TheNYSSA SECOND SECTION THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1951 yellow tapers. Each place was set with yellow plastic gumdrop trees and nut cups, across which was writ­ ten the inscription “WBC6 40". Dur­ APPLE VALLEY, Oct. 25—Approxi­ ing lunch, pictures were taken by mately 50 women gathered Wednes­ the Parma Review staff. The af­ ternoon was spent reminiscing and day at the Apple Valley Community reading letters from members who church to celebrate the 40th anni­ were unable to attend. Mrs. Ruell versary of the women's society. First Farwell entertained with selections to arrive was Mrs. Catherine Re- on the solovox. Corsages were pre­ beuger of Caldwell, who began greet­ sented to the two charter members ing the guest at 9:30. Shortly be­ present, Mrs. Emma Rucker and fore noon, a program was given It Mrs. Ella Stephens; Mrs. J. J. Hicks, included group singing, scripture the oldest woman president, and reading about women of the Bible, Mrs. J. N. Meador of Van Nuys two piano numbers by Mrs. A. G. for traveling the longest distance to Schultz, and a humorous reading by the meeting. Mrs. J. N. Leigh. Mrs. Bertha Mor­ After living in Apple Valley for ris led the group in prayer. As 27 years, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Cald­ the women started to the basement well have moved to town. Last for lunch, Mrs. Meador of Van Nuys, week they traded property with Mr California, a past president of the and Mrs. Wilbur Booth and over society, arrived with an anniversary the week-end both families moved cake. into their new homes. Mr. and The luncheon tables were lovely Mrs. Booth have one small daughter. with yellow and white linen, fail I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bailey and flowers in pumpkin vases and tall family of Sunnyslde, Washington W om en Celebrate Soeiety Birthday RADIO & REFRIGERATION REPAIRING Located At Western Store PHONE 244-J RESIDENCE PHONE 288-R Herberl E. Cox-Technician NOTICE T hat County W arrants not presented will be cancelled. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th at the following w ar­ ran ts will be cancelled and the paym ents thereof w ill be refused ynless said w arrants are presented to the County T reasurer for paym ent on or before December 1, 1951 GENERAL FUND WARRANTS No. Claim ant Amount State D epartm ent of A griculture $14.18 8.00 Don M cPherson .40 Maude Greeley M argaret V. Laxson 3.00 l 4519 4572 4676 4939 Data Issued Apr. 6, Apr. 24, May 4, Ju n e 15, 1944 1944 1944 1944 GENERAL ROAD WARRANTS 17.50 W alter Bowman 5908 Dec. 2, 1943 TAYLOR GRAZING DIST. 4607 .18 DeWitt P alm er Apr. 10, 1944 H. S. SACKETT, County Clerk lyn and Mrs. Dick Oroot called on visited over the week-end with Mountain Home visited Mrs. Martha Forty-three qualified voters cast Inspector Views Mrs. T. H. Beranek of Ontario friends and relatives. While here, j Norland the latter part o i the week. straw ballots signifying that 39 of 5 them were in favor of floating bonds Berry Patches Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Hill called on to cover the expense of building and they had a check-up on Edwin's Mrs. John Broad and Mrs. Agnes eye, which was injured by a piece Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hill of Home- four cast votes against the proposal. COLUMBIA AVE, Oct. 25—Fred of steel several months ago. dale Friday evening. "Bob. a son of The proposal will now have to go Koopman from Vale and Gerrit Nikolus of Coquille were Fruitland Harvey Pitman and Miss Eleanor I Mr. and Mrs. Hill recently left the before the county and the state visitors Saturday. Robinson, both of the College of hospital, where he received treat­ . boards for approval before an elect- Groot from Apple Valley called on Mrs. Jake van Twisk was a Boise Idaho visited Sunday in the Charles ment after a horse fell on him. | ion can be held to decide the matter. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen Monday j visitor last week. Pitman home. Harvey has been cast Mrs. J. E. Wallace of Vale and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Grimes of Cald­ morning. Henry van Twisk of McDermitt in the college production of "The Mrs. Lawrence Wallace of Coos Bay well and Elolse Smalley and three The inspectors from O. S. C. in­ spent the week-end at the home of Truth About Blayds." were Sunday afternoon visitors in friends from the College of Idaho spected the strawberry patches in his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake van Jack Reed returned the last of the Martha Norland home were Sunday evening supper guests this community again last week. Twisk. the week from a three-weeks bus­ Ted Dick made a business trip to in the Waldo Smalley home. Mrs. Nick Smit of Arcadia, Mrs. C. M. Tensen was a business vis­ iness trip to Scotts Bluff, Nebraska. Burley for the sugar company Jones, Mrs. C. M Tensen and Caro­ itor in Ontario Tuesday. All the room mothers of the school Thursday and Friday of last week. C a ttle m e n V isit— are to meet Friday afternoon at the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reed and Rob­ Mr. and Mrs Norman Cutler and schoolhouse. A P T. A. executive ert entertained at a family dinner board meeting will be held at the Sunday. Those present were Mr. two children of Riddle. Idaho spent at the D. O. Bybee sehoolhouse Thursday night. Last and Mrs. Chris Melvdt and Mr. and the week-end On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Thursday night’s P. T. A. meeting Mrs. Larry Koppes and children of home. Max Cutler of Hawthorn, California was well attended and an entertain­ Boise, Halton Stephens of Portland Joined his brother. Norman, in Nyssa I ing program in the form of a min­ and Mrs. Ella Stephens. and were dinner guests at the Bybee I strel show was given by the "Just Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. ! home. Max Cutler, who is foreman Neighbors” club. Refreshments Martha Norland were Mr. and Mrs. one of the Bybee ranches near were served by the mothers of the James Stephen, Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. |of the Nevada line, was also in Nyssa first graders. Mrs. C. L. Fritts is James Stephen, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. on business. taking memberships for the P. T. A., Gene Stephen of Owyhee and Mrs. so anyone interested should contact Woodrow Wilson and children her as soon as possible. Mrs. Ella Stephens left Wednes­ Several of the boys in the com­ day with her son, Halton Stephens, munity in the eight to 11 age group for Portland, where she will visit. are interested in forming a Cub It was hoped more Interest would Scout den to be a part of the new be shown Monday evening in the Cub pack being formed in Parma. proposed construction of an annex The greatest need is for a few moth­ to the school building, so that a ers to act as den mothers. Anyone better idea of the opinion of the willing to help should contact Mrs. property owners could be had, but Jack Wilson if the general opinion is the same Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Caldwell and as that of the qualified voters pres­ Mr. and Mrs. Leon Murray and ent at the meeting, the people are family of Parma were Monday even­ vary much in favor of the proposal. ing supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell. Saturday evening supper guests were Mr. and Mrs RALPH LAWRENCE Conley Wilson and boys and Mr. and about this question: Mrs. Thaniel Botner. ONE-ROW CORN PICRER Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Schultz cele­ brated their 38th wedding annivers­ I have rented an additional G e t s A ll ary Wednesday. October 10 by driv­ 80 acres about V* mile from ic jn \ th e Corn! ing to Caldwell to spend the day. IN COMBINATION RADIO WITH OR When they returned home in the my farm , and have to haul evening, they were surprised by a WITHOUT HOME RECORDER my im plem ents along the visit from Mrs. Schultz’s brother, Henry Polzin of Hunt, Idaho, who highway to reach it. Is there was an overnight guest. N O W AVAILABLE AT YOUR an inexpensive liability insur­ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hicks and One-man op* ret Ion from any modem family, who have been living in the ance to cover me in case I am PACKER BELL DEALER tractor. Hand!*» ( lo 11 acte* daily. Ida Riley house, have moved to involved in an accident on the Quick, d *on picking and husking. Nyssa. Durable, d*p*ndobi*l IN NYSSA Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones of Par­ highway? ma called in the Pettit and Bailey Bauman Farm Equipment homes Thursday. For the answer to your Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Perry Barker and “ Y o u t A llis-C h a lm e rs a n d questions feel free to call me at baby of Vale visited Mrs. Olive N ew I d e a D e a le r” Nyssa Insurance Agency. 105 Main Schritter Sunday. 1 mile north of Nyssa on St. Phone 53. 5th AND MAIN Halton Stephens of Portland has U. S. 20 visited several times during the past week with his mother, Mrs. Ella Stephens, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reed and Robert. Mr. Stephens has been pheasant and deer hunting in Oregon. Mrs. Shumaker of California, who lived here a number of years ago, and her granddaughter, Mrs. Roy Rucker, called on Mrs. Martha Nor­ land Thursday afternoon. Mrs. L. J. Boles of Payette visited in the Ted Dick home from Thurs­ day until Saturday. Mrs. Boles is the mother of Mrs. Dick. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Norland of FIRESTONE STORE SIXTH ANNUAL FIREMEN'S BALL “ Ford’s V-8 costs “ The whole industry hundreds less is going V 8 . . . 3 more makes than most sixes!” in the last 3 years alone!” " It ’s the only V 8 Ford s built more V 8 s OLD NYSSA GYMNASIUM in the low price than all other makes field!" combined!" Saturday November 3 Harm ! Ooty Ford in the low-price field fives you year choice ef V-8 er Six Both Ford’* V-8 and Six, p rovide road-ruling pow er and penny-pinching economy! Yew can pay more but you ca n t buy better! I J O eJ U eewiaw Cola! d y . k Fard ia the low-price field fives yea year chaico af Fordoawtic Drive, * Overdrive * or Ceaveatieaal Driva For autom atic driving o t it« finest. Ford offer« new Fordom atic O r mi can h ave fuel-iaving ver dr Iv*, or Conventional Drive. Music Furnished By Dick Metcalf and his Band Of Boise r j)jL F . Herriman Motor Co. Your Ford Dealer Phone 77