THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. PAGE SIX Mrs Bessie Bair poured and Mrs Name Four Oregon 4-H Winners Orvin Obray and Mrs Duane Corn­ ish cut the cake. 'P O P RANKING records in the 1951 National 4-H Achievement, Out-of-town guests Included Mrs 1 Leadership and Garden programs have brought itate honors to McDaniel of 8alt Lake City. Mr and four Beaver State club members. RECEPTION HEI.D FOR COUPLE Mrs Aril Meek and family of Pres­ A reception and dance were held ton Idaho, and Mr and Mrs Agner In the Nyvsa stake house Friday Jensen and Mr and Mrs. Leo Sage night In honor of M r 'a n d Mrs. of Payette For her going-away ensemble, Lynn Karen sen. who were married Wednesday in the Salt Lake L. D Mrs Kwensen chose a brown and white suit with red accessories. The H. temple by President Young. The bride, the former Miss Olga couple left Nyssa Sunday to return Nielsen, wore a gown of white toff- to Provo. Utah, where Mr Swensen eta. fashioned with a peplin which will continue his education at B Y fell into a short train. The yolk of U, Prior to his marriage, he was L J B k . S t.n l«, t. M .r„9 9 f.t r lc l« Horninq V io l.! K le b » M a r 9« r*t Schafar lace accented the round neckline graduated from Nyssa high school and filled a three-year L D 8 mis­ Her fingertip veil was held in place Outstanding leadership abili­ Eight years ago Violet planted with a crescent of orange blossoms sion in Denmark. Mrs. Swensen ties and an excellent job in 4-H a 900-foot garden. Today her gar­ and seed pearls. Her corsage was a came to the United States two years | Club and community work won den plot o f 4,070 square feet pro­ chrysanthemum centered in rose­ ago from Denmark and lias been state honors for Stanley B. Ma- duces corn, beans, cucumbers, employed since that time in the buds rugg, 20, of P o r t l a n d , and ■quash, melons, potatoes and a Standing with the bride and groom supply office of the M I A. Patricia Horning, 21, o f Sher­ variety o f other fruits and vege­ in the receiving line were Bertha wood in the 4-H Leadership pro­ tables. Much of the food finds its MuOaniel and Mr and Mrs. Alvin way to the family table in fresh, gram. HONORED AT DINNER Swensen. Mrs McDaniel wore a Stanley served his club as frozen, or canned form. Violet Mr and Mrs. Earl Fox and son, Junior Leader, organized a trac­ operates a tractor to plow, har­ black crepe dress with rose trim. Jeffery of Lucas. Kansas were guests row and mark her garden. She Mrs Kwnesen’s dress was of blue at a Thanksgiving dinner Thurs­ tor maintenance club, and was an has won many awards for her ex­ crepe Both wore carnation corsages. day evening at the American Leg­ active participant in the Kinton hibits in gardening and other During intermission. William J. ion hall. Potluck dinner was enjoyed Dairy Club during seven years in projects and has given numerous Heus was master of ceremonies for by 40 friends and relatives Mr Fox, 4-H work. This year he won the Governor Isaac Lee Patterson demonstrations. a short program Numbers were as who is a nephew of Ewen. Marion. Perpetual Trophy for Leadership One o f the highest honors be­ follows: Vocal solo. Clayton Cornish. Earl and Leo Chard, and his family and Ability, and holds numerous stowed on 4-H Club members, is Payette; readings. Mrs. Max Swcn- left for Portland to make their new uwards for beef, rabbit and dairy t h e 4-H Achievement award. ■sen, Ontario, and Mrs. Elwood Flin­ home, where he will be employed as achievements. Stanley is now in State-wide recognition for bril­ engineer of the Bonneville power his second year at Oregon State ders, Nyssa liant records in achievement has Those In charge of gifts were Mrs administration. College where he is majoring in been accorded Margaret Schafer, 4 —4 Animal Husbandry. Leo W Child, and Mrs Ruth Ander­ 18, o f Miiwaukie. Not only was Patricia has been a 4-H’er for lier record in 4-H Club work out­ son. and guest book. Mrs. Duane DINNERS FEATURE HOLIDAY standing, but she has earned Cornish Mrs. Oeorge Poulson and As usual, Thanksgiving was feat- five years, held various offices from reporter to president, and respect and admiration in her as assistant leader took over su­ home and community for service pervision of two clubs during the to others. Margaret feels that J / ' S //, extended absence o f the leader, 4-H offers advantages not to be found in ajiy other youth activity. Mrs. Albert Girod. She has won awards in dairy exhibits, news­ In eight years she completed 51 articles in her clothing project writing. and in 1949 won the winning ribbons in county and State Girls’ Record Contest. Last state, in canning, she won the year she was presented with a state trip to the National Con­ $200 scholarship. Patricia is now gress in 1949 where she was ac­ in her third year at Oregon State claimed National winner. She has College v here she is a member o f been president o f her local, county the 4-H Campus Club. and state clubs, and junior leader The watch award was pre­ for five years. She was on the sented to each o f these young Honor Roll each year in High people by Edward Foss Wilson, School. Margaret enrolled at Ore­ president of Wilson and Co., Chi­ Here'* aura-fire recipe for your food budget! Mix one gon State College in September. cago. A set o f two miniature statues, quick viai! to TAYLOR'S meat department, add a few Growing a successful garden symbolizing achievement, one of a has brought state honors to minutes in our farm-ireah produce section and sprinkle club boy and one of a club girl, Violet Klobas, 16, of Bend, win­ liberally with grocery values. was presented to her by the ner in the 4-H Garden program. National Committee on Boys and Her trip award to National Club Girls Club Work. These were de­ Congress in Chicago was pre­ signed especially for 4-H by a well-known sculptress. sented by Alii8-Cha)mers. All of these activities are conducted under the direction of the Exten­ sion Service of the State Agricultural College and USDA cooperating. NOVEMBER 29. 1951 in play. Prizes for women were won by Mrs Emil Stunz. for high and Mrs John Ostrom. second high. For men. prizes were won by Carl Se­ bum, high, and Jim Malloy, second high. The traveling prizes were won by Ward Lundy and Herb Kurtz. The women in charge were Mrs. Owen Oann, chairman. Mrs. Minnie Leuck, Mrs. John Ostrom and Mrs. Fred Krataberg •J«--- EVENING CLUB MEETS Mrs A. H. Boydell was hostess to members of her bridge club Tues­ day evening. Guest players were Mrs. Clyde Snider. Mrs. Bert Lien- kaemper. Mrs. Harry Miner and Mrs Herbert Fisher. High scores were won by Mrs. Snider and Miss Eva Boydell. S u d a i N o te s m 39£ Pork Roast, Pound 49