THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 1951 PAGE FOUR last week-end, called he:e j tended the visitors' day program at ed at dinner Saturday evening at arrived by the critical illness of her moth­ (iuliforiiia Folk ! the Fruitland school Friday of last her home in observance of the birth­ er, day anniversary of Mrs. Don Mutch Mrs. Fred FLher. Visit At Adrian week of Boise Quests included Mr and Mr and Mrs. Charles McFarlin Mr and Mrs. George Smit were Ortbble. Mr and Mrs. Babbitt and family were dinner guests Sun­ ADRIAN. Nov. 8—Mr. and Mrs. Chet dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Z. APPLE VALLEY. Nov «—A car Mrs. and Mr and Mrs Mutach. all of day of Mr and Mrs. DeLoyd Schim- Purdy and Mrs. Paula Fink and Davidson in Parma Sunday. driven by Oarold Horn hit a saddle Boise. The occasion was Mr McFar- children of Santa Barbara, Cali­ A party was held at tha home of horse, owned by Gary Morgan Mon­ Mr and Mrs. Lester Larkins re­ mels. birthday fornia are visiting Mr Purdy’s sis­ Mrs. M C. Seuell Tuesday afternoon. day evening. The accident occurred turned the latter part of the week lin’s A girls trio from Nampa came ter, Mrs. Margerita Scott. Mrs. Twenty-three young people of the near the C. L Fritt* home a* Mor­ from a deer and elk hunt in the with Mr. and Mrs. Ludlow Sunday Purdy’s mother. Mix Plin Case, will community enjoyed roller skating at gan was attempting to catch another Wallowa mountains. provided special music for the undergo surgery this week at the the hall Monday evening. horse he had been leading Mr Mr and Mrs Herman Hoffmeyer and morning worship service at the com­ Caldwell hospital. Those attending the father and Horn wax blinded by the lights of qn Alma, Nebraska and Mr and Mrs. munity church. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hills of Jer- son banquet at the Methodist church oncoming truck and did not see the of Cecil Leigh has been very ill the Hickman of Arena valley vis­ j ome, Idaho were visitors Sunday in in Fruitland Monday evening from horse until it was too late to stop. Walter week ited in the DeLoyd Schimmelx home past this community were Duane Orcutt. ! the Homer Snell home. His car was extensively damaged Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Charles McFarlin and Bob Thompson and Merle ! Mr and Mrs. Jim Smalley and Gary and Gary's horse was killed but Mr and evening. accompanied Mr and Mrs 8id Bor­ Thomson. Mrs. Charles Boles and neither Gary or Mr Horn were hurt. family of Payette were 8unday en of Parma to Boise Friday to at­ son. Jack, of Colbran, Colorado and Ethel Henderson of Caldwell Mr and Mrs. Charles McFarlin tend the funeral services for Ernest Mrs. in the Ted Dick home were callers Monday in the A. O. PUBLIC FURNITURE AUCTION accommpanied Mr and Mrs. Don guests Matlock Mr and Mrs. Landis Dutro of —Bob Davis. 260 SW 7th street, home. Mutch of Boise on a successful deer were dinner guests Saturday Jim Wilson of Pall Creek, Oregon Henderson across from the Baptist church. Sat­ Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown spent hunt on Big Five mountain back of Nampa visited from Tuesday until Sunday in the Conley Wilson home and urday, November 10, 2 p. m. Elect­ Arrowrock drm Monday and Tues­ Saturday Sunday in Boise at the Hank Kox- in the J. N Leigh home. evening supper guests in A regular PTA meeting will be man home. On the way home they ric range, refrigerator, Bendix wash­ day. Jack Wilson home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eastman The WBCS women wty hold an all the Nate held Thursday evening. November visited Leigh. Mrs Mentor Leigh in Caldwell. day meeting Wednesday. November and children of Parma and Miss 15 at 8 o’clock Mrs. Anna Sparks and Wayne and 14 at Mrs J. N. Leigh’s home, t« Hazel Leigh of Kent. Washington Mrs. A. C. Henderson spent Satur­ work on a quilt for the bazaar to visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joins N avy— Caldwell shopping. be held December 1. The women j J. N. Leigh and Mr and Mrs. Cecil John Henry Calvert Joined the day Bill in Woods of Madras stopped in served lunch at the Sopher-Oraham Leigh. navy October 4 at San Diego, where Adrian Friday for a short visit with farm sale Wednesday of this week Mr and Mrs. Howard Jones have he will receive his "boot" training. friends. formerly lived here. Mrs. Anna Wilson and sons of purchased a trailer house and left Calvert is the third son of Mr and Mr. and He Mrs. Bob Hamilton and Mountain Home visited relatives last week for California for an in­ Mrs. Ben F Calvert of Nyssa to Join ! son of Arock spent Friday night j the navy. The others are Frank, here over the week-end. definite visit. with her parents. Mi. and Mrs. Bill Mrs. Charles McFarlin entertain­ Mrs. Neil Thorburn of California 1 now a technical sergeant in the Ashcraft. army, who Joined the navy 10 years Mr. and Mrs. Homer Snell were ago and served in that branch of pleasantly surprised Saturday even­ the service for six years, and En- ing when friends, Mrs. Bob Smith of AUTOMATIC LAND LEVELED gineman 3C Loren Calvert, who Is Alaska and Mr. Hu less of Jerome stationed at Vallejo, California. AND HYDRAULIC SCRAPER for a visit. Frank served in the national guard stopped Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holly are the for one and one-half years and has parents of a daughter born Tues­ now been In the army for two and day at the Caldwell hospital. The one-half years. baby has been named Olivia Marie. Mrs. E. Hamilton of Nampa spent To Caldwell— days last week in Adrian Mrs. Roscoe Findley of Vale and several old friends Herbert Cox, Mrs. Walter visiting h ¡'eS Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davis of Ridge- Looney and Mrs. Owen Gann went | view were dinner guests of her par­ to Caldwell Wednesday to shop. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McOinnis, Thursday The occasion was Mrs. j Davis’ birthday. Mr and Mrs. Elvin Bonde of Em­ mett were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Bill Looney Hydraulic Model* Hon*«* I* killed 'Shell Hit By liar - er used only 2 months; mangle. Terms cash. Mr and Mrs. Bob daveno. arm chair, platform rocker. Davis, owners. Cols. Bert Anderson two bedroom suits, desk, chairs, end and Joe Church, auctioneers, L. H. table. This place is for private sale. I Fritts, clerk.____________________ ----------------------------- PRIME TURKEYS (Bellsvill* White) HENS 8 LBS., TOMS 12 LBS. GRAIN-FED OVEN-READY CLARA OXNAM Drive out to the farm at corner of King avenue and Clark Boulevard Phone Ontario 028-J12 riff These Furniture Stores of Nyssa for Wheel Tractors Small and Large C raw lers By Farmerettes ¡ Light Draft large Capacity Short Turning Rodius Mechanical Models for Two Plow and Three Plow Tractors Springtooth Attachment Available for Models 9, 12 and 289 Ix c lu t iv o F e a tu re A ll M odels. Wheels ot ends of blade, feel out the hig h p laces und le w p lace s and move the blade up and down AUTOMATICALLY to cut and fill. Plon now to use an Eversman this FALL for needed leveling ond dirt moving. Fill those pot holes ond gullies —improve dromoge Now you con level ond borrow in the same operotion with the new Eversman springtooth attachment. Saves a separate borrowing — will ndge fields to prevent blow- ing —produces a superior seea bed, especially for winter wheot. Com« in today for FULL DETAILS. HOLLINGSWORTHS', Inc. NYSSA, OREGON i Treasurer Named NU-ACRES, Nov. 8—Mrs. Vema Shaw. Mrs. Blanche Seuell and Mrs. | Betty Seuell spent Saturday after- | noon in Nyssa and at the home of Mr. and Mrs Woodrow Seuell near Nyssa. Mrs. Woodrow seuell has been RALPH LAWRENCE ill for several days. Jake Smit left Sunday for Stib- about this question: nlte after visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George The hydraulic brakes on my Smit for a week. car failed, and I plunged a- Frances Chesney has returned to She was absent several days cross an intersection, running school. of illness. down several pedestrians and because Mrs. M. C. Seuell was a guest Fri­ at the home of her son, E. M. finally crashing into another day near Adrian. car. I am being sued for a Seuell Mr and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek vis­ at the George Orasmick home total of $18,000 but my insur­ ited Caldwell Monday. evening. ance covers me for only near The Farmerettes Hub met last week hall with about 16 $10,000. Will I be liable for members at the present. Mrs. Spilde. a the $8,000 balance? newcomer in the community was a Mrs George Smit was elect- For the answer te your Insurance guest. to fill the office of treasurer, questions feel free to call me at 1 ed vacant by the resignation cf Nyssa Insurance Agency. 105 Main made Mrs. Martin. At the close of the St. Phone 53. meeting, refreshments in keeping with Hallowe'en were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Keck and Mrs Holton. Several from this community at- Will Be Closed Monday, November 12 As a mark of respect lor the memory of those who gave their lives for their country in time oi war Nyssa Furniture Co. Peterson Furniture Co. Intermountain Furniture Co. HOME and FARM BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS with a new Row you can do it all with just one call—at Boise Pavette. Under this new TIME-SAVER Plan financing can be entirely arranged at your local Boise Payette yard. Just one office to visit. Just one simple form to fill in. The TIME-SAVER Budget Payment Plan aug­ ments Boise Payette’s regu­ lar service which provides plans and specifications to your specific need—arranges for contractor, if desired— and furnishes all the mate­ rials required for the job. C. F. MINK. Managar Phono 15 NYSSA. OREGON with more Quality Features than ever before P A C K E D W ITH V A LU E AND BUILT TO L A S T ! Do** W m V i Wash in L iu Than an Hourl Two busy tub* work «1 oncef Automatic Spiji-finMl No set tubs needed, just roll to any smk and let Easy double-rinse clothes .n basket. Spiralater Washing Action! Centle rollover action washes all clothes in all parts of tub cleaner, whiter than ever beiore. tMHHNm S DA*FD*US Mill Built-in Swing Fauc*ts drain, fill, rinse, and save live hot suds (or re-use. $ Spinning Action cakes out 25 , ¿ringer Clc>!hes are lighter and u .T more water than _ _ taster No broken buttons, no deep \ 7 j |Q QS crease*. ‘ i f i i U u .u u , 5 NYSSA FURNITURE CO. 1 BLOCK WEST OF R. R. DEPOT