• o y fia K o n k s lo o } H _________ P M I f f| I - A,* BRfcfc-.’ l VTE C í| V '•’• *S& A t9 « I tMW ecfc ©teörtfc fit!» « *u»í*s M t Urt. « * 12fc*» íftíW N YJb H iS & S îêA ' Blood P . ( p ’. v .; ( | « t f f » ’¿Etes « 4 «*u«M»rs. * f « I d «fe- R°9 teJÉte* «Rid 8W«*e« fcjlma» J liiib A L ixurjopg ‘ «95C Dor. Car e a t a o o « n u s . &*» a * - 4 br*.* sgoOer ignoring |Rrs Jterth fkxft* * < m i \ im V w i stoui P 6 given a* the S f . fU x * . ¡¡too# Mort* Friday afternoon, n t h I b i MftroUV teiii©iliiiif and Hr» C n xm iB IA AVE Jan. 24—Wednes- jfraidl ©hippie «6 hoste»«es. The liay afternoon luncheon guests at thg afternoon wu- pent playing gam. . dom5 *?** Mr- f.nd **!?• — o«» Mrs. « v . «»m n iu i! u .. _Lcerrit Groot of Apple valley, ?fi« with Campbell. Efts. Cllen and Mr^ Jalee Groot of Arcadia i Hk>lmes, #r and Sirs. Fran4 Byers winning prizes. Late in the »iter- Brs Hilda Ben »en ol Ny.»»® |frs c W. Tensen and Caro©n noon, little Leah Whipple and terov Olsen appeared with a decorated visited in Ontario Thursday after wagon loaded with gifts for the 1100,1 bride, who was assisted by Donna Mr. and Mrs. Edwin ®owerson of RooKstool and Corjine Stemper. The Nyssa Heights made a business trip bride made a wish for each gift given to Emmett and called in this com- to her. A luncli of sandwiches, cake munity Thursday afternoon, ice cream and coffee was served to) Callers at the home of Mr and 23 guests Mrs. Joe Stam of Nyssa Saturday The Merry Matrons club met at afternoon were Mr uid Mrs Dick the home of Peggy Brown Wednes- Groot and Klaus Stam of Oregon day afternoon, January 16. The new Trail president, Viola Adams, named Klaus Tensen was a business visi- Peggy Brown and Opal Holmes as tor in Ontario Thursday the social committee for the next six months Ten members answered home m Apple V all^ ?h u rsd a ?^ f- roll cn.l with 1 ollyanna suggestion.» ternoon were Mr and Mrs Z David- In a « U s Same, prizes were won by son of Parma, Mr and Mrs j ake Vmnie Smith and Virginia Rook- Reik Cf Nampa Vj r and Mri stool. Lunch was served by the hos- Pete Van tess, assisted by Gladys Byers. Thy Mr. and Mr». James Kakebeeke of next meeting will be held at the home of Gladys Bvers January 30 Ontario visited relatives in this com New yearbooks will be filled out at munity Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot of Ar- the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burgess and and tde‘ r douse quests. Miss son of California are visiting at the Ita Posch of Stompetoren. Holland visited Mr. and Mr Pete Tensen J. E Bowen home Mr and Mrs. Ward C. Lundy and ®atur<*ay afternoon. Miss Posch has son.» have moved from the Olson been in Virginia and western Ore- farm to the Guthrie place whic'i fpjn for six months as an exchange student and is on her way to New they will farm this year. from Mr. and Mrs. F. G Holmes enter- York, .. , , where she will sail Peb- tamed at dinner Sunday celebrating LuaR 1 °r her home. While Miss P m :h w ii hen Mi and Mrs. Groot took her through the Alalgamated Sugar company factory. Pete Tensen ha» been confined to his home for the last week on ac count of illness. Mr and Mrs. Pete de Boer and son of Ontario called on relatives In this community last week. Mrs Jake Van Twisk accompanied Mr. and Mrs. George Schiemer of Newell Heights to Boise Monday. &fca«£ $>i®i© t M i « filloQ A g in • «a©» ral >rtherly ¿yc<^lon O p i nder 1:;0 eft v^O Snake ©etethWMt cofm t «t tES>\ »• i-s ' u «o 4o fis intersection with the 1 1 gna'tvm Û6. fotenMHw S8 ScuV- ; rth line c0 Section 27 township ‘ tonic. « H W S6 ¿thbK) it®»« & South, ®ange O ' E. W. M ; cittì <|» onilü «« s»’ 4tdcs>H« cuíifjws ■JeeinO O '- t along the North line >f S S 1», Of « * • o f Ä c V t t f i . of said Section .27 to the Cl.irth- T‘oipn.4hw |$ South. R t h j l dB 8> Ja ’ tliej; tion 28* hejxnnt V 84.. irtene® (temili $ 4 >8» «tete 0.1-0 corno: ol Section o t beginning, all in Malheur ci oun- co HoutilwOt «owner o t filff1« of of S e c to r 14 tk)«n.s«dc.|fl «4. Oregon. <k 5 t)udB Range €}. 1 W «tefiO jointly <Jled a petition with the j ( 0 :t onO-half ( S 1 mil* to tbut^y Hoard of directors of the Owyhee east com ar of S f f , of ()f Irrigation DLstrict In which sad Section IS, Totenship 23 South, petitioners pray Ufcu a hearing be R inge • 1 \V Bt thton# South held on said petition by the Board one-half ( ’» > mile to SouthKWst ut its regular meeting on the 5th day- corner iSZV> oj S o f said o l February. li>52. at the office q Section IS: thence Ea»t one-ha'.f 'aid Board ate Nyssa. Oregon. Ttn.t t ' ») mile to Southeast corner oC petitioners pray that the land above SW '« of SE\ of .»aid Section 13. described be excluded from the Owy- thence North one-fourth (>.t mile hee Irrigation District forthwith up- to Northwest corngfr of SE 1, of 0,1 sal£l petKion being heard. SE'» of said Section 13: thence All persons interested in. or who Ee»t one-half t ‘v ' mile to South-, may be affected by such change of west corner of Lot 3 of Section 13. i of said district shall ap- Township 23 South, Range 47 £ P**«*r -*t th«* office of said B.wird it W M.; thence North one-fourtn the hour of 8 p m on the 5th day i ' i ) mil* along we.»t boundary of ° f February, 1952, and show cause, in said Lot 3 to Northwest corner of writing, if any they have, w h y th » sa‘d Lot *; thence Ku t about one- change in the boundaries of aid fourth i *» 4 ) mile along north boun- district, as proposed in said petition, dary of sand Lot 3 to Northeast -'hould not be made, corner c i said Lot 3 to the inter- Harold Henigson, section with the boundary line be- Secretary, Owyhee Irrigation Dis tween the State of Oregon und trict. First Publication: Jan. 24, 1952. Idaho: thence north along said Iaist P ubli catio n Oregon-Idaho boundary line to where wild boundary line inter- sects the North line of Section 7, Township 22 South. Range 47 E W M ; thence West to the North east corner of Section 12, Town ship 22 South. Range 46 E W M thence North to the North boun dary line of the Oregon Short Une Railroad Right-ol-way. thence Southwesterly along the north boundary of said Railroad Right- of-way to a point where said boun dary Intersects the Ea»t line of the NWL, of NW1« of said Section 12; thence North to the Northeast corner of the NW1, of N W 1« of said Section 12: thence West to the Intersection w.th the South and West meander line of the __________________________________ Hange 4€ R W. tfte&s*! o s « » . j a * -tot* *» <!'•» ; A b » Red Ce, Vi s»a m 1 r J ; . *. ■ \0 WAIT TO O L A T E TO C L A S S IF Y FOR SALE—Westmghouse Laundro mat, in good condition, $250. Phone 012-Jl. 34J2xc The Union Pacific Railroad ha» ju»i presented to the American Red Cross an “ Armed Forces Blood Procurement Car” to collect blood throughout Union Pacific territory, except where hlood centers arc established, and In a briet ceremony, as shown In picture at top, A. K. Stoddard, president of the rail FOR SALE — Hotpoint range and road, turned the keys to the ear over to Ray Sehlott *rbcck. Red Cross midwest area supervisor of St. Frigidaire refrigerator Phone 282-W 24J2xp. I Louis, Mo., with ranking officers of the armed fore?» in attendance. Lower left shows sign on either side •>f the ear, lower right one of two bedrooms containing two cots lor donors. Flvery drop of blood collected LOST -Trailer door, painted gray, j on this car will go to the armed forces. made of angle iron and plywood, \__ 2ON0S between Ontario Livestock Com m is-! east corner of SE1« of SE1« of SE1-« of said Section 28; thence 24J2XP s:on Co. yards and highway going Adrian Phone 088-R1 ONION SKINS said Section 35; thence South one- west. Harold Sisson, route 2, phone west one-fourth (*«) mile to the MAN i IOL D half ( V ) mile to Southeast corner Liigtil A d v e r t is in g 166-R3 24J3XC. Northwest corner of the SE1-« of m i m SOGR apm of NE1« of NE1, of .Section 2. the SE 1« of said Section 28; FOR RENT—Three-room furnished j NOTICE TO CREDITORS Township 23 South. Range 46 ® "PRINTED COI T thence south one-fourth (*«) mile apartment. Phone 127-W. H H. In the Matter of the Estate of Roe W M ; thence West one-half f 1*) MANUSCRIPT COVER# to the Southwest corner of S E 1« Ktngrey. 24J3xc. Felton Duncan, Deceased. mile to Southwest corner of NW1« ! 3RISF FOLDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , of the SE 1« of said Section 28; of NE1.« of said Section 2; thence FOR SAi_,E 1950 Willy» pick-up. That the undersigned has been duly j thence west three-fourths i % ) South one-fourth <’ «» mile to PLAIN 6- LEGAL RULED two-wheel drive; 1951 Willys pick and regularly appointed the Admin-1 mile to Northwest corner of section Southeast corner of SE1« of NW 1* up, four-wheel drive Bosse Nash istratrix of the above entitled estate. | 33, Township 21 South, Range 46 of said Section 2; thence West one- j dealer, Payette. 24Jlxp.1 All persons having claims against E. W. M ; thence due South two fourth ( '■« I mile to Southwest i and one-half (2l*i miles to the corner of S E 1« of N W 1« o f said LOBT-W hitefaced black heifer, de- said ef ta^e arfl hereby notlf‘ ^d Southwest corner of the MW1« of Section 2; thence North one-fourth horned, tatooed in ear; H olstein»P^ent^the same, venfietl as by law Section 9, Township 22 South, ( '•« > mile to Southeast corner of heifer, year old. no brand Lett El- required, to the undersigned at N>s- Range 46 E. W M : thence Ba t N W 1, of NW1, of said Section 2; mer Ausman farm one mile west of ° rego" ', at OIflcCt° f 1? l r” one-fourth 0 4 ) mile to Southeast thence West one-half ('•«) mile to ___________________________________ | Snider, her attorney, at 18 North Third Street, within six months o f ; corner of the SW' i of the NW' i j Northwest corner of SB1« of NE1* the date of the first publication j of said Section 9; thence South) of Section 3, Township 23 South. one-half (**) mile to Southwest! hereof. corner of SE1« of S W 1« of saldj Myrl Duncan, to the Section 9, thence East one-fourth I Administratrix of the Estate of i 1« i mile to Southwest corner of Roe Fellon Duncan, Deceased. SE1« of said Section 9: thence( j Date of first publication Janu for the splendid turnout South one-fourth ( '« » mile to ary 24, 1962. at the Date of last publication Febru- j Southwest corner of N W * of the NE1« of Section 16, Township 22 ary 21, 1952. South, Range 46 E W M ; thence East one-half :■*) mile to North NOTICE east corner of SE1« of the NE1« of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that said Section 16: thenct South one- Claude W, Eachus, Dennis Smith, half ( *-.• ) mile to Southeast corner Norman H Dowty, Floyd Gross, We say thank you of NE1, of the SE * of sgid section Willis Atkins, Nelson Johnson, Floyd to those business men who contributed 16; thence West one-half (*4) mil«' R McKague, Burt Search, Clarence bouquets of flowers McKague, Rex Beebe. Claus B. Clau-j to Northwest corner of S W 1« cf the S B 1« of said section 1«; thence sen, Paul Uzzel, James E. Esfcew, South one-fourth ( 1* > mile to John K Eskew. Perle Davis, David Southwest corner o f S W 1« of the We hope to be worthy oi this expressed confidence Beebe, Glenn Beebe, Irwin S. Davi SE 1« of agid Section 1#; thence son. Marcus K Johanneson, Harry be being of service to this community in the future Bast one-half ('-/) mile to South Jurgens, Harry Sipes, Orlee Sipes, east corner of said Section 16; Willard M. Davison, Ralph Antrim, «hence due South one end one-half LaVerne Hastriter, Noble Pullen, M (1*%) miles to Southwest corner of H. Shenk. Alfred Costley, James Mil the N W 1* o f Section 27, Tow n ton, Clarence S Nelson, William E ship 12 South Range 46 B. W M ; Nelson, Cecil McCormick, Flank thence East one (It mile to South Johns, O. L. Ashcraft, Lambert W. east corner of the NE1-« o f said Dlerklng, J. O Tallman, Keith Tail- Section 27; thence due South one man, Leland W. Waite, C- E Hawk. Glenn W Antrim. Bernard L. Bald •ill mile to Southwest com er of the NW1«. of Section 35. said win. Samuel Leavitt, A. L. Hulsc, Township and Range; thence East Linder Brothers, Homer G. King, one-half ('-¿> mile to Northeast E. E. Eastman. John Cameron, E. E. corner of S W 1« o f said Section 35; Nelson, and B B. Burroughs, the thence Soath one-half G4> mile owners in fee of land within, and to Southeast com er of SW*4 of contiguous to each and every tract said Section 35, thence West one- of land within the boundaries of the fourth (' «» mile to Southwest following de.cribed tract of land, com er of the SE1« of S W 1« of said to-wit: V ." ' w -» Section 35; thence North one- Beginning at the Northeast corner fourth ( ‘ «) mile to Northwest of Section 28, Township 21 South, corner of said SE’ i of SW '4 of Range «6 E.W.M.; thence .south said Section 35: thence due Bast three-fourths' (%») mile to the three-fourths ( \ ) mile to North- Northeast corner of the S E 1« of with Power Take-Off •# GATE CITY JOURNAL For Tho NEW FORD CD V| i > . Q for * V ,«. ■ ”« • < 1 ’ » T» V ELT E) < FUEL 01! L HB I E ^ Dslivorect Cleanly Burns Clecmfy Heals Cleanly L PROMPT DELIVERY «SEE IT SOON Herriman Motor Co. I I ■ I ■ I I la In Nyssa Phone 79 Flotcher Oil Co. We wish to express our appreciation Residents ot Nyssa and Community Showing of the 1952 Chevrolet and the Formal Opening of our new building NYSSA MOTORS, Inc. IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE! FORAGE HARVESTER i 4 Und out why more farmets T*itc% to theCehl, why it juts fcctfef» handle»*asiee..*Xlhy itoStv» mow value pet «lolla». It’* «hr fuoiiem %wf. . . A PRUDENT CHOICE! isk notv if your property qualifies1. Thousaftcfs oí Oregon poJicyholtSgjfs ®ppvasdufa th# sp cn itfy and savings they <wijoy*i th rough m utual M isura«»'. The ffompftGT w « tcfwtsEüÆ « s u r s sÎÂPid&PÎ, ÎSQÎf-Æ .'cK,’=\SSABL;í G o bi Equiptnant Does fitc C o m pl ete J o b from field to Storaqo p o tete* 1 .itML BLOWEH' elevates t o * i l o at m o«. Acceawry power take-«# 4to« Uaa«Rc« r Mjwte«# #teNtic drivr,«jitrates.«. ta t vs »alte* Um feast oû y * * * * * * *oryo* Call Us! «then* m u r IU IM ftr tniiLTir# w M m i+Smt + *& * tu t. |te us sld% S t «•?» Mo CfhtmJb m t 4 t *dut f t » tei¿¡m 1 4 »S <f B & M Equipment Co., Inc s * Real Estate Insurance KEN POND w N o M r thw estern teTVAl fill «ttOCIAVlO«* • N yssa. O re^ o* o «MUI «•»»»• o ©o P R O P ER TY OW NERS HAVE NEVER SAVED LESS THAN 15% ON FIRE INSURANCE COSTS. Mve* time, mdk a«4 motejr0 fb«etc4 two wav» . . . with fow et take-o# c f o»w Aiotof, Idle OehS I'of age Harvester fickes Iwsft# c c f» silage last«*, ^icks up a#d chops windtowe# liaf c f combifie# **t*w, drops it into rage*, ¿ i f f nw -*op mttmhmem* fct cot«, cane. etc«, «fel NouW *4 f t the same basic unit. G EN ER A L AM ERICA PREFERR ED STREET Ph i« ■ ll