Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1951)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1951 PAGE FOUR coming from the bedroom, and re day after spending four days at navy, Is a barber on a Ourkee de home Monday. McCoy Is employed neth Lorensen Sunday. Bernie, who children's use while hospitalized membering last year’s surprise of 1 at a sawmill at Reedsport. Oregon. arrived home last week for a visit. j Mrs. W. L. Chapin and Mrs. Frank being aroused at four in tlje morning tending the Orant County fair at stroyer. Perko were appointed to contact the S t a r t e d I n V a li e v John Day. Norma Jean, who stay Tets Okano and his sister. Yoko. Mrs Lew McCoy of Ironside was an has been helping Hobson. for negligee breakfast, this years A large dinner party was held at I hospital authorities and see what ed at the girls' dormitory and enter left Tuesday for college at Corvallis. overnight guest here Tuesday. Char winners are wondering what will be SUNSET VALLEY. Sept 27—Gover ed her livestock, won seventh in was needed Movies were shown of This Is Yoko's third year, and the les drove to Ironside and helped the Nyssa park last Sunday honoring Mr. and Mrs Chapin's trip through nor Douglas McKay, accompanied showmanship with her heifer and coining and when. j his lather take a load of cattle to i Harry Counsil on his birthday. Mr. | fourth yeard for Tets, who Is maj- Counsil plans on returning to Cor the Tetons. Black hills, and of Peter I the Ontario sale. steer. The other members by a group of Nyssa men called at with - ....... her ............................... ......... ........I orinc in Dharmacv Harry Sevey of Vale dug a well vallis this fall with his wife, and sen's gardens. After the co-host Visit In Washington— the 8 E Flanagan home, and Nell of the family visited at friends' hom- “ and „p Mrs. E. J. Flanagan of Mr the Jack Pleld home Thursday completing his agriculture course. esses, Mrs. Magnus Ekanger and Dimmick home while here. T he es during their stay, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith re Yakima were week-end guests at at and Friday, getting good soft water Ouests present for the occasion in Mrs. Perko, served refreshments, the turned home Sunday evening from governor took time Thursday to ride Many farmers are now Into the the home of their son, 8 E Flana Wisok, Imported Arabian stallion j third cutting of hay. Perko Is harv- gan. last week. Then on Tuesday at 87 feet A new Universal milking cluded Mr and Mrs. Clarence Keller losers of the recent attendance con Warden. Washington, where they was also installed on Fri of Ontario, Mr and Mrs Joe Counsil test held a secret session in the bed owned by Dimmick and his son, esting beans. Flanagan’s brother, Lawrence machine day at the Field place Mr Pleld, of Nampa, Mr and Mrs Robert room to plan some type of surprise visited Mr and Mrs. Carroll Tuck Larry Sunday visitors at the Pete Wil- Mrs. Shepphard, and wife of Wapato. Boise shoppers this week were son home were Mr and Mrs. James Washington arrived here and visited who has been working in Vale but Smith. Jr and family, Mr. and Mrs. party for the winners. Listening to er and family. They went to Ward is home for a vacation, is building Lyle Miner, Mrs. Phyllis Counsil and the peals of laughter and giggles en Thursday. Mr. and Mrs Jim Langley Langley and family, Mr and Mrs children, Mr and Mrs Oscar Erwin At tne homecoming foot bn 11 game James Robb and Mr and Mrs. ^ I r v 'K iU ^ w h n has been a house- a porch on the Field residence. Saturday In Adrian, Fern Price. Claude Wilson and family Oary Kilts, who has been a nouse Recent visitors at the Ernest K an and two daughters of Parma. Mr. daughter of Mr and Mrs Ira Price, Mrs. Marlon Carey and son. Ricky *ue!,t easter home were three sisters of and Mrs. Harry Miner, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs Kaneaster, who had not been jo. P. Counsil, Paul Knottingham was chosen football queen by the and her mother. Mrs Ira Price shop- | il<J|ne, Vlo i JV*, JaLk members of the team, and Bonita [*ed In Caldwell Thursday. Mrs. tne OI w Ior together for 13 years Guests were and Miss F. Ka Sahara Langlols and Joyce Ollnek, as prln- Carey and son left Friday for San nor“le al ” °°Pfr ' u “ " ' , . Mrs Henel Oould and two children Mr and Mrs. Louie Baty of Buhl. cesses. Francisco to Join her husband, who D , 8m‘th and “ arl*"e a" d of Salt Lake City. Ruth Humble of Idaho were overnight guests last Ernest Kaneaster and two sons has located a home In the veteran Ray,7lon<!1 Ber^an‘ at^erid , the Idaho Falls, and Mr. and Mrs War Thursday at the home of Mr and and a daughter arrived home Sun- Carey, with the I | youth rally at Parks and Doris was ren Powell of St. Anthony, Idaho. j Mrs. Magnus Ekanger. Mrs. Baty | an overnight guest at the Bergam Reverend and Mrs. R. L. Krlner ! is a cousin of Alvin Cleaver, who home. children were dinner guests at died as a result of an auto accident. O P. Counsil is harvesting his and Oregg home Sunday. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Baty broom com. This crop has to be the Mr. Hershchel and Mrs. Casmier Rataezyk and Mr. and Mrs. Cleaver visited in cut by hand with a knife. Counsil and children Tuesday to visit at Adrian at the home of Mr. and Mrs. has about five acres of this crop. , Yakima and left Battleground, Wash- Paul Cleaver. Mrs. Claude Wilson. Mrs. H. | ington. Half ol the club members were Okano and Mrs. W L. Chapin a t \ Norman Tilley of Seattle was an still in secret session in the bedroom tended the P. T. A. teachers recept overnight guest at the home of his j at six as the Worthwhile ion in Adrian Thursday evening. j uncle, L. W Pomeroy, Friday, Sat club was o'clock, such a busy group when it Loren Stone left Sunday for a trip urday and Sunday. met Thursday afternoon at the to the Orand Coulee region In Mr and Mrs Charles Chapin, Mr. home of Mrs. Prank Perko. After 20 Washington, accompanying his fath and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin. Herman members answered roll call by giving er and friends from Utah. Lorensen, and Bernie Lorensen were valuable household timesaver hints, Returning Thursday from a two- dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken the group discussed making gifts for weeks trip to Comstock, Nebraska I were Mr and Mrs. Harold Snyder and family. Also making the trip I east were Mr and Mrs. Clair Snyder and Mrs. Adah Snyder, all of Cald- , well. The least expensive and most practical way to Miss Janell Haney was an over- | prove financial responsibility under Oregon's night guest at the George Folkman j New few Financial Responsibility Law. is a . . . home Thursday and Friday, and 10,000 Bodily Injury A $5,000 FARMERS S5.000/S10.I Carol Folkman spent the week-end j Property Damage Liability Policy. At current at the Haney home in Nyssa. Lurelle Bergam is attending the [ rates it costs only — college of Idaho at Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Chadd and Mr and Mrs. Jim Mallory were guests of Mr and Mrs. Harry Oahan at (Slightly higher where there ere d rive n under 25) a birthday dinner honoring Mr. j 319 South First P hon e 361-W • P i e t 55.00 N o n - R e c u r r in g fe n o t b e g i n n i n g e f Policy Chadd Saturday evening. Marlene Bergam spent the week H e r e ’s a re a l tim e a n d la b o r sa v er . . . t h e M c C o rm ie k No "upcharge” for mileage or business use ★ end as a houseguest at the home of H M -1 B e e t H a r v e s t e r f o r F a r m a l l I I , M a n d M D her friend, Lyna Langford in Nyssa. ★ Standard form, Non-Assessable Policy T r a c to r s . , Mr and Mrs Robert Reffett were I n o n e c o n tin u o u s o p e r a tio n , th is m a c h in e to p s , ★ Very low rates for Medical Payments, Col dinner guests Sunday at the home lision, Comprehensive Fire-Theft. lif ts , c le g n s a n d lo a d s th e b e e ts in to a sp e cia l tw o -w h e e l of Mr. and Mrs Harry Gardner. Mr and Mrs. Ed Price, who c a r t to c o m p le te th e h a rv e s t in a " o n c e o ver a n d i t ’s Semi-Annual Premiums ★ have been visiting in Wisconsin, a ll o v e r” o p e r a tio n . Prompt Local Claims Service. Your local Nebraska and Minnesota since early ★ W ith th e H M -1 , y o u c a n h a rv e s t 5 to 6 to n s o f b e e ts June are expected home this week. B R IN G Y O U R C O N T A IN E R S District Agent is authorised to handle claims i n a n h o u r . You d o n ’t h a v e to w o rry a b o u t w e a th e r Houseguests at the Walter Hlllis as soon as reported ... Policyholders receive o r field c o n d itio n s w ith th is m a c h in e , b e c a u s e i t d o e s home from Monday until Saturday immediate service plus prompt payment. include Mrs. Hlllis' parents, Mr. and a g o o d j o b w h e n i t ’s n o t ea sy to h a rv e s t h e e ls b y o th e r Mrs. O. W. Rudulph of Burley, Gef free copy of a brief diqett of law hom — m e th o d s . Idaho and her sister, Mrs Jack Dud A sk u s fo r d e ta ils a b o u t th is la h o r-s a v iu g , ley, also at Burley. A family supper tim e -s a v in g m a c h in e . and reunion was held Tuesday even ing at the Hlllis home. Additional A t T h e H o u se, 9 lh a n d B o w er guests were Mr and Mrs. Hulls’ two 407 MAIN STREET daughters and families. Mr and Mrs. P h o n e 135 Nyssa, Oregon T h is O ffe r F o r 3 W eek s O n ly Melvin Pendarvis and family and Mr and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell. The entire group were guests at the Pendarvis home Wednesday evening FARMERS INSURANCE and at the Mitchell home Friday evening. EXCHANGE NYSSA, OREGON Phone 245 Mr and Mrs. Don McCoy were McCORMICK FARM EQUIPMENT HEADQUARTERS houseguests at the Charles McCoy H a r v e s tin g W e ll WE BUY CLOVER AND ALFALFA SEED NYSSA FEED MILL EACH 6 MONTHS OVER with a McCormick Beet Harvester -HONEY- EXTRACTED HONEY 10 lbs. or Over—14c a lb. Golan C. Calvert * ALSO COMB HONEY Honey Foster's Honey Owyhee Truck and Implement Company Nyssa Merchants Bonus Days 450 DOOR PRIZES REGISTER IN EVERY STORE EVERY WEEK VALUE $1500 NO PURCHASES NECESSARY Bonus Days Wiil Continue Through October 6 --sRULES:-- Register in each of the following stores once each week to have a chance to win valuable prize at every store, may win any number of prizes. You There are three separate weeks of registration, September 15 to September 22, September 22 to September 29, Sep tember 29 to October 6. You must register again each week to be eligible to win additional prizes. At 1:30 P. M. every Saturday, each store will draw three names for one first, one second and one third prize, ners names will be prominently displayed in each store. Prizes must be claimed in person within one week. Each week's registration will begin on Saturday after the drawing. Win- NO PERSON UNDER 16 YEARS OLD IS ELIGIBLE TO REGISTER. Paulus Jewelry Store Powell Service Station Roberts-Nyssa. Inc. Thompson Oil Co. Towne's Garage Ideal Gas and Appliance Nyssa Lumber Co. O. K. Rubber Welders Stunz Lumber Co. REGISTER EACH WEEK AT THE FOLLOWING STORES: Boise Payette Lumber Co. Farmers Supply Co-op Morris Bakery Herriman Motor Co. Miner's Barber shop Gate City Cleaners Olympic Club Owyhee Barber Shop Brower Plumbing Shop Jackson Jewelry Store Eder Hardware Co. Bracken's Store Gate City Journal Taylor's Market Everybody's Golden Rule Wilson Bros. Dept. Store Gordon's Drive-in Wilson's Super market Henneman Hardware Co. Nyssa Furniture Co. Intermountain Furniture Co. Food Mart Owyhee Truck & Implement Co. Firestone Store Peterson Furniture Co. Amalgamated Sugar Co. Western Stores Owyhee Drug Co. Nyssa Pharmacy IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE LISTED FIRMS, THE FOLLOWING GENEROUSLY CONTRIBUTED TO MAKE BONUS DAYS POSSIBLE: Pounds Grocery The Shoe Clinic Nyssa Insurance Agency Muir-Roberts & Bumingham, Inc. First National Bank Farmers Insurance Group Bob Thompson Agency Nyssa Elevator Hollingsworths', Inc. Nyssa Auto Parts Union Pacific Railroad Co. Nyssa Implement Co. Bernard Eastman Idaho Power Co. Ken Renstrom Agency Fischer's Locker Service Carl and Burt's Machine Shop Ken Pond Owyhee Produce Western Corrugator Co. B & M Equipment Co. Real Estate & Insurance Dority Welding Service Inland Radio. Inc. (KSRV)