THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 27. 1951 PAGE FOUR 1 as the parents. Mr. and Mrs. George who is working there. Word has been received that a son. Cleaver, lelt Thursday morning (or weighing six pounds, one ounce, was Huston. Missouri to spend Christ born to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart (Bud) mas with their daughter, Mrs. Emery Schweizer o( Reno, Nevada. Decem Elliott, and to later visit other rela (Continued Irom Pate 1) tives. Present at the Clever home gear with the engine running when ber 20. her baby (ell from the machine. Mrs. William Gregg entertained were Leonard Cleaver, and the fami While she was saving the baby, one the young people's club o( the com lies of Lavern, Lester. Lloyd. Oer.e ol Mrs Kidman's (eet was broken. munity church Monday evening in and Leonard Cleaver, and Mr and Mrs. Kidman and children were her home The group played games Mrs. Magnus Ekanger and Jerry. planning on (lying to Caliiornia to and sacked the Christmas treats. Re Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson re spend Christmas with her husband. freshment, of Jello and cake were turned Friday after a honeymoon trip to Ogden. Utah, and are at served to 12. Herschel Gregg and children and home on Long drive in Nyssa. Mr and Mrs Grover Cooper had his mother, Mrs Anna Gregg, left FOR YOUR PLUMBING Saturday (or Wapato, Washington dinner in Caldwell at the home of to spend the holidays at the home Mrs. Cooper's mother. Mrs. Adah NEEDS Snyder. o( Mr and Mrs. Ray Pappiere Mr and Mrs. Walter Olson ol Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Dimmiek Bath Sets, Water Heaters Buhl, Idaho were overnight guests and children were dinner guests of and Pressure Systems Saturday at the home cl Mr and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Larson for Christ mas. Mrs. L. W. Pomeroy. Call Dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fre£ Arai and three Magnus Ekanger lor Christmas were J. C. SMITH Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Metz ol Nyssa and Mr and Mrs. Paul Cleaver o( 13 Years In Nyssa Kingman Kolony. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pendarivs Phone 78-J were hosts at a yuletide dinner lor Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hillis, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Britton. Mr. and Mrs. j Clarence Pendarvis, and family and Home beauty begins Bob Pendarvis. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Counsil, Paul with. . . Knottingham, and Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Smith, Jr., and family were among those present for the Christ mas dinner at the Joe Counsil home in Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Didericksen were dinner guests at the Jack Jones home in Big Bend for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chapin were dinner guests Thursday evening of Mr and Mrs. Claude Wilson. The Cleaver Family held their j Christmas party and gift exchange j Stunz Lum ber Co. Wednesday evening, December 19. ---------------------------------------■ . Grangers Serve Christinas D in n e r children of Jamieson were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Qkano Evening visitors included Mr and Mrs. Roy Hiral. die Oka no children were ill all the past week with severe colds. Mr and Mrs. Claude Wilson were hosts Sunday to a family Christmas gathering and turkey dinner. Pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. James Robb of Moses Lake. Washington and the Pete Wilson and Clarence Reed fami lies. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reffett of John Day, Stanley Reffett of Haines, apd Mr and Mrs. Loren Hite and family of Haines arrived over the week-end to spend the holidays with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Reffett. Twelve members of the Pleasant Hour club met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Strickland foe the gift exchange following a Rev. Maxfleld, formerly pastor of short business meeting. Names of the Expected to Arrive Sunday— Chaplain and Mrs. Don B. Max- | the Nyssa Christian church and months were drawn for next year's entertaining. Refreshments were field and children are expected to a chaplain in the U. 8. army. Is on served. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price were hosts arrive In Nyssa Sunday evening, his way to Germany. at a Christmas eve paity for their family. Present were Mr and Mrs Marion Carey and son. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Albritton of Madras, and Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Price. Marlon Carey, navy man. arrived from San Diego Friday and with nis wife and son visited his relatives In Caldwell, arriving at the Price home Sunday. Jimmy and Keith Langley became Located At Western Store 111 with virus pneumonia, so Mr. and .Mrs Langley had to postpone their PHONE 244-J RESIDENCE PHONE 286-R scheduled trip to Leota. Kansas for # Christmas by United Airline. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brewer and family were among the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Evans of Parma for Christmas dinner. RADIO & REFRIGERATION REPAIRING Herbert E. Cox-Technician STARTING J u s t looking in to give o u r best good w ishes to you and y o u r lo ved ones 1952 YOUR GS Bauman Farm Equipment T h a t’ s for me! I work for a salary and want the money I save to earn for me, too. So you can bet that I’m going to keep my savings at The First National Bank where they earn 2%. A s a business executive I’m trans ferring my savings to First Na tional because no m atty what my balance — $1.00 or $100,000 or more—it will earn 2%. A business man has to look to the future. husband and I figure our savings are our future! Believe me, that 2 % interest will make our dreams come true a lot quicker...a lot easier! I ’m a working man and I’ve got responsibilities...lots of ’em. With me every penny counts; that’s why I'm starting saving at the First Na tional Bank where it will earn 2%. THERE’S NO SUBSTITUTE FOR A FIRST NATIONAL BAN K SAVINGS ACCOUNT H ere’, another good reason why it pays to save at First National. Beginning January I, 1952, Tf/c interest will be paid on new and existing savings accounts in all branches of The First National Bank of Portland. This represents an increase of in the interest you earn. Join the thousands of Oregonians who save regularly at First National Bank of Portland and earn this profitable 2% rate of interest regardless of the size of your account. OPEN YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT TODAY FIRST NATIONAL BANK NYSSA BRANCH ¿ - i> 1U km k OF PORTLAND rfoyi OKN 10 TO 5 SIX DAYS A WEEK h r yotr