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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1951)
THE NYSSÀ GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYS8A. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1951 PAGE TWO THE GATE CITY JOURNAL K LA8S V. PO W E LL - - - Editor and Publisher AD VE R TIS IN G RATES SU BSCR IPTIO N RATES 1 Year »2 50 . 40c Open rate, ner Inch 6 Months |150 N fJ j». M. per Inch .... — . 4»c 1 year outside Malheur Co. and Classifieds, per w o r d ------ 2c Parma. Ida rural route*. $3 00 M i n i m u m _____________ 30c Single Copies 05 (Strictly in Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the postoffice through the United States the act at Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon. at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Malls, as second class matter, under of March 3. 1870. W e’re Paying For Nothing A plain-spoken youthful war correspondent who served in Japan and Korea revealed forcefully in a talk delivered to the Knife and Fork club in Ontario last Saturday night that tne American people are paying for something they are not getting. Frank Cibney told of the inefficiency and inepti tude that led this country into the Korean war practic ally without preparation and discussed the vaccilation that he declared was part of the reason the war was started in the first place. "The United States simply refused to realize the menace in the cold-blooded organization of North Korea as a soviet satellite,” Gibney said. As a result, South Korean troops were sent into the fray with only enough ammunition for one day’s fighting, because the Am eri cans thought more ammunition was unnecessary. A fter three days of indecision, the United States intervened. American troops, ripped from the settled atmosphere of Japan, went into one of the bloodiest wars in history without a realization of what they were facing. Ami That's Life I but they are not doing badly handling the British. If they can be “slick” enough to get American money and technicians for their oil industry they may win the struggle. If cigarettes keep on getting milder in the radio advertising, they are going to be as soft and tender as a baby’s blue eyes. If it comes to that, what’s a man going to do for a smoke. Weiser Dropped One Man Killed In By Nyssa 13*12 Hunting Accident (Continued from Page 1) «Centinued from Pace 1) to score, but tailed. On a pass and gether. He will have to wear a cast on the leg for some time. several reverses, the Bulldogs moved Jdhn Westfall of Burns, 39. a to the Wolverine four-yard line, but bridge foreman of the state highway Weiser held and took over on down department, was shot in the face on the three-yard stripe. The W ol with a shotgun fired by C. W. Eld- verines advanced to the eight as the ridge, 82. of Aurora, at a distance of third quarter ended Nyssa’s break about 65 yards when Eldridge was came when Tackle Casey Smit re- | shooting at a pheasant The acci I covered a Weiser fumble on the dent occurred west of Vale. Twenty- Weiser 21 Lovejoy tried some pas seven pellets were taken from West ses, but the Wolverines’ luck held fall's face and chest at the Ontario as they took over again on downs. clinic. Weiser’s quarterback was forced to Orley Milligan. 39, of Coos Bay, punt the ball, whioh rolled out of received treatment in the Ontario bounds, and again the Bulldogs clinic for shot wounds in the face. drove down close to the Weiser goal He was Injured by pellets fired from line, but as before the Weiser de the gun of an unidentified person fense was too strong and the W ol while he was hunting on the C liff verines took possession of the ball Ferguson place five miles north of on their seven-yard line. Vale. The Nyssa defense held and Weis Ralph Maloney of Alsea was also er was forced to punt W ith three treated tor buckshot wounds, but he minutes of time left, Lovejoy flip did not know who did the shooting ped a pass to Roger 8keen, who as there were several persons in his sprinted 25 yards for the tally, The party kick for extra point was wide. A hunter told a farmer living The Wolverines took the ball on north o f Nyssa that he was struck their 30, moved to the 45 and lost by shot while hunting west of town. the ball on a fumble. The Bulldogs He had a patch under one eye and moved to the Weiser 28 as the game shot wounds in his lips and on his ended. | head. The hunter said another Nyssa attempted 18 passes and hunter started to shoot at a pheas completed 7 and Weiser tried 4 and ant high in the air. but apparently completed 2 Nyssa made 19 first his gun discharged before he was downs and Weiser made 20. ready to shoot. When the man who The Bulldogs will meet the M er was struck by the pellets called, the idian Warriors on the Nyssa field other hunter ran. The name of Friday night. October 26 in another the wounded man was not learned conference encounter. by the farmer A child is born. The attending physician gets $25 or more; the editor gives the youngster and the happy parents a send off and gets $.00. When it is christened, the clergyman gets $10 The editor gets $ 00 for pub licizing the fact. The child grows up and finally gets married. The editor publishes another long-winded article and may perhaps tell a dozen lies about the beau tiful, accomplished bride. The clergy gets another $10 and a piece of cake. The editor gets $.00 (unless, per chance, the bride orders the wedding invitations from him.) In the course of time she dies. The doctor gets from $25 to $100 and more. The undertaker gets from $200 to $500 The editor publishes the obituary, some times a column long, and gets $.00. (Sometimes the fumily publishes u Thank You notice for which the editor gets $1.00). No wonder he’s rich!— South Dakota Advance. COM ING EVENTS at I. O. O. F hall. T h u r s d a y . Nov. 1—American Legion auxiliary meeting at veter ans hall. Amity club at the home o f Mrs. Ez Carr. M ary and Martha circle of the Methodist church at home of Mrs. Huston Wilson at 2 o’- j clock. Friday, Nov. 2 — Nyssa-Emmett football game, here at 7:30 p. m. Coming Events— Friday, Oct. 26— Nyssa-Meridian football game, here at 7:30 p. m. Jr.. Sr. Riding club members’ to meet at A. P. Oooaell home. Saturday, Oct. 27—Boy Scout troop 19. baked food sale at Ralph Lawrence’s office on Main street. P. T. A. Board To Meet— Sunday, Oct. 28—L. D. S. stake The executive board o f the Nyssa quarterly conference in stake taber Parent-Teacher association will meet nacle on Alberta avenue. Tuesday. Oct. 30 — Hallowe'en party for Y. F. group and the high school Sunday school class of Christ ian ohurch at the church. Wednesday. Oct. 31—P T A carnival at grade school building, 7:30 p. m. High school masquerade ball in the old gymnasium. Rebekah-sponsored waffle supper and Hallowe’en party W E W ILL FREEZE A N D SHIP Y O U R BIRDS TO YO U R HO M E T O W N Q BE GLAD YOU WAITED TILL FALL No worrits with hotel and rosort reservations in the Fall! Relax as you ride over autumn.bright highways, free of driving hazards and parking problems... Hopkins Wholesale Meats Your Dollar Goes F a rth e r w ith TRAILWAYS Phone 395-W Colum bia Ave., North of Nyssa v iie 'p ilcu iU f ¿ùte Lunch Room Phone 217 ! ~ • w is v a w v y w HO* E '" e e z f * f i . SEE MIKE and IKE SHOOT IT OUT... W j& J k at o u r s t o r e Two-gun Purina Mlkr and Puny Ike are firing away in a big ptg-growing battle at our store They're two pigs that -tartisl at the xstme weight Mike's getting Purina, but poor U r gets no Purina. Come in and wuich 'em grow. See wlm-h our will shout straight to market weight make the fastest gain at the lowest cost per pound Check Thea» Records For Galna and Coal of Gain MIKE IKE Date Gain 0-28-51 to 10-17-51 Cost per 100 cwt Gain SO $1370 0-28-51 to 10-17-51 18 BROWER S PLUMBING SHOP Plumbing Supplies Cess Pools and Septic Tanks pumped and cleaned Roto Rooter Service « $1380 W A TC H FOR THIS AD ON NOVEMBER I FOR NEXT W EIGHING TOBLER S FEED AND FUEL Inc. Phone 26 N vna. Oregon .vv.vmv.v 310 Main Street you Boys Beat Weiser— The Nyssa high school B squad defeated the B squad o f Weiser Monday on the Nyssa field by a score of 14 to 6. We Wish You Luck j - • To Hold Sale— Boy Scout troop number 19 will hold a baked food sale Saturday, October 27 at 9 o’clock at Ralph Lawrence's office on Main street. -MR. HUNTER- ANNOUNCEMENT Handling oil may not make the Iranians “ slick,” next Thursday evening in the junior high school .building. Phone 196_j iAAcstingh