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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1951)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 1951 PAGE FOUR mtlves and returning through Colo- p „ | l v a t l _ u r i . i l » rado and Phoenix, Arizona Mr and ‘ U l l j i l l l l i a X..U1II Mr,. Chadd and Mr and Mrs^Harry p| X „ , a * Party Gahan were dinner guests Sunday ____ at the Harry Oahan home Sunday KINrflMAN h ™ . T h . overnight guests at the Chadd home KINGMAN KOLONY. Nov »—The were Mr and Mrs Ed Steiner and f ? U>anBna club ™et at t h e b ° m* of family of Wapato, Washington. Mr “ s Rowena Kreager with Mrs. and Mrs Steiner came to get the J™ ncl? Th“ " ; rest of their furniture preparatory meeting will be held with Mrs. Irma Mrs Newgem They arrived laden ^ to moving to Hara. Washington. „ „ . . Sparks with Mrs. Ratigan as co- * houaeguesta at the Chapin home for Attending the Halloween Patty hostess. The meeting will be in the of pinochle, and presented the hon- a week, left for the coast the first at the Adrian Presbyterian church form Qf a Christmas party. All orees with an ottoman. Quests of the week in Adrian Wednesday evening were members antj friends are invited to were Mr. and Mrs. Art Cartwright, Mrs. O H Schweizer, Mrs. Dick Mr. and Mrs Wayne Robb and Mr attend Mr and Mr George Schweizer, Mi Wyatt, Mrs. Kenneth Parker and Mrs. Charles Chapin. The party „ , ... and Mr Hudson Robb, Mr and Mrs Victor Marshall shopped in and was a masquerade for the young Mrs Art Sparks and Mrs. Claude Mrs. C. C Cotton, Mr and Mr Jim Caldwell Wednesday adults Day attended a meeting of the ex- Elkins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perko , „ . .. tension clubs at the Moore hotel In Dick Wyatt and O H Schweizer and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tobler Dinner Duesl-, of Mr and Mrs Ontario Wednesday. This meeting left Tuesday for Elgin on a hunt Wayne Robb Thursday evening were was to prepare a program for the Dinner guests at the home ol Mr. ing trip. ¡ coming year. In.-itead of just one and Mrs Harold Fylllngness Wed Members of the Sunset auxiliary Mr and Mrs. James Robb. Mrs. Pete Wilson, Mrs. E, J. Hoo- day there will be three days plan- nesday evening were Mrs. Fylling- met at the home of Mrs. L. W son and Mrs. James Langley visit- ning so as to give each member ness' grandfather and two aunLs, Pomeroy Thursday afternoon. Ten W L. Dlnunick of Yakima. Mrs. Roy ¡¿live plans were made for dances ed Mrs. Howard Evans of Parma of each unit a chance to select the Schreiner of Yakima and Mrs. Rog- at tbP hall. Mrs. M A Rataezyk Friday, seeing her new home and program. The A K H extenslon unit will er Clark of Seattle The two wo- wll] be hostess to the club at the lovely beds of chrysanthemums. men, houseguests at the home of December meeting, Fiank and Casmter Rataezyk left meet in the Adrian Presbyterian their brother Nell Dimmick, left Mr and Mrs Ira Chadd return- Wednesday for Washington wiin church basement November 15, at Thursday for their homes. e(j Friday after spending four weeks their household belongings. ,2 o ’clock. The lesson will be on Billy Hadley, who has enlisted In 1 on a trip *o Nebraska visiting rel- Charles Schweizer attended the ready ’mixes. There will also be a Friday and Saturday cattlemen's short meeting on program planning, convention in Vale Mrs Schweizer I Mr. and Mrs A! Thompson of attended the Saturday evening ban- Nyssa were Sunday visitors at the I quet and dance. Herschel Thompson home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perko and j Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Vlers of Mrs Clarence Reed took Individual Nampa were Sunday dinner guests airplane rides Thursday with Clar- at the Willis Conant home j e' ,ce Reed a* the controls Hying over ) Mr and Mrs Carl Turner 1>f the surrounding countryside. Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Carol Paulson I Kenneth Lorensen celebrated his ! of Seattle and Mr and Mrs. Ivan birthday Saturday, with a dinner | Homess of San Francisco visited at and a telephone call Irom his grand- | the W. L. Long home. Mr and children. A long distance call from Mrs, Paulson came to take Mrs | me iiome of his daughter, Mrs. Don —:-------- — -------------------------------------- j Parker in Roseburg, brought a chorus of five grandchildren singing I happy birthday to Mr. Lorensen. IHELMER'S SPECIAL I Quests for duck dinner that day included Mr Hanson and Mr. Ed THIS WEEK ALL KINDS OF wards of the west coast, Gabriel and I I Louie Astoreca, and Herman Lor- the air corps, left Friday for Port land lor his physical examination. Hli wife will sake her home with her parents. Mr and Mrs. George for a while SUNSET VALLEY. Nov. 8—Friends Polkman Mrs. Lottie Thornton and her two -, jri>ri •*•<! Mr and Mrs. Leonard dau(fhter, Mona and Mart., of Newgen TJuraday .evening w™« Caldwell were Sunday guests at the Partie* Are Held In Suimel Valley Homess, who has been visiting at the Long home to her home in Seattle Mr. and Mrs. Max Howard have (moved to Wilder. Mrs. Art Sparks and Shirley and Mrs. Dick Stockham and daughter. Beverly, were Caldwell shoppers Saturday. Mrs. Wayne Piercy and Mrs. W E. Piercy accompanied Mrs. Rube Gra- j ham and Gary to Boise Thursday. Mr and Mrs Arthur Case have moved to their new home in Houston. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Piercy of Ocean Side arrived Sunday at the home of ! his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. i Piercy. Mrs. Oscar Schafer substituted at teaching in Adrian last week for the fourth grade teacher who was called to Portland because of the death of her brother. Virgil Long of Dallas, Oregon has been visiting his nephew, Herschel Thompson and family. He has also been hunting. Mrs. Dick Stockham and daugh- ter, Beverly, of Nyssa spent last week-end at the Art Sparks home, Mrs. Lawrence Martin was taking the census in this neighborhood this last week. the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Mitchell. Home beauty begun with. . . 1 | j j : I Returns To Home— Mrs. Leo Lorenz left Boise Monday by plane for her home in Rio De | Janiero, Brazil after visiting in | Nyssa for the past five months at | Stun* Lumber Co. - • m Shelter Slretch Your Building $ $ $ m FIRE INSURANCE .V ¿. â JÎ WITH HOME-OWNED for People NYSSA LUMBER Who Really Care P roperty that is well located, soundly built and well main tained rates an advantage in fire insurance. It gets that advantage through General’s "preferred risk” plan. Probably you too can have this strong Capital Stock protection, with which thousands of policyhold ers have shared in savings on fire insurance costa. Ask us if your property can qualify—it’s well worth while. -L O A N S - W E STILL HAVE 1 x 12 SHEETING AT $45 PER THOUSAND WALL-SATIN A washable, rubberized finish for interior walls and wood trim $4.95 per gallon Real Estate Loans A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Don McCoy October 21. The par- I ents are located at Reedsport, Ore gon where McCoy is employed in the I mills. Mr and Mrs. W. L. Chapin en- I KEN POND Insurance tertained at a Sunday dinner a t ! 16 North 3rd. Phone 218 | their home, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen, who celebrated | j their birthdays. Guests also includ- | I ed Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cooper, H. | C Lorensen and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chapin. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen Sunday included Mr. and M AN OR LADY Mrs. LeRoy Watkins and Wayne Morgan of Honiedale, Idaho, and Mrs. Newgen’s mother, who arrived Do You Have Around Tuesday from Butte, Montana. $9000.00 You Would Mr. and Mrs. Lew McCloy of Iron side were houseguests of Mr and Like To Put To Work? Mrs. Neil Dimmick Saturday night and the two couples attended thei You can have a good annual in firemen’s ball and the opening of come. Your money can earn 8% the Morocco. on a fully secured basis plus ad J To Give Party— ditional $600.00 annually and you I The Sunshine club will sponsor a see after your own investment in | demonstration dinner to be held at town. the Odd Fellow’s hall Friday after noon, November 9 at 2 p. m. The ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO public Is Invited to attend. Prompt, Courteous Service ATTENTION PFA FF 6 uf a Müta/ke/“ • m o k o t b u tto n h«lci * • M « t on button» • bO f to«k« • l i f -•••• • rf»MI ...because P F A F F ...a n d only P F A F F has the exclusive D IA L-A -STITC H that eliminates attachments! fott* obout MAW S o w in f MocKlno — « n d wo •ro turning to MAW . . . 1 MAW stand« uniquely olono in prestige end du tir* tie«* • b lin d i t l t t M t î . W A W I» tfto pionoot in fbo < « t l op w »w> of • «ppllquUft • OVOFCOttl • om broUfort tbo of i§m ol heusebeld H f - t o f s e w in g m oihtno l" 3 M A M , m onofochnod «Imo l i é t , k» to pfotition built tbot it» lifesp an boa never boon fully m e o w r tf You too con onfoy susb distiosHen. ««enemy. I en g tifo with • M AM « . « t o «em poratively lo w co#M No 144. T N H# M T m M A H S « « iR | **•<*»»«« or« f i é o*/F » , Renstrom Insurance Agency G eneral I msurance C okramy of A merica F irst N atiomal I msuaance C o . of A merica G eneral C asualty C ompany of A merica It has a Way with Women we think that too little attention is given to the fuir sex in automobile advertising. o m e t im e s S After all, it’s the woman of the house who has to do most of the shopping, which involves getting into tight places at the curb. And it’s surprising what tight spots a Buick can lit into at a turn of the wheel. It's the woman who likes complete freedom from things that it takes an engineer to operate—and a complete and utter freedom from mechanical complications is exactly what makes Dynuflow Drive* such a joy. N u s a l i s m g . U FW S S 4 s U s t r a w x w sl W w It's the woman who has an eye for style and fine fabrics—and a nose for economy. On both counts, a Buick is tops. But we suspect something else. We suspect that a woman gets just as great a lift as a man from command ing this great-powered and trigger- quick bundle of vitality to bow to her will. H ere's a car to win any wom an’s heart —by its level-gaited stride —its willing response to her hand on the wheel — its smart S s n «« style and its smart performance — its spaciousness and com fort — and its thrift. How about taking time off, some afternoon, to boss around a Buick? It's a date that's bound to thrill you. -M O O T B Z B CAM PMOViDMU A U Firestone Dealer Store DYN A FLO W DF/VE* • f l H it ALL E N G IN E FLJSH BAD FODEFDONT • TO tO U E -TU tE D tIV E W HITE-QLOW INSTRUM ENTS • m e a m u n e s t y u n q BOOY B Y FISHED m * * n u n a « iroM oé& t me m i tu et w u blad l>m M 'Smart B u rli Buick", . _________ Roberts-Nyssa, Inc. Second St. and Good Ave. T M It— 4-W HEEL CO IL S W IN G IN G • DUAL V EN TILATIO N *4 MAM DON B. MOSS • m BOX 54 Parma, Idaho Not# or# just • lo w moro of tKo o m o s in f boliovo r o u ‘11 o«roo wKy to mmny lO O rt W O R N • m o n o fF o m s Try The Classifieds . ïm NYSSA, OREGON is* Revier Uj— W