Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1951)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1951 Idaho Men Leave On Hunting Trips NEW ACRES, Oct. 11—Mr, and Mrs. Russell Meroney and family of Cove. Oregon were visitors at the Ed Meroney home over the week end. The W S. C. S. of the Fruitland Methodist church met at the home o f Mrs. M. C. Seuell Thursday a f ternoon of last week, with about 35 present. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. Cecil Evans, Mrs. Henry Or- cutt and Mrs. Merle Thomson. V. L. Lett and Lloyd Seuell went deer hunting, leaving Wednesday and returning Sunday. They did not succeed in getting any deer Mrs. Seuell stayed at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buskirk in Parma while her hus band was away. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meroney and Joy Stretch Your Building $ $ $ W ITH H O M E -O W N E D NYSSA LUMBER CO. IHELMER'S s p e c i a l THIS W EEK 12 x 4's & W IDER, R O U G H LUMBER. AT $28 PER TH O U SA N D IN LOTS OF A B O U T 2500 FEET. W E STILL H A V E 1 x 12 SHEETING AT $45 PER TH O U SA N D The EASY-DOES-IT CORNER Bv Bill Schireman How To Keep Your Oil Heater Clean, a dollar wi|e neighbor o f ours services his own pot-type oil heater reg ularly — and easily. O f course, using Standard Stove Oil, 100% distilled and clean-delivered, you need only service your heater once a year. I f you have a pressure -type b u rn er, tr y N ew S ta n d a rd Furnace Oil with Therm isoL It stops filter clogging. ■ J . n t t « « SCREEN •■S'* - TOOTH s * Enjoy dependable oil heat com fort with either of these fine Standard Heating Oils. Just call us! u s h H e c le a n s th e s tr a in e r aa shown in the diagram — the M e te r in g V a lv e stem , to o. Washes them in kerosene. Then he scrapes the burner pot to remove all hard carbon. Flange at top of the pot is in spected for air leaks which are sealed with furnace cement went to Baker Tuesday to visit at School Addition the home o f Mr and Mrs. Mason Morris. Plan Considered Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomson and family went to Caldwell Saturday APPLE V ALLE Y, Oct. 11—Residents for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. oi ute community met at the school- Lanfear. house Monday evening after the Jake Smlt o f Stibnite spent the week-end at the home of his par school board meeting to discuss the ents. Mr. and Mrs. George Smit. proposed plan to build an addition Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hansen, for to me now-inadequate school build mer residents of this community ing. considerable interest wus who are living now on highway 30, snown in the project, so the group south o f New Plymouth, were din decided to hold anolner meeting in ner guests o f Mrs. Lela Lett Sunday. two weeks, wnen an estimate of the Visitors at the E C. Johnson home cost will be available. this week were Mr. and Mrs. Joe The M Y F young people of the Barboza of Fairfield, California. Mr. Methodist church wtre hosts to all and Mrs. Johnson and their guests of the high school and seventh and went hunting near Cascade, but no eighth grade pupils o f the com word has been received from them munity Sunday alternoon and even as yet. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff McGee ing. A potluck supper was served are staying with Wanda and Jimmy m the church basement in the even Johnson while their parents are on ing. Several persons attended the the trip. recreational program, the supper Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meroney and Joy and the devotional meeting. were dinner guests of »frs. Elenora Several men and women of the Wherry in Payette Monday. community worked at the church Grange Booster night was cele Saturday pouring cement and mow- brated at the hall Thursday evening, and trimming the lawn. A potluck with a potluck supper, which was dinner was served at noon. Another enjoyed by about 50 persons. The day's work will be required to finish supper was followed by a program tne cementing. given under the direction of the The WSCS is planning a birthday lecturer, Mrs. Henry Gregg. The party for Wednesday, October 17, following numbers were given: W el beginning at 10 a. m„ to celebrate come by Grange Master Cecil Evans, tnoir 40U1 anniversary as an organ group singing led by Mrs. Cecil ization. The society was originally Evans, accompanied by Phyllis organized as the Ladies Aid society Evans; piano numbers, Mrs. Wilk- in 1911 and remained as such until erson and Oary Thomson; vocal 1041, when all Methodist women’s duet. Jacolyn and Barbara Orcutt; groups were changed to become the reading, Mrs. J. T. Martin; skit, Women’s Society of Christian Serv e n tit le d , “ Getting Ready for ice. There will be several charter | Grange" and short talks by Frank members present and an interesting I Nedbalek, George Dohner and Leo program tor the day has been plan | Ostermiller and Mr. Gregg on the ned. Lunch will be served at noon | projects o f the Grange the past in the church basement. Ail wo j year. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. men interested are invited to attend. I Austin Case and family of Fruitland Mrs. Ella Stephens was guest of I and Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Haburchak honor at a dinner given Thursday of Nyssa. evening by her daughter, Mrs. Jack Billy Connelly returned from a Reed, celebrating Mrs. Stephens’ deer hunt Monday with a deer. birthday anniversary. Guests in The October meeting of the Farm cluded Mr. and Mrs. Chris Melvedt erettes club will be held at the hall of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wednesday. October 17. Each mem Koppes and children o f California. ber is asked to take to the meeting Mrs. Koppes is a granddaughter of a jar o f fruit to be presented to Mrs. Stephens, who with her family, the hospital. arrived here unexpectedly. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ludlow were Visit In Nyssa— Mr and Mrs. O. E. Hayes o f Eagle Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Point, Oregon were visitors In the Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell. Several in the valley were deer John Lackey home Saturday even hunting the latter part of the week ing. and over the week-end. Some of them were Mr. and Mrs. DeLoyd Schimmels, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McFarlin, Mr. and Mrs. Severt Fox, FOR YOUR PLUMBING Thaniel Botner, Kenneth Lisle, Don- NEEDS ny Fritts, Jerry Sinclair and Ted Dick. The hunters did not kill many Bath Sets, Water Heaters | deer. Mrs. Neil Thorburn arrived Sun and Pressure Systems day from her home in California to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Call Fred Fisher. Mrs. Ella Stephens and Mrs. Jack J.C. SMI TH Reed and son, Robert, visited Mrs. Charlie Snyder in a nursing home 13 Years In Nyssa in Nampa Sunday. Later, they vis Phone 78-J ited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ayers In Meridian. In the evening they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Melvedt in Boise. -L O A N S - A L L KINDS OF Real Estate Loans Prompt, Courteous Service A Standard Oil C« •f Califcrnia Frodaci D is IriL . ‘ -j b y Wm. E. SCHIREMAN Phone 61 W Nyssa, Oregon KEN PO N D In su ra n c e 1« North 3rd. Phone 218 J J jraiM E m iia Have You Seen The Gemco Three-Row Beet Lifter-Loader? Lifts and loads three rows instead of 1 or 2. 2. Harvests faster— a ton in one-half the time in many instances. 3. Although it has larger capacity, an y 30-horse power tractor is adequate pow er for it. i C. Staats and Miss H. Roach will be Klaas Stam o f Oregon Trail and Ta Visit In Nyssa— Mr. and Mrs. Jake •'an Twisk. While here to conduct a series of house guests at the home of Mr. and gospel services In Sunset valley, Miss 1 Mrs. Jack Fields. NEWS OF RECORD M AR R IAG E LICENSES Joe Carrasco and Ruth Oarcia, both of Ontario. C O M PLAIN TS. C IR C U IT CO URT Malheur Motors, Inc. vs. Don Fox. recovery on note and account. $534.09. Thorman John Boyd vs. Tony Pennino Boyd, divorce. Helen Whiteley vs. Russell White- ley. divorce. RADIO & REFRIGERATION REPAIRING Located At Western Store PHONE :44-J 5. Herbert E. Cox-Technician PE TITIO N S. PROBATE CO URT Estate of Mary Hodson, deceased. Estate of Marjorie Taylor, de ceased. Estate o f Albert Sidney Hammack, deceased. W e Have Been Appointed Agents For Westinghouse Appliances ONE ELECTRIC ROASTER GIVEN FREE W ITH EACH DELUXE REFRIGERATOR BE GLAD YO U WAITED TILL FA LI No worries with hotel and resort reservations in th» Fall! Relax as you rids over autumn bright highways, free of driving hazards and parking problems... Crane and American Standard Plumbing Supplies Septic Tanks Pumped Your Dollar Goes Farther with Roto-ftooter Service T R A IL W A Y S Brower's Plumbing Shop “p tifu U y ¿ it e Lunch Room Phone 217 S a v e now for the things you noed and for ready cash to meet emergencies. There’s no substitute for a bank savings account. Your First National Bank deposits are insured up to $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. COLUM BIA, AVE., Oct. 11—Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Parma were hosts to the pinochle club Thurs day afternoon with prizes going to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot and George Smit. Mrs. C. M. Tensen and Carolyn were Ontario visitors Thursday a f ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jake van Twisk called on Mr. and Mrs. Fisher of Apple Valley Sunday afternoon. C. M. Tensen was a business vis itor in Baker Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick G root enter tained at afternoon tea and cards Sunday for the following couples: Mr and Mrs. Oerrit Groot of Apple Valley, Mr. and Mrs. John T im merman of Newell Heights, Mrs. Dick Stam of Oregon Trail and Mr and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Parma. Mr and Mrs. O errit Stam enter tained Sunday evening for Mr and Mrs. George Schiemer of Newell Heights and their house guests, Erma Heinsohn o f New York, Mr. and Mrs. Elvers o f the Big Bend, F I R S T N A T I O N A L B A N K of Portland SEPTEMBER 29, 1 9 S 1 RESOURCES / C o sh in vault a n d in Federal Reserve B o n k . . $ 7 7 , 1 6 1 , 4 4 7 . 0 * D o « from B o n k s .......................................... 4 1 ,3 1 1 ,3 6 7 .7 7 Total C a sh . ............................... • • $ 1 1 1, 4 5 2 , 7 1 4 . 3 0 * U n ite d States G overnm en t O b lig a t io n !, Direct a n d Fully G u a r a n t e e d ............... . State, C o u n ty a n d M u n ic ip a l B o n d s a n d W a rra n ts ............................................ 1 3 0 ,7 3 5 ,6 3 4 .9 3 3 S ,1 5 1 ,7 0 4 .3 3 4 ,4 7 6 , 9 3 2 6 0 O th e r B o n d s a n d S e cu ritie s............... . Stock ia Federal Reserve B o n k ................. • M 7 5 0 ,0 0 0 00 2 7 3 ,3 3 3 ,4 7 7 .1 7 A cc ru e d Interest R e ce iv a b le ...................... B o n k Prem ises, Furniture a n d Fixtures a n d 1 ,3 9 3 , 4 4 2 . 4 4 6 ,1 1 0 ,1 2 2 .9 4 1 .0 0 O th e r Roof Estate o w n e d ................. C u sto m e rs’ lia b ilit y on Accounts o f lettor« o f C redit, Acceptances a n d E n d o rse d Bills .i O th e r R e s o u r c e s .......................... TOTAl 7 ,1 9 4 ,9 4 7 .0 5 6 0 5 ,7 3 1 .0 4 »isousces.............. $ 5 6 6 ,4 3 3 ,3 3 5 06 LIABILITIES C a p it o l . « ... e • . . . . . . . .T • e T e ...... •T $ S u r p l u s ................ .................. .......... U n d iv id e d P ro fits........................................ 7 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 1 7 .5 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 1 1 ,3 1 3 ,5 4 0 6 0 To lot C a p ito l F u n d s ...................... I s s s r v s for p o c sib l* loon losses. This reserve S It to a p p ly a g a in s t a n y loa n lossos that m a y d e v e lo p in t h * futurtj it h o t not boon a llo c o to d to o n y particular toons o r typo o f loons. (Established from e a rn in g s, $495,- 0 0 0 .0 0 o f w hich w as a d d e d from io n . 1, 1951 throu gh Sept. 29, 1 9 5 1 ).................. Is adjustable to all even-row widths, 20 to 30 inches, and to most odd spacings of 18-20, 20-22 and 22-24. 3 6 ,3 1 3 ,5 4 0 .6 0 1.6 6 9 , 1 4 6 3 9 $ 3 6 7 ,7 7 7 ,4 7 7 .0 4 , 'S a v in g s a n d Tim e. . . lia b ilit y fo r letters of C redit o n d os A cceptor En d o rse r o r M a k e r o f A cceptances o n d F o re ig n Bills ........... .............................. Interest Received in A d v a n c e ......... . Reserve for Interett. Taxes, E t c ................... .. Eliminates need of crossing the field so often, thereby causing less packing of the soil. 1 S 3 ,« 9 7 ,3 3 4 .4 6 1 T O T A l IIA B IL IT IE S 5 30 ,6 7 4 ,7 1 1 .5 0 3 .1 94 ,96 3 05 3 ,0 *6 ,3 1 9 .7 4 3 .9 3 7 ,3 1 3 .3 9 6 5 7 ,6 3 1 4 9 O th e r lia b ilitie s ........................................ $ 5 6 6 , 4 3 3 , 3 3 5 .0 6 .................... .. FIRST N A T IO N A L B A N K G R O U P 6. 7. Allow s you tq plant larger acreages, since the machine will harvest so much faster. W ill harvest much more cheaply per ton, for many reasons— you harvest faster, the machine is very reasonably priced. See this machine work at the D. H. Christensen farm. Then place your order with us A L L ORDERS W IL L BE FILLED IN ROTATION. W ITHOUT EX CEPTION, AS WE ARE UNABLE TO SECURE A DEFINITE NUM BER. DUE TO CRITICAL M ATERIAL SHORTAGES. ORDER YOURS SOON. B & M Equipment Co. NYSSA, OREGON C o m p o site total $ for the Firs# N a tio n a l B a n k G ro u p 7 ho P in t N a tio n a l Bank of Portland a n d it» 4 6 rtatowido h o n k in g officer a n d 15 affiliatod h a n k i with I $ h o n k in g offices. D E P O S IT S The First N o tio n a l Bonk o f Porttond o n d 4 6 O f f ic e s ............... 1« other O r e g o n B o n k in g O ffice s in the Firs« N o tio n o l G r o u p $ 53 0 ,6 7 4 ,7 1 1 50 121 3 9 7 .4 7 0 0 6 L O A N S A N D D IS C O U N T S $ 4 4 4 ,0 7 J , H I J * T h . N r t l N a tio n a l la n k a« Portland o a k 4 4 O M I c m ............... I B other O r e g o n B o n k in g O ffic e s in the First N o tio n o l G r o u p » 1 7 1 ,3 3 7 4 7 7 ,1 7 4 5 , 3 5 0 , 3 B 6 .S B Won’t buckle or curl. Easier to stretch up tight. Neat looking. T O T A l RESO URCES The First N o tio n o l Bonk of Porttond o n d 4 6 O f f ic e s ............... I I other O r e g o n B o n k in g O ffice s in the First N o tio n o l G r o u p $ 5 6 6 ,4 3 3 ,3 2 5 .0 6 1 3 7,B 5 4,04 B .49 DOUBLE Rust Protection T O T A l R I S O U R C IS o f t h * 6 4 B A N K IN G O F F IC E S In the FIRST N A T IO N A L B A N K O R O U P ................................... $70 4,97 7 3 73 5 5 ; Costs no more than ordinary netting, yet is built to last longer and give you better service. Unrolls FLAT Uko a Rug Galvanized coating over c o p p e r bear ing steel wire . . 'resists rust right down to the core. W e have this netting on hand. Your choice o f heights and ozes. C o n e in! STUNZ LUMBER CO. THESE AR E THE 6 4 B A N K IN G OFFICES IN THE FIRST N A T IO N A L BA N K GROUP T h e flr » t N a t i o n a l B a n k o f P o r t l a n d a n d It» 4 6 sfafe- w ldm b a n k i n g o f f ic e s a n d 15 a f f i li a t o d h a n k » w it h 1 9 o f f Ir a » Portland Officii M om b or Federal D ep osit In s u r a n t * C o rp o ra tio n D E P O S IT S 4. RESIDENCE PHONE 286-R Parties Held By Coin inbia People The Machine Thai: 1. PAGE THREE $ 3 1 « ,6 1 7 . « 6 3 75 v < V .......................... ' P o rtla n d M a in O ffic e Cast P o r t la n d B ra n ch H a w t h o r n s B o u le v a r d B ra n ch H o lly w o o d - R o s e C it y B ra n ch In d u s t r ia l B ra n ch L lv e s t a c k - K a n te n B ra n ch M o n t a v llla B ra n ch S ix t h a n d M o r r is o n B ra n c h S o u th e a st P o r t la n d B ra n c h U n io n a n d R u s t o ll B ra n ch U p to w n B ra n ch Branchés Out at Portland A L B A N Y BRANCH ASH LAN D BRANCH A S T O R IA B R A N C H B E N D B RA N C H CEN TRAL P O IN T B R A N C H C O N D O N BRANCH C O O S BAY BRANCH C O Q U IL L E B R A N C H ENTERPRISE B R A N C H FO SSIL B R A N C H G RANTS PASS BRANCH G RESH AM BRANCH HEP P N ER B R A N C H H IL L SB O R O B R A N C H H O O D R IV E R B R A N C H K L A M A T H FALLS Klam ath Falls Branch South Sixth Street Broach IA GRANDE BRANCH L A K E V IE W B R A N C H M EDFO RD BRANCH M E R R ILL B RA N C H M O LALLA BRANCH NEW BERG BRANCH N ORTH B IN D B R A N C H N YSSA BRANCH O A B R ID G E B R A N C H O R E G O N C IT Y B R A N C H PENDLETON B RANCH SA LEM BRANCH SH E R M A N C O U N T Y B R A N C H ST A Y T O N B R A N C H THE D A L L ES B R A N C H T IL L A M O O K B R A N C H U N IO N B R A N C H W O O DBU RN BRANCH Affiliatod Banks In tho Flrtt National Bank Group Carlton State and S a v in g s B ank le n te n Cou n ty State Bank (Corvallis) Philom ath Branch (Ph il« The First N a tio n a l B ank of Cottage G rove The First N a tio n a l B an k of l a W est Eugene Branch Sp rin gfield Branch (Springfield! The First N a tio n a l Bank of Forest G rove The First N o tio n a l Bank of Leb anon M onroe Slate Rank State Bonk of M a lh e u r County (Ontario! M o re lan d Sell w o o d Booh (P ortlan d ! Tho First N a tio n a l B an k a# Prineville Scio Stole Bonk C latsop County Bonk (Seaside) C oe lid ge and M cC la in e ( Si I verte« t Bonk ef Svveet Homo Ya m hill State Bank A ll the a b o ve ban ks ore m em ber» of tho fe d o ro l D e p o sit In tu ro n co Corporation. FIRST NATIONAL BAN K OF PORTLAND Th* bank that stays open 10 to 5 SIX D A Y S A W EEK tor your