THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 18. 1951 by the hostesses, Mrs. Alma Champ­ given and slides were shown telling ion, Ethel Manser aud Mrs. Orcutt. of the bacteria in milk and methods Mr. and Mrs M. C. Seuell attend­ of improving sanitation on the farm. ed a potluck supper and meeting of Refreshments of cookies and coffee the County Farm Bureau Tuesday were served NU-ACRES. Oct. 18—Mr and Mrs. The Farmerettes club meeting has Prank Nedbalek and Donna visited evening. and Mrs. Ed Meroney and been postponed until Wednesday. at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. George Joy Mr. were dinner guests of Si Lett; October 21. Each member is re­ Grasmick Sunday and the group and his mother, Mrs. Lela Lett Sun­ minded to take a jar of canned then went to the Dwight Durrington day. home near Middleton for a visit. The Do-More 4-H club met at the goods for the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Seuell were Saturday evening. During the Teacher Reception dinner guests at the home of Mr. hall meeting members decided and Mrs. Charles Buskirk of Parma business to hold Hallowe'en party, and Lois | Planned For Mon. Sunday. The occasion marked the Nielsen. a Carol Montague. Kenneth birthday of Mr. Seuell. Keck and Danny Martin were named ADRIAN, Oct. 18—The Adrian high Mrs. Austin, mother of Mrs. Bob serve on a committee to plan the school teachers reception wiU be Johnson of this community, passed to party. After the meeting, refresh­ at the schoolhouse Monday away at the Payette hospital Mon­ ments were served by the Evans and held evening, October 22. All parents and day. Mrs. Austin had lived in this Nielsen families. community at the home of her Duane Orcutt spent Friday even-1 friends are invited to attend. daughter for some time. She was ing and Samrday as a guest of Gary Mr and Mrs. Jim Coon of Notus 81 years old. Sunday at the A. C. Henderson to help Gary celebrate his spent Circle 4 of the Fruitland Meth­ Thomson home. ninth birthday. odist church met at the home of Mrs. Frank Brown of Twin Falls and Mrs. M. C. Seuell were spent Mrs. Henry Orcutt Tuesday evening, in Mr. the past week visiting in the with about 25 members and guests Meridian Sunday. Homer Snell home. present. Guests were women mem­ The Black Canyon Water Users Rev. and Mrs. John Phillips were bers and wives of the Fruitland association met at the hall Thurs­ Caldwell shopping Monday morn­ teaching staff. At the close of the day evening. After the business in evening, refreshments were served meeting an interesting talk was ing.Mrs. Anna Sparks and son. Wayne, spent Saturday night with her sister, Mrs. Jim Coon, in Notus. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and Mrs. E. E. Parker and Archie vis­ —TALENT SHOW— ited E. E. Parker Sunday at the Memorial hospital in Caldwell. He is showing improvement. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 25—8 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGinnis and Junior were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davis in Ridgeview. Special talent, musical numbers, acrobatic Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Sant and and tap dance numbers, novelty skits, family have moved to the Ridge­ view district. Mrs. Sant is the janit­ and readings or at the Ridgeview school. M t . and Mrs. Gayle Martin and family spent the week-end at Cove, Hot-dogs, pop and homemade candy Oregon visiting relatives. for sale, after the show Mrs. Bill Looney gave a birthday dinner Monday evening for her sis­ ter, Mrs. Anna Sparks. Sponsored by the L. D. S. 2nd Ward Primary Cecil Smith moved from Banks at the L. D. S. stake house last week. He is working at Nyssa on Alberta Avenue now. Mrs. James McGinnis accompan­ ied Mrs. Dick Davis and Mrs. Perl Davis of Ridgeview to Nampa Wed­ nesday to shop. Teachers Guests O f Chureh Group Either-Sex Deer Season Cancelled -H O N E Y A reinstatement of the September either-sex deer season cancelled by a fire closure was rejected and an archery season extension in the Tillamook burn was approved at a game commission meeting in Port­ land Saturday, October 13. Commission members expressed concern over an either-sex deer sea­ son held this late because non-prob­ lem deer migrating from higher ranges would be subjected to hunt­ ing. The season was aimed at harv­ esting deer causing game damage in five agricultural areas. A request by archery clubs to re­ open the Tillamook burn archery area from October 20 through 28 to compensate for time lost because of a fire closure was approved by the commission. BRING YOUR CONTAINERS EXTRACTED HONEY 10 lbs. or Over—14c a lb. ALSO COMB HONEY This offer extended through the month of October Honey Foster's Honey 9th an d Bower Couple Leave On Visit To Minn. Young People’s study period. 7 p m. night except Saturday at 8 p. m. Young People, 7 p. m. Rev and Mrs. J T. Kindall of Evangelistic meeting. 8 p. m. Wednesday Bible study. 8 p. m. Malta. Montana will speak each Evangelist message, 8 p. m. evening. Special music and sing- Wednesday prayer service, 7:80 I ing every evening. The public is COLUMBIA AVE . Oct 18—Mr. and p. m. ASSEMBLY OF OOP invited to all services. Mrs. Pete vd Oord left Monday FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH South 2nd and Reece Ave. morning for a two-weeks visit with Frank C. Coley, Pastor l . n. s. i«t w apo Fifth Street A Park Avenue relatives in Nebraska and friends. j Sunday school, 10 a. m. Classes Elden J. Yergensen, Bishop Rev. John L. Briehl, Pastor Mr. and h — ■ mot. c ........... ’r :.. the cart««- Moat atoroa carry «9 horhood dealer • » AH O ,ght b u lb , irtment ol y then* by