BEST BUYS PAGE THREE THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13 1951 Classified Advertising R ATE: Two cents per word tor each Issue. Minimum, cash tn advance, is 30c. Your Real Estate Headquarters I f you want to bay or sell ace Mel 80 acres, row crop. 2-bedroom modern home, well located. $21.000, terms. 150-head cattle ranch. 150 acres irrigated, grossed $37,000 this year. 2 small homes. $51,000', terms can be arranged. 12 acres In apples, cherries, peaches, aprioots and berries, $2.25 per acre for water, located on Sunny slope highway. 2-bedroom modern home. S down. $1.000 per year. 20 acres on the Nyssa-Ontario highway, best location that will ever be for sale, terms. 40 acres close to Nyssa, under Shoestring and old Owyhee ditch, small home, 8-cow barn, loafing shed, good soil, terms. 160 acres, 64 acres irrigated, 5- room semi-modern home, well lo­ cated. $15,750: $9,750 down, will take 2-bedroom home In Nyssa as part payment. 1165-acre cattle ranch. 509 head on Taylor grazing, 387 acre row crop i land on this place, 3 homes, good B 80 « T acres. acres " ^ ai g o gooo. o i ^ c h cneap e a p paid-up equipment goes "with acres, pam up | improvements, ^ dea, >140 000 down. water, good house and bam, $8,625 220 acres, 110 acres Irrigated, lots GOOD L IV IN G ASSURED Here's an 80 you can't go wrong cheap water, sandy loam soil, good on. lays good for any kind o f . stock and row crop set-up. 4-room farming, has modern 6 room home. | home. 2 steel granaries goes with the large shed, etc. You can take pos- i deal. $20.000, $12,000 down session for a measly $6000 down, ! 35 acres high producing row crop and pay only $2500 per year. In­ land, has an attractive new $8.000, cluding Interest. Total price $23,- 2 bedroom modem home, $12,600., $4,500 down. 000 7 acres located north of Nyssa M IL K CHECK EACH MONTH This close-in 40 is an ideal dairy under old Owyhee ditch, 5-room set-up. Wonderful soli, fair im­ modem home. 7-head cow barn, provements. $9,000, $5,000 down. loafing shed, will consider trading for a 40 or 80 acre ranch, terms. BETTER T H A N AVERAGE 40 40 acres, 12 acres in peaches, bal­ Modern 4-room house on well lo­ ance can be row-cropped, 5-room cated small farm, $11,700. home, terms. E X T R A GOOD 40 115 acres irrigated, row crop and Choose this one If you want a modem 3-bedroom home on a stock rtnch, dairy barn, loafing shed, farm that is productive and easy machine shed. 2 modern homes, $31,000, $10,000 down, $3,000 per to handle. $1$,000. terms. month. B U ILD ON T H IS 80 acres located close to Nyssa. 67 3 Vi acres of good land close In, Irrigation water, $1500, easy terms. acres Irrigated, small house. 7-head cow barn. $12,000. $4.000 down. $900 O IL ROAD LO C ATIO N 10 acres, half hay, half pasture, per year. 3.300 acres. 300-head cattle spread modem 3-room home. $8.500, under fence. Taylor grazing for 175 terms arranged. head. 2-bedroom modern home, well SA VIN G S FOR EVERYBODY I Don't miss our display ad else­ located in a good grass area, $68,000, , where in this paper. I t ’s about easy terms. 150 acres close to Nyssa, 75 acres your Insurance. excellent row crop land, balance HOMES good pasture, ideal for stock and ECONOMY SPEC IAL 2-bedroom modern home, good row crop, lots of water for the entire ranch, cost $90 per year, 6-room location. $2500. easy terms. modem home. 4 down, $1,000 per B IG F R IE N D L Y ROOMS Here Is a bargain! 2 bedrooms, year. Take The Landlord O ff Your Payroll FARMS " W A N T A B IO PARM ? 227 good acres, well located, most­ ly row crop land. The owner says vou can gross $30,000 per year $60,000. $15,000 down. bal. $6.000 per yea r C A T T LE RANCH FOR YO U About 175 acres of good farm land, plus plenty of summef range Fine location. Oood improvements. $51.- 000 takes it. N O T F A R FROM NYSSA 93 acres, about 65 good, ideal for combination stock and row crop, sagebrush on one side. $13.000, easy terms. P A ID -U P W A TE R R IG H T 94 acres, about 75 good, new house under construction, $30,000, Pru­ dential loan. H IG H L Y PRODUCTIVE 80—Some of the best land in the area. It won’t take this farm long to pay for it­ self. Cost is only $25 000 1 basement, three lots, only $2600, easy i terms. Bernard Eastman. 40tfc FOR SALE I EXCELLENT BUSINESS S IT E ON | PAVED STREET, 200 X 300 BERNARD EASTM AN M ISCELLANEOUS—Men - you’ll be . Insurance the light of her lile of you give your Real Estate Phone 64 wife a beautiful Hotpoint range for Christmas, that is until next Christ­ mas. See Ez at Ez Carr Appliance FOR SALE— Buy your wife a Hot- store. lSDlxc point automatic washer for Christ­ mas. She’ll love you forever after, FO R SALE—Pinto mare, coming if you do. See Ez at Ez Carr Appli­ 13Dlxc 3-year-old. Oentle and halter broke. ance store. Slock saddle, good as new. Trash FOR SALE—Good buys lr. re-con- burner. Irvin Topllff, Phone 080R2 Various sizes - lSDlxp ■ ditioned oil heaters. priced from $24.50 to $39.60. satis­ FOR SALE—Entire herd of regis­ factory operation guaranteed, phone tered milking shorthhorns. Four 149-W. Nysaa Furniture company miles north of Meridian, R. M. Mich­ 4otfc el. Phone 2483. Meridian. 13D3xp FOR SA LE —V. A. C. Case tractor FO R SALE—Stack of loose hay and with cultivators. Bauman Farm j Equipment. 13Dlxc seed potatoes. Phone 081-R l. 13D2xp FOR SALE— Five-passenger Reglon- FO R SALE—John Deere tractor H 1 al DeLuxe Studebaker Champion. 2#n3xp with plow and cultivators. Bauman •$1505 117 Park Ave. Farm Equipment. 13Dlxc ! FOR SALE—Maytag washer in per- FO R SALE—Beautiful used pianos, | feet shape, you can get it for 4 the sizes and styles that will beautify ! price of a new one. One year guar- 13Dlxc. your home. See Ez at Ez Carr Ap­ i antee. Ez Carr Appliance. pliance Store. 13Dlxc FOR SALE 100-head cattle ranch, outside FO R SALE —Ping pong table, regu­ lation size, $25. Roger Anderson. range. 175 acres good farm ground. $51,000. Phone 327-M. 5-room modern basement home, FOR S A L E —Gem potatoes, truck good location, $2500, only $500 down. lots only. Ira R. Ure, Jr:, phone 40 acres, good home, outbuildings 039-R1. 6Dtfc. $16.000, 4 down. 2-bedroom home, garage, nice FOR SALE lawn and trees, $4.000, 1/4 down. New, Modern Two-bedroom Home 14 acres, $6,000, 4 down. • Full basement 30 acres row crop, $8,000 only $2,- • 50 x 138 lot 500 down. • A ll in lawn 40 acres row crop. $12,500. • Oood location 80 acres row crop, good location. • Only $6500 $27.300. • F. H. A. terms 80 acre dairy farm, close to Nyssa BERNARD EASTM AN $12,000. 4 down. Real Estate Insurance 2 bed-room modem, near city Phone 64 park, $4,600, terms. 30 x 60 building with modern FOR SALE— Beautiful all white -gas" range, $35.00 Ez ’’Stinker” three-bedroom apartment, $6.500. BOB THOMPSON AGENCY Carr Appliance. 13Dlxc Phone 97 HOMES FOR SALE-1947 W. C. Alhs-Chalm- large living room, lovely kitchen, FOR SALE—Stove castings for any ers tractor with foot brakes. Bauman Attractive 2-bedroom modern nice bath, 1/2 basement all fin­ make of coal stove or coal heater, Farm Equipment. 13Dlxc ished, furnace heat, hardwood home with attractive garage, fire­ also rings for oil burner fire boxes. floors, good location. Specially place, wall to wall carpeting, oil 25otfc FOR SALE— About six tons of hay Nyssa Furniture company. furnace, full basement, $10,500. Will priced at $5300 Easy terms. and stack of alfalfa chaff. O. W. consider trading for small farm. A W ORD T O TH E WIVES FOR SALE Cummins, 116 East Fourth street, 2-bedroom modem home In Cald­ Check these features. Full base­ Beautiful modem 3-bedroom home, phone 293-M. 6D2xp ment with furnace heat, hardwood well for trade on a home in Nyssa. new construction, good location, 3 bedroom modern home, hard­ floors, lots of built-ins, lovely yard, FO R SALE!—Oood used refrigerator garage, igiltty room. $2.700 down, good garage. Our low price o f $6,- wood floors, garagr, fenced-in yard Firestone store. 29Ntfc balance less than rent, FH A f i­ 775, Includes full set of nice furn­ good location, low down payment, nanced. iture. Only $2,000 down, easy $52.00 per month. FO R SALE— Creto, the guaranteed 2/3 acre with 2-bedroom house, 2 acres located close to Nyssa. terms. What better deal could waterproof paint, Creto waterproof good land, fenced. This is a good 4 acres with a good 3-bedroom anyone want? concrete, brick, cement, stucc^plas- location inside city limits. semi-modem home, located on oil, MOVE T O T O W N ter, motar ajid terrazao. ’ Water­ NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY We have several customers who all kinds of fruit trees and berries, proofs by application and perman­ Ralph G. Lawrence. Agent want to trade their homes in town place in alfalfa, $6,500. ently waterproofs walls and floors. Nyssa, Oregon 2-bedroom modern home. 2 blocks on farms or farm land. See us Inside or outside, wet or dry, new or ISJytfc. o ff main street In Nyssa. selling about this. old. painted or unpalnted. Nyssa price Includes furniture for entire Lumber Company. 20stfc FOR SAIÆ—Used double tub Dex- BEAU TIFU L N A T IV E STONE One o f the best homes in Nyssa, home. $4300. 4 down, $1,000 per ter washer, name your own price. FOR SALE full basement, 2 bedrooms, com­ year. Ez Carr Appliance. lSDlxc Duplex Apartment 4 block In the City of Nyssa. pletely modem, $11,000, terms. •Paved Street $ 1 , 100 . FOR SALE—Sewing machines, P fa ff IM M ED IATE POSSESSION •Corner location Modem basement house and ten­ and Universal, new and used. Fire­ Buainaaa Opportunities •Excellent condition ant house, 4 lots, $6,000, terms. stone Dealer store. lntfc 2-unit apartment house in Vale, •Good Income property W H Y P A Y RENT? poth apartments have 2 bedrooms, BERNARD EASTM AN FOR SALE:—Two Allis-Chalmers C 4-room home, unfinished but $2,000 down. Real Estate Insurance tractors. Bauman Farm Equipment. livable, only $1000, $200 down. New business building containing Phone 64 13Dlxc 2 NEW HOMES 2100 square feet, well located, $8,000, Both modem, good vocation, best 4 down, $1,000 per year. of construction, both for $12,000. We have Just listed a business op­ BUSINE8S O P P O R T U N ITIE S portunity in Nyssa netting $700 per EVERYBODY HAS T O E AT month, opportunity (or expansion Run your own restaurant, good with very little cost. The owner going business. $7.000, full price. will consider taking other property O P P O R T U N ITIE S U N LIM IT E D in on the deal. Country g e n e r a l merchandise 4 unit apartment house in P ort­ store, nets $40 per day, building, land. will trade fo r city or country stock, equipment all goes for property In the Nyssa area. $22.500. 4 down. Also will Include modern two-bedroom home for only $4000 more. Nysaa, Ontario ana Tale offices D R Y CLEANERS SARAZIN CLINIC NYSSA POST NO. 79 Oolng business, all equipment In­ Raal Ealala. Insurance. Loans Phone 200 Nyssa. Oregon Dr. J. J. Sarazin cluded. Only $7300. FOR SALE PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY Physicians Dr. K. E. Kerby Phyeicians and Surgeons L. A. MAULDING, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Daily Except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Lodges AMERICAN LEGION Meets 1st St 3rd Thurs. Veterans Hall—8 P. M. All Veterans Welcome GATE CITY LODGE No. 214 I. O. O. F. Meets Every Monday Night, 8:30 South First Street C. J. KOPP. M. D. Physician and Surgeon F R Y B U ILD IN G Office Hours 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 Daily Except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Grigg Bros. & Butler Dentists DR. C. M. TYLER W ILSO N B U ILD IN G Phone I85-J. Nyssa O ffice Hours Prom 8 to 5 Chiropractor EDWIN W. OLDHAM. D. C. 101 East 1st 8t. Phone 250 Physiotherapy Fleetro-Therapy Nyssa. Oregon Except Saturdays, 9 to 12 J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Phone S6-J Sarazin Clinic Jewelry Stores NYSSA ORBOON PAULUS JEWELRY STORE DR. JOHN W. OLSEN Union Pacific Time Inspector JEW ELRY — DIAM ONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second 7th and Bower WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE O fficial Time Inspector for Onion Pacific O N TA R IO OREOON Dental Clinic Phone 393-W Optometrists DR. J. A. M cFALL DR. JOHN EA8LY Veterinarians Veterinarian Small and Large Animals Phone Nyssa 202 FOR SALE—AB apt. lange, $45 E. Z. to deal with Ez. lSDlxc BUENA VTSTA, Dec. 13— Mrs Willis Bertram and Mrs. Loyd Adams en­ FOR SALE—Used Evans oil heater tertained at a card party at the with fan, like new. Ideal Oas and Willis Bertram home Sunday even­ Appliance. 6D3xc ing (or Mr. and Mrs Chet Sage, who FO R SALE—Milk cows. Guernseys, are leaving this week for Moses Lake, Washington to make their home. Holstelns and Jerseys, milkers and Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Orant springers. C. Clyde Smith, phone Rinehart, Mr and Mrs. Finley 306. Ontario, Oregon, across from Shuster, M. and Mrs. Thurman Hill, Ontario sale yard 2m tic Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Paulus, and Mr. and Mrs. FOR SALE—Englander foam rubber Wilmer Hlpp. High prizes were won and spring-filled mattresses and box by Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Hill, sec­ spring sets. Attractive prices. Ed ond high, by Mr. and Mrs. Emil Case Furniture Co.. Nyssa. ISotfc Paulus and the traveling prizes by FO R SALE—Have .-arms and houses ! Mrs Eldred Brower and Roy Holmes for sale. Need more, list with K en Loyd, lis t e r and Qene Cleaver at- Renstrom Phone 264-W 29Jtfc Legal Advertising FO R SALE— 1951 Frigid* ire range, only used a few months. Like new. Phone 196-J. ISotfc FO R SALE— Used Conn trumpet, factory re-finlshed, like new, phone 193-R 29n5tc. See Ez FOR SALE—Used piano Carr Appliances, next to Oordon's Drive-in. 8ntfc FO R SALE— Fat geese Mrs Frank Graham phone 077-R3. 29n5xp FO R SALE —Westinghouse Electric range, excellent condition. Firestone store. 23ntfc FOR RENT FO R R E N T—Four-room house, part­ ly furnished. $35 month, three miles west on Alberta avenue, one mile south, 4 mile west. O. J. Kurtz. 13D2xp. FOR R E N T —Small modern house, 429 North 5th street. Phone 162-J. 6D2xp FOR R E N T —Two-room apartment, furnished. Steam heat furnished. Oldham apartments. 15 Park ave­ nue. dDtfc Phone 21, Ontario, Oregon NOTICE OF D ISSO LU TIO N O F P AR TN E R SH IP N O TIC E IS HEREBY OIVEN, That the partnership heretofore ex isUng between us, the undersigned, being a Limited Partnership, carry­ ing on the business of buying and selling automobiles, automobile ac­ cessories. oils, greases, etc., at Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon, under the style and firm name of H E R RIM AN M OTOR CO M PAN Y OREO., LTD., a Limited Partnership, has been dis­ solved by mutual consent of the undersigned, being the sole and only Partners In said partnership: that said dissolution is to be effecUve as and from the 1st day of Nov­ ember, 1961. All debts due. owing or payable by said partnership have been as­ sumed by and will be paid by J. L. Herrlman, at the business place of said business at 311 M ain Street. Nyssa. Oregon Dated this 1st day of November, 1951 J. L. H E R RIM AN Qeneral Partner E. E. CORN Limited Partner First pub. Nov. 29. 1961. Last pub. Dec. 13, 1961. FOR R E N T—Chester White Boar. U 8. D E PAR TM E N T OF THE $3. Nyssa F. F. A. chapter, phone 035-R3. 6D4xp IN T E R IO R , BUREAU O F LAN D M AN AG E M E N T Land O lllce, Port­ FOR R E N T—After the first of De­ land, IS, Oregon, October 24, 1951. cember. 4-room house. 1 mile north Notice is hereby given that on June of town, $35 per month, phone 13. 1949, Vernon Warn of Jordan 016-J4. Mrs. Ruth Anderson. 15ntfc Valley. Oregon, filed application FO R R E N T—3-room furnished a- Oregon 01377, under section 8 of the partment with heat and electricity. Taylor Orazing Act, as amended, to Mrs. E. M. Bair, phone 288-W. 29ntfc select the 8 E 4 S W 4 sec. 22 and the N W 4 N W 4 Sec. 27. T. 32 8. R. 46 E., FO R R E N T —320 acres, Ideal for W M„ Oregon. In exchange for the 8 4 S E 4 and SE4 S W 4 sec. 16. T. spuds, beets, beans, grain, etc. TTF1M P f t N n R e a l ESTATE 32 S., R 4« E , W. M , Oregon. This r U I Y U in s u r a n c e notice is for the purpose of allowing 16 North 3rd. Phone 218 all persons having bona flda objec­ tions to the proposed exchange an FOR R E N T—Furnished apartment, opportunity to file Objections In this 22ntfc phone 296-R. office, together with evidence that a FOP R E N T—Tw o furnished apart­ oopy thereof has been served on the ments. phone Brownie's cafe. Smtfc Applicant, within 30 days from date of the first publication. Pierce M. F O R R E N T — 2-room rurnlshed Rice, Manager. First publication cabin, Chadwick camp. 30ntfc December 13, 1951. FOR R E NT—Furnished apartment, one bedroom. 101 Emlson avenue, 4 blocks north of Main. Phone 63-W. 6Dtfc Win School Ho James Park of Jordan Valley, automotive machinist, and Arthur L. Hawkins, diesel mechanics stud­ ent at Oregon Tech school at Klam ­ ath Falls, have been placed on the honor roll at the school for the fall term, according to information re­ ceived here. WANTED! Order your Christmas door- wreaths and sprays from the St. Paul’s Episcopal Guild by phon­ ing i l - W or 73-R. R ALPH LAWRENCE about this question: We w ill be storing our Christmas presents at Aunt Jane’s house again this year until Christmas eve. I f she should have a fire and our gifts were destroyed, would our Household Goods Fire policy cover this loss? FY>r the answer to your Insurance questions feel free to call me at Nyssa Insurance Agency. 105 Main St. Phone 63. Meuller Fumaces- Link Belt Stokers FO R R E N T —Rooms for sleeping or light housekeeping. Phone 152-W, 313 Good avenue. 29Ntfc WANTED W ANTED TO R E N T — Modern home for dentist, wife and child, furnished or unfurnished Phone Nysaa, 034-J1 or Parma, 81-W2. 8D3xp Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho W A N TE D —To care for children in my home. Phone 63-J, Mrs. Roy Sewright. 29ntfc W A N TE D —Hay, baled or phone 029-R2, Zack Walker. HEATING GEORGE J. KINZER loose, llotfc W ANTED —Highest prices paid for slaughter horses. Clyde Smith, phone 306, Ontario. Across from Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc LOST LOOT—One rigid pipe wrench be­ tween Vern Beesley ranch on Al­ berta and BUI Baeus’ corner. Re­ MISCELLANEOUS— ’’Easy Ez" is ward. Phone 66. 6DtfC subanct doing business like great guns next 16 North 3rd. Phone 218 door to Oordon’s Drive-in. I3Dlxc MISCELLANEOUS M ISCELLANEOUS—Where it's a FOR SALE—1960 Ferguson tractor. MISCELLANEOUS— b T l Wlmmer*, pleasure to deal with Ez Carr Ap­ Bauman Farm Equipment. lSDlxc radio and appliance service, 531 Ar­ pliance. 13Dlxc cadia Blvd., Nyssa, Oregon 8D2xp FOB SALE FOR SALE—F30 Farmeli tractor. 3 acres with highway frontage. H O P K IN S WHOLESALE M EAT 13D1XC Just north of Nyssa includes large, State Inspected. One mile north, FOR SALE— Kitchen heaters, white new business building, excellent con­ 1/4 mile west of Nyssa on Columbia ave. Custom slaughtering, cutting, enamel, slightly damaged. $39 50 struction. Motel, highway location, six oao- wrapping, curing and rendering. only a few. Ed Case Purn Co., lns and grocery store, with 4 block Hogs, cattle, sheep received any Nyssa. 15ntfc frontage W ill sacrifice for cash. day. Also we consign hogs, cattle Small house, new modem, large and sheep for farmers to Portland FOR SALE— New three-bedroom house under F. H. A. loan. King lot. very good location. $1400. market. Free cooling and free de­ Modem two-bedroom home on livery within five miles of plant. avenue. C. K. Olson, phone 251-W. 23atfc five acres, edge o f town. Phone 395-W; If no answer. 31-M Two-bedroom m o d e r n h o m e Smtfc FOR SALE— Douglas Kitchen Craft east side location, small down chrome. America's finest. Ed Case payment, balance an state MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need Furniture Oo., Nyssa. ISotfc money to remodel your home or to NYSSA INSURANCE AG ENCY build outbuildings or garage? We Ralph O. I FOR SALE -Complete Boy Scout can arrange a loan (or you and give Nysaa. Oregon uniform, size 12 to 14. Phone 270-J. you up to three years to pay It. 6D2xp MISCELLANEOUS — Freezer for Nyssa Lumber Oo. 23*tfc your home" and save money on food FOR SALE—Brand new water soft­ H O PK IN S WHOLESALE M EAT MU. See Ez for the Freezer full of ener. special $50 Ez Carr Appliance, For your own protection, buy where it's E. Z. to deal. 13Dlxc food deal. You bet It’s easy to deal state-inspected meat. Buy a quart­ with Ez lJDlxc er half or whole beef, pork or mut­ FOR SALE FOR BALE— Unfinished chests, 5- ton.. Bee us at plant, 1 m ilt north 1948 Chevrolet 6-passer.ger coupe, on highway, then 1/4 mile west on drawer. 81496. I t ’s a factory close­ fully equipped, good rubber, excell­ out and we bought the entire lot, Columbia avenue, Nyssa. Oregon, ent condition phone 395 W or 31-M. 14dtfc 1948 Chevrolet. 4 ton pick-up. 3 and 4- drawer et comparable pric­ es. Ed Case Purn Co.. Nyssa ISntfc heater, good shape, clean. M ISCELLANEOUS Available now. 1948 Chevrolet sedan delivery, ex- FOR RENT -T w o room- house with Electrolux cleaners and air puri­ |cellent condition, priced right Sales end service. Ed R. bathroom Four-room modem apart­ fiers. 1948 Chevrolet 4-door deluxe, very ment Bernard Eastman lJDtfc Anderson, route 3, Writer. Idano, clean, heater. phone 0287J4. Mjtfe 1947 Chevrolet arrow sedan, radio, FOR SALE— Mature Chester White FO LIO heater, good tires, clean, new paint boar, by the Nyssa P.F.A. chapter N e w -B E T T E R T H A N E V E R Job. For Information, contact Dwight 1942 Plymouth, special deluxe. 4- Wyckoff. vocational agriculture In­ Policy covers CANCER, as well as door, radio and heater, good tires, structor at the Nyssa high school. many other dread dlseasat. Costs very clean car. excellent condition. SDtfc only $10 per year for whole family. I 1948 Chevrolet, panel truck, good FOR SALE—Used piano, $85 Ez condition, good tires, very dean 13D1 zc 18 North 3rd. Phone 218 1942 Plymouth 4-door, priced right. Carr Appliance. 1940 Nash 4-door, motor complete­ FOR S A L E —1961 Model M Farmeli M IBCELLANEOU S— Duplicate car ly overhauled, very clean and IntemaUonal beet harvester, and cylinder lock keys made. Heo­ Many more to choose from price 83600 Frank Magmi, route I, n ’s. 2$otfc You don't need to twist our arm. Parma. SDOxp We W A N T to DEAL Try The Classifieds I NYSSA MOTORS, INC. F O R SALE - Three-room houee, full KEN POND S teaded a turkey shoot at Adrian Sunday and came home with two turkeys. Mrs. George Cleaver. Mrs. La Vern Cleaver and Loyd and Lester Cleaver were In Payette Monday. Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Cleaver and Alan were Sunday dinner guests at the John Bowen home Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver and Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver shopped in Payette Saturday. Mrs S. B Hoffman, Mrs. Jim Ritchie and Mrs. Claude Day were in Caldwell Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Manctl Bishop and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Scott Hiatt home Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day and Jerry and Sandy were in Ontario Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Olen Hoffman and Olendla spent Wednesday evening at the Mancil Bishop home. F O R R E N T —Modern basement sleeping room for man. 107 North Fifth. Phone 89-J. 22ntfc 1* KEN POND “ “ DR. W. W. EASTEP Couple To Leave For Moses Lake DEAD ANIMALS Fast Service Free Pickup Phone 98 Parma Phone 100-R Nyssa Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. Nyxaa. Oregon -A TTE N T IO N FARM ERS- I am selling lots of farms and ranches and need more listings O SEE M EL GRIGG BROS. & BUTLER NYSSA. OREGON