THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1951 PAGE SIX son and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ Cau-.i.ig much comment, » i s the ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE Phillip Mrs. Kiel is a half-sister I return home Friday, original song about the entire staff! Mrs. Tom Eldrldge entertained of Mrs. Weir and Mr. Hatch. Gene Baxter is home from Val- neth Reno of Parma and their of officers, sung by Mrs. Lloyd Lewis' the members of her Thursday after - Mrs. Betty Samer and Kathryn dosta, Georgia on leave. He is serv- daughters, Mrs. Orvil Morrison of and Mrs D O. Bybee. Mrs Thurn noon bridge chib at her home last took Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kiel to ing in the air force, Wilder and Mrs. Tommy Helderman ■fr—+ Baker rave current events” about week. As special guests Mrs. Eld- the home of their sou, Richard Kiel, j Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts and of Homedale and their families. INSTALLATION AND all the members. Light refresh- ridge had Mrs. C A. Malley, Mrs. Marslng Monday afternoon. Sharan and Karan were supper Pug Swigert spent Sunday deer INSPECTION HELD Job's Daughters bethel 33 and On­ ments were erved by the officers ^ Mr. and Mrs Garrett Oroot of * hunting In the hills near the Owyhee Ridgeview Saturday evening. „ . . . j _ , , Mrs Frank Morgan won high pnae tario bethel 25 held a Joint meeting Mrs. Swigert who had been Lessons will be started next Tuesday and Mrs w a r w on the ¿raveling Apple valley visited Monday after- jj . and Mrs. Henderlider of Nam- dam. Wednesday evening. October 3 at the at 2 p m , with Mrs Ruth Irving as prize. noon in the Case Muntjeuerff home, pa spent Tuesday visiting their riding in the hills after their cattle, Masonic hall in Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Rood and daughter, Mrs. Dyre Roberts and returned home Sunday night also. class instructor. Sue will discuss the | -5-— The purpose of the meeting was Mrs. Abe Yergensen of Emmett vis- family. topic, 'The Progress Of Man.” REPUBLICAN WOMEN MEET Mrs. Erma Hansehn, a cousin of Inspection and installation. Avon ited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Curtis is home on leave ..._Members of the Women's Repub- Vert, grand guardian of the state1 LEGION AUXILIARY MEETS i l*c»n clut> met Monday afternoon Horace Chaney Sunday. Mrs. Yerg- from the navy and visiting his folks Oeorge Elfers and Mrs. George of Oregon installed the guardian Elfers and Mrs. George Scheimer, A regular meeting of the Ameri- | al home of Mrs. M. L. Judd, i ensen is Mrs. Chaney's mother. and friends, councils for both bethels. Ontario's can Lt-^ion auxiliary wa- held Oct- ‘ Quest speaker for the afternoon was Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Elfers and Mrs. Chester Stanton visited in is visiting in the George Elfers home. bethel initiated five candidates The Harvey Hatch went to Boise Wed­ ober 4 m the veieians hall Plans James Young of Fruitland, repre- son. Oeorge, attended a party at the the home of her sister, Mrs. Virgil opening and closing ' eremonies were nesday to attend a Boise project were made i ,r a joint auxiliary and sentative in the Idaho legislature. Garritt Stam home Sunday evening. Hauman of Sunnyslope Sunday. conducted by the Nyssa group Nyssa post social to be held Thursday, His topic for the afternoon was Mrs. Stam showed motion pictures Little Douglas Morrison, who has board of control meeting. council members installed were Bet­ I been staying in the home of his I Oarrltt Muntjewerff returned to October 18 at 8 o'clock In the vet- "Matters o f Interest to Republi- i she had taken. ty House, guardian. Paul House, as­ erans hall, film s will be shown and carls" Accompamng him was Mrs. George Elfers. Oeorge Rossback grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles his home In Joseph, Oregon Wed- sociate guardian, Louise Wernlck, bin o pL yrl. Each cne Is to take Youn* and Mrs Hall of FruRland and Georgie Scheimer went to Dry Reno, while his mother has been ! nesday morning of last week. Case secretary, Maxine Brown, treasurer; She spoke briefly on republican club creek Sunday afternoon. Oeorge : working In the packing shed, return- \ Muntjewerff went home with him a new member because October Marlon Cheldelin. sociability: Min­ I activities tn Fruitland. Mrs. M. O. Elfers killed a four-point buck I ed home last Friday j for a few days o f deer hunting. rnembei hip month. nie Adams, hospitality; Helen Wil­ Judd assisted during the tea hour, weighing over 200 pounds. Harvey Bermett. Leroy Begnett Garrett brought his father home son, music, France, Focht. para- .................... Twelve women were present. Mrs. John Thompson and Mrs. Ernie Mausling, Wa'ly Steiner and Monday afternoon. phernalla; Bob Brown, finance; MARRIED IN IpfSSA I Tom Jones attended a 1 o'clock Bob Wester and his son, Gary, of The Adrian grade school P. T. A. and Violet Orunke, publicity. Mrs. Bessie Bair has announced the Miss Itafaela Gonzales^and Ban- NYSSA WOMEN ATTEND luncheon at the Joseph Dilley home Adrian left Saturday to go deer 1 will meet at the schoolhouse Oct- Ontario council members lnstal- mgagemrnt of her daughter. Phyllis, tiago Gutierrez both of Nyssa, were RETREAT i In the afternoon they gave Mrs f hunting near Juntura. i ober 18 led were Pearl Reynolds, guardian; to Joel Mitchell, son of Mr. and n“ rn*d. Thursday morning Oct- Ten members of the Nyssa Christ- [ Norman Obendorf a pink and blue Visitors in the home of Mr. and | Mrs. Mary Thompson took her Ray Roark, associate guardian; Mr*. David E. Mitchell. The wed ()def 4 by Mrs Ruby Moore, Justice church attended the Southern' shower Mrs. Charles Reno Sunday were his mother, Mrs. Prank Dickerson of Dorothy Roark, secretary, Millie (lln. w,u g. ol the late fall of the P**ce Mr and Mrs Pedro lan. cnurcti attended the Southern snower. j Idaho Christian Women's Fellowship! Georgie Elfers and Ted Holly are 1 sister. Mrs. Robuck of Wilder, his j Parma and aunt, Mis. Eastwood j f Lane, treasurer. Lovelle Lees, socl- the Idaho Falls L. D. S. temple. Cortez were witnesses. reti cat In the Caldwell Christian driving back and forth and attend- mother, Mrs. Amanda Reno, and Kansas to Nampa to visit girlhood brother, Jess Reno ol Wilder: their ahums of Mrs. Eastwood. iilb ir 'F ro^ m n d 7 ' Sim- YOUNG ADULT GROUP MEETS ¡churoh Wednesday, October 3. The tng College o f Idaho mens Dubllcitv ’ ’ wood and canasta, high, Mrs Paul Members of the young adult group two day conference was under the Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chaney and •rh* Ni,, a i„.r h«,i «rues refresh I House; second, Lyle Miner and con- met Sunday evening at the home of direction o f Mrs. Edan Burke of family went to Caldwell Sunday and merits tn over loo members »..a solatlon, Mrs Lyle Miner. Mr and Mrs CUff Main. Keith Eugene, area secretary of C. W. F had dinner with the Bob Welsh fam- Mrs J. L. Church was general Herrman was in charge of worship The main speaker was Mrs. H. B. Uy. Then they all went to Grand- their guests. chairman for the party. Working and Mrs. Main led devotions. Re- McCormick o f Indianapolis, Indiana, j view. Mrs. J. PROGRESSIVE CARD PARTY ! on the committee with her were Mrs. (reshments were served to s e v e n Mrs. A. J. Hollingsworth of Nyssa Horace Chaney’s mother, Bert Lienkaemper, M s. Dick Tensen members. Next week’s meeting w il.! conducted a worship service in the jR . Chaney of Nyssa is spending a HELD Tile Ht Pa,,] m.HH and Mrs. Charles Landreth and on be held at the Methodist churoh at' afternoon. In the evening a dinner! iew days visiting in her son's home, lair annual nroLn-ssive rmrri nnriv the refreshment committee, Mis. 7 o'clock. was served to the group in the Rev. and Mrs. Harold De G off and their ^ ' ** y . U o n i f h n U lr ln /iu p r l i n n r ir u ih u r r , j. u h iip p h h u cam on t K ir f the h o P o l H i u n l l i I h pr m n fh flr M rc A r m k t r n n o ’ visited —4. church basement by Caldwell her mother, Mrs. Armstrong, Tuesday evening, October fl Hos­ Vaughn Stringer, Mrs. Don Graham. C W. F. Attending from Nyssa in the Boyce Van De Water home | Mrs. E K Burton, Mrs. John String­ GARDEN CLUB MEETS tesses were as follows: For bridge. The A. N K Garden club met | were Mrs. Emerson Bingaman. Mrs. Thursday. Mrs. Claire Crenshaw, Mrs. Olea er and Mrs. Charles Landreth. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van De Water I ♦ ■ ♦ Tuesday at the home of Mrs. P. J. Roy Barnes. Mrs. O. E. Dormah, Billings. Mrs. Frank Morgan and ENTERTAIN AT PARTY Dunaway In Caldwell, with Mrs Mrs. J. B Quigley, Mrs. Ed Pruyn, and Lorane, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12-13 Mrs W. F. Savage and for pinochle, Miss Dorothy Erwin and Miss Oeorge Eohweizer as assistant hos- Mrs. Roy Btbby, Mrs. Robert Dewey, De Water and Kenneth and their Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper, Mrs. Ed two aunts, who are visiting, went Fumlko Kasahara we t hostesses to tess Mrs James Melton of Donnel- j Mrs. Ralph Curry and Mrs. A. J. Boydell and Mrs Lloyd Wilson Canasta was played In the parish the members of the young adult ly. Idaho „as guest speaker for the i Hollingsworth. Mrs. Johnny Staf- to the home of their sister, Mrs IN SUPER-CINECOLOR group of the Methodist church afternoon. Her subject was "Rook ford of Parma also attended with Fogleman in Nampa for a birthday hall dinner given for Bill Van De Water Thursday evening. Harold Kurtz with Revelations" and to illustrate it she tnis group, Near the close of the evening, last Sunday. *— the 104 persons playing cards gath­ won the door prize The evening showed a large collection of rocks Jon Hall— Mary Castle Little Cleve Cluoas was taken to ered In the parish hall for home­ was spent playing games, with prizes that she has gathered from several MARY AND MARTHA CIRCLES also • the hospital in Caldwell Wednesday MEETS made pie and coffee Prizes were being won by Mr and Mrs. Cliff continents. Mrs. Thomas Nlshitani The Mary and Martha Circle of and operated on. He was able to given the winners as follows: Bridge, Main and Keith Herrman. A buffet was introduced to the group as a new member. During the refresh­ the Methodist Women's society met high, Mrs. Clyde Snyder, second. supper was served to the guests. ment hour, Mrs. Bud Wilson was at the home of Mrs. R. M. Cochrun with ■** Henry Hartley, and consolation. Mrs. ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mrs. Anna surprised with a birthday cake and Thursday, October 4 William Wallert: pinochle, high. Richard Denning— Lisa Ferraday Mr and Mrs V. L. Kesler enter­ Johnson led the devotions. The [ a gift from the club. Mrs Dick Oroot; second. Miss Lois group .spent the afternoon sewing I Matinee Sat. 1:30; Adm. 30c-9c White and consolation. Frank Hher- tained at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs Wayne Darker of Ogden for the annual bazaar to be held in AMITY CLUB MEETS and Mr and Mrs S P Bybee and Members of the Junior Women’s November. SUNDAY AND MONDAY, OCTOBER 14-15 Colleen and Gary. Places were laid Amity club me>. Thursday evening for 10 SHOWER IS GIVEN at the home ol Mrs. Carl Burning- 4,_4. Mrs. Olenn Short of Owyhee was | ham for a come-as-you-are party R. 8. HAS OPENING SOCIAL with Mrs. Ez Carr and Mrs. Mel Beck honored guest at a pink and blue 1 Un-denomlnational gospel serv­ The Nyssa Second Ward Relief I Were In charge of the prograr . shower given Thursday evening at ices are being conducted in the Humphrey Bogart— Marta Toren society held its fall opening social Mrs. Elwood Flinders was the prize the home of Mrs Roland Maw. with j Sunset Valley hall, beginning Lee J. Cobb— Everett Sloane Tuesday afternoon Comic and orlg- wmnPr Mrs. I.vle Parsons of Den- Mrs Frank J. Pike and Mrs. Frank j Friday evening, October 12 and inal numbers were presented by Mitchell as hostesses. Bunco was | ver was an out-of-town guest, Romance,* adventure and dark destiny in the an­ Re- continuing each Sunday. Tueaday members of the society Mrs. Arvel freshments were served to 16. the diversion of the evening. Mrs. I and Friday evenings at 8 o'clock cient town of Damascus. ^ __,J4 Child led the 50 women In communi­ Stoker won the prize. Refresh­ These services are conducted by Matinee Sun. 1:30; Adm. 30c-9c ty stnglr g, which included an ori­ ments were served to 30 women. LODGE OFFICIAL COMING Miss C. Slants and Miss R ginal song composed by herself The president of the Rebekah as- Roach. Games and comic skit* were con­ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16 mbly of Oregon. Mary 8. Allen,I p v i i i i w i n n U n it ducted by Mrs. Ersel Bens and Mrs will pay an official visit to the E iX l* n ” , o n THE PUBLIC IS INVITED Over One Million auto Melvin Beck Mrs. Frank Skeen was! Nyssa Rebekah lodge October 18 at TO ATTEND owners are insured with T o Meet Oet. 16 mistress of ceremonies, with Mrs. | g o'clock in the I O. O F hall. The Farmers. Reasons why — with Ray Weutherspoon at the organ, lodge will conduct Initiation cere­ BIO BEND, Oct. 11—The A and • Low Cost Semi-Annual monies. Louis Calhern— Ann Harding B extension unit will hold its first Premiums Taken from the life of the late Justice Oliver Wendell rr 1 to n o i rai' i i n r r m r i i mertln8 October 16 at the home of CI,UB 1IOI.1)« MEETTNG 1 Mrs Pearl Stanton All interested • Broad Coverage Pro­ Holmes. i v hiP ,®Vnshta* £,lub o t persons are invited to attend Miss tection n the the l l O O . O. O F I M ^ 18 L men'- ' sion M1Iler ieader of ° ntarl°- rounty « t e re-1 n- I • Prompt "on the spot" i ill hall, l with wi]] the demonstrate WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17-18 IF YOU CAN'T BAG 'EM. BUY 'EM hers and one gueik present. The inod(,]ln({ 0f used ¿ arm€nts The Local Claims Service. ! women decided to hold a cooked meeting ^ 0^ ned* at 10:30 Wt* can connect you with some of the nicest' meat you For rales, call or see — food sale October 27 in the Marshall- a m | j&orial butt's NYSSA PROGRAM T elep h on e 1 0 8 THEATRE "When The Redskins Rode" "Flame Of Stamboul" Sirocco" Gospel Services M EET THE MAN OF A SSU R A N C E- He carries FARM ERS INSURANCE "The Magnificent Yankee" -H UNTERS- "Mask Of The Avenger" ever dreamed of CLEAN GRADED INSPECTED PROPERLY FINISHED OFF -:- ANY KIND HARTMAN'S LOCKERS 2 Miles East of Nyssa at Locker Ave. be*chMrman **” H erbm C°* W‘ " A fS r T h i' After the business session, the members played bunco. Mrs. Oene Stevens won high score. Mrs. Angle Cook low, and Mrs „oe Bellon, the traveling prize. Refreshments were Mr and Mrs' ^ Hok« o t well, Mr. and Mrs Homer Dider- lcksen and Mr and Mrs Leo Ke)ler and tnree daughters were Sunday dlnner guests «?f thpir parents, MrV and Mrs Jack Jones The occasion lnarked Mrs. Diderlcksen's birthday Wal* rs and and family ai' d of Nampa, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Miller of Marslng and Mrv Vernard Carlson were Sunday after- n more "go trot and greoter#e«onomy Tha doodvontoge k that tkk tv«tem k not a« smooth, nor a« fork-free o« a torque converter. tube 19c PORK NECK BONES, pound 25c SOLID Samt outo***^ hate * RED, RIPE LIVER, young, tender, pound 25c CABBAGE TK« automatic drive tome car« offer you I« a torque converter vrfckti multiplie« torque with­ out ftvo u«a o f qear« Ü« odvantaqe I« a inocMi flow of power »« dleedvantage i» a »maller ronge of torque multiplication wtuch require« more power from the engine and on uneco­ nomical o d e rotto wtdcfc Increate« c o d i LARGE. RIPE PORK ROAST, pound package 15c It p n K tica lly drives itself I AVACODAS TOMATOES. 2*4 can, 4 for PIMIENTOS. 7-oz. can 19c DROMEDARY PIE CRUST MIX, Pillsbury 3 for 49c KEN POND r c.A Herriman Motor Com >mpany YOUR TRANSPORTATION MERC HANT REAL ESTATE INSIRANCE 1» North 3rd Phon« 21« GORDON’S DRIVE-IN MARKET HOME OF QUALITY AND SERVICE N orthw estern wet»*« * »«# < u iio i 87c SMITH S NO. 1 EXTRA FINE OPEN EVENINGS