THE NYSSA GATE CITY JO U R N A L. NYSSA. O REG O N PA G E SIX Hixenbough of Yakima The couple was attended by Mr and Mrs Ken­ neth Mlttleider, slater and brother- in-law of the bride. The bride cho.->e for her wedding dress, a tweed suit MARRIED AT PARMA with black accessories. In the chapel of the community 1 Mrs Hixenbough. a graduate of hall In Parma Monday evening at Parma high school, has bgen em­ 8 o'clock, a ceremony performed by ployed the past few months In Boise Cpl. Hixenbough Is stationed at Rev Stanley Bank.', in the presence Mountain Home air base He has of immediate relatives, united Bev­ been with the air force for the past erly Wagner, daughter of Mr. and six years. For a wedding trip, the young Mrs. Alex Wagner of Apple valley and Corporal Richard Dean Hlxen- couple went to Yakima to visit the bough, son of Mr and Mrs. John groom's parents. 5 >nnal .C o te s -EAGLES D AN CE- Salurday, November 10 EAGLES HALL Eagles and out-of-town guests RADIO & REFRIGERATION REPAIRING Located At Western Store PH O N E 144 J RESID EN CE PH O N E 286 R Herbert E. Cox-Technician Please them all with MEAT Good Citili-Good Nitriti» Everyone lovee a thick, succulent, tender «teak . . . and you'll love to serve such aleak* es­ pecially when you can get them a t the cost of "boiling beef." Im possible, you say? THU RSD A Y , NOVEMBER 8. 1951 man's society at her home Thurs­ son. son of Rev and Mrs. E. J. planning conference in the Good­ Catholic church Wednesday night SURPRISE PARTY GIVEN Karma Kesler was honored guest day afternoon. November 1. M rs Wilson of Homedale. has been sta­ in* Christian church. They will a t­ under the auspices of St. Anne’s at a surprise bir.hday party given O. O. Anderson led in devotions.' tioned aboard the U. S S. Boxer tend sessions on Thursday and Fri­ Altar society.____________ by her parents. Mr and Mrs C R. After the busine-. meeting, the day and return to Nyssa Saturday. L eave O n v is it— group spent the afternoon sewing Kesler. Tuesday evening Bunco S h o o te rs T o M eet— Accompanying them is Earl Sal- was played during the evening, with for the annual bazaar to be held Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Robb left The Nyssa Rifle and Pistol club aden. pastor of the Payette Christ­ prizes going to Colleen Bybee and November 16. Friday for Nebraska on a 10-day will hold its regular monthly meet­ ian church. Lois Ann McLaughlin, for high and visit They will be accompanied Donna Lee Wilson and Virginia I ing at 106 Main street at 8 p. m. ENTERTAINS CLUB home by Mr Robb's mother. Mrs. M an y A tte n d D i n n e r - Corn for low Other guests were Mrs. Frank Morgan entertained tonight. Flora Robb of Smithfield, Nebraska, Darlene Sessler, Kleo Wight and the members ol her Thursday al-1 Four hundred persons attended who will spend the winter in Nyssa. the turkey dinner served in the Prances Fiek ternoon bridge club at her homei R e tu rn T o P o rtla n d — last week Prizes were won by Mrs Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wieneke re­ George Mitchell, high and Mrs. Tom ' CLUB PLANS MEETING Plans are being made for the Nov­ Eldredge. traveling Mrs. Morgan turned Friday to their home in Port­ ember meeting of the Nyssa Civic had as her guest Mrs. Glea Billings land after spending a week in Nyssa club, which will be held November and Mrs. Leo Lorenz. visiting at the home of their son 14 in the parish hall. The meeting, and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. originally scheduled for November WESLEYAN GUILD TO MEET Ward Wieneke 21. has been set ahead one week be­ Members of the Wesleyan guild o f j cause of Thanksgiving This meet­ the Methodist church will meet j T o W eiser— ing will be conducted under the Monday evening. November 12 at INSURANCE direction of the Nyssa city library the home of Mrs Emil Paulus. Miss: Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wieneke spent, board and will be of special interes-t Fothergill will lead Tuesday in Weiser on business. to the civic club because the library is one of the club's projects. Mrs. K ill T w o E lk — AMITY CLUB MEETS H R. 8herwood, a member of the If Polio should strike in your Bernard Frost killed a spike and | Members of the Junior Women's library board for 25 years, is chair­ Amity club met Thursday evening j Dr. G. H. Kenaston killed a four- i man of the program, which will at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Lewis, j point elk in Union county last week family, let us pay the bills! feature home talent. All women of Mrs. Walter Roth gave a travelogue They weft accompanied by Dr. K. E. Nyssa who are interested in civic of her trip to New York this sum­ Kerby, Edward Boydell and Dick affairs are invited to attend, accord­ mer. She also showed films and Stockham. PO LIO . PL U S CANCER AND O TH ER DREAD ing to Mrs, Clyde Snider, president colored slides of her trip. Refresh­ of the club V isit In N a m p a — D ISEA SES. $10.00 PER YEAR. ments were served to 16 women. Mrs. D. O Bybee and her mother, i VISIT WEISER GROUP Mrs. Martha Steimle of California The Methodist Youth Fellowship (lliristiun (lliurch spent Friday in Nampa visiting at PO LIO O NLY—2 YEARS $9.60: YEAR $5. of Nyssa attended the Weiser M Y. the home of Mr and Mrs. Stewart H o I i I h Youth Rally F. meeting and evening services Oct­ THESE PR IC ES INCLUDE THE W HOLE R. Tidwell, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester ober 28 Nine members and Mrs. Attended Bv 137 Foster, who also have relatives in FA M ILY . Phyllis Counsil. group advisor, went California. to the meeting and enjoyed games One hundred and thirty-seven and refreshments afterwards. Ray young people and advisors gathered V isit S is te r A t H o sp ita l— REA L ESTA TE Thompson, advisor of the Weiser for the Christian church youth rally IN SU RA N CE Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Bybee of On­ group, was the principal speaker. Tuesday night in the Nyssa church tario and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray Phone 218 building. were in Nampa Sunday visiting their 16 N. 3rd Nyssa, Oregon ENTERTAINS AT PTNOCHLE Members of Christian churches in sister, Mrs. Ruby Gordon, who Is ill Mrs. Verne Duus entertained the Vale, Ontario. Homedale, Nampa, in a hospital there. members of her pinochle club at Payette and Boise attended the ral­ her home last Wednesday afternoon. The Nyssa Methodist church "Road" Shows Entertaining— Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. ly. also sent a delegation to the sessions. At all the L. D. S. ward# In Nyssa, j Angie Cook and Mrs Bert Lienk- Bowling Schedules For Next W eek The feature speaker was Albert Parma and Owyhee, a series of aemper Three tables were in play, "road shows” were presented Wed­ Pennybacker, international C. Y. P. f f president, who spoke on the work nesday night to the Mutual audl- | GIVES THANKSGIVING PARTY of the youth all over the world. ences. Musical and dance numbers COMMERCIAL LEAGUE WOMEN'S LEAGUE Doris Rlgney was hostess at a Other special guests were Charles were presented between the acts Time - 8:00 p. m. Time - 7:00 p. m. Hallowe'en party held October 31 in Addleman, Oregon state secretary; Admission was free. Tuesday, November 13 her home Dinner was served to Lloyd Balfour, Idaho state secretary, Monday, November 12 eight guests at 6:30 The group play­ and Mr. Bldridge, who extended To Gooding, Idaho— Sportsman's Club Peterson Furniture Co. ed games and attended the mid­ greetings f r o m the Northwest VS Rev. and Mrs. Austin Hollings­ VS night show. They returned to the Christian college at Eugene. Nyssa Lumber Co. Malheur Memorial Hospital worth left Thursday for Gooding, j Rigney home for a slumber party. The meeting was opened by in­ Idaho to attend a general church1 Guests were Glenda Moss, Patsy Bowling Center Stunz Lumber Co. Yoneyama, Amy Lewis, Carol Fife. spirational singing led by Doris Rig­ VS VS Anne House, Mary Joan Russell. ney. with Emily Helseth of Ontario Williamson's Roofing Co. Eagles Gennie Eachus and Betty Ann as accompanist. "Buz" sessions gave the young people an opportunity FOR YOUR PLU M B IN G Boenig. Time - 8:00 p. m. to talk over their problems. Mr. Time - 9:00 p m. Wednesday, November 14 Addleman and Mr. Balfour told of NEEDS SUNSHINE CLUB MEETS Nyssa Clippers Farmerettes the youth work In their respective The Sunshine club members held states. VS VS The meeting was closed with Bath Sets, Water Heaters their regular meeting Friday after­ games, led by Betty Hill. Refresh­ Taylor’s Market Golden Rule noon at the Odd Fellows hall. Mrs. ments were served by members of and Pressure Systems 8am McConnell, president of the the Gordon's Drive-In Christian Women’s Fellowship. Brownie's Cafe club, presided over a short business VS VS Call meeting at which plans were made Ideal Gas Gordon's Drive-In for a series of card parties to be J. C. SMITH held two Saturday evenings each month for five months. Mrs. Walt­ To Move To Nyssa— MAJOR LEAGUE 13 Years In Nyssa er Fox was made general chairman Time—7:30 P. M. November 15 Pearson of Payette plans I Phone 78-J of the parties. After the business to Scott his family to Nyssa if h e ' White Satin vs. Tobler's meeting the afternoon was spent can move find a house to rent. He will The Club vs. Waggoner's playing bunco. Mrs. Joe Bellon won the May Trucking company first prize, Mrs. Nettle Bennett won operate He is co-owner of the former Nyssa Time—9:80 P. M. second and Mrs. Minnie Leuck won Olympic Club vs. Western Corrugator the traveling prize A guest for the Transfer company afternoon was Mrs. Rosco Findley of Vale. Refreshments were served Benefit Dance To Be Given — W illiam Keele bow led high series in A public pre-Thanksgiving benefit from a table decorated in the Hal­ AND lowe'en motiff by Mrs Herbert Cox dance will be given Saturday night. the M ajor League with a score of 541 and members of her committee, November 17 at the Boulevard Mrs. Fred Kratzberg, Mrs. Jamison Grange hall by the Owyhee Riding W om en's League club Five turkeys will be given and Mrs. Cecil Hickman. away as door prizes. Mrs. William | v Claudine Garrison, 445 high series Dunn, chairman of the committee .\ MR AND MRS CLUB MEETS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pox enter­ announced that tickets, instead of j tained the Mr. and Mrs. club in being sold to couples, will be sold Com m ercial League their home Saturday evening Mrs. to each individual. This 50 cent | Hartman's Lockers Wyatt Smith and Harry Klngrey ticket permits entry and a chance High Series man was Klaas Tensen held the high scores and Mrs C. C. on the door prize. The Silver State 2 miles east of Nyssa at Cotton and Carl Sebum won the Wranglers will furnish the music with 604 Locker Ave. traveling prizes Four tables of for the dance. bridge were in play. Returns To San Diego— MARY. MARTHA CIRCLE MEETS Marvin Wilson ldtt Tuesday even­ Mrs. Huston Wilson was hostess ing to return to San Diego after to the members of the Mary and spending two weeks on furlough Martha circle of the Methodist Wo­ from the United States navy. Wil- POLIO KEN POND Local News N ot w h en you b u y your m eat at w holesale from ua an d h av e U c u t and packaged ex actly to your requirem ent*. You can pick out fust th e kind of m eat you w an t an d save from 20% to 2S%. H ave round ateaka. sirloins. T-bones and fancy cut* for leas th a n the p rice of h a m b u rg er. We h an d le g rad ed and inspected m eats o n ly —your assurance of v alu e and q u ality . HARTMAN'S LOCKERS K m ™ W E G IV E green STAMPS "Y O U D O N 'T HAVE T O ASK E O R T H E M " N Y S S 4 Telephone 108 Delicious Curing Quality Lard Rendering BARGAINS FOR BETTER LIVING pro g ram THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 9-10 'Q u e b e c '' IN TECHNICOLOR with When It’s Cold and Dreary OUTSIDE j It’s W arm and C h e e ry I N S I D E . . . « a l U n n m m o R n i n G on the Job! N «m « in U i o « d C a n Oai O H W h y x r u g g le th ro u g h th e W in te r w ith a n o ld , o b so le te h e a tin g stove? S tart en jo y in g real h e a tin g sa tisfactio n • • • * w ith a W A R M M O R N IN G —A m erica's o u t ­ sta n d in g m o d e rn co al h e ater. W e can in sta ll o n e o f these a m a iin g h eaters in y o u r h o m e in a c o u p le o f h o u rs —o r less. Y o u r h o u se w ill h s rd ly h av e tim e to c o o l dow n . also "Lightning G uns" with C harles S ta r r e tt- S m iley B u rn ette JSr Sc T h e re are seven m o d e ls of WARM M O R N IN G C o al H e a te rs to c h o o se fro m — each an oucacanding heat- m aker. N o o th e r h e a te rs lik e them ! O v e r a m illio n s o l d . . . a n d th e y 're still way o u t i a f ro n t ia sales. SUNDAY AND MONDAY. NOVEMBER 11-12 "Appointment With D anger" with So rid y o u rse lf o f y o u r h e a tin g w o r­ ries rig h t n o w . C o m e in T O D A Y o r g iv e us a rin g , a n d le t ua sh o w y o u a W A R M M O R N IN G ex actly su ite d t o y o u r n eed s at a p ric e th a t w ill a p p e a l co you. A lan L ad d —P h y llis C alvert P au l S te w a rt—J a n S terlin g Tht> spotlight is thrown on the postal inspection service unsung heroes of daring exploits who always have a date with danger. M atin** S on. 1 :M ; A d a . J*c »e TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 13-14 "Cornin' Round The Mountain" with B ud A b b o tt—Lou Costello Bud and Lou set the Kentucky hills aflame with the funniest feud that ever rocked the mountains. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 15-16 "W a rp a th ” IN TECHNICOLOR with E dm ond O 'B rU n —D ean Jag ger F o rrest T u ck er—H a rry C arey. J r . A page torn out of early American history, the blazing story of cavalrymen besieged by Indian braves. MEAT DEPARTMENT BANANAS SALMON, not frozen, pound 49c 25c FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT FRESH GROUND BEEF, pound 63c PIN K . 2 FOR $1.59 w ith o u t refueling. b riq u e ts o r w ood. CARROTS 2 BUNCHES 15c TOMATOES H O M I U 4t MtltM C «a lC a » I W * 1 * 1 P I » I M M *4 ? > « > * * * • • I ’tM l C « # Peteiwn FurôÎtüre Company "The Dependable Furniture Stores” Ontario Vale Payette ORANGES JU IC E. POUND 10c GROCERY DEPARTMENT TOMATO SOUP, 3 for 33c CAMPBELL'S TUBE 25c #4r- 19c 69c 59c 45c BE SURE TO ORDER YOUR TURKEYS EARLY FOR THE LO W EST PR IC E 2 LOAVES R e q u ire s lest a tte n tio n than ^ m ost furnaces Y o u b u ild a tire b u t o o c e a year. N » n a PORK ROAST, pound FRENCH BREAD ► B urns any k in d o f co al, co k e , m ag aain e feed. LIVER, b a b y beef, pound BAKERY DEPT. ► H eats all J a r an d ail n ig h t ► Semi a u to m a tic LARD, 4 pounds 19c . E id u i i v e in te rio r f co n s tru c tio n . 2 PO U N D S. OVEN-READY PLUMP HENS, each John B arrym ore. J r .—C ortnne C alvet M a tin '* S a t. I IS; A d n FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 9 AND 10 ROLLED OATS, 3 pounds 39c ALBERS 47c WAFFLE SYRUP STALEY'S 2‘ i POUND CAN PUMPKIN, 2 for SILV ER FA L L S 33c 2>a CAN TH IS STORE W ILL BE CLOSED MONDAY. NOVEMBER 12 FOR ARM ISTICE DAY GORDON’S DRIVE-IN MARKET HOME OF QUALITY AND SERVICE O PEN EV EN IN G S