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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1951)
V THE N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1951 PAGE TWO Varifil Till«*?* arc Shown In Library well adjusted in his world of the service, though perhaps immature as a human being Honeymoon for Seven" narrates A varied reading diet la offered in a lighter vein the doings of A l this week In the selection of new fred Toom's suddenly enlarged fam books at the Malheur County li ily when his marriage to a widow brary These books will be on dis with two children Increases the fam play at the adult circulation ri> k ily circle to seven. Attempting to until Saturday. December 8. after run a subsistence farm and to make whi' h they will go into circulation. ons family of two leads to many a "Harney County. Oregon and Its humorous situation. Edith Saunders writes of the lives Range Land" by George Francis Brimlow has been recently published of Alexandre Dumas and his son and under sponsorship of that county's the story of 'T h e Lady of the historical society It traces the his Camellias” In "The Prodigal Father". tory from Indian times and early Dumas the Younger's famous tale of explorations to the founding of a his early tragic love affair, as told cattle empire and Harney county's In his play "La Dame Aux Camelias ' has an operatic version as well, "La status today James Michener again writes a Travlata" The author of "Oil for the Lamps readable account of what people in Asia related to him of their eco of China", Alice Tisdale Hobart, now nomic, religious, and social problems concerns herself with conflicting in 'T h e Voice of Asia.” He also ideals In the medical profession in analyzes America's relations with the a story of two who were doctors Her new novel Is 'T h e Serpent-wreathed Aslan countries The "enchanted vagabonds" now S t a f f "Mr. Lincoln's Contemporaries" is tell of their “ Quest for the Lost C ity" Dana and Oinger Lamb an album of portraits by Matbew B search for a lost Mayan city In Brady Roy Meredith has selected Mexlcan-Ouatemala Jungles, and from among thousands these photo chronicle their travels by burro, air graphs of people prominent from 1850 to 1865 plane. Jeep and canoe “ Melville Ooodwln, USA” by John ! A useful as well as attractive book Marquand Is the portrait of an army Is "American Indian Beadwork”, general who is In the limelight after which describes methods of doing successfully handling an interna different types of bead work and pro tional Incident. It reveals him as vides samples of designs. RADIO & REFRIGERATION REPAIRING Located At Western Store PHONE 244-J RESIDENCE PHONE 286 R Herbert E. Cox-Technician -iWANTED:- I YOUR DEAD A N D USELESS A N IM ALS Horse*. Cow*. Calve*. Sheep. Hogs Cash for live horses and cowa FREE PROMPT R EM O VAL Phone ua collect Nyssa 102-W Payette 670 If no answer call Nampa 6-4604 D A Y OR N IG H T ID AH O A N IM A L PRODUCTS Nampa, Idaho Supper Plaiineil At Apple Valley A PPLE VALLEY. Dec 8— In addi tion to the chili and oyster supper to be held at the Apple Valley school house Saturday evening, December 8. a turkey raffle and a popcorn and candy sale will be held The pro ceeds from the affair will go to the support of the school's hot lunch program If enough funds are raised by the P T A . in this way. It may not be necessary to raise the price of the meal tickets. A wedding shower honoring Mrs Dick Hlxerrbough was given by Mrs. Jess Payne and Mrs. Harry Ray at the community hall in Parma Sun day afternoon. The "Just Neighbors club" will hold its Christmas party at the home of Thelma Fox. Wednesday. December 12. There will be a gift exchange. Kenneth Mittleider provided the special music at the Apple Valley Community church. Mrs. Young and son, Raymond, are vacationing in California. Mr. and Mrs. John Moran and family enjoyed a two weeks visit with Mrs. Moran's parents, Mr and Mrs. John Oill, of Jamestown. North Dakota, who visited both here and in Caldwell with another daughter, Mrs. Prank Lasher Mr and Mrs. Lasher and son and Mr. and Mrs. G ill were dinner guests in the Moran home Thanksgiving day. Wiinmi-r Dislikes Engineer Altitude In a letter to the Oate City Journ al. S. L Wimmer of Nyssa has criti cized representatives of the state highway department for not giving him the proper consideration in planning for the curbing on Arcadia boulevard, where he has property. Wimmer's letter reads: "Why did it have to happen to me? •'Fifty-one years ago I came to eastern Oregon by way of Portland ' and The Dalles. I booked passage from The Dalles to Dayville on a ! spring wagon, called a stage. Part I of the route was over a toll road. The toll collector lived near the bridge over the Deschutes river. | There was a post at the end o f the . | bridge. On the post was posted the : toll rates I would never have given | the rates a second thought if I had [ not noticed that the rate for a four- horse team and a wagon and a J Chinaman with a cart was the same. | A Chinaman's cart Is the missing I link between a one-horse wagon with the Chink pluytng the horse. "The unjust rate for the Chlna- i man registered on my mind as a discrimination. I have not thought ! of the Chinaman and cart for many I years, until about the same kind of ) discrimination was used against me I own a property on U. 8. highway 20. or in other words, Arcadia boule- j 1 vard. Recently there has been con- Crete curbs put In for a distance of about one mile. I have been told that the property owners o i property along this route were consulted about driveways to be made on their lota. I was not consulted. When the con struction gang got the curbs poured to within about a city block of my place I began to try to see Mr. John son. the engineer. I found two men who said they were bosses. I asked each of them and also four men working on the Job to tell Mr John son I would like to see him. I failed to see him. I asked each of the bosses on the Job about a driveway. They both said It would be better to go ahead and put it In and take It out later. (T h at is one way to save taxpayers money. •The day the concrete was poured in front of my place, the boss at the Armco Drainage company plant called to me and said that Mr. John son had come In. I went out where the men were then pouring the con crete. Mr. Johnson had gone farther down the highway. I asked the boss who was on the Job to see Mr John son If the concrete could be lifted out with a hoe. He went to see Mr. Johnson. He came back in a few minutes. He said it would make a rough job to take the concrete out with a hoe. I wrote to Mr. Johnson in regard to this matter. My letter failed to rate a reply. I am Just part of a man and partly over the hill. I f It was not so. perhaps I would rate higher with Mr. Johnson.” Hell's (Canyon Dam Unit To Be Formell for the ultimate utilization of the tion, will be interim chairman, and Charles Baker. Inland Empire W at area's water resources. The program will be given as fol- erways association. Walla Walla; and Judge S. Stanton of Malheur lows: 10 a. m. to 12. noon, registra county, will be the speakers. tion; noon, luncheon: 2 p. m , adop The public is invited to attend the tion of by-laws and statement of purposes, and 4 p. m . election of gathering. officers. At the luncheon. Albert C. | Ullrran o f Baker, president of the Week-end Guest— Miss Donna Lee Wilson was a Hell's Canyon Development associa week-end guest last week at the home of Miss Betty Ann Boenig. Overnight Guest— Miss Jennie GoodfeUow of Oregon Slope was an over-night guest Tues day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Kesler. Miss Ooodfellow is a niece o f Mrs. Kesler. FORD TRUCKING COSTS LESS because 1 4 5 -h p . Ford F -8 8IO J O * has 5 speed dir.ct- driv« transminion, optional 5-sp*«d overdrive Iron »mission. Choice of Nvo new CABS for greater driving ease, convenience, safety! • Thu money you put Into a truck U a An Idaho-Oregon Hell's canyon dam organizational convention will be held in the Hotel Washington in Weiser Sunday, December 9. begin ning at 10 a. m. Sponsors said the purpose of the meeting is “ to unite support for the early construction of the high dam at Hell's canyon, for the recla mation of the area's arid lands and batter investment when the truck lasts longer. A n d Ford Trucks D O last lo n g e r— life insur ance experts have proved it, after checking latest registration d a ta on 7 ,3 1 8 ,0 0 0 trucksl A nd in the lo w -price Reid, only F O R D Trucks have the P O W E R P IL O T— which gives you the most power from the least g oti The Ford Truck Economy Run showed how little it costs ATTENTION to run Ford Trucksl M A N OR L A D Y W ill you have $5000 to $10,000 you could put to work at 8 to 10' < annual re O n ly FORD gives yo u a choice e l V -* or Stai F -l Pickup has new fingertip shift, low loading heightl 5- STAR EXTRA Cab shown (added cast). turns? One year or five- year period. V ery best se AoaH abilitv o f oqnipmoni, oeeoooorioo and trim ao iUnw tratad io da rondoni npan matorad onyyte oonditiuee- F J J A .F . curity. Intrrest Paid Monthly, Oppor Herriman Motor Company tunity for additional income also. ADDRESS IN Q U IR IE S TO P. O. BOX 54 Y O U R TRANSPORTATION M ERCHANT PAR M A, IDAHO isiEeie. ANNOUNCING:- Malheur County Farm Bureau Week December 10 to We Salute Nyssa and Adrian Farm Bureau Centers and their Affiliation with the American Farm Bureau Federation The following firms suppi Adrian Supply and Repair Adrian Oil Co. Dority W eld Bill's Food Mart Food Brown's Mercantile ii B. & M. Equ Peterson Fu your voice and support to that of your neighbor for The fight against inflation The prevention of tax inequities Market promotion Betterment of rural living Protection of farm freedom FAR M BUREAU IS # For the cause that needs assistance, For the wrong that needs resistance For the future in the distance, And the good that w e can do, 400 Farm Bureau members in Malheur county '• Henneman H ardw are Co. e Intermountain Furniture Co. Farmers Supply Co-operative ». Adrian Locker Plant Eder Hardware eery Adrian G a ra g e W ilson Bros. De Store Adrian Drive-In W ilson's Sui ft M arshall-W ells Store Everybody's Store Baum an Farm Equipment Stunz Lumber Co. Ny Boise • O w yh ee ' Nyst Brae Ho] Ge