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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1951)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1951 Mrs. W. E. Piercy. Mr Mrs. Mark Robinsin of Grangeville, at 10 a. m. and morning worship at m o T A TP T rt hT lC Q T rv Can be seen at 312 Ennis avenue Freda Irene Lowtrip vs. Vernie | an uncle of Mr Piercy. Idaho visited Wednesday night at 11. N. Y P. S. at 7 p. m. and even TO O L A T E TO C L A S S IF Y | or phone 446-W lnlxc Edward Lowtrip, divorce. Several from this neighborhood the William Toombs home ing evangelistic service at 7:45. Holds Open House have been having the influenza. Mrs. Art Sparks and Mrs. Claude | Everyone is welcome to all of our WANTED—Someone to drive Chry FOR SALE—Registered Cocker pup Electrical Products Cons. vs. Mor- Mrs. L L Kreager and daughter, Day sler to California for Thanksgiving, pies. Phone 070-R2, Nyssa. InSxp acco Gardens, recovery on contract. were among the women who services, KINGMAN KOLONY, Nov. 1—Mrs Mrs. Guy Glenn and daughter and painted $2.719.65. the church basement in 1HE METHODIST COMMUNITY expenses paid, references necessary Dale Ashcraft and Mrs. C B Hili Mrs. Charles Schweizer were Cald Adrian Thursday. Mrs. Don Graham. lnlxp NEWS OF RECORD were Boise shoppers one day laH well shoppers Saturday. CHURCH PETITIONS, PROBATE COURT . week. Mrs. James Ritchie and children Here To Hunt— STRAYED—Or stolen, two months Donald 8. Campbell, Minister COMPLAINTS. CIRCUIT COURT The grange held open house Tues were Sunday dinner guests at the Carl Ourske, chairman of the Ore 9:45 a. m., church school. old Whiteface steer calf, has been United Credit Men's association Estate of A. F. Wheatley, deceased. day evening, featuring a chicken Claude Day home. E l m e r Cloninger, vs. Kenneth Forsdick, recovery on BUILDING PERMITS state accident commission. 11 a. m , morning worship. Ser elestratorized. Mr. and Mrs. William Toombs and gon dinner. Nyssa route 2. lnlxp mon: ‘The Church God Wants." Salem, Reeve Helm of Taggert. Ore $327.05. N. Glenn, removal of garage, lots son, Dickie were Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Garret Stam, Mr. guests at the Rube Graham home. gon and Bill Jones of Portland were Anthem: 'Trust in the Lord” by SPECIAL OFFER—Until the 6th of account. Virginia Blanche Bennett vs. Jesse 9 and 10. block 88. Westfield ad and Mrs. Lew Harriman, Frank Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Piercy took guests last week at the home of Mr. Handel. dition, $350, frame, 20 x 24. November, a 24-inch doll given with Edman Bennett, divorce. Sherwood and Mr. Bush of Nyssa Mr and Mrs. S. L. Thurman to their and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis. The men. 7 p. m.. Intermediate Fellowship. each one-year's subscription to the helped with the program. Youth Fellowship. here to hunt, returned Monday. Friday. Deseret News. Doll alone worth the 8 p. m., evening service. Study: subscription L. R. Price went to Quincey. home in Buhl Price of Ontario visited price. Pay by the | Mission to America." Washington last Sunday morning at William of his parents, Mr. and month or by the year. Doll can be Monday the commissions and the and returned home Friday evening Mrs. the L. home Price and family Sunday. seen by contacting Melvin Cottrell offioial board will meet at the Mrs. Don Fox attended a meeting Mrs R. Claude CHURCH OP CHRIST Day accompanied at the post office or by phoning at the home of Mrs. Marion Kurtz Mrs. James Ritchie and Mrs. Silas Austin J. Hollingsworth, Minster church at 8 p. m. 017-J1. lnlxc last Thursday. 10 a. m.. church school. Hoffman to Nampa and Caldwell L. D. S. 2nd WARD Mr. and Mrs Bob Eike and son Tuesday. 11 a. m . worship, Minister in MISCELLANEOUS — For beautiful CEILINGS D. Hubert Christensen, Bishop of Boise and Mr. Eike's father, if Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Day have gone charge. cards, stationery or gift Sunday—Priesthood meeting, 9:15 Christmas Des Moines, Iowa were Wednesday east on a trip. ‘ OF 7 p. m., Christian youth fellow wrappings, phone 251-J or see Tom a. m. Sunday school 10:30 a. m. Sallee. dinner guests at the Lynn Hurst Mrs. Herschel Thompson was in ship. lnlxc Sacrament meeting, 8 p. m. home. 8 p. m., Bible study and song last week for medical care. Tuesday—Relief society, 2 p. m. FOR SALE—Leghorn pullets. Carl B EAUTY Mr. and Mrs. Will Modlin of Filer, Boise Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin of service. Pastor in charge. Wednesday—Primary, 4 p. m„ M. Lassiter, two miles north of Parma- Idaho visited this week with Mr and Clarkston, Washington and Mr. and I. A. 8 p. m. I l WITH Nyssa junction and 1 mile east on 8T. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Echo avenue. lnlxp Rev. C. T. Crenshaw, Rector i BAPTIST CHURCH » John F. Collins, seminarian in MISSIONARY Elder Harold G. Ernce, Pastor FOR SALE—Used tractors, Moline, BLANKET LIABILITY charge. I Sunday school, 10 a. m. Ford, John Deere, Ferguson, Inter Morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. Song service. 7:30 p. m national and others. B and M INSURANCE m. Evening service, 8 p. m. lntfc Wednesday evening prayer ser Equipment Co. THE CHURCn OF THE vice, 8 p. m. FOR SALE — Full-sized modern NAZARENE bedstead, double deck springs THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH wood 'Ò , Rev. Glen Abla. Pastor and matress, and 5-drawer chest. Adrian. Oregon Sunday school will begin as usual Church school. 10 a m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. t mi Young People's study period, 7 p !m Evangelist message. 8 p, m. j Wednesday prayer service, 7:30 MAN OR LADY ! p. m. When you remodel.. . when you build... us* Do You Have Around FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Simpson Insulating Decorative Tileboard tor E'ifth Street A Park Avenue $8000.00 You Would beauty, for economy and for ease of applies* Rev. John L. Briehl, Pastor tion. This wonder material provides low cost Like To Pul To Work? Sunday church school, 10 a. m. insulation and because it is coated a pleasing Divine worship service, 11 a. m. You can have a good annual in Tapestry White, requires no painting. The new You are sincerely invited to wor- extra wide flange developed by Simpson allows ! ship with us. come. Your money can earn 8% this tileboard to be applied with easy*to*use on a fully secured basts plus ad staplers,or it may be fastened with nails. Flange CATHOLIC CHURCH conceals nails or staples and makes tight joints. ditional $600.00 annually and you Park Avenue and Third Street Ask for free estimates. Rev. P. J. Gaire, Pastor see after your own investment in Mass beginning at 9:30 a. m. EX T R A WIDE F L A N G E - R I G I D JOINT town. ASSEMBLY OF GOD ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO : South 2nd and Reece Ave. 1945 GMC TRUCK Frank C. Coley, Pastor BOX 54 Sunday school, 10 a. .m. LONG WHEELBASE Parma. Idaho NYSSA. OREGON PHONE 110 Morning worship, 11 a. m. Evening evangelistic service, 8 p. ¿ilSlSlSl51515lS151SBl0lial01SlSlSlSlSIS15n£l&i 2 SPEED AXLE m. Friday evening young people’s j 8.25-20 10 PLY TIRES Daily you read of damage *uit$ arising from Christ Ambassador service, 8 p. m. : Everyone is invited to all our : unavoidable accidents. Bui why worry? Our SOLID CAB services. all-embracing Blanket Liability Insurance for Í ! • . L. D. S. 1st WARD ONLY $645.00 business and professional men pro* Eiden J. Yergensen, Bishop tects you from almost every angle. ! Sunday—Priestnood meeting, 9:15 a. m. Sunday school, 10:30 a. m Let us protect you. Ask for details. Sacrament meeting, 7:30 p. m. \ Tuesday—Relief society, 2:00 p. m, Wednesday—M. I„ 7:30 p. m. Wednesday—Primary. 4 p. m. ADRIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH Used Car Headquarters Henry E. Moore. Pastor Bible school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. K ingm an G range CHURCH NOTES ■.mitilUMlW lML A ■ ECONOMY EASE ;on k ATTENTION A-1 Insulating Decorative Tileboard USED TRUCKS This Week's Special STUNZ LUMRER COMPANY HM Renst rom Insurance Agency t HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. - n - T T - T - r w - r r - ," - . SIXTH ANNUAL FIREMEN’ S BALL OLD NYSSA GYMNASIUM Saturday November 3 Music Furnished By Dick Metcalf and his Band '■ ■ Shortening SHURFINE E h O IC Î ü K ê A TS 3 LB. CAN 49* Slab Bacon, BY lb. THE PIECE Hams, whole or half, lb. 59C Cheese CHEE-ZE Pork Sieak, SHOULDER lb. CUTS 5 9 c 2 LB. BRICK 93* 57* Chili Brick, 1 lb. Pancake Flour Tuna Tuna PILLSBURYS WHITE STAR WHITE STAR. FANCY BITE SIZE 4 LB. PKG. LARGE CAN LARGE CAN 3 CANS 3 CANS 41C 99c 91* Orange Juice p r ESHJ p r q PÜ ÇI DEL MONTE 46 OZ. CAN 3 FOR 19* Tomatoes, 1 FIRM. lb. carton RIPE 89* Carrots, fresh, local, lb. 7* Tomaio Juice DEL MONTE Potatoes, 10 lbs. 25* 46 OZ. CAN 3 FOR .50 WHITE lbs. ROSE - - $1.19 81* Lettuce, crisp, solid, lb. 7* Cake Mix BETTY CROCKER Margarine Toilet SILK Tissue CHOCOLATE AND SUN VALLEY COLORED CUBED 2 LBS. 53* Of Boise Admission $1 per couple, including tax iimmr-nF T WHITE 2 PKGS. 5 ROLLS 37* AYLOR’ Fo(Ti> market S 71* UU€ OIVC G R€€n STftlTlPS .W 4 FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OF $5.00 OR OVER OPEN 7 DAYS WEEKLY