her livihoosl "A t the entf o? th® ®*f. the Vflafto ors. Mrs. Lewis MitcheU of V T T ' l' L 1 to held a t 4 :8 3 (Saturday »v en in *. I*ro o « **fd n g P l a n t u ,.« p PnllflAn nfi B| a 1 - a a b b I j W flillldO^S tlOO& <B» loud in 'til1? ; .•» ■ ip» • oC <i>raetl«(fc nursing. Friends said Tin- g en om i session*, to Which Eftit M oyer «ompany had 108,<ES> kilow®U*s shp «bus a grant lover of flowers and M «lv,n K n d "r "fs :« f t « S ? on« ourth w noU anu ’c mosU" !,v , - l » P h « . '» > ' 1 i t i » i r a i m eintors of the church a«d the g?>n- « i generating capacity a n d n o» It generous In- sharing them f'acob Fischer has built a 12 by 53 Dcl' Ni' tl n t y l . l m r c l l ^rnj public i,s Invited to atten d , will bias 285,059, oD almost tera® tl Clifton Beaumont, ,fhe de- addition to his locker plant on Al- 1 -8P rn .a,« T h e company has(hutl aß» applicwtioa i ¡to ÍVadfSi a^l i® gy S filed tor at license te btnld t i the vf»as©il is survived by another broth- berta avenue for curing, smoking Phffl sxmua* Rpiphany dinner ux\& 1 7 p. m. Oxbow site since 1947 The '’bxbow •r. eklffed .bf Oconomowoc, Wiscon- and rendering meat The main part Dto Hillis. who was born M ™ J t parish m<xmn& of M. Faul's Episco- Elder JonifSA t WirtiXUa, a mem- sin. t»Q nephews and orje niece 'o f ‘-hs addition is constructed of ness®» in 1078, married Carsk» Fry. ftn(j Duncan ts ' pal church was held in tep parish to r o i thi> presiding «bishopric 4>f the plant would have a capacity o f Mfli- ; cinderblock, with a brick front. m Wisconsin 000 kilowatts It has «lot been prac ow «hom rn u m T ' ! '* h* Jordan Taltey high aehesi h allT h u rsd ay night. January Ut chukoto. B a lt «tek<» C5»ty, will addras* The addition increases the size of Oklahoma until moving to itecot n or .j. Alter a potluck supper, «the Epiph- all mwtings d f the to n i era noi-< ffif« tical to build th ai large g p.’urf, an* the; Fischer Locker Service building tfi t e e last few years '* Idaho lri' 1912. ruins, Hillis, fc^faem«». p«ndav night mi?^ t February yv-bruarv *n y c* cake « a s cut and s«rv«<i served by Dr. Dr n ncials Kf'lutive o f L o ra l cials *a«id *a>id Eld*» is « tai- 1 lano Hi a larme, «vu. f j vviR. ¡ i l ¡ o ^ m Friday * ny * e ®as Sldto Wirthlhi) Wirthlfin> Js to 40 by 52. Fischer now handles all --------------- "—«—Ou»—O \ l t S tíÍ L m 0'5? K M ^ ° " o-s » proliminarv tò the Nyssa- a ie î; ««naotoH. t t o e h r t th * rated sp eak« « r t i* noted for his | U r n i d m l s K i l l e d phases of butchering and processing jn . I * 1* r ^ ^ .idah» . rosh game. ' The • rin« lfî last ^ ' s cake. Tlw eat® untiring eifo n s Vt te^ffromotlem m ^ CbUeg" ^ «fi S ym pliony (»roup ______ I j * mei£. ject opened the Hillis AatnUy w s i iiy®l!mjn^y*c«D*#«,'wHl "to' sterttd contains » ring, ShimbJ* and dime tJhf» church «>n4 ckrte *cti<vittes, ln- Wifi lam Coleman has T®- ! ,, ------------------- ^ My8* * ln 193i i „ Fhis vea: Ted Morgan drew eluding Vh» !J program T o B e O r ^ a n i / : ( (l Hetty f rA)» ^ 1 “ * --- --- - — ** —* - ceived word of th® death of her ,,e a r Violinist— JO0»:Dcre farm in S uim ®* iru vaile y the Arvel t>. ®hil(5), tprasideirt tft* © a itetot H e r d ’s sttewSul», fía» ffiufí«- ten ■ ing, SMts Wayhe Mntz thu teitr. «ousln, Stanley Ward of I ’rairle City. I fkmna Lee and Lois Wilson and nawt year Walter HtUie (t, (Church te e dime Nyssa state*. «H», speek «fí t-to ; The Music club ofíDrítario^s spon* in an automobile accident January N®m v hikl went to Boise Friday (Sb«s wfll plav 'F il» at Nyssa Febn: > b&» and M ts. J . oft tbg! <wigina¿ farm. A?tor dtSM JVH f, 49 short business cohtetence. | soring a communito symphony ov» «ary 5 nnd qrtM rm.-ft vlw Iffolverlrwo 10 Because of Icy roods his car •ftornoon td hear Henri Temlanka. 89a» M ilis »nd wifv WM?® tot»» Kte» ..iretinc ws* field A bishop's co 9 v chestra, with members itom t e * en went out of control and plunged flrst violinist In the Paganini string ftig m ’feoisa to? te a past 1« F»aJ?e an <ite toaiï*P &M# Friday nißHf SW.tte*) nmd church treasure; were Special Service I’tinTird— Wr» Snake River valley. ovo; a 50-foot , mbt nkment. killing conduct a master cUss for tito, ftiüts, » h « aktooidrt » poto- totectofl. MI'. and Mrs Ted' Morgan O r . M c C a l l l s t e r , suputlnten- Interested per sons shorn® (contact him Instantly interested musicians. Lynn J . Lawr- fewiOT JOi /Boisw SgturfBi« «® m nü. B f T J T iY l i e v i S e l l - i»rov.ided' th? entertainm eiit The re dent c® %fte western district o i the Lynn Lawrence of Nyssa €> m 3 Ward's parents. MV and Mrs A W fn c r - Nyssa hl* h school music teach- •niüteipd) » tetott« heart a ita c i a i tfeîK mainder of the evening wais spent In Idaho con(e:ence of the Methodist Kenneth Pope ol O n ta rl. or Attend Ward lived In Nyssa for several £ * nd violinist, was the first pupil ''» • rv lo fii S t a t i o n (FS« o f tito m & t & & Ï "tit) to playing bingo and enjoying films church, Will preach during the m om - the organization meeting, which will •/ears before moving to Prairie City ™ Temlanka T he three Nyssa girls sJioWri) 9 » Rev. Claire «Snenshaw. ing s to rk - lh the Nyssa Community! b*' held February 6 at 8 • m th the Several e f his relatives »till live In were among a small group who were l i S h n i i P . « e l d 'Dfprnte’s site MethodlsTchurch Sunday. T he oc- high school band 00m is OnUrlo Nvssa, Besides his parents, he leav selected to pose with Temlanka for KcseUrs Word af Dealh — fio » station gf Sixth and Main leaves For Arkansas^» casloh will mark the dedication of Mrs. Pope :,alri th. (»rganlzation es w* sisters, Mrs Floyd Billings a picture which appeared ln the Afrs Fred Mitchell, ha* ¡t o r t s to f Henry Anderson o f Nyssa. . _ Mrs Ed PharL , who has btote MBfi" the new pews that have been Install- especially needs strin.- rod loubk Eugeni and Mrs John Markle of Monday evening Statesman % o r* e * thtf d*ath; <ot h *f broUwi. ■*>'•> «h o ha* been operating the ployed ln th« Nyssa telephone office •1 oy the Marshall Fixture company reeds Bate; and k brother, Alfred Wart! ilph Kicks o f Fitted air. Btyomltp, statooe tor on® year. wlU manage | for nine montns, left January 22 for ol On . ........... ...... ........ . Opera Star Visit»— *w • »****®* r t d te a * km <i1#d ®t a l -.rge cattle and sJnep ranch af horr.« ln Berryville, Arkansas o i th e local 'iiurch 'ommlttee. said K rturn. from llaspltat— Held Fellowship Meeting«— Mr and Mrs. Victog Socolowsky of tot ctt®d| /toMiacg 8ft ft* t t * «»® la)a, Moiuan». He and his fair.- siie was -.ccompanlrd by her httr. the money is either in hand or piedg- ~ A group of young people of St Bremerton. Washington were hous*. 0*5* ffin T 11* ' *5 V“ r l 'l?' 8 ft. ^ v h o wr t t o ®, »si f o r t e * total coot of th® pews. AI f r ^ t ^ ^ u 7 » o U™ ^ l u i mwbere, he Paul’s Episcopal church has been guests at th e home of Mr and Mrs. * : * i f doase ft| two , years f t ig Nvvsa -.anuwy W trom Korea, group of tn«n * f th * church worked received treatm ent for two weeks holding fellowship meetings every D O Bybee during the past week. Kaigkw \uvlliar> to M eet— ____ ^ ... . l ” * ** * * Monday and Tuesday Installing the Mr Blbby U »till confined to hL bed Sunday afternoon T he groups In- Mrs Socolowskv. an opera star, re Mrmber« o f tea Eagfto A 40hiteWy find», or. w.*i iiftKi Owtìsnk. VMI At llotpliAl— ;>ews At th^ »Sundiy j^rvlcf, th r -____ -ludes boys and girl« from Ontario cently finished playing the lead role ill meet February 5 oft the Eagles h* Waggoner Motor company Mr and Mrs Oeorge If. iW : and ciiolr will sing .-»eek Ye the Lord" Attending School— and Vale as well as Nyssa Rev and ill i t 1 1 m The ifficac a t the bi gara«® W th# last truce years. He Mrs Pearlee Kinzor vLdted Joe by Roberts, with the oolo part by: City Police Officer Frank I.awr- Mrs Claire Crenshaw are sponsors In "Hansel and O rettle". sponsored fid® guard and two-year trustee will will take charge o: the service sta Maughar. of Nyssa ln tee veterans Hugh Tobler Mrs Dwight Wyckoff enoe la in Portland te le week attend- and leaders of th e group. Th e Rev by the Civic Music club In W ashing ton Sh e cam e to Nyssa to sing at p® flllad by appcOfiftoier.^ «| •df.’. fj*-• Mn which he wfif v j: ^ d v ' c*- hospital in B«>Ue Sunday They also will sing • 'i a , e vf the ing a p.lloe officers .vhool <$pndno* Wayne Metz of O nUrlo assist® with the wedding reception of her slater, ^ iteiM aA e A A lM M M V & " r tM R flMMfcl A a h - ■ M V i " " s '-' tee r P ’ he ^ Mrs Keith D Bvbee Set fo r F eb . 2 F o r S e o u l W <*<*L I'Y o s t T a l k s O n (la n y o n IV o jn ft m r i * Ps. S t a i n Xft 1’a k t ‘n D e a th I n 11 r « r a w r R osifleal riT s o n J e r ^ ^ ^ 1* ^ . Z \ ¡ E i T p a s s ^ s a ? ^ m S o ! follows: riTA- 10 10 10' s*cond'35 w C • i Î